'use strict' /*! * Canvas - Image * Copyright (c) 2010 LearnBoost * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ const bindings = require('./bindings') const Image = module.exports = bindings.Image const util = require('util') // Lazily loaded simple-get let get const { GetSource, SetSource } = bindings Object.defineProperty(Image.prototype, 'src', { /** * src setter. Valid values: * * `data:` URI * * Local file path * * HTTP or HTTPS URL * * Buffer containing image data (i.e. not a `data:` URI stored in a Buffer) * * @param {String|Buffer} val filename, buffer, data URI, URL * @api public */ set (val) { if (typeof val === 'string') { if (/^\s*data:/.test(val)) { // data: URI const commaI = val.indexOf(',') // 'base64' must come before the comma const isBase64 = val.lastIndexOf('base64', commaI) !== -1 const content = val.slice(commaI + 1) setSource(this, Buffer.from(content, isBase64 ? 'base64' : 'utf8'), val) } else if (/^\s*https?:\/\//.test(val)) { // remote URL const onerror = err => { if (typeof this.onerror === 'function') { this.onerror(err) } else { throw err } } if (!get) get = require('simple-get') get.concat(val, (err, res, data) => { if (err) return onerror(err) if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300) { return onerror(new Error(`Server responded with ${res.statusCode}`)) } setSource(this, data) }) } else { // local file path assumed setSource(this, val) } } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(val)) { setSource(this, val) } }, get () { // TODO https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas/issues/118 return getSource(this) }, configurable: true }) // TODO || is for Node.js pre-v6.6.0 Image.prototype[util.inspect.custom || 'inspect'] = function () { return '[Image' + (this.complete ? ':' + this.width + 'x' + this.height : '') + (this.src ? ' ' + this.src : '') + (this.complete ? ' complete' : '') + ']' } function getSource (img) { return img._originalSource || GetSource.call(img) } function setSource (img, src, origSrc) { SetSource.call(img, src) img._originalSource = origSrc }