You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
305 lines
7.6 KiB
305 lines
7.6 KiB
9 months ago
"use strict";
const {
} = require("schema-utils");
const mime = require("mime-types");
const middleware = require("./middleware");
const getFilenameFromUrl = require("./utils/getFilenameFromUrl");
const setupHooks = require("./utils/setupHooks");
const setupWriteToDisk = require("./utils/setupWriteToDisk");
const setupOutputFileSystem = require("./utils/setupOutputFileSystem");
const ready = require("./utils/ready");
const schema = require("./options.json");
const noop = () => {};
/** @typedef {import("schema-utils/declarations/validate").Schema} Schema */
/** @typedef {import("webpack").Compiler} Compiler */
/** @typedef {import("webpack").MultiCompiler} MultiCompiler */
/** @typedef {import("webpack").Configuration} Configuration */
/** @typedef {import("webpack").Stats} Stats */
/** @typedef {import("webpack").MultiStats} MultiStats */
* @typedef {Object} ExtendedServerResponse
* @property {{ webpack?: { devMiddleware?: Context<IncomingMessage, ServerResponse> } }} [locals]
/** @typedef {import("http").IncomingMessage} IncomingMessage */
/** @typedef {import("http").ServerResponse & ExtendedServerResponse} ServerResponse */
* @callback NextFunction
* @param {any} [err]
* @return {void}
* @typedef {NonNullable<Configuration["watchOptions"]>} WatchOptions
* @typedef {Compiler["watching"]} Watching
* @typedef {ReturnType<Compiler["watch"]>} MultiWatching
* @typedef {Compiler["outputFileSystem"] & { createReadStream?: import("fs").createReadStream, statSync?: import("fs").statSync, lstat?: import("fs").lstat, readFileSync?: import("fs").readFileSync }} OutputFileSystem
/** @typedef {ReturnType<Compiler["getInfrastructureLogger"]>} Logger */
* @callback Callback
* @param {Stats | MultiStats} [stats]
* @template {IncomingMessage} Request
* @template {ServerResponse} Response
* @typedef {Object} Context
* @property {boolean} state
* @property {Stats | MultiStats | undefined} stats
* @property {Callback[]} callbacks
* @property {Options<Request, Response>} options
* @property {Compiler | MultiCompiler} compiler
* @property {Watching | MultiWatching} watching
* @property {Logger} logger
* @property {OutputFileSystem} outputFileSystem
* @template {IncomingMessage} Request
* @template {ServerResponse} Response
* @typedef {Record<string, string | number> | Array<{ key: string, value: number | string }> | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: Context<Request, Response>) => void | undefined | Record<string, string | number>) | undefined} Headers
* @template {IncomingMessage} Request
* @template {ServerResponse} Response
* @typedef {Object} Options
* @property {{[key: string]: string}} [mimeTypes]
* @property {boolean | ((targetPath: string) => boolean)} [writeToDisk]
* @property {string} [methods]
* @property {Headers<Request, Response>} [headers]
* @property {NonNullable<Configuration["output"]>["publicPath"]} [publicPath]
* @property {Configuration["stats"]} [stats]
* @property {boolean} [serverSideRender]
* @property {OutputFileSystem} [outputFileSystem]
* @property {boolean | string} [index]
* @template {IncomingMessage} Request
* @template {ServerResponse} Response
* @callback Middleware
* @param {Request} req
* @param {Response} res
* @param {NextFunction} next
* @return {Promise<void>}
* @callback GetFilenameFromUrl
* @param {string} url
* @returns {string | undefined}
* @callback WaitUntilValid
* @param {Callback} callback
* @callback Invalidate
* @param {Callback} callback
* @callback Close
* @param {(err: Error | null | undefined) => void} callback
* @template {IncomingMessage} Request
* @template {ServerResponse} Response
* @typedef {Object} AdditionalMethods
* @property {GetFilenameFromUrl} getFilenameFromUrl
* @property {WaitUntilValid} waitUntilValid
* @property {Invalidate} invalidate
* @property {Close} close
* @property {Context<Request, Response>} context
* @template {IncomingMessage} Request
* @template {ServerResponse} Response
* @typedef {Middleware<Request, Response> & AdditionalMethods<Request, Response>} API
* @template {IncomingMessage} Request
* @template {ServerResponse} Response
* @param {Compiler | MultiCompiler} compiler
* @param {Options<Request, Response>} [options]
* @returns {API<Request, Response>}
function wdm(compiler, options = {}) {
/** @type {Schema} */
schema, options, {
name: "Dev Middleware",
baseDataPath: "options"
const {
} = options;
if (mimeTypes) {
const {
} = mime; // mimeTypes from user provided options should take priority
// over existing, known types
// @ts-ignore
mime.types = { ...types,
* @type {Context<Request, Response>}
const context = {
state: false,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
stats: undefined,
callbacks: [],
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
watching: undefined,
logger: compiler.getInfrastructureLogger("webpack-dev-middleware"),
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined
outputFileSystem: undefined
if (options.writeToDisk) {
setupOutputFileSystem(context); // Start watching
if (
/** @type {Compiler} */
context.compiler.watching) {
context.watching =
/** @type {Compiler} */
} else {
* @type {WatchOptions | WatchOptions[]}
let watchOptions;
* @param {Error | null | undefined} error
const errorHandler = error => {
if (error) {
// TODO: improve that in future
// For example - `writeToDisk` can throw an error and right now it is ends watching.
// We can improve that and keep watching active, but it is require API on webpack side.
// Let's implement that in webpack@5 because it is rare case.
if (Array.isArray(
/** @type {MultiCompiler} */
context.compiler.compilers)) {
watchOptions =
/** @type {MultiCompiler} */
* @param {Compiler} childCompiler
* @returns {WatchOptions}
childCompiler => childCompiler.options.watchOptions || {});
context.watching =
/** @type {MultiWatching} */
/** @type {WatchOptions}} */
watchOptions, errorHandler);
} else {
watchOptions =
/** @type {Compiler} */
context.compiler.options.watchOptions || {};
context.watching =
/** @type {Watching} */
|, errorHandler);
const instance =
/** @type {API<Request, Response>} */
middleware(context); // API
/** @type {API<Request, Response>} */
instance.getFilenameFromUrl =
* @param {string} url
* @returns {string|undefined}
url => getFilenameFromUrl(context, url);
/** @type {API<Request, Response>} */
instance.waitUntilValid = (callback = noop) => {
ready(context, callback);
/** @type {API<Request, Response>} */
instance.invalidate = (callback = noop) => {
ready(context, callback);
/** @type {API<Request, Response>} */
instance.close = (callback = noop) => {
/** @type {API<Request, Response>} */
instance.context = context;
return instance;
module.exports = wdm;