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1 year ago
# 和工厂模式类似,不过这里的结果只是产生不同的类方法
# 设想书店有多种折扣策略,比如“普通会员折扣”、“金牌会员折扣”和“无折扣”。每种折扣策略都是一个具体的策略实现。
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
# 创建折扣策略接口
class DiscountStrategy(ABC):
def calculate_discount(self, book_price):
# 创建实现了DiscountStrategy接口的具体折扣策略类
class NoDiscountStrategy(DiscountStrategy):
def calculate_discount(self, book_price):
return book_price # 无折扣,原价返回
class RegularMemberDiscountStrategy(DiscountStrategy):
def calculate_discount(self, book_price):
return book_price * 0.9 # 普通会员9折
class GoldMemberDiscountStrategy(DiscountStrategy):
def calculate_discount(self, book_price):
return book_price * 0.8 # 金牌会员8折
# 定义Book类和Bookstore类。Book类包含书籍的信息和价格Bookstore类则使用折扣策略来计算书籍的折后价
class Book:
def __init__(self, title, price):
self.title = title
self.price = price
class Bookstore:
def __init__(self, discount_strategy):
self.discount_strategy = discount_strategy
def set_discount_strategy(self, discount_strategy):
self.discount_strategy = discount_strategy
def calculate_final_price(self, book):
discounted_price = self.discount_strategy.calculate_discount(book.price)
return discounted_price
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 创建书籍对象
book = Book("The Great Gatsby", 30.0)
# 创建折扣策略对象
no_discount = NoDiscountStrategy()
regular_discount = RegularMemberDiscountStrategy()
gold_discount = GoldMemberDiscountStrategy()
# 创建书店对象,并设置不同的折扣策略
bookstore = Bookstore(no_discount)
print(f"No Discount: The final price of '{book.title}' is {bookstore.calculate_final_price(book)}")
print(f"Regular Member Discount: The final price of '{book.title}' is {bookstore.calculate_final_price(book)}")
print(f"Gold Member Discount: The final price of '{book.title}' is {bookstore.calculate_final_price(book)}")