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30 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
pi9jl6p58 f48414b6a3 Update
2 years ago
刘梦琦 d5e63262c0 123
2 years ago
刘梦琦 15a2be305b 1234
2 years ago
pi9jl6p58 0ed6d1c6c0 Update
2 years ago
c29909f21f 替换
2 years ago
e21e8d5283 111111111111
2 years ago
c951c61562 111111
2 years ago
马誉航 f99db1e159 Merge branch 'master' of
2 years ago
马誉航 0714c3a537 学生成绩管理系统.cc
2 years ago
王意伟 e4cb08cfcf .
2 years ago
刘梦琦 4d97c78364 1234
2 years ago
刘梦琦 d42566dd1a 1234
2 years ago
刘梦琦 6312f69cfb 123
2 years ago
刘梦琦 4f4bf67447 123
2 years ago
刘梦琦 0407ff2857 Merge branch 'master' of
2 years ago
刘梦琦 64f7a73721 123
2 years ago
王意伟 0f1edc53f7 .
2 years ago
pe3l754au f02d51bb94 Merge pull request 'qiuqiuleheqilai' (#5) from 分1 into master
2 years ago
刘梦琦 09d6eecc44 Merge branch 'master' of
2 years ago
刘梦琦 072b1db89a 123
2 years ago
王意伟 019357e169 .
2 years ago
pe3l754au 3b0e07bc8f Merge pull request 'fenzhiW' (#4) from 分1 into master
2 years ago
pe3l754au 22f775a7f0 Merge pull request '1233467765' (#3) from liuxincheng into master
2 years ago
王意伟 e159fc70a9 .
2 years ago
pe3l754au 4ee515e0b0 Merge pull request '表格' (#2) from liuxincheng into master
2 years ago
pe3l754au da4f551e38 Merge pull request '.' (#1) from 分1 into master
2 years ago
王意伟 0cccc8854b .
2 years ago
刘梦琦 2b4da29cd3 Merge branch 'master' of
2 years ago
刘梦琦 841af5fe17 1234
2 years ago
王意伟 03d44f30a3 .
2 years ago

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
## 项目简介
项目开发过程中采用 Kanban看板进行任务管理和分工协作并使用 Git 对程序代码和文档进行版
@ -238,4 +238,86 @@ a: No such file or directory
### main
### init
### display_menu
## 详细设计
### main
Step 1: 初始化
Step 2: 根据用户选择的命令执行对应的操作
Step 2.1: 显示菜单
Step 2.2: 选择菜单命令 c
Step 2.3: if c == CMD_READ then 读取数据
Step 2.4: if c == CMD_SAVE then 保存数据
Step 2.5: if c == CMD_PRINT then 打印数据
Step 2.6:
### save_data
Step 1: 输入文件名
Step 2: 打开文件
Step 3: if 打开文件失败 then 提示打开文件失败并结束
Step 4: 将所有库存记录写入文件
Step 5: 关闭文件
### print_data
Step 1: for 0 to num_part-1
Step 2: 打印学生成绩
### query_data
Step 1: for 0 to num_part-1 查询
Step 2: 输入查询学号
Step 3: 根据查询结果输出
### add_data
Step 1: for 0 to num_part-1 添加
Step 2: 输入添加学号
Step 3: if 成立则结束 else 输入学生名称、名次,添加分数, 并提示完成
### update_data
Step 1: for 0 to num_part-1 修改
Step 2: 输入修改学号
Step 3: if 不成立则结束 else 输出学生信息
### delete_data
Step 1: for 0 to num_part-1 删除
Step 2: 输入删除学号
Step 3: if 不成立则结束 else 删除
### sort_data
Step 1: for 0 to num_part-1 排序
Step 2: 按学生学号从小到大排序
### make_chart
Step 1: Step 1: for 0 to num_part-1 图表
Step 2: 以图表方式显示库存记录

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
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@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
#define NAME_LEN 31
#define MAX_PARTS 100
struct students
int number;
char name[NAME_LEN + 1];
int score;
static struct students stu[MAX_PARTS];
static int num_parts = 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define CMD_QUIT 0
#define CMD_QUERY 4
#define CMD_INSERT 5
#define CMD_UPDATE 6
#define CMD_DELETE 7
#define CMD_READ 1
#define CMD_SAVE 2
#define CMD_PRINT 3
#define CMD_SORT 8
#define CMD_CHART 9
// 菜单命令的编号
// 函数声明
void init(void);
void quit(void);
void display_menu(void);
int make_choice(void);
void read_data(void); // 读取
void save_data(void); // 保存
void print_data(void); // 打印
void query_data(void); // 查询
void add_data(void); // 添加
void update_data(void); // 修改
void delete_data(void); // 删除
void sort_data(void); // 排序
void make_chart(void); // 图表
int confirm(const char *msg);
// 主程序
int main(void)
init(); // 程序启动
while (1)
int c = make_choice();
switch (c)
case CMD_READ:
case CMD_SAVE:
case CMD_SORT:
case CMD_QUIT:
if (confirm("确定要退出吗?"))
quit(); // 仅在确认后退出
return 0;
// 函数定义
void init(void)
void quit(void)
void display_menu(void)
printf("\n%d 读取 | %d 保存 | %d 打印 | %d 查询 | %d 添加\n%d 修改 | %d 删除 | %d 排序 | %d 图表 | %d 退出\n\n", CMD_READ, CMD_SAVE, CMD_PRINT, CMD_QUERY, CMD_INSERT, CMD_UPDATE, CMD_DELETE, CMD_SORT, CMD_CHART, CMD_QUIT);
int make_choice(void)
int c; // 用户输入
int n = 0; // 正确读入的数据项个数
while (n == 0)
n = scanf("%d", &c); // 尝试读入整数 c
scanf("%*[^\n]"); // 跳过一行中剩余的字符
return c;
void query_data(void)
int num;
printf("输入学生学号: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
int f = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
if (num == stu[i].number)
f = i;
if (f == -1)
printf("学生学号:%d\n", stu[f].number);
printf("学生姓名:%s\n", stu[f].name);
printf("学生成绩:%d\n", stu[f].score);
void print_data(void)
printf("NUMBER | NAME score\n");
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
printf("%d | %s %d\n", stu[i].number, stu[i].name, stu[i].score);
void add_data(void)
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
int f = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
if (num == stu[i].number)
f = 1;
if (f == 0)
stu[num_parts].number = num;
scanf("%s", &stu[num_parts].name);
scanf("%d", &stu[num_parts].score);
printf("学生 %d 添加成功\n", num);
void update_data(void)
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
int f = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
if (num == stu[i].number)
f = 1;
if (f == 0)
scanf("%d", &stu[num].number);
scanf("%s", stu[num].name);
scanf("%d", &stu[num].score);
printf("学生 %d 已更新", num);
void delete_data(void)
int num;
scanf("%d", &num);
int f = 0, i, j;
for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
if (num == stu[i].number)
f = 1;
if (f == 0)
for (j = i; j < num_parts - 1; j++)
stu[j] = stu[j + 1];
void read_data(void)
char filename[256];
scanf("%s", filename);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
int i = 0;
while (fscanf(fp, "%d,%[^,],%d", &stu[i].number, stu[i].name, &stu[i].score) == 3)
num_parts = i;
printf("读取 %d 记录\n", num_parts);
void save_data(void)
printf(" 请输入文件名");
char filename[256];
scanf("%s", filename);
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
fprintf(fp, "%d,%s,%d\n", stu[i].number, stu[i].name, stu[i].score);
printf("保存%d 成功", num_parts);
void sort_data(void)
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
int change = 0;
static struct students t;
for (int j = 0; j < num_parts - i - 1; j++)
if (stu[j].number > stu[j + 1].number)
t = stu[j + 1];
stu[j + 1] = stu[j];
stu[j] = t;
change = 1;
if (!change)
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
int change = 0;
static struct students t;
for (int j = 0; j < num_parts - i - 1; j++)
if (stu[j].score > stu[j + 1].score)
t = stu[j + 1];
stu[j + 1] = stu[j];
stu[j] = t;
change = 1;
if (!change)
void make_chart(void)
printf("NUMBER | NAME score\n");
for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
printf("%d | %s ", stu[i].number, stu[i].name);
for (int j = 0; j < stu[i].score; j++)
int confirm(const char *msg)
char c = 'n'; // 默认选择是 no
printf("%s(Y/N): ", msg); // 提示输入 yes/no 进行确认
scanf(" %c%*[^\n]", &c); // 读取第一个字符,忽略剩余字符
return c == 'y' || c == 'Y'; // 返回确认结果