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892 lines
44 KiB
892 lines
44 KiB
4 months ago
// universal module definition
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.Decoder = factory();
}(this, function () {
var global;
function initglobal(){
global = this;
if (!global){
if (typeof window != "undefined"){
global = window;
}else if (typeof self != "undefined"){
global = self;
function error(message) {
function assert(condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
var getModule = function(par_broadwayOnHeadersDecoded, par_broadwayOnPictureDecoded){
/*var ModuleX = {
'print': function(text) { console.log('stdout: ' + text); },
'printErr': function(text) { console.log('stderr: ' + text); }
The reason why this is all packed into one file is that this file can also function as worker.
you can integrate the file into your build system and provide the original file to be loaded into a worker.
//var Module = (function(){
var Module=typeof Module!=="undefined"?Module:{};var moduleOverrides={};var key;for(key in Module){if(Module.hasOwnProperty(key)){moduleOverrides[key]=Module[key]}}Module["arguments"]=[];Module["thisProgram"]="./this.program";Module["quit"]=(function(status,toThrow){throw toThrow});Module["preRun"]=[];Module["postRun"]=[];var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=false;var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=false;if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]){if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="WEB"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="WORKER"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="NODE"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=true}else if(Module["ENVIRONMENT"]==="SHELL"){ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=true}else{throw new Error("Module['ENVIRONMENT'] value is not valid. must be one of: WEB|WORKER|NODE|SHELL.")}}else{ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=typeof window==="object";ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER=typeof importScripts==="function";ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE=typeof process==="object"&&typeof null==="function"&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL=!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER}if(ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE){var nodeFS;var nodePath;Module["read"]=function shell_read(filename,binary){var ret;if(!nodeFS)nodeFS=(null)("fs");if(!nodePath)nodePath=(null)("path");filename=nodePath["normalize"](filename);ret=nodeFS["readFileSync"](filename);return binary?ret:ret.toString()};Module["readBinary"]=function readBinary(filename){var ret=Module["read"](filename,true);if(!ret.buffer){ret=new Uint8Array(ret)}assert(ret.buffer);return ret};if(process["argv"].length>1){Module["thisProgram"]=process["argv"][1].replace(/\\/g,"/")}Module["arguments"]=process["argv"].slice(2);if(typeof module!=="undefined"){module["exports"]=Module}process["on"]("uncaughtException",(function(ex){if(!(ex instanceof ExitStatus)){throw ex}}));process["on"]("unhandledRejection",(function(reason,p){process["exit"](1)}));Module["inspect"]=(function(){return"[Emscripten Module object]"})}else if(ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL){if(typeof read!="undefined"){Module["read"]=function shell_read(f){return read(f)}}Module["readBinary"]=function readBinary(f){var data;if(typeof readbuffer==="function"){return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(f))}data=read(f,"binary");assert(typeof data==="object");return data};if(typeof scriptArgs!="undefined"){Module["arguments"]=scriptArgs}else if(typeof arguments!="undefined"){Module["arguments"]=arguments}if(typeof quit==="function"){Module["quit"]=(function(status,toThrow){quit(status)})}}else if(ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB||ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER){Module["read"]=function shell_read(url){var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",url,false);xhr.send(null);return xhr.responseText};if(ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER){Module["readBinary"]=function readBinary(url){var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",url,false);xhr.responseType="arraybuffer";xhr.send(null);return new Uint8Array(xhr.response)}}Module["readAsync"]=function readAsync(url,onload,onerror){var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",url,true);xhr.responseType="arraybuffer";xhr.onload=function xhr_onload(){if(xhr.status==200||xhr.status==0&&xhr.response){onload(xhr.response);return}onerror()};xhr.onerror=onerror;xhr.send(null)};Module["setWindowTitle"]=(function(title){document.title=title})}else{throw new Error("not compiled for this environment")}Module["print"]=typeof console!=="undefined"?console.log.bind(console):typeof print!=="undefined"?print:null;Module["printErr"]=typeof printErr!=="undefined"?printErr:typeof console!=="undefined"&&console.warn.bind(console)||Module["print"];Module.print=Module["print"];Module.printErr=Module["printErr"];for(key in moduleOverrides){if(moduleOverrides.hasOwnProperty(key)){Module[key]=moduleOverrides[key]}}moduleOverrides=undefined;var STACK_ALIGN=16;function staticAlloc(size){assert(!staticSealed);var ret=STATICTOP;STATICTOP=STATICTOP+size+15&-16;return ret}function alignMemory(size,factor){if(!factor)factor=STACK_ALIGN;var ret=size=Math.ceil(size/factor)*factor;return ret}var asm2wasmImports={"f64-rem":(function(x,y){return x
// return Module;
var resultModule;
if (typeof global !== "undefined"){
if (global.Module){
resultModule = global.Module;
if (typeof Module != "undefined"){
resultModule = Module;
resultModule._broadwayOnHeadersDecoded = par_broadwayOnHeadersDecoded;
resultModule._broadwayOnPictureDecoded = par_broadwayOnPictureDecoded;
var moduleIsReady = false;
var cbFun;
var moduleReady = function(){
moduleIsReady = true;
if (cbFun){
resultModule.onRuntimeInitialized = function(){
return function(callback){
if (moduleIsReady){
cbFun = callback;
return (function(){
"use strict";
var nowValue = function(){
return (new Date()).getTime();
if (typeof performance != "undefined"){
if ({
nowValue = function(){
var Decoder = function(parOptions){
this.options = parOptions || {};
| = nowValue;
var asmInstance;
var fakeWindow = {
var toU8Array;
var toU32Array;
var onPicFun = function ($buffer, width, height) {
var buffer = this.pictureBuffers[$buffer];
if (!buffer) {
buffer = this.pictureBuffers[$buffer] = toU8Array($buffer, (width * height * 3) / 2);
var infos;
var doInfo = false;
if (this.infoAr.length){
doInfo = true;
infos = this.infoAr;
this.infoAr = [];
if (this.options.rgb){
if (!asmInstance){
asmInstance = getAsm(width, height);
var copyU8 = new Uint8Array(asmInstance.outSize);
copyU8.set( asmInstance.out );
if (doInfo){
infos[0].finishDecoding = nowValue();
this.onPictureDecoded(copyU8, width, height, infos);
if (doInfo){
infos[0].finishDecoding = nowValue();
this.onPictureDecoded(buffer, width, height, infos);
var ignore = false;
if (this.options.sliceMode){
onPicFun = function ($buffer, width, height, $sliceInfo) {
if (ignore){
var buffer = this.pictureBuffers[$buffer];
if (!buffer) {
buffer = this.pictureBuffers[$buffer] = toU8Array($buffer, (width * height * 3) / 2);
var sliceInfo = this.pictureBuffers[$sliceInfo];
if (!sliceInfo) {
sliceInfo = this.pictureBuffers[$sliceInfo] = toU32Array($sliceInfo, 18);
var infos;
var doInfo = false;
if (this.infoAr.length){
doInfo = true;
infos = this.infoAr;
this.infoAr = [];
/*if (this.options.rgb){
no rgb in slice mode
infos[0].finishDecoding = nowValue();
var sliceInfoAr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i){
infos[0].sliceInfoAr = sliceInfoAr;
this.onPictureDecoded(buffer, width, height, infos);
var ModuleCallback = getModule.apply(fakeWindow, [function () {
}, onPicFun]);
var MAX_STREAM_BUFFER_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024;
var instance = this;
this.onPictureDecoded = function (buffer, width, height, infos) {
this.onDecoderReady = function(){};
var bufferedCalls = [];
this.decode = function decode(typedAr, parInfo, copyDoneFun) {
bufferedCalls.push([typedAr, parInfo, copyDoneFun]);
var HEAP8 = Module.HEAP8;
var HEAPU8 = Module.HEAPU8;
var HEAP16 = Module.HEAP16;
var HEAP32 = Module.HEAP32;
// from old constructor
* Creates a typed array from a HEAP8 pointer.
toU8Array = function(ptr, length) {
return HEAPU8.subarray(ptr, ptr + length);
toU32Array = function(ptr, length) {
//var tmp = HEAPU8.subarray(ptr, ptr + (length * 4));
return new Uint32Array(HEAPU8.buffer, ptr, length);
instance.streamBuffer = toU8Array(Module._broadwayCreateStream(MAX_STREAM_BUFFER_LENGTH), MAX_STREAM_BUFFER_LENGTH);
instance.pictureBuffers = {};
// collect extra infos that are provided with the nal units
instance.infoAr = [];
* Decodes a stream buffer. This may be one single (unframed) NAL unit without the
* start code, or a sequence of NAL units with framing start code prefixes. This
* function overwrites stream buffer allocated by the codec with the supplied buffer.
var sliceNum = 0;
if (instance.options.sliceMode){
sliceNum = instance.options.sliceNum;
instance.decode = function decode(typedAr, parInfo, copyDoneFun) {
parInfo.startDecoding = nowValue();
var nals = parInfo.nals;
var i;
if (!nals){
nals = [];
parInfo.nals = nals;
var l = typedAr.length;
var foundSomething = false;
var lastFound = 0;
var lastStart = 0;
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i){
if (typedAr[i] === 1){
if (
typedAr[i - 1] === 0 &&
typedAr[i - 2] === 0
var startPos = i - 2;
if (typedAr[i - 3] === 0){
startPos = i - 3;
// its a nal;
if (foundSomething){
offset: lastFound,
end: startPos,
type: typedAr[lastStart] & 31
lastFound = startPos;
lastStart = startPos + 3;
if (typedAr[i - 3] === 0){
lastStart = startPos + 4;
foundSomething = true;
if (foundSomething){
offset: lastFound,
end: i,
type: typedAr[lastStart] & 31
var currentSlice = 0;
var playAr;
var offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nals.length; ++i){
if (nals[i].type === 1 || nals[i].type === 5){
if (currentSlice === sliceNum){
playAr = typedAr.subarray(nals[i].offset, nals[i].end);
instance.streamBuffer[offset] = 0;
offset += 1;
instance.streamBuffer.set(playAr, offset);
offset += playAr.length;
currentSlice += 1;
playAr = typedAr.subarray(nals[i].offset, nals[i].end);
instance.streamBuffer[offset] = 0;
offset += 1;
instance.streamBuffer.set(playAr, offset);
offset += playAr.length;
offset = 0;
instance.decode = function decode(typedAr, parInfo) {
//"Decoding: " + buffer.length);
// collect infos
if (parInfo){
parInfo.startDecoding = nowValue();
if (bufferedCalls.length){
var bi = 0;
for (bi = 0; bi < bufferedCalls.length; ++bi){
instance.decode(bufferedCalls[bi][0], bufferedCalls[bi][1], bufferedCalls[bi][2]);
bufferedCalls = [];
Decoder.prototype = {
asm.js implementation of a yuv to rgb convertor
provided by @soliton4
based on
// factory to create asm.js yuv -> rgb convertor for a given resolution
var asmInstances = {};
var getAsm = function(parWidth, parHeight){
var idStr = "" + parWidth + "x" + parHeight;
if (asmInstances[idStr]){
return asmInstances[idStr];
var lumaSize = parWidth * parHeight;
var chromaSize = (lumaSize|0) >> 2;
var inpSize = lumaSize + chromaSize + chromaSize;
var outSize = parWidth * parHeight * 4;
var cacheSize = Math.pow(2, 24) * 4;
var size = inpSize + outSize + cacheSize;
var chunkSize = Math.pow(2, 24);
var heapSize = chunkSize;
while (heapSize < size){
heapSize += chunkSize;
var heap = new ArrayBuffer(heapSize);
var res = asmFactory(global, {}, heap);
res.init(parWidth, parHeight);
asmInstances[idStr] = res;
res.heap = heap;
res.out = new Uint8Array(heap, 0, outSize);
res.inp = new Uint8Array(heap, outSize, inpSize);
res.outSize = outSize;
return res;
function asmFactory(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
"use asm";
var imul = stdlib.Math.imul;
var min = stdlib.Math.min;
var max = stdlib.Math.max;
var pow = stdlib.Math.pow;
var out = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);
var out32 = new stdlib.Uint32Array(heap);
var inp = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);
var mem = new stdlib.Uint8Array(heap);
var mem32 = new stdlib.Uint32Array(heap);
// for double algo
/*var vt = 1.370705;
var gt = 0.698001;
var gt2 = 0.337633;
var bt = 1.732446;*/
var width = 0;
var height = 0;
var lumaSize = 0;
var chromaSize = 0;
var inpSize = 0;
var outSize = 0;
var inpStart = 0;
var outStart = 0;
var widthFour = 0;
var cacheStart = 0;
function init(parWidth, parHeight){
parWidth = parWidth|0;
parHeight = parHeight|0;
var i = 0;
var s = 0;
width = parWidth;
widthFour = imul(parWidth, 4)|0;
height = parHeight;
lumaSize = imul(width|0, height|0)|0;
chromaSize = (lumaSize|0) >> 2;
outSize = imul(imul(width, height)|0, 4)|0;
inpSize = ((lumaSize + chromaSize)|0 + chromaSize)|0;
outStart = 0;
inpStart = (outStart + outSize)|0;
cacheStart = (inpStart + inpSize)|0;
// initializing memory (to be on the safe side)
s = ~~(+pow(+2, +24));
s = imul(s, 4)|0;
for (i = 0|0; ((i|0) < (s|0))|0; i = (i + 4)|0){
mem32[((cacheStart + i)|0) >> 2] = 0;
function doit(){
var ystart = 0;
var ustart = 0;
var vstart = 0;
var y = 0;
var yn = 0;
var u = 0;
var v = 0;
var o = 0;
var line = 0;
var col = 0;
var usave = 0;
var vsave = 0;
var ostart = 0;
var cacheAdr = 0;
ostart = outStart|0;
ystart = inpStart|0;
ustart = (ystart + lumaSize|0)|0;
vstart = (ustart + chromaSize)|0;
for (line = 0; (line|0) < (height|0); line = (line + 2)|0){
usave = ustart;
vsave = vstart;
for (col = 0; (col|0) < (width|0); col = (col + 2)|0){
y = inp[ystart >> 0]|0;
yn = inp[((ystart + width)|0) >> 0]|0;
u = inp[ustart >> 0]|0;
v = inp[vstart >> 0]|0;
cacheAdr = (((((y << 16)|0) + ((u << 8)|0))|0) + v)|0;
o = mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2]|0;
if (o){}else{
o = yuv2rgbcalc(y,u,v)|0;
mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2] = o|0;
mem32[ostart >> 2] = o;
cacheAdr = (((((yn << 16)|0) + ((u << 8)|0))|0) + v)|0;
o = mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2]|0;
if (o){}else{
o = yuv2rgbcalc(yn,u,v)|0;
mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2] = o|0;
mem32[((ostart + widthFour)|0) >> 2] = o;
//yuv2rgb5(y, u, v, ostart);
//yuv2rgb5(yn, u, v, (ostart + widthFour)|0);
ostart = (ostart + 4)|0;
// next step only for y. u and v stay the same
ystart = (ystart + 1)|0;
y = inp[ystart >> 0]|0;
yn = inp[((ystart + width)|0) >> 0]|0;
//yuv2rgb5(y, u, v, ostart);
cacheAdr = (((((y << 16)|0) + ((u << 8)|0))|0) + v)|0;
o = mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2]|0;
if (o){}else{
o = yuv2rgbcalc(y,u,v)|0;
mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2] = o|0;
mem32[ostart >> 2] = o;
//yuv2rgb5(yn, u, v, (ostart + widthFour)|0);
cacheAdr = (((((yn << 16)|0) + ((u << 8)|0))|0) + v)|0;
o = mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2]|0;
if (o){}else{
o = yuv2rgbcalc(yn,u,v)|0;
mem32[((cacheStart + cacheAdr)|0) >> 2] = o|0;
mem32[((ostart + widthFour)|0) >> 2] = o;
ostart = (ostart + 4)|0;
//all positions inc 1
ystart = (ystart + 1)|0;
ustart = (ustart + 1)|0;
vstart = (vstart + 1)|0;
ostart = (ostart + widthFour)|0;
ystart = (ystart + width)|0;
function yuv2rgbcalc(y, u, v){
y = y|0;
u = u|0;
v = v|0;
var r = 0;
var g = 0;
var b = 0;
var o = 0;
var a0 = 0;
var a1 = 0;
var a2 = 0;
var a3 = 0;
var a4 = 0;
a0 = imul(1192, (y - 16)|0)|0;
a1 = imul(1634, (v - 128)|0)|0;
a2 = imul(832, (v - 128)|0)|0;
a3 = imul(400, (u - 128)|0)|0;
a4 = imul(2066, (u - 128)|0)|0;
r = (((a0 + a1)|0) >> 10)|0;
g = (((((a0 - a2)|0) - a3)|0) >> 10)|0;
b = (((a0 + a4)|0) >> 10)|0;
if ((((r & 255)|0) != (r|0))|0){
r = min(255, max(0, r|0)|0)|0;
if ((((g & 255)|0) != (g|0))|0){
g = min(255, max(0, g|0)|0)|0;
if ((((b & 255)|0) != (b|0))|0){
b = min(255, max(0, b|0)|0)|0;
o = 255;
o = (o << 8)|0;
o = (o + b)|0;
o = (o << 8)|0;
o = (o + g)|0;
o = (o << 8)|0;
o = (o + r)|0;
return o|0;
return {
init: init,
doit: doit
potential worker initialization
if (typeof self != "undefined"){
var isWorker = false;
var decoder;
var reuseMemory = false;
var sliceMode = false;
var sliceNum = 0;
var sliceCnt = 0;
var lastSliceNum = 0;
var sliceInfoAr;
var lastBuf;
var awaiting = 0;
var pile = [];
var startDecoding;
var finishDecoding;
var timeDecoding;
var memAr = [];
var getMem = function(length){
if (memAr.length){
var u = memAr.shift();
while (u && u.byteLength !== length){
u = memAr.shift();
if (u){
return u;
return new ArrayBuffer(length);
var copySlice = function(source, target, infoAr, width, height){
var length = width * height;
var length4 = length / 4
var plane2 = length;
var plane3 = length + length4;
var copy16 = function(parBegin, parEnd){
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i){
var begin = parBegin + (width * i);
var end = parEnd + (width * i)
target.set(source.subarray(begin, end), begin);
var copy8 = function(parBegin, parEnd){
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i){
var begin = parBegin + ((width / 2) * i);
var end = parEnd + ((width / 2) * i)
target.set(source.subarray(begin, end), begin);
var copyChunk = function(begin, end){
target.set(source.subarray(begin, end), begin);
var begin = infoAr[0];
var end = infoAr[1];
if (end > 0){
copy16(begin, end);
copy8(infoAr[2], infoAr[3]);
copy8(infoAr[4], infoAr[5]);
begin = infoAr[6];
end = infoAr[7];
if (end > 0){
copy16(begin, end);
copy8(infoAr[8], infoAr[9]);
copy8(infoAr[10], infoAr[11]);
begin = infoAr[12];
end = infoAr[15];
if (end > 0){
copyChunk(begin, end);
copyChunk(infoAr[13], infoAr[16]);
copyChunk(infoAr[14], infoAr[17]);
var sliceMsgFun = function(){};
var setSliceCnt = function(parSliceCnt){
sliceCnt = parSliceCnt;
lastSliceNum = sliceCnt - 1;
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
if (isWorker){
if (reuseMemory){
if ({
if ({
if (sliceMode && awaiting !== 0){
new Uint8Array(, || 0,,
if (sliceMode && sliceNum !== lastSliceNum){
postMessage(, []);
if ({
// update ref pic
var copyStart = nowValue();
copySlice(new Uint8Array(, lastBuf,[0].sliceInfoAr,,;
// is it the one? then we need to update it
if ({
copySlice(lastBuf, new Uint8Array(, sliceInfoAr,,;
if (timeDecoding >[0].timeDecoding){
|[0].timeDecoding = timeDecoding;
|[0].timeCopy += (nowValue() - copyStart);
// move on
postMessage(, []);
// next frame in the pipe?
awaiting -= 1;
if (awaiting === 0 && pile.length){
var data = pile.shift();
new Uint8Array(data.buf, data.offset || 0, data.length),
if (sliceMode && sliceNum !== lastSliceNum){
postMessage(data, [data.buf]);
if ({
if ( && === "Broadway.js - Worker init"){
isWorker = true;
decoder = new Decoder(;
if ({
reuseMemory = true;
sliceMode = true;
sliceNum =;
decoder.onPictureDecoded = function (buffer, width, height, infos) {
// buffer needs to be copied because we give up ownership
var copyU8 = new Uint8Array(getMem(buffer.length));
copySlice(buffer, copyU8, infos[0].sliceInfoAr, width, height);
startDecoding = infos[0].startDecoding;
finishDecoding = infos[0].finishDecoding;
timeDecoding = finishDecoding - startDecoding;
infos[0].timeDecoding = timeDecoding;
infos[0].timeCopy = 0;
slice: copyU8.buffer,
sliceNum: sliceNum,
width: width,
height: height,
infos: infos
}, [copyU8.buffer]); // 2nd parameter is used to indicate transfer of ownership
awaiting = sliceCnt - 1;
lastBuf = buffer;
sliceInfoAr = infos[0].sliceInfoAr;
}else if ({
reuseMemory = true;
decoder.onPictureDecoded = function (buffer, width, height, infos) {
// buffer needs to be copied because we give up ownership
var copyU8 = new Uint8Array(getMem(buffer.length));
copyU8.set( buffer, 0, buffer.length );
buf: copyU8.buffer,
length: buffer.length,
width: width,
height: height,
infos: infos
}, [copyU8.buffer]); // 2nd parameter is used to indicate transfer of ownership
decoder.onPictureDecoded = function (buffer, width, height, infos) {
if (buffer) {
buffer = new Uint8Array(buffer);
// buffer needs to be copied because we give up ownership
var copyU8 = new Uint8Array(buffer.length);
copyU8.set( buffer, 0, buffer.length );
buf: copyU8.buffer,
length: buffer.length,
width: width,
height: height,
infos: infos
}, [copyU8.buffer]); // 2nd parameter is used to indicate transfer of ownership
postMessage({ consoleLog: "broadway worker initialized" });
}, false);
Decoder.nowValue = nowValue;
return Decoder;