import pygame import random from modules.TankGame import TankGame from modules.sprites import groups from modules.sprites.foods import Foods from modules.sprites.bullet import Bullet from enum import Enum from pygame.sprite import spritecollide class DIRECTION(Enum): UP = (0, -1) DOWN = (0, 1) LEFT = (-1, 0) RIGHT = (1, 0) @classmethod def list(cls): return [DIRECTION.UP, DIRECTION.DOWN, DIRECTION.LEFT, DIRECTION.RIGHT] @classmethod def random(cls): return random.choice([DIRECTION.UP, DIRECTION.DOWN, DIRECTION.LEFT, DIRECTION.RIGHT]) class COLLISION: WITH_TANK = 0b00001 WITH_HOME = 0b00010 WITH_BORDER = 0b00100 WITH_SCENE_ELEMENTS = 0b01000 class Tank(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, game_config): super().__init__() self.__game_config = game_config # 坦克轮子转动效果 self._switch_count = 0 self._switch_time = 1 self._switch_pointer = False # 移动缓冲 self._move_cache_time = 4 self._move_cache_count = 0 # 爆炸 self._boom_last_time = 5 self._boom_count = 0 self._booming_flag = False self._level = 0 self._speed = 8 # 地图边缘宽度/屏幕大小 self._border_len = game_config.BORDER_LEN self._screen_size = [game_config.WIDTH, game_config.HEIGHT] self._init_resources() self.bullet_count = 0 self._is_bullet_cooling = False self._bullet_config = { 0: { 'speed': 8, 'enhanced': False }, 1: { 'speed': 10, 'enhanced': False }, 2: { 'speed': 10, 'enhanced': True }, 'count': 1, 'infinity': False } @property def infinity_bullet(self): return self._bullet_config['infinity'] @property def bullet_limit(self): return self._bullet_config['count'] @property def _game_config(self): return self.__game_config def shoot(self): if self._booming_flag: return False if not self._is_bullet_cooling: if not self.infinity_bullet: if self.bullet_count >= self.bullet_limit: return False else: self.bullet_count += 1 self._is_bullet_cooling = True position = (self.rect.centerx + self._direction.value[0], self.rect.centery + self._direction.value[1]) bullet = Bullet(direction=self._direction, position=position, tank=self, config=self._game_config) configkey = self._level if configkey >= 2: configkey = 2 bullet.speed = self._bullet_config[configkey]['speed'] bullet.enhanced = self._bullet_config[configkey]['enhanced'] return bullet return False @property def image(self): if self._booming_flag: return self._boom_image return self._tank_direction_image.subsurface((48 * int(self._switch_pointer), 0), (48, 48)) def decrease_level(self): if self._booming_flag: return False self._level -= 1 self._tank_image = pygame.image.load(self._level_images[self._level]).convert_alpha() self._update_direction(self._direction) # self.image = self._tank_direction_image.subsurface((48 * int(self._switch_pointer), 0), (48, 48)) if self._level < 0: self._booming_flag = True return True if self._level < 0 else False '''设置坦克方向''' def _update_direction(self, direction): self._direction = direction if self._direction == DIRECTION.UP: self._tank_direction_image = self._tank_image.subsurface((0, 0), (96, 48)) elif self._direction == DIRECTION.DOWN: self._tank_direction_image = self._tank_image.subsurface((0, 48), (96, 48)) elif self._direction == DIRECTION.LEFT: self._tank_direction_image = self._tank_image.subsurface((0, 96), (96, 48)) elif self._direction == DIRECTION.RIGHT: self._tank_direction_image = self._tank_image.subsurface((0, 144), (96, 48)) def _init_resources(self): config = self._game_config self._bullet_images = config.BULLET_IMAGE_PATHS self._boom_image = pygame.image.load(config.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('boom_static')) pass def roll(self): # 为了坦克轮动特效切换图片 self._switch_count += 1 if self._switch_count > self._switch_time: self._switch_count = 0 self._switch_pointer = not self._switch_pointer def move(self, direction, scene_elems, player_tanks_group, enemy_tanks_group, home): # 爆炸时无法移动 if self._booming_flag: return # 方向不一致先改变方向 if self._direction != direction: self._update_direction(direction) self._switch_count = self._switch_time self._move_cache_count = self._move_cache_time # 移动(使用缓冲) self._move_cache_count += 1 if self._move_cache_count < self._move_cache_time: return self._move_cache_count = 0 new_position = (self._direction.value[0] * self._speed, self._direction.value[1] * self._speed) old_rect = self.rect self.rect = self.rect.move(new_position) # --碰到场景元素 collisons = 0 cannot_passthrough = [scene_elems.brick_group, scene_elems.iron_group, scene_elems.river_group] for i in cannot_passthrough: if spritecollide(self, i, False, None): self.rect = old_rect collisons |= COLLISION.WITH_SCENE_ELEMENTS # --碰到其他玩家坦克/碰到敌方坦克 if spritecollide(self, player_tanks_group, False, None) or spritecollide(self, enemy_tanks_group, False, None): collisons |= COLLISION.WITH_TANK self.rect = old_rect # --碰到玩家大本营 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, home): collisons |= COLLISION.WITH_HOME self.rect = old_rect # --碰到边界 if self.rect.left < self._border_len: self.rect.left = self._border_len collisons |= COLLISION.WITH_BORDER elif self.rect.right > self._screen_size[0] - self._border_len: collisons |= COLLISION.WITH_BORDER self.rect.right = self._screen_size[0] - self._border_len elif < self._border_len: collisons |= COLLISION.WITH_BORDER = self._border_len elif self.rect.bottom > self._screen_size[1] - self._border_len: collisons |= COLLISION.WITH_BORDER self.rect.bottom = self._screen_size[1] - self._border_len if collisons == 0 and spritecollide(self, scene_elems.ice_group, False, None): self.rect = self.rect.move(new_position) return collisons class PlayerTank(Tank): def __init__(self, name, position, game_config, **kwargs): super().__init__(game_config=game_config) self._level_images = self._game_config.PLAYER_TANK_IMAGE_PATHS.get(name) # 玩家1/玩家2 = name # 初始坦克方向 self.__init_direction = DIRECTION.UP # 初始位置 self.__init_position = position # 保护罩 self.__protected = False self.__protected_mask_flash_time = 25 self.__protected_mask_flash_count = 0 self.__protected_mask_pointer = False # 坦克生命数量 = 3 # 重置 self.__reborn() def _init_resources(self): super()._init_resources() # 保护罩 self.__protected_mask = pygame.image.load(self._game_config.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('protect')) def update(self): # 坦克子弹冷却更新 if self._is_bullet_cooling: self._bullet_cooling_count += 1 if self._bullet_cooling_count >= self._bullet_cooling_time: self._bullet_cooling_count = 0 self._is_bullet_cooling = False # 无敌状态更新 if self.protected: self.__protected_count += 1 if self.__protected_count > self.__protected_time: self.protected = False self.__protected_count = 0 # 爆炸状态更新 if self._booming_flag: self._boom_count += 1 if self._boom_count > self._boom_last_time: self._boom_count = 0 self._booming_flag = False self.__reborn() def improve_level(self): # 提高坦克等级 if self._booming_flag: return False self._level = min(self._level + 1, len(self._level_images) - 1) self._tank_image = pygame.image.load(self._level_images[self._level]).convert_alpha() self._update_direction(self._direction) return True def decrease_level(self): # 降低坦克等级 res = super().decrease_level() if self._level < 0: -= 1 return res def add_health(self): # 增加生命值 += 1 @property def protected(self): return self.__protected @protected.setter def protected(self, protected): self.__protected = protected def draw(self, screen): # 画我方坦克 screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) if self.protected: self.__protected_mask_flash_count += 1 if self.__protected_mask_flash_count > self.__protected_mask_flash_time: self.__protected_mask_pointer = not self.__protected_mask_pointer self.__protected_mask_flash_count = 0 screen.blit(self.__protected_mask.subsurface((48 * self.__protected_mask_pointer, 0), (48, 48)), self.rect) def __reborn(self): # 重置坦克, 重生的时候用 # 移动缓冲, 用于避免坦克连续运行不方便调整位置 self._move_cache_time = 4 self._move_cache_count = 0 # 是否无敌状态 self.protected = False self.__protected_time = 1500 self.__protected_count = 0 # 坦克移动速度 self._speed = 8 # 子弹冷却时间 self._bullet_cooling_time = 30 self._bullet_cooling_count = 0 self._is_bullet_cooling = False # 坦克等级 self._level = 0 # 坦克图片 self._tank_image = pygame.image.load(self._level_images[self._level]).convert_alpha() self._update_direction(self.__init_direction) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.left, = self.__init_position '''敌方坦克类''' class EnemyTank(Tank): def __init__(self, position, game_config, **kwargs): super().__init__(game_config=game_config) enemy_level_images = self._game_config.ENEMY_TANK_IMAGE_PATHS self.__tank_type = random.choices(['0', '1', '2'], weights=[10, 10, TankGame().level+10])[0]#random.choice(list(enemy_level_images.keys())) self._level_images = enemy_level_images.get(self.__tank_type) self._bullet_config[2]['enhanced'] = False self._level = int(self.__tank_type) #random.randint(0, len(self._level_images) - 2) # 子弹冷却时间 self._bullet_cooling_time = 120 - self._level * 10 self._bullet_cooling_count = 0 self._is_bullet_cooling = False # 用于给刚生成的坦克播放出生特效 self._is_borning = True self._borning_left_time = 90 # 坦克是否可以行动(玩家坦克捡到食物clock可以触发为True) self.is_keep_still = False self.keep_still_time = 500 self.keep_still_count = 0 # 坦克移动速度,等级越高速度越低 self._speed = 10 - self._level * 3 self.__food = None # 坦克出场特效 appear_image = pygame.image.load(self._game_config.OTHER_IMAGE_PATHS.get('appear')).convert_alpha() self.__appear_images = [ appear_image.subsurface((0, 0), (48, 48)), appear_image.subsurface((48, 0), (48, 48)), appear_image.subsurface((96, 0), (48, 48)) ] if random.random() <= 0.3 * self._level: # if (random.random() >= 0.6) and (self._level == len(self._level_images) - 2): # self._level += 1 self.__food = Foods(food_image_paths=self._game_config.FOOD_IMAGE_PATHS, screensize=self._screen_size) # 坦克图片路径 self._tank_image = pygame.image.load(self._level_images[self._level]).convert_alpha() self._direction = DIRECTION.random() self._update_direction(self._direction) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.left, = position # 坦克爆炸图 @property def food(self): return self.__food def clear_food(self): self.__food = None @property def image(self): if self._is_borning: return self.__appear_images[(90 - self._borning_left_time // 10) % 3] return super().image def update(self, scene_elems, player_tanks_group, enemy_tanks_group, home): # 死后爆炸 remove_flag = False bullet = None if self._booming_flag: self._boom_count += 1 if self._boom_count > self._boom_last_time: self._boom_count = 0 self._booming_flag = False remove_flag = True return remove_flag, bullet # 禁止行动时不更新 if self.is_keep_still: self.keep_still_count += 1 if self.keep_still_count > self.keep_still_time: self.is_keep_still = False self.keep_still_count = 0 return remove_flag, bullet # 播放出生特效 if self._is_borning: self._borning_left_time -= 1 if self._borning_left_time < 0: self._is_borning = False # 出生后实时更新 else: # --坦克移动 self.move(self._direction, scene_elems, player_tanks_group, enemy_tanks_group, home) self.roll() # --坦克子弹冷却更新 if self._is_bullet_cooling: self._bullet_cooling_count += 1 if self._bullet_cooling_count >= self._bullet_cooling_time: self._bullet_cooling_count = 0 self._is_bullet_cooling = False # --能射击就射击 bullet = self.shoot() return remove_flag, bullet def random_change_direction(self, exclude_current_direction=False): list = DIRECTION.list() if exclude_current_direction: list.remove(self._direction) self._update_direction(random.choice(list)) self._switch_count = self._switch_time self._move_cache_count = self._move_cache_time def move(self, direction, scene_elems, player_tanks_group, enemy_tanks_group, home): # 遇到障碍物考虑改变方向 collisions = super().move(direction, scene_elems, player_tanks_group, enemy_tanks_group, home) if collisions is None or collisions == 0: return change_direction = False if collisions & COLLISION.WITH_SCENE_ELEMENTS & COLLISION.WITH_BORDER: change_direction = True self.random_change_direction(change_direction) def set_still(self): self.is_keep_still = True class TankFactory(object): ENEMY_TANK = 0 PLAYER1_TANK = 1 PLAYER2_TANK = 2 def __init__(self, config): self.__game_config = config def create_tank(self, position, tank_type): if tank_type == TankFactory.ENEMY_TANK: return EnemyTank(position=position, game_config=self.__game_config) elif tank_type == TankFactory.PLAYER1_TANK: return PlayerTank(name='player1', position=position, game_config=self.__game_config) elif tank_type == TankFactory.PLAYER2_TANK: return PlayerTank(name='player2', position=position, game_config=self.__game_config)