You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

87 lines
2.9 KiB

from cppy.cp_util import *
# The event management
class EventManager:
def __init__(self):
self._subscriptions = {}
def subscribe(self, event_type, handler):
self._subscriptions.setdefault(event_type, []).append(handler)
def publish(self, event):
event_type = event[0]
for h in self._subscriptions.get(event_type, []):
# The application entities
class DataStorage:
""" Models the contents of the file """
def __init__(self, event_manager):
self._event_manager = event_manager
self._event_manager.subscribe('load', self.load)
self._event_manager.subscribe('start', self.produce_words)
def load(self, event):
self._data = extract_file_words( event[1] )
def produce_words(self, event):
for w in self._data:
self._event_manager.publish(('word', w))
self._event_manager.publish(('eof', None))
class StopWordFilter:
""" Models the stop word filter """
def __init__(self, event_manager):
self._stop_words = []
self._event_manager = event_manager
self._event_manager.subscribe('load', self.load)
self._event_manager.subscribe('word', self.is_stop_word)
def load(self, event):
self._stop_words = get_stopwords()
def is_stop_word(self, event):
word = event[1]
if word not in self._stop_words:
self._event_manager.publish(('valid_word', word))
class WordFrequencyCounter:
""" Keeps the word frequency data """
def __init__(self, event_manager):
self._word_freqs = {}
self._event_manager = event_manager
self._event_manager.subscribe('valid_word', self.increment_count)
self._event_manager.subscribe('print', self.print_freqs)
def increment_count(self, event):
word = event[1]
self._word_freqs[word] = self._word_freqs.get(word, 0) + 1
def print_freqs(self, event):
print_word_freqs ( sort_dict (self._word_freqs) )
class WordFrequencyApplication:
def __init__(self, event_manager):
self._event_manager = event_manager
self._event_manager.subscribe('eof', self.stop)
def run(self, event):
path_to_file = event[1]
self._event_manager.publish(('load', path_to_file))
self._event_manager.publish(('start', None))
def stop(self, event):
self._event_manager.publish(('print', None))
if __name__ == "__main__":
em = EventManager()
DataStorage(em), StopWordFilter(em), WordFrequencyCounter(em)
em.publish(('run', testfilepath ))