import Ind
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as LR
# 获取投资组合所有股票交易数据
stkdata = pd.read_excel('stkdata.xlsx')
# 确保数据中没有空值
# 获取投资组合所有股票代码列表
codelist = stkdata['ts_code'].unique().tolist()
r_total = 0 # 预定义投资组合收益率
# 对每一只股票交易数据计算技术分析指标(自变量)和涨跌趋势指标(因变量),并
# 划分训练和测试样本,利用逻辑回归模型预测及计算收益率
for code in codelist:
data = stkdata[stkdata['ts_code'] == code]
# 检查数据长度是否足够
if len(data) < 50: # 例如,至少需要50天的数据
print(f"Skipping {code} due to insufficient data length")
MA = Ind.MA(data, 5, 10, 20)
macd = Ind.MACD(data)
kdj = Ind.KDJ(data, 9)
if kdj is None:
print(f"Skipping {code} due to insufficient data for KDJ calculation")
rsi6 = Ind.RSI(data, 6)
rsi12 = Ind.RSI(data, 12)
rsi24 = Ind.RSI(data, 24)
bias5 = Ind.BIAS(data, 5)
bias10 = Ind.BIAS(data, 10)
bias20 = Ind.BIAS(data, 20)
obv = Ind.OBV(data)
y = Ind.cla(data)
except KeyError as e:
print(f"Error calculating indicators for {code}: {e}")
# 交易日期、技术指标、涨跌趋势指标合并为一个数据Data
tdate = {'交易日期': data['trade_date'].values}
tdate = pd.DataFrame(tdate)
Indicator = {
'MA5': MA[0], 'MA10': MA[1], 'MA20': MA[2], 'MACD': macd,
'K': kdj[0], 'D': kdj[1], 'J': kdj[2], 'RSI6': rsi6, 'RSI12': rsi12,
'RSI24': rsi24, 'BIAS5': bias5, 'BIAS10': bias10, 'BIAS20': bias20, 'OBV': obv
Indicator = pd.DataFrame(Indicator)
tempdata = tdate.join(Indicator)
Y = {'涨跌趋势': y}
Y = pd.DataFrame(Y)
Data = tempdata.join(Y)
Data = Data.dropna() # 去掉空值
Data = Data[Data.iloc[:, 6].values != 0] # 去掉第6列为0的数据
# 训练和预测数据划分
x1 = Data['交易日期'].values >= 20170101
x2 = Data['交易日期'].values <= 20171031
index = x1 & x2
x_train = Data.iloc[index, 1:15]
y_train = Data.iloc[index, [15]]
x_test = Data.iloc[~index, 1:15]
y_test = Data.iloc[~index, [15]]
# 检查训练数据是否为空
if x_train.empty or y_train.empty:
print(f"Skipping {code} due to empty training data")
# 数据标准化
scaler = StandardScaler()
x_train = scaler.transform(x_train)
x_test = scaler.transform(x_test)
# 逻辑回归模型
clf = LR()
clf.fit(x_train, y_train.values.ravel()) # 使用 ravel() 将 y_train 转换为 1D 数组
result = clf.predict(x_test) # 预测结果
sc = clf.score(x_train, y_train) # 模型准确率
result = pd.DataFrame(result) # 预测结果转换为数据框
ff = Data.iloc[~index, 0] # 提取预测样本的交易日期
# 将预测结果与实际结果整合在一起,进行比较
pm1 = {'交易日期': ff.values, '预测结果': result.iloc[:, 0].values, '实际结果': y_test.iloc[:, 0].values}
result1 = pd.DataFrame(pm1)
z = result1['预测结果'].values - result1['实际结果'].values
R = len(z[z == 0]) / len(z) # 预测准确率
if sc > 0.7:
r_list = []
for t in range(len(result1) - 1):
if result1['预测结果'].values[t] == 1:
p2 = data.loc[data['trade_date'].values == result1['交易日期'].values[t + 1], 'close'].values
p1 = data.loc[data['trade_date'].values == result1['交易日期'].values[t + 1], 'open'].values
r = (p2 - p1) / p1
r_stk = sum(r_list)
r_total = r_total + r_stk
print(f"{code} : {r_stk}")
print(f"投资组合收益率: {r_total}")
# 沪深300指数收益率计算
hs300 = pd.read_excel('hs300.xlsx')
x1 = hs300['trade_date'].values >= 20171101
x2 = hs300['trade_date'].values <= 20171231
index = x1 & x2
p = hs300.iloc[index, 2].values
r_hs300 = (p[-1] - p[0]) / p[0]
print(f"沪深300同期收益率: {r_hs300}")