Keil LM3S_DFP Texas Instruments LM3S Series Device Support Corrected RAM settings. First Release version of TI LM3S Device Family Pack. Texas Instruments Device Support Device Family Package TI LM3S LM3S TI's LM3S Series is a digital signal controller for embedded applications requiring a high level of integration and low power dissipation. Typical applications include Point-of-sale terminals, web servers, multi-protocol bridges, Automation controllers, application control, robotics control, Audio, MP3 decoderscar alarms, GPS/fleet monitors - LCD Controller (1024x768x24) for STN and TFT - CRC Engine - Event Recorder - Quad SPI Flash interface (SPIFI) - Motor control PWM for three-phase motor - Unique ID for each device TI LM3S Series devices and CMSIS-CORE System Startup for TI LM3S Series