import sys from PIL import Image from numpy import * from matplotlib.pyplot import * def show_correspondences( img0, img1, corr ): assert corr.shape[-1]==6 corr = corr[corr[:,4]>0,:] # make beautiful colors center = corr[:,[1,0]].mean(axis=0) # array(img0.shape[:2])/2 # corr[:,5] = arctan2(*(corr[:,[1,0]] - center).T) corr[:,5] = int32(64*corr[:,5]/pi) % 128 set_max = set(corr[:,5]) colors = {m:i for i,m in enumerate(set_max)} colors = {m:cm.hsv(i/float(len(colors))) for m,i in colors.items()} def motion_notify_callback(event): if event.inaxes==None: return numaxis = event.inaxes.numaxis if numaxis<0: return x,y = event.xdata, event.ydata ax1.lines = [] ax2.lines = [] n = sum((corr[:,2*numaxis:2*(numaxis+1)] - [x,y])**2,1).argmin() # find nearest point x,y = corr[n,0:2] ax1.plot(x,y,'+',ms=10,mew=2,color='blue',scalex=False,scaley=False) x,y = corr[n,2:4] ax2.plot(x,y,'+',ms=10,mew=2,color='red',scalex=False,scaley=False) # we redraw only the concerned axes renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer() ax1.draw(renderer) ax2.draw(renderer) fig.canvas.blit(ax1.bbox) fig.canvas.blit(ax2.bbox) def noticks(): xticks([]) yticks([]) clf() ax1 = subplot(221) ax1.numaxis = 0 imshow(img0,interpolation='nearest') noticks() ax2 = subplot(222) ax2.numaxis = 1 imshow(img1,interpolation='nearest') noticks() ax = subplot(223) ax.numaxis = -1 imshow(img0,interpolation='nearest') for m in set_max: plot(corr[corr[:,5]==m,0],corr[corr[:,5]==m,1],'+',ms=10,mew=2,color=colors[m],scalex=0,scaley=0) noticks() ax = subplot(224) ax.numaxis = -1 imshow(img1,interpolation='nearest') for m in set_max: plot(corr[corr[:,5]==m,2],corr[corr[:,5]==m,3],'+',ms=10,mew=2,color=colors[m],scalex=0,scaley=0) noticks() show() subplots_adjust(left=0.01, bottom=0.01, right=0.99, top=0.99, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02) fig = get_current_fig_manager().canvas.figure cid_move = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event',motion_notify_callback) show() fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid_move) if __name__=='__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] img0 = array([0]).convert('RGB')) img1 = array([1]).convert('RGB')) retained_matches = [] for line in sys.stdin: line = line.split() if not line or len(line)!=6 or not line[0][0].isdigit(): continue x0, y0, x1, y1, score, index = line retained_matches.append((float(x0),float(y0),float(x1),float(y1),float(score),float(index))) assert retained_matches, 'error: no matches piped to this program' show_correspondences(img0, img1, array(retained_matches))