You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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title: 插件详情选项卡
description: 扩展当前插件的详情选项卡 - plugin:self:tabs:create
此扩展点用于在 Console 的插件详情页面中添加自定义选项卡,可以用于自定义插件的配置页面。
## 定义方式
export default definePlugin({
extensionPoints: {
"plugin:self:tabs:create": (): PluginTab[] | Promise<PluginTab[]> => {
return [
id: "foo",
label: "foo",
component: markRaw(FooComponent),
permissions: [],
```ts title="PluginTab"
export interface PluginTab {
id: string; // 选项卡 ID不能与设置表单的 group 重复
label: string; // 选项卡标题
component: Raw<Component>; // 选项卡面板组件
permissions?: string[]; // 选项卡权限
其中,`component` 组件可以注入inject以下属性
- `plugin`:当前插件对象,类型为 Ref\<[Plugin](#plugin)\>。
## 示例
import { definePlugin, PluginTab } from "@halo-dev/console-shared";
import MyComponent from "./views/my-component.vue";
import { markRaw } from "vue";
export default definePlugin({
components: {},
routes: [],
extensionPoints: {
"plugin:self:tabs:create": () : PluginTab[] => {
return [
id: "my-tab-panel",
label: "My Tab Panel",
component: markRaw(MyComponent),
permissions: []
```html title="./views/my-component.vue"
<script lang="ts" setup>
const plugin = inject<Ref<Plugin | undefined>>("plugin");
<h1>{{ plugin?.spec.displayName }}</h1>
## 实现案例
- [](
## 类型定义
### Plugin
import Plugin from "./interface/";
<Plugin />