You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

250 lines
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File Name: dashboard-ecommerce.js
Description: dashboard-ecommerce
Item Name: Modern Admin - Clean Bootstrap 4 Dashboard HTML Template
Version: 1.0
Author URL:
$(window).on("load", function(){
$('#recent-buyers, #new-orders').perfectScrollbar({
wheelPropagation: true
* Monthly Sales *
Morris.Bar.prototype.fillForSeries = function(i) {
var color;
return "0-#fff-#f00:20-#000";
element: 'monthly-sales',
data: [{month: 'Jan', sales: 1835 }, {month: 'Feb', sales: 2356 }, {month: 'Mar', sales: 1459 }, {month: 'Apr', sales: 1289 }, {month: 'May', sales: 1647 }, {month: 'Jun', sales: 2156 }, {month: 'Jul', sales: 1835 }, {month: 'Aug', sales: 2356 }, {month: 'Sep', sales: 1459 }, {month: 'Oct', sales: 1289 }, {month: 'Nov', sales: 1647 }, {month: 'Dec', sales: 2156 }],
xkey: 'month',
ykeys: ['sales'],
labels: ['Sales'],
barGap: 4,
barSizeRatio: 0.3,
gridTextColor: '#bfbfbf',
gridLineColor: '#E4E7ED',
numLines: 5,
gridtextSize: 14,
resize: true,
barColors: ['#FF394F'],
hideHover: 'auto',
(function(window, document, $) {
'use strict';
* Score Chart *
(function () {
var scoreChart = function scoreChart(id, labelList, series1List) {
var scoreChart = new Chartist.Line('#' + id, {
labels: labelList,
series: [series1List]
}, {
lineSmooth: Chartist.Interpolation.simple({
divisor: 2
fullWidth: true,
chartPadding: {
right: 25
series: {
"series-1": {
showArea: false
axisX: {
showGrid: false
axisY: {
labelInterpolationFnc: function labelInterpolationFnc(value) {
return value / 1000 + 'K';
scaleMinSpace: 40
plugins: [Chartist.plugins.tooltip()],
low: 0,
showPoint: false,
height: 300
scoreChart.on('created', function (data) {
var defs = data.svg.querySelector('defs') || data.svg.elem('defs');
var width = data.svg.width();
var height = data.svg.height();
var filter = defs.elem('filter', {
x: 0,
y: "-10%",
id: 'shadow' + id
}, '', true);
filter.elem('feGaussianBlur', { in: "SourceAlpha",
stdDeviation: "24",
result: 'offsetBlur'
filter.elem('feOffset', {
dx: "0",
dy: "32"
filter.elem('feBlend', { in: "SourceGraphic",
mode: "multiply"
defs.elem('linearGradient', {
id: id + '-gradient',
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 1,
y2: 0
}).elem('stop', {
offset: 0,
'stop-color': 'rgba(22, 141, 238, 1)'
}).parent().elem('stop', {
offset: 1,
'stop-color': 'rgba(98, 188, 246, 1)'
return defs;
}).on('draw', function (data) {
if (data.type === 'line') {
filter: 'url(#shadow' + id + ')'
} else if (data.type === 'point') {
var parent = new Chartist.Svg(data.element._node.parentNode);
parent.elem('line', {
x1: data.x,
y1: data.y,
x2: data.x + 0.01,
y2: data.y,
"class": 'ct-point-content'
if (data.type === 'line' || data.type == 'area') {
d: {
begin: 1000 * data.index,
dur: 1000,
from: data.path.clone().scale(1, 0).translate(0, data.chartRect.height()).stringify(),
to: data.path.clone().stringify(),
easing: Chartist.Svg.Easing.easeOutQuint
var DayLabelList = ["1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "6th", "7th", "8th"];
var DaySeries1List = {
name: "series-1",
data: [0, 4500, 2600, 6100, 2600, 6500, 3200, 6800]
var WeekLabelList = ["W1", "W2", "W4", "W5", "W6", "W7", "W8"];
var WeekSeries1List = {
name: "series-1",
data: [77000, 18000, 61000, 26000, 58000, 32000, 70000, 45000]
var MonthLabelList = ["AUG", "SEP", "OTC", "NOV", "DEC", "JAN", "FEB"];
var MonthSeries1List = {
name: "series-1",
data: [100000, 500000, 300000, 700000, 100000, 200000, 700000, 50000]
var createChart = function createChart(button) {
var btn = button || $("#ecommerceChartView .chart-action").find(".active");
var chartId = btn.attr("href");
switch (chartId) {
case "#scoreLineToDay":
scoreChart("scoreLineToDay", DayLabelList, DaySeries1List);
case "#scoreLineToWeek":
scoreChart("scoreLineToWeek", WeekLabelList, WeekSeries1List);
case "#scoreLineToMonth":
scoreChart("scoreLineToMonth", MonthLabelList, MonthSeries1List);
$(".chart-action li a").on("click", function () {
* Cost Revenue Stats *
new Chartist.Line('#cost-revenue', {
labels: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
series: [
{meta:'Revenue', value: 5},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 3},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 6},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 3},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 8},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 5},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 8},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 12},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 7},
{meta:'Revenue', value: 14},
}, {
low: 0,
high: 18,
fullWidth: true,
showArea: true,
showPoint: true,
showLabel: false,
axisX: {
showGrid: false,
showLabel: false,
offset: 0
axisY: {
showGrid: false,
showLabel: false,
offset: 0
chartPadding: 0,
plugins: [
}).on('draw', function(data) {
if (data.type === 'area') {
'style': 'fill: #28D094; fill-opacity: 0.2'
if (data.type === 'line') {
'style': 'fill: transparent; stroke: #28D094; stroke-width: 4px;'
if (data.type === 'point') {
var circle = new Chartist.Svg('circle', {
cx: [data.x], cy:[data.y], r:[7],
}, 'ct-area-circle');
})(window, document, jQuery);