chore: bump docusaurus to 2.1.0 (#91)

升级 docusaurus 到 2.1.0


Ryan Wang 3 years ago committed by GitHub
parent f630eaeca6
commit 2e421f26ab
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -4,267 +4,266 @@ const katex = require("rehype-katex");
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const VersionsArchived = require("./versionsArchived.json");
// With JSDoc @type annotations, IDEs can provide config autocompletion
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@ -25,13 +25,25 @@
"message": "请联系原始链接来源网站的所有者,并告知他们链接已损坏。",
"description": "The 2nd paragraph of the 404 page"
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"message": "关闭",
"description": "The ARIA label for close button of announcement bar"
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"message": "备注",
"description": "The default label used for the Note admonition (:::note)"
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"message": "回到顶部",
"description": "The ARIA label for the back to top button"
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"": {
"message": "历史博文",
@ -41,17 +53,9 @@
"message": "历史博文",
"description": "The page & hero description of the blog archive page"
"": {
"message": "{readingTime} 分钟阅读",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{readingTime} min read\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
"": {
"message": "阅读 {title} 的全文",
"description": "The ARIA label for the link to full blog posts from excerpts"
"": {
"message": "阅读更多",
"description": "The label used in blog post item excerpts to link to full blog posts"
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"message": "回到顶部",
"description": "The ARIA label for the back to top button"
"": {
"message": "博文列表分页导航",
@ -77,10 +81,6 @@
"message": "较旧一篇",
"description": "The blog post button label to navigate to the older/next post"
"": {
"message": "最近博文导航",
"description": "The ARIA label for recent posts in the blog sidebar"
"": {
"message": "{count} 篇博文",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} posts\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
@ -93,18 +93,6 @@
"message": "查看所有标签",
"description": "The label of the link targeting the tag list page"
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@ -117,18 +105,18 @@
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"": {
"message": "{count} 个项目",
"description": "The default description for a category card in the generated index about how many items this category includes"
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"": {
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"": {
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@ -141,24 +129,12 @@
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"": {
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"": {
"message": "收起侧边栏",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
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"": {
"message": "{count} 篇文档带有标签",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} docs tagged\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
"": {
"message": "{nDocsTagged} 篇带有标签「{tagName}」",
"message": "{nDocsTagged}「{tagName}」",
"description": "The title of the page for a docs tag"
"": {
@ -200,10 +176,6 @@
"message": "最后{byUser}{atDate}更新",
"description": "The sentence used to display when a page has been last updated, and by who"
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"description": "The label of the back button to return to main menu, inside the mobile navbar sidebar secondary menu (notably used to display the docs sidebar)"
"theme.navbar.mobileVersionsDropdown.label": {
"message": "选择版本",
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@ -212,25 +184,174 @@
"message": "跳到主要内容",
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"message": "本页总览",
"description": "The label used by the button on the collapsible TOC component"
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"message": "标签:",
"description": "The label alongside a tag list"
"theme.AnnouncementBar.closeButtonAriaLabel": {
"message": "关闭",
"description": "The ARIA label for close button of announcement bar"
"": {
"message": "最近博文导航",
"description": "The ARIA label for recent posts in the blog sidebar"
"theme.CodeBlock.copied": {
"message": "复制成功",
"description": "The copied button label on code blocks"
"theme.CodeBlock.copyButtonAriaLabel": {
"message": "复制代码到剪贴板",
"description": "The ARIA label for copy code blocks button"
"theme.CodeBlock.copy": {
"message": "复制",
"description": "The copy button label on code blocks"
"theme.CodeBlock.wordWrapToggle": {
"message": "切换自动换行",
"description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines"
"theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": {
"message": "打开/收起侧边栏菜单「{label}」",
"description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category"
"theme.navbar.mobileLanguageDropdown.label": {
"message": "选择语言",
"description": "The label for the mobile language switcher dropdown"
"theme.SearchBar.seeAll": {
"message": "查看全部 {count} 个结果"
"theme.TOCCollapsible.toggleButtonLabel": {
"message": "本页总览",
"description": "The label used by the button on the collapsible TOC component"
"": {
"message": "阅读需 {readingTime} 分钟",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{readingTime} min read\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
"": {
"message": "阅读更多",
"description": "The label used in blog post item excerpts to link to full blog posts"
"": {
"message": "阅读 {title} 的全文",
"description": "The ARIA label for the link to full blog posts from excerpts"
"": {
"message": "收起侧边栏",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"": {
"message": "收起侧边栏",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"theme.navbar.mobileSidebarSecondaryMenu.backButtonLabel": {
"message": "← 回到主菜单",
"description": "The label of the back button to return to main menu, inside the mobile navbar sidebar secondary menu (notably used to display the docs sidebar)"
"": {
"message": "展开侧边栏",
"description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar"
"": {
"message": "展开侧边栏",
"description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar"
"theme.SearchBar.label": {
"message": "搜索",
"description": "The ARIA label and placeholder for search button"
"theme.SearchModal.searchBox.resetButtonTitle": {
"message": "清除查询",
"description": "The label and ARIA label for search box reset button"
"theme.SearchModal.searchBox.cancelButtonText": {
"message": "取消",
"description": "The label and ARIA label for search box cancel button"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.recentSearchesTitle": {
"message": "最近搜索",
"description": "The title for recent searches"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.noRecentSearchesText": {
"message": "没有最近搜索",
"description": "The text when no recent searches"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.saveRecentSearchButtonTitle": {
"message": "保存这个搜索",
"description": "The label for save recent search button"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.removeRecentSearchButtonTitle": {
"message": "从历史记录中删除这个搜索",
"description": "The label for remove recent search button"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.favoriteSearchesTitle": {
"message": "收藏",
"description": "The title for favorite searches"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle": {
"message": "从收藏列表中删除这个搜索",
"description": "The label for remove favorite search button"
"theme.SearchModal.errorScreen.titleText": {
"message": "无法获取结果",
"description": "The title for error screen of search modal"
"theme.SearchModal.errorScreen.helpText": {
"message": "你可能需要检查网络连接。",
"description": "The help text for error screen of search modal"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.selectText": {
"message": "选中",
"description": "The explanatory text of the action for the enter key"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.selectKeyAriaLabel": {
"message": "Enter 键",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Enter key button that makes the selection"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateText": {
"message": "导航",
"description": "The explanatory text of the action for the Arrow up and Arrow down key"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateUpKeyAriaLabel": {
"message": "向上键",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Arrow up key button that makes the navigation"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateDownKeyAriaLabel": {
"message": "向下键",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Arrow down key button that makes the navigation"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.closeText": {
"message": "关闭",
"description": "The explanatory text of the action for Escape key"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.closeKeyAriaLabel": {
"message": "Esc 键",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Escape key button that close the modal"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.searchByText": {
"message": "搜索提供",
"description": "The text explain that the search is making by Algolia"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.noResultsText": {
"message": "没有结果:",
"description": "The text explains that there are no results for the following search"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.suggestedQueryText": {
"message": "试试搜索",
"description": "The text for the suggested query when no results are found for the following search"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.reportMissingResultsText": {
"message": "认为这个查询应该有结果?",
"description": "The text for the question where the user thinks there are missing results"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.reportMissingResultsLinkText": {
"message": "请告知我们。",
"description": "The text for the link to report missing results"
"theme.SearchModal.placeholder": {
"message": "搜索文档",
"description": "The placeholder of the input of the DocSearch pop-up modal"
"theme.SearchPage.documentsFound.plurals": {
"message": "找到 {count} 份文件",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} documents found\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see"
@ -263,6 +384,9 @@
"message": "正在获取新的搜索结果...",
"description": "The paragraph for fetching new search results"
"theme.SearchBar.seeAll": {
"message": "查看全部 {count} 个结果"
"theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": {
"message": "标签",
"description": "The title of the tag list page"

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
Create as many sidebars as you want.
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs').SidebarsConfig} */
module.exports = {
// By default, Docusaurus generates a sidebar from the docs folder structure
// tutorialSidebar: [{type: 'autogenerated', dirName: '.'}],
