/*************************************************************************** * * bitset - definitions of out-of-line bitset members * * $Id: bitset.cc 172106 2011-11-02 17:04:12Z statham $ * *************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 1994-2001 Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This computer software is owned by Rogue Wave Software, Inc. and is * protected by U.S. copyright laws and other laws and by international * treaties. This computer software is furnished by Rogue Wave Software, * Inc. pursuant to a written license agreement and may be used, copied, * transmitted, and stored only in accordance with the terms of such * license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This * computer software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or * otherwise made available to any other person. * * U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This computer software is provided * with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the * Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) * (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause * at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the * Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, * as applicable. Manufacturer is Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 5500 * Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA. * **************************************************************************/ _RWSTD_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (std) #if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES) template template bitset<_Size>:: bitset (const basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Allocator> &__str, _TYPENAME basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Allocator>::size_type __pos, _TYPENAME basic_string<_CharT,_Traits,_Allocator>::size_type __n) #else template bitset<_Size>::bitset (const string& __str, size_t __pos, size_t __n) #endif // _RWSTD_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES { const size_t __slen = __str.size(); _RWSTD_REQUIRES (__pos <= __slen, (_RWSTD_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE, _RWSTD_FUNC ("bitset::bitset (const basic_string&, " "size_t, size_t)"), __pos, __slen)); const size_t __rlen = __n < (__slen - __pos) ? __n : __slen - __pos; const size_t __M = _Size >= __rlen ? __rlen : _Size; reset (); for (size_t __j = __pos; __j < __M + __pos; __j++) { const char __c = __str [__slen - __j - 1]; _RWSTD_REQUIRES (__c == '0' || __c == '1', (_RWSTD_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, _RWSTD_FUNC ("bitset::bitset (const basic_string&, " "size_t, size_t)"))); if (__c == '1') set (__j - __pos); } } _RWSTD_NAMESPACE_END // std _RWSTD_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (__rw) template _STD::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>& __rw_extract_bitset (_STD::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> &__strm, _STD::bitset<_Size> &__x) { _STD::string __str; __str.reserve (_Size); typedef _STD::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> _Istream; _TYPENAME _Istream::iostate __err (__strm.goodbit); const _TYPENAME _Istream::sentry __ipfx (__strm); if (__ipfx) { _TRY { //, p5 - extract at most _Size chars // get next char without extracting _TYPENAME _Traits::int_type __c = __strm.rdbuf ()->sgetc (); for (_RWSTD_C::size_t __i = 0; __i != _Size; ++__i) { if (_Traits::eq_int_type (_Traits::eof (), __c)) { __err = __strm.eofbit; break; } // convert and narrow char __ch = __strm.narrow (_Traits::to_char_type (__c), _TYPENAME _Traits::char_type ()); if ('0' != __ch && '1' != __ch) break; // append and advance __str += __ch; __c = __strm.rdbuf ()->snextc (); } } _CATCH (...) { __err = __strm.badbit; } } if (_Size && 0 == __str.size ()) __err |= __strm.failbit; else if (!(__strm.badbit & __err)) __x = _STD::bitset<_Size>(__str); if (__err) __strm.setstate (__err); return __strm; } _RWSTD_NAMESPACE_END // __rw