import time, cv2 from threading import Thread from djitellopy import Tello tello = Tello() tello.connect() keepRecording = True tello.streamon() frame_read = tello.get_frame_read() def videoRecorder(): # create a VideoWrite object, recoring to ./video.avi # 创建一个VideoWrite对象,存储画面至./video.avi height, width, _ = frame_read.frame.shape video = cv2.VideoWriter('video.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), 30, (width, height)) while keepRecording: video.write(frame_read.frame) time.sleep(1 / 30) video.release() # we need to run the recorder in a seperate thread, otherwise blocking options # would prevent frames from getting added to the video # 我们需要在另一个线程中记录画面视频文件,否则其他的阻塞操作会阻止画面记录 recorder = Thread(target=videoRecorder) recorder.start() tello.takeoff() tello.move_up(100) tello.rotate_counter_clockwise(360) keepRecording = False recorder.join()