@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# This is a sample Python script.
# Press Shift+F10 to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double Shift to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.
import logging
import time
import cv2
from djitellopy import tello
import KeyPressMoudle as kp # 用于获取键盘按键
from time import sleep
def getKeyboardInput(drone, speed, image):
lr, fb, ud, yv = 0, 0, 0, 0
key_pressed = 0
if kp.getKey("e"):
cv2.imwrite('D:/snap-{}.jpg'.format(time.strftime("%H%M%S", time.localtime())), image)
if kp.getKey("UP"):
elif kp.getKey("DOWN"):
if kp.getKey("j"):
key_pressed = 1
lr = -speed
elif kp.getKey("l"):
key_pressed = 1
lr = speed
if kp.getKey("i"):
key_pressed = 1
fb = speed
elif kp.getKey("k"):
key_pressed = 1
fb = -speed
if kp.getKey("w"):
key_pressed = 1
ud = speed
elif kp.getKey("s"):
key_pressed = 1
ud = -speed
if kp.getKey("a"):
key_pressed = 1
yv = -speed
elif kp.getKey("d"):
key_pressed = 1
yv = speed
InfoText = "battery : {0}% height: {1}cm time: {2}".format(drone.get_battery(), drone.get_height(), time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.localtime()))
cv2.putText(image, InfoText, (10, 20), font, fontScale, (0, 0, 255), lineThickness)
if key_pressed == 1:
InfoText = "Command : lr:{0}% fb:{1} ud:{2} yv:{3}".format(lr, fb, ud, yv)
cv2.putText(image, InfoText, (10, 40), font, fontScale, (0, 0, 255), lineThickness)
drone.send_rc_control(lr, fb, ud, yv)
# 主程序
# 摄像头设置
Camera_Width = 720
Camera_Height = 480
DetectRange = [6000, 11000] # DetectRange[0] 是保持静止的检测人脸面积阈值下限,DetectRange[0] 是保持静止的检测人脸面积阈值上限
PID_Parameter = [0.5, 0.0004, 0.4]
pErrorRotate, pErrorUp = 0, 0
# 字体设置
fontScale = 0.5
fontColor = (255, 0, 0)
lineThickness = 1
# Tello初始化设置
Drone = tello.Tello() # 创建飞行器对象
Drone.connect() # 连接到飞行器
Drone.streamon() # 开启视频传输
Drone.LOGGER.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # 只显示错误信息
sleep(5) # 等待视频初始化
kp.init() # 初始化按键处理模块
while True:
OriginalImage = Drone.get_frame_read().frame
Image = cv2.resize(OriginalImage, (Camera_Width, Camera_Height))
getKeyboardInput(drone=Drone, speed=70, image=Image) # 按键控制
cv2.imshow("Drone Control Centre", Image)