You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
2.0 KiB

// 代码参考
const executeRule = require('./executeRule');
const rules = [
// copy 代码
pattern: '!(dist|node_modules|tool|.git|.gitlab-ci.yml)',
operation: 'cp',
target: 'dist/',
// 修改代码从 umi 到 bigfish
pattern: 'dist/package.json',
operation: 'modify',
ops: [{
match: '"umi": "^2.0.0",',
replace: '"@alipay/bigfish": "^2.0.0",'
}, {
match: `,
"umi-plugin-react": "^1.0.0"`,
replace: ''
}, {
match: /umi/g,
replace: 'bigfish',
// 修改配置
pattern: 'dist/config/config.js',
operation: 'modify',
ops: [{
match: `
singular: true,
plugins: [
['umi-plugin-react', {
antd: true,
dva: true,
locale: {
enable: true,
replace: `
locale: {
enable: true,
// 修改组件中的依赖路径
pattern: 'dist/src/**/*.js',
operation: 'modify',
ops: [{
match: '\'react\'',
replace: '\'@alipay/bigfish/react\'',
}, {
match: '\'dva\'',
replace: '\'@alipay/bigfish/sdk\'',
}, {
match: /'antd/g,
replace: '\'@alipay/bigfish/antd',
}, {
match: '\'classnames\'',
replace: '\'@alipay/bigfish/util/classnames\'',
}, {
match: 'import { routerRedux } from \'dva/router\'',
replace: 'import history from \'@alipay/bigfish/sdk/history\';',
}, {
match: '\'dva/router\'',
replace: '\'@alipay/bigfish/sdk/router\'',
}, {
match: '\'prop-types\'',
replace: '\'@alipay/bigfish/util/prop-types\'',
}, {
match: '\'umi/locale\'',
replace: '\'@alipay/bigfish/locale\'',
}, {
match: 'import Link from \'umi/link\';',
replace: 'import { Link } from \'@alipay/bigfish/sdk/router\';',
rules.forEach((rule) => {
executeRule(rule, true);