/*========================================================================================= File Name: switch.js Description: Bootstrap switch and switchery are best switches with many options. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Modern Admin - Clean Bootstrap 4 Dashboard HTML Template Version: 1.0 Author: PIXINVENT Author URL: http://www.themeforest.net/user/pixinvent ==========================================================================================*/ (function(window, document, $) { 'use strict'; var $html = $('html'); /* Toggle Starts */ $('.switch:checkbox').checkboxpicker(); $(".switchBootstrap").bootstrapSwitch(); $('#switch12').checkboxpicker({ html: true, offLabel: '', onLabel: '' }); // Switchery var i = 0; if (Array.prototype.forEach) { var elems = $('.switchery'); $.each( elems, function( key, value ) { var $size="", $color="",$sizeClass="", $colorCode=""; $size = $(this).data('size'); var $sizes ={ 'lg' : "large", 'sm' : "small", 'xs' : "xsmall" }; if($(this).data('size')!== undefined){ $sizeClass = "switchery switchery-"+$sizes[$size]; } else{ $sizeClass = "switchery"; } $color = $(this).data('color'); var $colors ={ 'primary' : "#967ADC", 'success' : "#37BC9B", 'danger' : "#DA4453", 'warning' : "#F6BB42", 'info' : "#3BAFDA" }; if($color !== undefined){ $colorCode = $colors[$color]; } else{ $colorCode = "#37BC9B"; } var switchery = new Switchery($(this)[0], { className: $sizeClass, color: $colorCode }); }); } else { var elems1 = document.querySelectorAll('.switchery'); for (i = 0; i < elems1.length; i++) { var $size = elems1[i].data('size'); var $color = elems1[i].data('color'); var switchery = new Switchery(elems1[i], { color: '#37BC9B' }); } } /* Toggle Ends */ })(window, document, jQuery);