diff --git a/src/Search_2D/.idea/.gitignore b/src/Search_2D/.idea/.gitignore
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+++ b/src/Search_2D/.idea/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# 默认忽略的文件
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/.idea/Search_2D.iml b/src/Search_2D/.idea/Search_2D.iml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b8c395
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+++ b/src/Search_2D/.idea/Search_2D.iml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml b/src/Search_2D/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
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index 0000000..6736707
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+++ b/src/Search_2D/.idea/inspectionProfiles/Project_Default.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml b/src/Search_2D/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..105ce2d
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+++ b/src/Search_2D/.idea/inspectionProfiles/profiles_settings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/src/Search_2D/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/ARAstar.py b/src/Search_2D/ARAstar.py
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index 0000000..c014616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/ARAstar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ARA_star 2D (Anytime Repairing A*)
+@author: huiming zhou
+@description: local inconsistency: g-value decreased.
+g(s) decreased introduces a local inconsistency between s and its successors.
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+class AraStar:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, e, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env() # class Env
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions # feasible input set
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs # position of obstacles
+ self.e = e # weight
+ self.g = dict() # Cost to come
+ self.OPEN = dict() # priority queue / OPEN set
+ self.CLOSED = set() # CLOSED set
+ self.INCONS = {} # INCONSISTENT set
+ self.PARENT = dict() # relations
+ self.path = [] # planning path
+ self.visited = [] # order of visited nodes
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ initialize each set.
+ """
+ self.g[self.s_start] = 0.0
+ self.g[self.s_goal] = math.inf
+ self.OPEN[self.s_start] = self.f_value(self.s_start)
+ self.PARENT[self.s_start] = self.s_start
+ def searching(self):
+ self.init()
+ self.ImprovePath()
+ self.path.append(self.extract_path())
+ while self.update_e() > 1: # continue condition
+ self.e -= 0.4 # increase weight
+ self.OPEN.update(self.INCONS)
+ self.OPEN = {s: self.f_value(s) for s in self.OPEN} # update f_value of OPEN set
+ self.INCONS = dict()
+ self.CLOSED = set()
+ self.ImprovePath() # improve path
+ self.path.append(self.extract_path())
+ return self.path, self.visited
+ def ImprovePath(self):
+ """
+ :return: a e'-suboptimal path
+ """
+ visited_each = []
+ while True:
+ s, f_small = self.calc_smallest_f()
+ if self.f_value(self.s_goal) <= f_small:
+ break
+ self.OPEN.pop(s)
+ self.CLOSED.add(s)
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if s_n in self.obs:
+ continue
+ new_cost = self.g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g or new_cost < self.g[s_n]:
+ self.g[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ visited_each.append(s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.CLOSED:
+ self.OPEN[s_n] = self.f_value(s_n)
+ else:
+ self.INCONS[s_n] = 0.0
+ self.visited.append(visited_each)
+ def calc_smallest_f(self):
+ """
+ :return: node with smallest f_value in OPEN set.
+ """
+ s_small = min(self.OPEN, key=self.OPEN.get)
+ return s_small, self.OPEN[s_small]
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ """
+ find neighbors of state s that not in obstacles.
+ :param s: state
+ :return: neighbors
+ """
+ return {(s[0] + u[0], s[1] + u[1]) for u in self.u_set}
+ def update_e(self):
+ v = float("inf")
+ if self.OPEN:
+ v = min(self.g[s] + self.h(s) for s in self.OPEN)
+ if self.INCONS:
+ v = min(v, min(self.g[s] + self.h(s) for s in self.INCONS))
+ return min(self.e, self.g[self.s_goal] / v)
+ def f_value(self, x):
+ """
+ f = g + e * h
+ f = cost-to-come + weight * cost-to-go
+ :param x: current state
+ :return: f_value
+ """
+ return self.g[x] + self.e * self.h(x)
+ def extract_path(self):
+ """
+ Extract the path based on the PARENT set.
+ :return: The planning path
+ """
+ path = [self.s_goal]
+ s = self.s_goal
+ while True:
+ s = self.PARENT[s]
+ path.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_start:
+ break
+ return list(path)
+ def h(self, s):
+ """
+ Calculate heuristic.
+ :param s: current node (state)
+ :return: heuristic function value
+ """
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type # heuristic type
+ goal = self.s_goal # goal node
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(goal[0] - s[0]) + abs(goal[1] - s[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(goal[0] - s[0], goal[1] - s[1])
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return math.inf
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ """
+ check if the line segment (s_start, s_end) is collision.
+ :param s_start: start node
+ :param s_end: end node
+ :return: True: is collision / False: not collision
+ """
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ arastar = AraStar(s_start, s_goal, 2.5, "euclidean")
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ path, visited = arastar.searching()
+ plot.animation_ara_star(path, visited, "Anytime Repairing A* (ARA*)")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/Anytime_D_star.py b/src/Search_2D/Anytime_D_star.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd1d62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/Anytime_D_star.py
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+Anytime_D_star 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting
+from Search_2D import env
+class ADStar:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, eps, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env() # class Env
+ self.Plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions # feasible input set
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs # position of obstacles
+ self.x = self.Env.x_range
+ self.y = self.Env.y_range
+ self.g, self.rhs, self.OPEN = {}, {}, {}
+ for i in range(1, self.Env.x_range - 1):
+ for j in range(1, self.Env.y_range - 1):
+ self.rhs[(i, j)] = float("inf")
+ self.g[(i, j)] = float("inf")
+ self.rhs[self.s_goal] = 0.0
+ self.eps = eps
+ self.OPEN[self.s_goal] = self.Key(self.s_goal)
+ self.CLOSED, self.INCONS = set(), dict()
+ self.visited = set()
+ self.count = 0
+ self.count_env_change = 0
+ self.obs_add = set()
+ self.obs_remove = set()
+ self.title = "Anytime D*: Small changes" # Significant changes
+ self.fig = plt.figure()
+ def run(self):
+ self.Plot.plot_grid(self.title)
+ self.ComputeOrImprovePath()
+ self.plot_visited()
+ self.plot_path(self.extract_path())
+ self.visited = set()
+ while True:
+ if self.eps <= 1.0:
+ break
+ self.eps -= 0.5
+ self.OPEN.update(self.INCONS)
+ for s in self.OPEN:
+ self.OPEN[s] = self.Key(s)
+ self.CLOSED = set()
+ self.ComputeOrImprovePath()
+ self.plot_visited()
+ self.plot_path(self.extract_path())
+ self.visited = set()
+ plt.pause(0.5)
+ self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press)
+ plt.show()
+ def on_press(self, event):
+ x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+ if x < 0 or x > self.x - 1 or y < 0 or y > self.y - 1:
+ print("Please choose right area!")
+ else:
+ self.count_env_change += 1
+ x, y = int(x), int(y)
+ print("Change position: s =", x, ",", "y =", y)
+ # for small changes
+ if self.title == "Anytime D*: Small changes":
+ if (x, y) not in self.obs:
+ self.obs.add((x, y))
+ self.g[(x, y)] = float("inf")
+ self.rhs[(x, y)] = float("inf")
+ else:
+ self.obs.remove((x, y))
+ self.UpdateState((x, y))
+ self.Plot.update_obs(self.obs)
+ for sn in self.get_neighbor((x, y)):
+ self.UpdateState(sn)
+ plt.cla()
+ self.Plot.plot_grid(self.title)
+ while True:
+ if len(self.INCONS) == 0:
+ break
+ self.OPEN.update(self.INCONS)
+ for s in self.OPEN:
+ self.OPEN[s] = self.Key(s)
+ self.CLOSED = set()
+ self.ComputeOrImprovePath()
+ self.plot_visited()
+ self.plot_path(self.extract_path())
+ # plt.plot(self.title)
+ self.visited = set()
+ if self.eps <= 1.0:
+ break
+ else:
+ if (x, y) not in self.obs:
+ self.obs.add((x, y))
+ self.obs_add.add((x, y))
+ plt.plot(x, y, 'sk')
+ if (x, y) in self.obs_remove:
+ self.obs_remove.remove((x, y))
+ else:
+ self.obs.remove((x, y))
+ self.obs_remove.add((x, y))
+ plt.plot(x, y, marker='s', color='white')
+ if (x, y) in self.obs_add:
+ self.obs_add.remove((x, y))
+ self.Plot.update_obs(self.obs)
+ if self.count_env_change >= 15:
+ self.count_env_change = 0
+ self.eps += 2.0
+ for s in self.obs_add:
+ self.g[(x, y)] = float("inf")
+ self.rhs[(x, y)] = float("inf")
+ for sn in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.UpdateState(sn)
+ for s in self.obs_remove:
+ for sn in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.UpdateState(sn)
+ self.UpdateState(s)
+ plt.cla()
+ self.Plot.plot_grid(self.title)
+ while True:
+ if self.eps <= 1.0:
+ break
+ self.eps -= 0.5
+ self.OPEN.update(self.INCONS)
+ for s in self.OPEN:
+ self.OPEN[s] = self.Key(s)
+ self.CLOSED = set()
+ self.ComputeOrImprovePath()
+ self.plot_visited()
+ self.plot_path(self.extract_path())
+ plt.title(self.title)
+ self.visited = set()
+ plt.pause(0.5)
+ self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+ def ComputeOrImprovePath(self):
+ while True:
+ s, v = self.TopKey()
+ if v >= self.Key(self.s_start) and \
+ self.rhs[self.s_start] == self.g[self.s_start]:
+ break
+ self.OPEN.pop(s)
+ self.visited.add(s)
+ if self.g[s] > self.rhs[s]:
+ self.g[s] = self.rhs[s]
+ self.CLOSED.add(s)
+ for sn in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.UpdateState(sn)
+ else:
+ self.g[s] = float("inf")
+ for sn in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.UpdateState(sn)
+ self.UpdateState(s)
+ def UpdateState(self, s):
+ if s != self.s_goal:
+ self.rhs[s] = float("inf")
+ for x in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.rhs[s] = min(self.rhs[s], self.g[x] + self.cost(s, x))
+ if s in self.OPEN:
+ self.OPEN.pop(s)
+ if self.g[s] != self.rhs[s]:
+ if s not in self.CLOSED:
+ self.OPEN[s] = self.Key(s)
+ else:
+ self.INCONS[s] = 0
+ def Key(self, s):
+ if self.g[s] > self.rhs[s]:
+ return [self.rhs[s] + self.eps * self.h(self.s_start, s), self.rhs[s]]
+ else:
+ return [self.g[s] + self.h(self.s_start, s), self.g[s]]
+ def TopKey(self):
+ """
+ :return: return the min key and its value.
+ """
+ s = min(self.OPEN, key=self.OPEN.get)
+ return s, self.OPEN[s]
+ def h(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type # heuristic type
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(s_goal[0] - s_start[0]) + abs(s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return float("inf")
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ nei_list = set()
+ for u in self.u_set:
+ s_next = tuple([s[i] + u[i] for i in range(2)])
+ if s_next not in self.obs:
+ nei_list.add(s_next)
+ return nei_list
+ def extract_path(self):
+ """
+ Extract the path based on the PARENT set.
+ :return: The planning path
+ """
+ path = [self.s_start]
+ s = self.s_start
+ for k in range(100):
+ g_list = {}
+ for x in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if not self.is_collision(s, x):
+ g_list[x] = self.g[x]
+ s = min(g_list, key=g_list.get)
+ path.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal:
+ break
+ return list(path)
+ def plot_path(self, path):
+ px = [x[0] for x in path]
+ py = [x[1] for x in path]
+ plt.plot(px, py, linewidth=2)
+ plt.plot(self.s_start[0], self.s_start[1], "bs")
+ plt.plot(self.s_goal[0], self.s_goal[1], "gs")
+ def plot_visited(self):
+ self.count += 1
+ color = ['gainsboro', 'lightgray', 'silver', 'darkgray',
+ 'bisque', 'navajowhite', 'moccasin', 'wheat',
+ 'powderblue', 'skyblue', 'lightskyblue', 'cornflowerblue']
+ if self.count >= len(color) - 1:
+ self.count = 0
+ for x in self.visited:
+ plt.plot(x[0], x[1], marker='s', color=color[self.count])
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ dstar = ADStar(s_start, s_goal, 2.5, "euclidean")
+ dstar.run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/Astar.py b/src/Search_2D/Astar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adf676b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/Astar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+A_star 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import heapq
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+class AStar:
+ """AStar set the cost + heuristics as the priority
+ """
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start = s_start
+ self.s_goal = s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env() # class Env
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions # feasible input set
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs # position of obstacles
+ self.OPEN = [] # priority queue / OPEN set
+ self.CLOSED = [] # CLOSED set / VISITED order
+ self.PARENT = dict() # recorded parent
+ self.g = dict() # cost to come
+ def searching(self):
+ """
+ A_star Searching.
+ :return: path, visited order
+ """
+ self.PARENT[self.s_start] = self.s_start
+ self.g[self.s_start] = 0
+ self.g[self.s_goal] = math.inf
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN,
+ (self.f_value(self.s_start), self.s_start))
+ while self.OPEN:
+ _, s = heapq.heappop(self.OPEN)
+ self.CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal: # stop condition
+ break
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ new_cost = self.g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g:
+ self.g[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < self.g[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ self.g[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN, (self.f_value(s_n), s_n))
+ return self.extract_path(self.PARENT), self.CLOSED
+ def searching_repeated_astar(self, e):
+ """
+ repeated A*.
+ :param e: weight of A*
+ :return: path and visited order
+ """
+ path, visited = [], []
+ while e >= 1:
+ p_k, v_k = self.repeated_searching(self.s_start, self.s_goal, e)
+ path.append(p_k)
+ visited.append(v_k)
+ e -= 0.5
+ return path, visited
+ def repeated_searching(self, s_start, s_goal, e):
+ """
+ run A* with weight e.
+ :param s_start: starting state
+ :param s_goal: goal state
+ :param e: weight of a*
+ :return: path and visited order.
+ """
+ g = {s_start: 0, s_goal: float("inf")}
+ PARENT = {s_start: s_start}
+ OPEN = []
+ CLOSED = []
+ heapq.heappush(OPEN,
+ (g[s_start] + e * self.heuristic(s_start), s_start))
+ while OPEN:
+ _, s = heapq.heappop(OPEN)
+ CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == s_goal:
+ break
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ new_cost = g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in g:
+ g[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < g[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ g[s_n] = new_cost
+ PARENT[s_n] = s
+ heapq.heappush(OPEN, (g[s_n] + e * self.heuristic(s_n), s_n))
+ return self.extract_path(PARENT), CLOSED
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ """
+ find neighbors of state s that not in obstacles.
+ :param s: state
+ :return: neighbors
+ """
+ return [(s[0] + u[0], s[1] + u[1]) for u in self.u_set]
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return math.inf
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ """
+ check if the line segment (s_start, s_end) is collision.
+ :param s_start: start node
+ :param s_end: end node
+ :return: True: is collision / False: not collision
+ """
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def f_value(self, s):
+ """
+ f = g + h. (g: Cost to come, h: heuristic value)
+ :param s: current state
+ :return: f
+ """
+ return self.g[s] + self.heuristic(s)
+ def extract_path(self, PARENT):
+ """
+ Extract the path based on the PARENT set.
+ :return: The planning path
+ """
+ path = [self.s_goal]
+ s = self.s_goal
+ while True:
+ s = PARENT[s]
+ path.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_start:
+ break
+ return list(path)
+ def heuristic(self, s):
+ """
+ Calculate heuristic.
+ :param s: current node (state)
+ :return: heuristic function value
+ """
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type # heuristic type
+ goal = self.s_goal # goal node
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(goal[0] - s[0]) + abs(goal[1] - s[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(goal[0] - s[0], goal[1] - s[1])
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ astar = AStar(s_start, s_goal, "euclidean")
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ path, visited = astar.searching()
+ plot.animation(path, visited, "A*") # animation
+ # path, visited = astar.searching_repeated_astar(2.5) # initial weight e = 2.5
+ # plot.animation_ara_star(path, visited, "Repeated A*")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/Best_First.py b/src/Search_2D/Best_First.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c85fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/Best_First.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Best-First Searching
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import heapq
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+from Search_2D.Astar import AStar
+class BestFirst(AStar):
+ """BestFirst set the heuristics as the priority
+ """
+ def searching(self):
+ """
+ Breadth-first Searching.
+ :return: path, visited order
+ """
+ self.PARENT[self.s_start] = self.s_start
+ self.g[self.s_start] = 0
+ self.g[self.s_goal] = math.inf
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN,
+ (self.heuristic(self.s_start), self.s_start))
+ while self.OPEN:
+ _, s = heapq.heappop(self.OPEN)
+ self.CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal:
+ break
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ new_cost = self.g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g:
+ self.g[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < self.g[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ self.g[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ # best first set the heuristics as the priority
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN, (self.heuristic(s_n), s_n))
+ return self.extract_path(self.PARENT), self.CLOSED
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ BF = BestFirst(s_start, s_goal, 'euclidean')
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ path, visited = BF.searching()
+ plot.animation(path, visited, "Best-first Searching") # animation
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/Bidirectional_a_star.py b/src/Search_2D/Bidirectional_a_star.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3580c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/Bidirectional_a_star.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+Bidirectional_a_star 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import heapq
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+class BidirectionalAStar:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start = s_start
+ self.s_goal = s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env() # class Env
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions # feasible input set
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs # position of obstacles
+ self.OPEN_fore = [] # OPEN set for forward searching
+ self.OPEN_back = [] # OPEN set for backward searching
+ self.CLOSED_fore = [] # CLOSED set for forward
+ self.CLOSED_back = [] # CLOSED set for backward
+ self.PARENT_fore = dict() # recorded parent for forward
+ self.PARENT_back = dict() # recorded parent for backward
+ self.g_fore = dict() # cost to come for forward
+ self.g_back = dict() # cost to come for backward
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ initialize parameters
+ """
+ self.g_fore[self.s_start] = 0.0
+ self.g_fore[self.s_goal] = math.inf
+ self.g_back[self.s_goal] = 0.0
+ self.g_back[self.s_start] = math.inf
+ self.PARENT_fore[self.s_start] = self.s_start
+ self.PARENT_back[self.s_goal] = self.s_goal
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN_fore,
+ (self.f_value_fore(self.s_start), self.s_start))
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN_back,
+ (self.f_value_back(self.s_goal), self.s_goal))
+ def searching(self):
+ """
+ Bidirectional A*
+ :return: connected path, visited order of forward, visited order of backward
+ """
+ self.init()
+ s_meet = self.s_start
+ while self.OPEN_fore and self.OPEN_back:
+ # solve foreward-search
+ _, s_fore = heapq.heappop(self.OPEN_fore)
+ if s_fore in self.PARENT_back:
+ s_meet = s_fore
+ break
+ self.CLOSED_fore.append(s_fore)
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s_fore):
+ new_cost = self.g_fore[s_fore] + self.cost(s_fore, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g_fore:
+ self.g_fore[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < self.g_fore[s_n]:
+ self.g_fore[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT_fore[s_n] = s_fore
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN_fore,
+ (self.f_value_fore(s_n), s_n))
+ # solve backward-search
+ _, s_back = heapq.heappop(self.OPEN_back)
+ if s_back in self.PARENT_fore:
+ s_meet = s_back
+ break
+ self.CLOSED_back.append(s_back)
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s_back):
+ new_cost = self.g_back[s_back] + self.cost(s_back, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g_back:
+ self.g_back[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < self.g_back[s_n]:
+ self.g_back[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT_back[s_n] = s_back
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN_back,
+ (self.f_value_back(s_n), s_n))
+ return self.extract_path(s_meet), self.CLOSED_fore, self.CLOSED_back
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ """
+ find neighbors of state s that not in obstacles.
+ :param s: state
+ :return: neighbors
+ """
+ return [(s[0] + u[0], s[1] + u[1]) for u in self.u_set]
+ def extract_path(self, s_meet):
+ """
+ extract path from start and goal
+ :param s_meet: meet point of bi-direction a*
+ :return: path
+ """
+ # extract path for foreward part
+ path_fore = [s_meet]
+ s = s_meet
+ while True:
+ s = self.PARENT_fore[s]
+ path_fore.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_start:
+ break
+ # extract path for backward part
+ path_back = []
+ s = s_meet
+ while True:
+ s = self.PARENT_back[s]
+ path_back.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal:
+ break
+ return list(reversed(path_fore)) + list(path_back)
+ def f_value_fore(self, s):
+ """
+ forward searching: f = g + h. (g: Cost to come, h: heuristic value)
+ :param s: current state
+ :return: f
+ """
+ return self.g_fore[s] + self.h(s, self.s_goal)
+ def f_value_back(self, s):
+ """
+ backward searching: f = g + h. (g: Cost to come, h: heuristic value)
+ :param s: current state
+ :return: f
+ """
+ return self.g_back[s] + self.h(s, self.s_start)
+ def h(self, s, goal):
+ """
+ Calculate heuristic value.
+ :param s: current node (state)
+ :param goal: goal node (state)
+ :return: heuristic value
+ """
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(goal[0] - s[0]) + abs(goal[1] - s[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(goal[0] - s[0], goal[1] - s[1])
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return math.inf
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ """
+ check if the line segment (s_start, s_end) is collision.
+ :param s_start: start node
+ :param s_end: end node
+ :return: True: is collision / False: not collision
+ """
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+def main():
+ x_start = (5, 5)
+ x_goal = (45, 25)
+ bastar = BidirectionalAStar(x_start, x_goal, "euclidean")
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(x_start, x_goal)
+ path, visited_fore, visited_back = bastar.searching()
+ plot.animation_bi_astar(path, visited_fore, visited_back, "Bidirectional-A*") # animation
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/D_star.py b/src/Search_2D/D_star.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60b6c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/D_star.py
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+D_star 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+class DStar:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
+ self.Env = env.Env()
+ self.Plot = plotting.Plotting(self.s_start, self.s_goal)
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs
+ self.x = self.Env.x_range
+ self.y = self.Env.y_range
+ self.fig = plt.figure()
+ self.OPEN = set()
+ self.t = dict()
+ self.PARENT = dict()
+ self.h = dict()
+ self.k = dict()
+ self.path = []
+ self.visited = set()
+ self.count = 0
+ def init(self):
+ for i in range(self.Env.x_range):
+ for j in range(self.Env.y_range):
+ self.t[(i, j)] = 'NEW'
+ self.k[(i, j)] = 0.0
+ self.h[(i, j)] = float("inf")
+ self.PARENT[(i, j)] = None
+ self.h[self.s_goal] = 0.0
+ def run(self, s_start, s_end):
+ self.init()
+ self.insert(s_end, 0)
+ while True:
+ self.process_state()
+ if self.t[s_start] == 'CLOSED':
+ break
+ self.path = self.extract_path(s_start, s_end)
+ self.Plot.plot_grid("Dynamic A* (D*)")
+ self.plot_path(self.path)
+ self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press)
+ plt.show()
+ def on_press(self, event):
+ x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+ if x < 0 or x > self.x - 1 or y < 0 or y > self.y - 1:
+ print("Please choose right area!")
+ else:
+ x, y = int(x), int(y)
+ if (x, y) not in self.obs:
+ print("Add obstacle at: s =", x, ",", "y =", y)
+ self.obs.add((x, y))
+ self.Plot.update_obs(self.obs)
+ s = self.s_start
+ self.visited = set()
+ self.count += 1
+ while s != self.s_goal:
+ if self.is_collision(s, self.PARENT[s]):
+ self.modify(s)
+ continue
+ s = self.PARENT[s]
+ self.path = self.extract_path(self.s_start, self.s_goal)
+ plt.cla()
+ self.Plot.plot_grid("Dynamic A* (D*)")
+ self.plot_visited(self.visited)
+ self.plot_path(self.path)
+ self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+ def extract_path(self, s_start, s_end):
+ path = [s_start]
+ s = s_start
+ while True:
+ s = self.PARENT[s]
+ path.append(s)
+ if s == s_end:
+ return path
+ def process_state(self):
+ s = self.min_state() # get node in OPEN set with min k value
+ self.visited.add(s)
+ if s is None:
+ return -1 # OPEN set is empty
+ k_old = self.get_k_min() # record the min k value of this iteration (min path cost)
+ self.delete(s) # move state s from OPEN set to CLOSED set
+ # k_min < h[s] --> s: RAISE state (increased cost)
+ if k_old < self.h[s]:
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if self.h[s_n] <= k_old and \
+ self.h[s] > self.h[s_n] + self.cost(s_n, s):
+ # update h_value and choose parent
+ self.PARENT[s] = s_n
+ self.h[s] = self.h[s_n] + self.cost(s_n, s)
+ # s: k_min >= h[s] -- > s: LOWER state (cost reductions)
+ if k_old == self.h[s]:
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if self.t[s_n] == 'NEW' or \
+ (self.PARENT[s_n] == s and self.h[s_n] != self.h[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)) or \
+ (self.PARENT[s_n] != s and self.h[s_n] > self.h[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)):
+ # Condition:
+ # 1) t[s_n] == 'NEW': not visited
+ # 2) s_n's parent: cost reduction
+ # 3) s_n find a better parent
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ self.insert(s_n, self.h[s] + self.cost(s, s_n))
+ else:
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if self.t[s_n] == 'NEW' or \
+ (self.PARENT[s_n] == s and self.h[s_n] != self.h[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)):
+ # Condition:
+ # 1) t[s_n] == 'NEW': not visited
+ # 2) s_n's parent: cost reduction
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ self.insert(s_n, self.h[s] + self.cost(s, s_n))
+ else:
+ if self.PARENT[s_n] != s and \
+ self.h[s_n] > self.h[s] + self.cost(s, s_n):
+ # Condition: LOWER happened in OPEN set (s), s should be explored again
+ self.insert(s, self.h[s])
+ else:
+ if self.PARENT[s_n] != s and \
+ self.h[s] > self.h[s_n] + self.cost(s_n, s) and \
+ self.t[s_n] == 'CLOSED' and \
+ self.h[s_n] > k_old:
+ # Condition: LOWER happened in CLOSED set (s_n), s_n should be explored again
+ self.insert(s_n, self.h[s_n])
+ return self.get_k_min()
+ def min_state(self):
+ """
+ choose the node with the minimum k value in OPEN set.
+ :return: state
+ """
+ if not self.OPEN:
+ return None
+ return min(self.OPEN, key=lambda x: self.k[x])
+ def get_k_min(self):
+ """
+ calc the min k value for nodes in OPEN set.
+ :return: k value
+ """
+ if not self.OPEN:
+ return -1
+ return min([self.k[x] for x in self.OPEN])
+ def insert(self, s, h_new):
+ """
+ insert node into OPEN set.
+ :param s: node
+ :param h_new: new or better cost to come value
+ """
+ if self.t[s] == 'NEW':
+ self.k[s] = h_new
+ elif self.t[s] == 'OPEN':
+ self.k[s] = min(self.k[s], h_new)
+ elif self.t[s] == 'CLOSED':
+ self.k[s] = min(self.h[s], h_new)
+ self.h[s] = h_new
+ self.t[s] = 'OPEN'
+ self.OPEN.add(s)
+ def delete(self, s):
+ """
+ delete: move state s from OPEN set to CLOSED set.
+ :param s: state should be deleted
+ """
+ if self.t[s] == 'OPEN':
+ self.t[s] = 'CLOSED'
+ self.OPEN.remove(s)
+ def modify(self, s):
+ """
+ start processing from state s.
+ :param s: is a node whose status is RAISE or LOWER.
+ """
+ self.modify_cost(s)
+ while True:
+ k_min = self.process_state()
+ if k_min >= self.h[s]:
+ break
+ def modify_cost(self, s):
+ # if node in CLOSED set, put it into OPEN set.
+ # Since cost may be changed between s - s.parent, calc cost(s, s.p) again
+ if self.t[s] == 'CLOSED':
+ self.insert(s, self.h[self.PARENT[s]] + self.cost(s, self.PARENT[s]))
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ nei_list = set()
+ for u in self.u_set:
+ s_next = tuple([s[i] + u[i] for i in range(2)])
+ if s_next not in self.obs:
+ nei_list.add(s_next)
+ return nei_list
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return float("inf")
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def plot_path(self, path):
+ px = [x[0] for x in path]
+ py = [x[1] for x in path]
+ plt.plot(px, py, linewidth=2)
+ plt.plot(self.s_start[0], self.s_start[1], "bs")
+ plt.plot(self.s_goal[0], self.s_goal[1], "gs")
+ def plot_visited(self, visited):
+ color = ['gainsboro', 'lightgray', 'silver', 'darkgray',
+ 'bisque', 'navajowhite', 'moccasin', 'wheat',
+ 'powderblue', 'skyblue', 'lightskyblue', 'cornflowerblue']
+ if self.count >= len(color) - 1:
+ self.count = 0
+ for x in visited:
+ plt.plot(x[0], x[1], marker='s', color=color[self.count])
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ dstar = DStar(s_start, s_goal)
+ dstar.run(s_start, s_goal)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/D_star_Lite.py b/src/Search_2D/D_star_Lite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4996be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/D_star_Lite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+D_star_Lite 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+class DStar:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env() # class Env
+ self.Plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions # feasible input set
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs # position of obstacles
+ self.x = self.Env.x_range
+ self.y = self.Env.y_range
+ self.g, self.rhs, self.U = {}, {}, {}
+ self.km = 0
+ for i in range(1, self.Env.x_range - 1):
+ for j in range(1, self.Env.y_range - 1):
+ self.rhs[(i, j)] = float("inf")
+ self.g[(i, j)] = float("inf")
+ self.rhs[self.s_goal] = 0.0
+ self.U[self.s_goal] = self.CalculateKey(self.s_goal)
+ self.visited = set()
+ self.count = 0
+ self.fig = plt.figure()
+ def run(self):
+ self.Plot.plot_grid("D* Lite")
+ self.ComputePath()
+ self.plot_path(self.extract_path())
+ self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press)
+ plt.show()
+ def on_press(self, event):
+ x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+ if x < 0 or x > self.x - 1 or y < 0 or y > self.y - 1:
+ print("Please choose right area!")
+ else:
+ x, y = int(x), int(y)
+ print("Change position: s =", x, ",", "y =", y)
+ s_curr = self.s_start
+ s_last = self.s_start
+ i = 0
+ path = [self.s_start]
+ while s_curr != self.s_goal:
+ s_list = {}
+ for s in self.get_neighbor(s_curr):
+ s_list[s] = self.g[s] + self.cost(s_curr, s)
+ s_curr = min(s_list, key=s_list.get)
+ path.append(s_curr)
+ if i < 1:
+ self.km += self.h(s_last, s_curr)
+ s_last = s_curr
+ if (x, y) not in self.obs:
+ self.obs.add((x, y))
+ plt.plot(x, y, 'sk')
+ self.g[(x, y)] = float("inf")
+ self.rhs[(x, y)] = float("inf")
+ else:
+ self.obs.remove((x, y))
+ plt.plot(x, y, marker='s', color='white')
+ self.UpdateVertex((x, y))
+ for s in self.get_neighbor((x, y)):
+ self.UpdateVertex(s)
+ i += 1
+ self.count += 1
+ self.visited = set()
+ self.ComputePath()
+ self.plot_visited(self.visited)
+ self.plot_path(path)
+ self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+ def ComputePath(self):
+ while True:
+ s, v = self.TopKey()
+ if v >= self.CalculateKey(self.s_start) and \
+ self.rhs[self.s_start] == self.g[self.s_start]:
+ break
+ k_old = v
+ self.U.pop(s)
+ self.visited.add(s)
+ if k_old < self.CalculateKey(s):
+ self.U[s] = self.CalculateKey(s)
+ elif self.g[s] > self.rhs[s]:
+ self.g[s] = self.rhs[s]
+ for x in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.UpdateVertex(x)
+ else:
+ self.g[s] = float("inf")
+ self.UpdateVertex(s)
+ for x in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.UpdateVertex(x)
+ def UpdateVertex(self, s):
+ if s != self.s_goal:
+ self.rhs[s] = float("inf")
+ for x in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.rhs[s] = min(self.rhs[s], self.g[x] + self.cost(s, x))
+ if s in self.U:
+ self.U.pop(s)
+ if self.g[s] != self.rhs[s]:
+ self.U[s] = self.CalculateKey(s)
+ def CalculateKey(self, s):
+ return [min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s]) + self.h(self.s_start, s) + self.km,
+ min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s])]
+ def TopKey(self):
+ """
+ :return: return the min key and its value.
+ """
+ s = min(self.U, key=self.U.get)
+ return s, self.U[s]
+ def h(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type # heuristic type
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(s_goal[0] - s_start[0]) + abs(s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return float("inf")
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ nei_list = set()
+ for u in self.u_set:
+ s_next = tuple([s[i] + u[i] for i in range(2)])
+ if s_next not in self.obs:
+ nei_list.add(s_next)
+ return nei_list
+ def extract_path(self):
+ """
+ Extract the path based on the PARENT set.
+ :return: The planning path
+ """
+ path = [self.s_start]
+ s = self.s_start
+ for k in range(100):
+ g_list = {}
+ for x in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if not self.is_collision(s, x):
+ g_list[x] = self.g[x]
+ s = min(g_list, key=g_list.get)
+ path.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal:
+ break
+ return list(path)
+ def plot_path(self, path):
+ px = [x[0] for x in path]
+ py = [x[1] for x in path]
+ plt.plot(px, py, linewidth=2)
+ plt.plot(self.s_start[0], self.s_start[1], "bs")
+ plt.plot(self.s_goal[0], self.s_goal[1], "gs")
+ def plot_visited(self, visited):
+ color = ['gainsboro', 'lightgray', 'silver', 'darkgray',
+ 'bisque', 'navajowhite', 'moccasin', 'wheat',
+ 'powderblue', 'skyblue', 'lightskyblue', 'cornflowerblue']
+ if self.count >= len(color) - 1:
+ self.count = 0
+ for x in visited:
+ plt.plot(x[0], x[1], marker='s', color=color[self.count])
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ dstar = DStar(s_start, s_goal, "euclidean")
+ dstar.run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/Dijkstra.py b/src/Search_2D/Dijkstra.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5e7b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/Dijkstra.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Dijkstra 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import heapq
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+from Search_2D.Astar import AStar
+class Dijkstra(AStar):
+ """Dijkstra set the cost as the priority
+ """
+ def searching(self):
+ """
+ Breadth-first Searching.
+ :return: path, visited order
+ """
+ self.PARENT[self.s_start] = self.s_start
+ self.g[self.s_start] = 0
+ self.g[self.s_goal] = math.inf
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN,
+ (0, self.s_start))
+ while self.OPEN:
+ _, s = heapq.heappop(self.OPEN)
+ self.CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal:
+ break
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ new_cost = self.g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g:
+ self.g[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < self.g[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ self.g[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ # best first set the heuristics as the priority
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN, (new_cost, s_n))
+ return self.extract_path(self.PARENT), self.CLOSED
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ dijkstra = Dijkstra(s_start, s_goal, 'None')
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ path, visited = dijkstra.searching()
+ plot.animation(path, visited, "Dijkstra's") # animation generate
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/LPAstar.py b/src/Search_2D/LPAstar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd70ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/LPAstar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+LPA_star 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+class LPAStar:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env()
+ self.Plot = plotting.Plotting(self.s_start, self.s_goal)
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs
+ self.x = self.Env.x_range
+ self.y = self.Env.y_range
+ self.g, self.rhs, self.U = {}, {}, {}
+ for i in range(self.Env.x_range):
+ for j in range(self.Env.y_range):
+ self.rhs[(i, j)] = float("inf")
+ self.g[(i, j)] = float("inf")
+ self.rhs[self.s_start] = 0
+ self.U[self.s_start] = self.CalculateKey(self.s_start)
+ self.visited = set()
+ self.count = 0
+ self.fig = plt.figure()
+ def run(self):
+ self.Plot.plot_grid("Lifelong Planning A*")
+ self.ComputeShortestPath()
+ self.plot_path(self.extract_path())
+ self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press)
+ plt.show()
+ def on_press(self, event):
+ x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
+ if x < 0 or x > self.x - 1 or y < 0 or y > self.y - 1:
+ print("Please choose right area!")
+ else:
+ x, y = int(x), int(y)
+ print("Change position: s =", x, ",", "y =", y)
+ self.visited = set()
+ self.count += 1
+ if (x, y) not in self.obs:
+ self.obs.add((x, y))
+ else:
+ self.obs.remove((x, y))
+ self.UpdateVertex((x, y))
+ self.Plot.update_obs(self.obs)
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor((x, y)):
+ self.UpdateVertex(s_n)
+ self.ComputeShortestPath()
+ plt.cla()
+ self.Plot.plot_grid("Lifelong Planning A*")
+ self.plot_visited(self.visited)
+ self.plot_path(self.extract_path())
+ self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+ def ComputeShortestPath(self):
+ while True:
+ s, v = self.TopKey()
+ if v >= self.CalculateKey(self.s_goal) and \
+ self.rhs[self.s_goal] == self.g[self.s_goal]:
+ break
+ self.U.pop(s)
+ self.visited.add(s)
+ if self.g[s] > self.rhs[s]:
+ # Condition: over-consistent (eg: deleted obstacles)
+ # So, rhs[s] decreased -- > rhs[s] < g[s]
+ self.g[s] = self.rhs[s]
+ else:
+ # Condition: # under-consistent (eg: added obstacles)
+ # So, rhs[s] increased --> rhs[s] > g[s]
+ self.g[s] = float("inf")
+ self.UpdateVertex(s)
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ self.UpdateVertex(s_n)
+ def UpdateVertex(self, s):
+ """
+ update the status and the current cost to come of state s.
+ :param s: state s
+ """
+ if s != self.s_start:
+ # Condition: cost of parent of s changed
+ # Since we do not record the children of a state, we need to enumerate its neighbors
+ self.rhs[s] = min(self.g[s_n] + self.cost(s_n, s)
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s))
+ if s in self.U:
+ self.U.pop(s)
+ if self.g[s] != self.rhs[s]:
+ # Condition: current cost to come is different to that of last time
+ # state s should be added into OPEN set (set U)
+ self.U[s] = self.CalculateKey(s)
+ def TopKey(self):
+ """
+ :return: return the min key and its value.
+ """
+ s = min(self.U, key=self.U.get)
+ return s, self.U[s]
+ def CalculateKey(self, s):
+ return [min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s]) + self.h(s),
+ min(self.g[s], self.rhs[s])]
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ """
+ find neighbors of state s that not in obstacles.
+ :param s: state
+ :return: neighbors
+ """
+ s_list = set()
+ for u in self.u_set:
+ s_next = tuple([s[i] + u[i] for i in range(2)])
+ if s_next not in self.obs:
+ s_list.add(s_next)
+ return s_list
+ def h(self, s):
+ """
+ Calculate heuristic.
+ :param s: current node (state)
+ :return: heuristic function value
+ """
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type # heuristic type
+ goal = self.s_goal # goal node
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(goal[0] - s[0]) + abs(goal[1] - s[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(goal[0] - s[0], goal[1] - s[1])
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return float("inf")
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def extract_path(self):
+ """
+ Extract the path based on the PARENT set.
+ :return: The planning path
+ """
+ path = [self.s_goal]
+ s = self.s_goal
+ for k in range(100):
+ g_list = {}
+ for x in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if not self.is_collision(s, x):
+ g_list[x] = self.g[x]
+ s = min(g_list, key=g_list.get)
+ path.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_start:
+ break
+ return list(reversed(path))
+ def plot_path(self, path):
+ px = [x[0] for x in path]
+ py = [x[1] for x in path]
+ plt.plot(px, py, linewidth=2)
+ plt.plot(self.s_start[0], self.s_start[1], "bs")
+ plt.plot(self.s_goal[0], self.s_goal[1], "gs")
+ def plot_visited(self, visited):
+ color = ['gainsboro', 'lightgray', 'silver', 'darkgray',
+ 'bisque', 'navajowhite', 'moccasin', 'wheat',
+ 'powderblue', 'skyblue', 'lightskyblue', 'cornflowerblue']
+ if self.count >= len(color) - 1:
+ self.count = 0
+ for x in visited:
+ plt.plot(x[0], x[1], marker='s', color=color[self.count])
+def main():
+ x_start = (5, 5)
+ x_goal = (45, 25)
+ lpastar = LPAStar(x_start, x_goal, "Euclidean")
+ lpastar.run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/LRTAstar.py b/src/Search_2D/LRTAstar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108903b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/LRTAstar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+LRTA_star 2D (Learning Real-time A*)
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import copy
+import math
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import queue, plotting, env
+class LrtAStarN:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, N, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env()
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions # feasible input set
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs # position of obstacles
+ self.N = N # number of expand nodes each iteration
+ self.visited = [] # order of visited nodes in planning
+ self.path = [] # path of each iteration
+ self.h_table = {} # h_value table
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ initialize the h_value of all nodes in the environment.
+ it is a global table.
+ """
+ for i in range(self.Env.x_range):
+ for j in range(self.Env.y_range):
+ self.h_table[(i, j)] = self.h((i, j))
+ def searching(self):
+ self.init()
+ s_start = self.s_start # initialize start node
+ while True:
+ OPEN, CLOSED = self.AStar(s_start, self.N) # OPEN, CLOSED sets in each iteration
+ if OPEN == "FOUND": # reach the goal node
+ self.path.append(CLOSED)
+ break
+ h_value = self.iteration(CLOSED) # h_value table of CLOSED nodes
+ for x in h_value:
+ self.h_table[x] = h_value[x]
+ s_start, path_k = self.extract_path_in_CLOSE(s_start, h_value) # x_init -> expected node in OPEN set
+ self.path.append(path_k)
+ def extract_path_in_CLOSE(self, s_start, h_value):
+ path = [s_start]
+ s = s_start
+ while True:
+ h_list = {}
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if s_n in h_value:
+ h_list[s_n] = h_value[s_n]
+ else:
+ h_list[s_n] = self.h_table[s_n]
+ s_key = min(h_list, key=h_list.get) # move to the smallest node with min h_value
+ path.append(s_key) # generate path
+ s = s_key # use end of this iteration as the start of next
+ if s_key not in h_value: # reach the expected node in OPEN set
+ return s_key, path
+ def iteration(self, CLOSED):
+ h_value = {}
+ for s in CLOSED:
+ h_value[s] = float("inf") # initialize h_value of CLOSED nodes
+ while True:
+ h_value_rec = copy.deepcopy(h_value)
+ for s in CLOSED:
+ h_list = []
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if s_n not in CLOSED:
+ h_list.append(self.cost(s, s_n) + self.h_table[s_n])
+ else:
+ h_list.append(self.cost(s, s_n) + h_value[s_n])
+ h_value[s] = min(h_list) # update h_value of current node
+ if h_value == h_value_rec: # h_value table converged
+ return h_value
+ def AStar(self, x_start, N):
+ OPEN = queue.QueuePrior() # OPEN set
+ OPEN.put(x_start, self.h(x_start))
+ CLOSED = [] # CLOSED set
+ g_table = {x_start: 0, self.s_goal: float("inf")} # Cost to come
+ PARENT = {x_start: x_start} # relations
+ count = 0 # counter
+ while not OPEN.empty():
+ count += 1
+ s = OPEN.get()
+ CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal: # reach the goal node
+ self.visited.append(CLOSED)
+ return "FOUND", self.extract_path(x_start, PARENT)
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if s_n not in CLOSED:
+ new_cost = g_table[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in g_table:
+ g_table[s_n] = float("inf")
+ if new_cost < g_table[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ g_table[s_n] = new_cost
+ PARENT[s_n] = s
+ OPEN.put(s_n, g_table[s_n] + self.h_table[s_n])
+ if count == N: # expand needed CLOSED nodes
+ break
+ self.visited.append(CLOSED) # visited nodes in each iteration
+ return OPEN, CLOSED
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ """
+ find neighbors of state s that not in obstacles.
+ :param s: state
+ :return: neighbors
+ """
+ s_list = []
+ for u in self.u_set:
+ s_next = tuple([s[i] + u[i] for i in range(2)])
+ if s_next not in self.obs:
+ s_list.append(s_next)
+ return s_list
+ def extract_path(self, x_start, parent):
+ """
+ Extract the path based on the relationship of nodes.
+ :return: The planning path
+ """
+ path_back = [self.s_goal]
+ x_current = self.s_goal
+ while True:
+ x_current = parent[x_current]
+ path_back.append(x_current)
+ if x_current == x_start:
+ break
+ return list(reversed(path_back))
+ def h(self, s):
+ """
+ Calculate heuristic.
+ :param s: current node (state)
+ :return: heuristic function value
+ """
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type # heuristic type
+ goal = self.s_goal # goal node
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(goal[0] - s[0]) + abs(goal[1] - s[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(goal[0] - s[0], goal[1] - s[1])
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return float("inf")
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+def main():
+ s_start = (10, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ lrta = LrtAStarN(s_start, s_goal, 250, "euclidean")
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ lrta.searching()
+ plot.animation_lrta(lrta.path, lrta.visited,
+ "Learning Real-time A* (LRTA*)")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/RTAAStar.py b/src/Search_2D/RTAAStar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de0a615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/RTAAStar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+RTAAstar 2D (Real-time Adaptive A*)
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import copy
+import math
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import queue, plotting, env
+class RTAAStar:
+ def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, N, heuristic_type):
+ self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
+ self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type
+ self.Env = env.Env()
+ self.u_set = self.Env.motions # feasible input set
+ self.obs = self.Env.obs # position of obstacles
+ self.N = N # number of expand nodes each iteration
+ self.visited = [] # order of visited nodes in planning
+ self.path = [] # path of each iteration
+ self.h_table = {} # h_value table
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ initialize the h_value of all nodes in the environment.
+ it is a global table.
+ """
+ for i in range(self.Env.x_range):
+ for j in range(self.Env.y_range):
+ self.h_table[(i, j)] = self.h((i, j))
+ def searching(self):
+ self.init()
+ s_start = self.s_start # initialize start node
+ while True:
+ OPEN, CLOSED, g_table, PARENT = \
+ self.Astar(s_start, self.N)
+ if OPEN == "FOUND": # reach the goal node
+ self.path.append(CLOSED)
+ break
+ s_next, h_value = self.cal_h_value(OPEN, CLOSED, g_table, PARENT)
+ for x in h_value:
+ self.h_table[x] = h_value[x]
+ s_start, path_k = self.extract_path_in_CLOSE(s_start, s_next, h_value)
+ self.path.append(path_k)
+ def cal_h_value(self, OPEN, CLOSED, g_table, PARENT):
+ v_open = {}
+ h_value = {}
+ for (_, x) in OPEN.enumerate():
+ v_open[x] = g_table[PARENT[x]] + 1 + self.h_table[x]
+ s_open = min(v_open, key=v_open.get)
+ f_min = v_open[s_open]
+ for x in CLOSED:
+ h_value[x] = f_min - g_table[x]
+ return s_open, h_value
+ def iteration(self, CLOSED):
+ h_value = {}
+ for s in CLOSED:
+ h_value[s] = float("inf") # initialize h_value of CLOSED nodes
+ while True:
+ h_value_rec = copy.deepcopy(h_value)
+ for s in CLOSED:
+ h_list = []
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if s_n not in CLOSED:
+ h_list.append(self.cost(s, s_n) + self.h_table[s_n])
+ else:
+ h_list.append(self.cost(s, s_n) + h_value[s_n])
+ h_value[s] = min(h_list) # update h_value of current node
+ if h_value == h_value_rec: # h_value table converged
+ return h_value
+ def Astar(self, x_start, N):
+ OPEN = queue.QueuePrior() # OPEN set
+ OPEN.put(x_start, self.h_table[x_start])
+ CLOSED = [] # CLOSED set
+ g_table = {x_start: 0, self.s_goal: float("inf")} # Cost to come
+ PARENT = {x_start: x_start} # relations
+ count = 0 # counter
+ while not OPEN.empty():
+ count += 1
+ s = OPEN.get()
+ CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal: # reach the goal node
+ self.visited.append(CLOSED)
+ return "FOUND", self.extract_path(x_start, PARENT), [], []
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if s_n not in CLOSED:
+ new_cost = g_table[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in g_table:
+ g_table[s_n] = float("inf")
+ if new_cost < g_table[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ g_table[s_n] = new_cost
+ PARENT[s_n] = s
+ OPEN.put(s_n, g_table[s_n] + self.h_table[s_n])
+ if count == N: # expand needed CLOSED nodes
+ break
+ self.visited.append(CLOSED) # visited nodes in each iteration
+ return OPEN, CLOSED, g_table, PARENT
+ def get_neighbor(self, s):
+ """
+ find neighbors of state s that not in obstacles.
+ :param s: state
+ :return: neighbors
+ """
+ s_list = set()
+ for u in self.u_set:
+ s_next = tuple([s[i] + u[i] for i in range(2)])
+ if s_next not in self.obs:
+ s_list.add(s_next)
+ return s_list
+ def extract_path_in_CLOSE(self, s_end, s_start, h_value):
+ path = [s_start]
+ s = s_start
+ while True:
+ h_list = {}
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ if s_n in h_value:
+ h_list[s_n] = h_value[s_n]
+ s_key = max(h_list, key=h_list.get) # move to the smallest node with min h_value
+ path.append(s_key) # generate path
+ s = s_key # use end of this iteration as the start of next
+ if s_key == s_end: # reach the expected node in OPEN set
+ return s_start, list(reversed(path))
+ def extract_path(self, x_start, parent):
+ """
+ Extract the path based on the relationship of nodes.
+ :return: The planning path
+ """
+ path = [self.s_goal]
+ s = self.s_goal
+ while True:
+ s = parent[s]
+ path.append(s)
+ if s == x_start:
+ break
+ return list(reversed(path))
+ def h(self, s):
+ """
+ Calculate heuristic.
+ :param s: current node (state)
+ :return: heuristic function value
+ """
+ heuristic_type = self.heuristic_type # heuristic type
+ goal = self.s_goal # goal node
+ if heuristic_type == "manhattan":
+ return abs(goal[0] - s[0]) + abs(goal[1] - s[1])
+ else:
+ return math.hypot(goal[0] - s[0], goal[1] - s[1])
+ def cost(self, s_start, s_goal):
+ """
+ Calculate Cost for this motion
+ :param s_start: starting node
+ :param s_goal: end node
+ :return: Cost for this motion
+ :note: Cost function could be more complicate!
+ """
+ if self.is_collision(s_start, s_goal):
+ return float("inf")
+ return math.hypot(s_goal[0] - s_start[0], s_goal[1] - s_start[1])
+ def is_collision(self, s_start, s_end):
+ if s_start in self.obs or s_end in self.obs:
+ return True
+ if s_start[0] != s_end[0] and s_start[1] != s_end[1]:
+ if s_end[0] - s_start[0] == s_start[1] - s_end[1]:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ else:
+ s1 = (min(s_start[0], s_end[0]), max(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ s2 = (max(s_start[0], s_end[0]), min(s_start[1], s_end[1]))
+ if s1 in self.obs or s2 in self.obs:
+ return True
+ return False
+def main():
+ s_start = (10, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ rtaa = RTAAStar(s_start, s_goal, 240, "euclidean")
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ rtaa.searching()
+ plot.animation_lrta(rtaa.path, rtaa.visited,
+ "Real-time Adaptive A* (RTAA*)")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/Astar.cpython-38.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/Astar.cpython-38.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d90ba3
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/Astar.cpython-38.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-37.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..945aa4d
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-37.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-38.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-38.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45c75b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-38.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-39.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-39.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4776345
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/env.cpython-39.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-37.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a41db2
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-37.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-38.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-38.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e8cff3
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-38.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-39.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-39.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c381ea6
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/plotting.cpython-39.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/queue.cpython-37.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/queue.cpython-37.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c5f684
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/queue.cpython-37.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/queue.cpython-38.pyc b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/queue.cpython-38.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69c46c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Search_2D/__pycache__/queue.cpython-38.pyc differ
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/bfs.py b/src/Search_2D/bfs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881e7ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/bfs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Breadth-first Searching_2D (BFS)
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+from collections import deque
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+from Search_2D.Astar import AStar
+import math
+import heapq
+class BFS(AStar):
+ """BFS add the new visited node in the end of the openset
+ """
+ def searching(self):
+ """
+ Breadth-first Searching.
+ :return: path, visited order
+ """
+ self.PARENT[self.s_start] = self.s_start
+ self.g[self.s_start] = 0
+ self.g[self.s_goal] = math.inf
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN,
+ (0, self.s_start))
+ while self.OPEN:
+ _, s = heapq.heappop(self.OPEN)
+ self.CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal:
+ break
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ new_cost = self.g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g:
+ self.g[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < self.g[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ self.g[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ # bfs, add new node to the end of the openset
+ prior = self.OPEN[-1][0]+1 if len(self.OPEN)>0 else 0
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN, (prior, s_n))
+ return self.extract_path(self.PARENT), self.CLOSED
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ bfs = BFS(s_start, s_goal, 'None')
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ path, visited = bfs.searching()
+ plot.animation(path, visited, "Breadth-first Searching (BFS)")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/dfs.py b/src/Search_2D/dfs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b30b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/dfs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+import heapq
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import plotting, env
+from Search_2D.Astar import AStar
+class DFS(AStar):
+ """DFS add the new visited node in the front of the openset
+ """
+ def searching(self):
+ """
+ Breadth-first Searching.
+ :return: path, visited order
+ """
+ self.PARENT[self.s_start] = self.s_start
+ self.g[self.s_start] = 0
+ self.g[self.s_goal] = math.inf
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN,
+ (0, self.s_start))
+ while self.OPEN:
+ _, s = heapq.heappop(self.OPEN)
+ self.CLOSED.append(s)
+ if s == self.s_goal:
+ break
+ for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
+ new_cost = self.g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
+ if s_n not in self.g:
+ self.g[s_n] = math.inf
+ if new_cost < self.g[s_n]: # conditions for updating Cost
+ self.g[s_n] = new_cost
+ self.PARENT[s_n] = s
+ # dfs, add new node to the front of the openset
+ prior = self.OPEN[0][0]-1 if len(self.OPEN)>0 else 0
+ heapq.heappush(self.OPEN, (prior, s_n))
+ return self.extract_path(self.PARENT), self.CLOSED
+def main():
+ s_start = (5, 5)
+ s_goal = (45, 25)
+ dfs = DFS(s_start, s_goal, 'None')
+ plot = plotting.Plotting(s_start, s_goal)
+ path, visited = dfs.searching()
+ visited = list(dict.fromkeys(visited))
+ plot.animation(path, visited, "Depth-first Searching (DFS)") # animation
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/env.py b/src/Search_2D/env.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9523c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/env.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Env 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+class Env:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.x_range = 51 # size of background
+ self.y_range = 31
+ self.motions = [(-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1),
+ (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1), (-1, -1)]
+ self.obs = self.obs_map()
+ def update_obs(self, obs):
+ self.obs = obs
+ def obs_map(self):
+ """
+ Initialize obstacles' positions
+ :return: map of obstacles
+ """
+ x = self.x_range #51
+ y = self.y_range #31
+ obs = set()
+ #画上下边框
+ for i in range(x):
+ obs.add((i, 0))
+ for i in range(x):
+ obs.add((i, y - 1))
+ #画左右边框
+ for i in range(y):
+ obs.add((0, i))
+ for i in range(y):
+ obs.add((x - 1, i))
+ for i in range(2, 21):
+ obs.add((i, 15))
+ for i in range(15):
+ obs.add((20, i))
+ for i in range(15, 30):
+ obs.add((30, i))
+ for i in range(16):
+ obs.add((40, i))
+ return obs
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+# a = Env()
+# print(a.obs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/plotting.py b/src/Search_2D/plotting.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf98a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/plotting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Plot tools 2D
+@author: huiming zhou
+import os
+import sys
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
+ "/../../Search_based_Planning/")
+from Search_2D import env
+class Plotting:
+ def __init__(self, xI, xG):
+ self.xI, self.xG = xI, xG
+ self.env = env.Env()
+ self.obs = self.env.obs_map()
+ def update_obs(self, obs):
+ self.obs = obs
+ def animation(self, path, visited, name):
+ self.plot_grid(name)
+ self.plot_visited(visited)
+ self.plot_path(path)
+ plt.show()
+ def animation_lrta(self, path, visited, name):
+ self.plot_grid(name)
+ cl = self.color_list_2()
+ path_combine = []
+ for k in range(len(path)):
+ self.plot_visited(visited[k], cl[k])
+ plt.pause(0.2)
+ self.plot_path(path[k])
+ path_combine += path[k]
+ plt.pause(0.2)
+ if self.xI in path_combine:
+ path_combine.remove(self.xI)
+ self.plot_path(path_combine)
+ plt.show()
+ def animation_ara_star(self, path, visited, name):
+ self.plot_grid(name)
+ cl_v, cl_p = self.color_list()
+ for k in range(len(path)):
+ self.plot_visited(visited[k], cl_v[k])
+ self.plot_path(path[k], cl_p[k], True)
+ plt.pause(0.5)
+ plt.show()
+ def animation_bi_astar(self, path, v_fore, v_back, name):
+ self.plot_grid(name)
+ self.plot_visited_bi(v_fore, v_back)
+ self.plot_path(path)
+ plt.show()
+ def plot_grid(self, name):
+ obs_x = [x[0] for x in self.obs]
+ obs_y = [x[1] for x in self.obs]
+ plt.plot(self.xI[0], self.xI[1], "bs")
+ plt.plot(self.xG[0], self.xG[1], "gs")
+ plt.plot(obs_x, obs_y, "sk")
+ plt.title(name)
+ plt.axis("equal")
+ def plot_visited(self, visited, cl='gray'):
+ if self.xI in visited:
+ visited.remove(self.xI)
+ if self.xG in visited:
+ visited.remove(self.xG)
+ count = 0
+ for x in visited:
+ count += 1
+ plt.plot(x[0], x[1], color=cl, marker='o')
+ plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event',
+ lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
+ if count < len(visited) / 3:
+ length = 20
+ elif count < len(visited) * 2 / 3:
+ length = 30
+ else:
+ length = 40
+ #
+ # length = 15
+ if count % length == 0:
+ plt.pause(0.001)
+ plt.pause(0.01)
+ def plot_path(self, path, cl='r', flag=False):
+ path_x = [path[i][0] for i in range(len(path))]
+ path_y = [path[i][1] for i in range(len(path))]
+ if not flag:
+ plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth='3', color='r')
+ else:
+ plt.plot(path_x, path_y, linewidth='3', color=cl)
+ plt.plot(self.xI[0], self.xI[1], "bs")
+ plt.plot(self.xG[0], self.xG[1], "gs")
+ plt.pause(0.01)
+ def plot_visited_bi(self, v_fore, v_back):
+ if self.xI in v_fore:
+ v_fore.remove(self.xI)
+ if self.xG in v_back:
+ v_back.remove(self.xG)
+ len_fore, len_back = len(v_fore), len(v_back)
+ for k in range(max(len_fore, len_back)):
+ if k < len_fore:
+ plt.plot(v_fore[k][0], v_fore[k][1], linewidth='3', color='gray', marker='o')
+ if k < len_back:
+ plt.plot(v_back[k][0], v_back[k][1], linewidth='3', color='cornflowerblue', marker='o')
+ plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event',
+ lambda event: [exit(0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
+ if k % 10 == 0:
+ plt.pause(0.001)
+ plt.pause(0.01)
+ @staticmethod
+ def color_list():
+ cl_v = ['silver',
+ 'wheat',
+ 'lightskyblue',
+ 'royalblue',
+ 'slategray']
+ cl_p = ['gray',
+ 'orange',
+ 'deepskyblue',
+ 'red',
+ 'm']
+ return cl_v, cl_p
+ @staticmethod
+ def color_list_2():
+ cl = ['silver',
+ 'steelblue',
+ 'dimgray',
+ 'cornflowerblue',
+ 'dodgerblue',
+ 'royalblue',
+ 'plum',
+ 'mediumslateblue',
+ 'mediumpurple',
+ 'blueviolet',
+ ]
+ return cl
diff --git a/src/Search_2D/queue.py b/src/Search_2D/queue.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51703ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Search_2D/queue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import collections
+import heapq
+class QueueFIFO:
+ """
+ Class: QueueFIFO
+ Description: QueueFIFO is designed for First-in-First-out rule.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.queue = collections.deque()
+ def empty(self):
+ return len(self.queue) == 0
+ def put(self, node):
+ self.queue.append(node) # enter from back
+ def get(self):
+ return self.queue.popleft() # leave from front
+class QueueLIFO:
+ """
+ Class: QueueLIFO
+ Description: QueueLIFO is designed for Last-in-First-out rule.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.queue = collections.deque()
+ def empty(self):
+ return len(self.queue) == 0
+ def put(self, node):
+ self.queue.append(node) # enter from back
+ def get(self):
+ return self.queue.pop() # leave from back
+class QueuePrior:
+ """
+ Class: QueuePrior
+ Description: QueuePrior reorders elements using value [priority]
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.queue = []
+ def empty(self):
+ return len(self.queue) == 0
+ def put(self, item, priority):
+ heapq.heappush(self.queue, (priority, item)) # reorder s using priority
+ def get(self):
+ return heapq.heappop(self.queue)[1] # pop out the smallest item
+ def enumerate(self):
+ return self.queue