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// -*- C++ -*-
* stdexcept - declarations for the Standard Library standard exception class
* $Id: stdexcept 172106 2011-11-02 17:04:12Z statham $
* Copyright (c) 1994-2001 Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This computer software is owned by Rogue Wave Software, Inc. and is
* protected by U.S. copyright laws and other laws and by international
* treaties. This computer software is furnished by Rogue Wave Software,
* Inc. pursuant to a written license agreement and may be used, copied,
* transmitted, and stored only in accordance with the terms of such
* license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This
* computer software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
* otherwise made available to any other person.
* U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This computer software is provided
* with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
* Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)
* (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
* at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the
* Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19,
* as applicable. Manufacturer is Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 5500
* Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA.
#include <rw/_exception.h>
#include <rw/_defs.h>
// 19.1.1
class logic_error: public __rw_exception
_EXPLICIT logic_error (const string& __str) _THROWS (())
: __rw_exception (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT logic_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: __rw_exception (__s) { }
# define _LOGIC_ERROR logic_error
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_LOGIC_ERROR_DEFINED)
// some compilers (e.g., MSVC) provide their own class logic_error
// __rw_logic_error inherits from this class but wraps and uses
// __rw_exception instead of the native class
class __rw_logic_error: public logic_error
__rw_exception _C_ex;
_EXPLICIT __rw_logic_error (const string& __str) _THROWS (())
: logic_error (), _C_ex (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT __rw_logic_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: logic_error (), _C_ex (__s) { }
virtual const char* what () _THROWS (()) {
return _C_ex.what ();
# define _LOGIC_ERROR __rw_logic_error
// 19.1.2
class domain_error : public _LOGIC_ERROR
_EXPLICIT domain_error (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT domain_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__s) { }
// 19.1.3
class invalid_argument : public _LOGIC_ERROR
_EXPLICIT invalid_argument (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT invalid_argument (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__s) { }
// 19.1.4
class length_error : public _LOGIC_ERROR
_EXPLICIT length_error (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT length_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__s) { }
// 19.1.5
class out_of_range : public _LOGIC_ERROR
_EXPLICIT out_of_range (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT out_of_range (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: _LOGIC_ERROR (__s) { }
// 19.1.6
class runtime_error : public __rw_exception
_EXPLICIT runtime_error (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: __rw_exception (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT runtime_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: __rw_exception (__s) { }
// 19.1.7
class range_error : public runtime_error
_EXPLICIT range_error (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: runtime_error (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT range_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: runtime_error (__s) { }
// 19.1.8
class overflow_error : public runtime_error
_EXPLICIT overflow_error (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: runtime_error (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT overflow_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: runtime_error (__s) { }
// 19.1.9
class underflow_error : public runtime_error
_EXPLICIT underflow_error (const string &__str) _THROWS (())
: runtime_error (__str) { }
// extension
_EXPLICIT underflow_error (const char *__s = 0) _THROWS (())
: runtime_error (__s) { }