You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

280 lines
9.4 KiB

4 months ago
"use strict";
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const gzipSize = require('gzip-size');
const {
} = require('@discoveryjs/json-ext');
const Logger = require('./Logger');
const Folder = require('./tree/Folder').default;
const {
} = require('./parseUtils');
const {
} = require('./utils');
const FILENAME_QUERY_REGEXP = /\?.*$/u;
const FILENAME_EXTENSIONS = /\.(js|mjs|cjs)$/iu;
module.exports = {
function getViewerData(bundleStats, bundleDir, opts) {
const {
logger = new Logger(),
excludeAssets = null
} = opts || {};
const isAssetIncluded = createAssetsFilter(excludeAssets); // Sometimes all the information is located in `children` array (e.g. problem in #10)
if ((bundleStats.assets == null || bundleStats.assets.length === 0) && bundleStats.children && bundleStats.children.length > 0) {
const {
} = bundleStats;
bundleStats = bundleStats.children[0]; // Sometimes if there are additional child chunks produced add them as child assets,
// leave the 1st one as that is considered the 'root' asset.
for (let i = 1; i < children.length; i++) {
children[i].assets.forEach(asset => {
asset.isChild = true;
} else if (bundleStats.children && bundleStats.children.length > 0) {
// Sometimes if there are additional child chunks produced add them as child assets
bundleStats.children.forEach(child => {
child.assets.forEach(asset => {
asset.isChild = true;
} // Picking only `*.js, *.cjs or *.mjs` assets from bundle that has non-empty `chunks` array
bundleStats.assets = bundleStats.assets.filter(asset => {
// Filter out non 'asset' type asset if type is provided (Webpack 5 add a type to indicate asset types)
if (asset.type && asset.type !== 'asset') {
return false;
} // Removing query part from filename (yes, somebody uses it for some reason and Webpack supports it)
// See #22 =, '');
return FILENAME_EXTENSIONS.test( && asset.chunks.length > 0 && isAssetIncluded(;
}); // Trying to parse bundle assets and get real module sizes if `bundleDir` is provided
let bundlesSources = null;
let parsedModules = null;
if (bundleDir) {
bundlesSources = {};
parsedModules = {};
for (const statAsset of bundleStats.assets) {
const assetFile = path.join(bundleDir,;
let bundleInfo;
try {
bundleInfo = parseBundle(assetFile);
} catch (err) {
const msg = err.code === 'ENOENT' ? 'no such file' : err.message;
logger.warn(`Error parsing bundle asset "${assetFile}": ${msg}`);
bundlesSources[] = {
src: bundleInfo.src,
runtimeSrc: bundleInfo.runtimeSrc
Object.assign(parsedModules, bundleInfo.modules);
if (Object.keys(bundlesSources).length === 0) {
bundlesSources = null;
parsedModules = null;
logger.warn('\nNo bundles were parsed. Analyzer will show only original module sizes from stats file.\n');
const assets = bundleStats.assets.reduce((result, statAsset) => {
// If asset is a childAsset, then calculate appropriate bundle modules by looking through stats.children
const assetBundles = statAsset.isChild ? getChildAssetBundles(bundleStats, : bundleStats;
const modules = assetBundles ? getBundleModules(assetBundles) : [];
const asset = result[] = {
size: statAsset.size
const assetSources = bundlesSources &&, ? bundlesSources[] : null;
if (assetSources) {
asset.parsedSize = Buffer.byteLength(assetSources.src);
asset.gzipSize = gzipSize.sync(assetSources.src);
} // Picking modules from current bundle script
let assetModules = modules.filter(statModule => assetHasModule(statAsset, statModule)); // Adding parsed sources
if (parsedModules) {
const unparsedEntryModules = [];
for (const statModule of assetModules) {
if (parsedModules[]) {
statModule.parsedSrc = parsedModules[];
} else if (isEntryModule(statModule)) {
} // Webpack 5 changed bundle format and now entry modules are concatenated and located at the end of it.
// Because of this they basically become a concatenated module, for which we can't even precisely determine its
// parsed source as it's located in the same scope as all Webpack runtime helpers.
if (unparsedEntryModules.length && assetSources) {
if (unparsedEntryModules.length === 1) {
// So if there is only one entry we consider its parsed source to be all the bundle code excluding code
// from parsed modules.
unparsedEntryModules[0].parsedSrc = assetSources.runtimeSrc;
} else {
// If there are multiple entry points we move all of them under synthetic concatenated module.
assetModules = assetModules.filter(mod => !unparsedEntryModules.includes(mod));
identifier: './entry modules',
name: './entry modules',
modules: unparsedEntryModules,
size: unparsedEntryModules.reduce((totalSize, module) => totalSize + module.size, 0),
parsedSrc: assetSources.runtimeSrc
asset.modules = assetModules;
asset.tree = createModulesTree(asset.modules);
return result;
}, {});
const chunkToInitialByEntrypoint = getChunkToInitialByEntrypoint(bundleStats);
return Object.entries(assets).map(([filename, asset]) => {
var _chunkToInitialByEntr;
return {
label: filename,
isAsset: true,
// Not using `asset.size` here provided by Webpack because it can be very confusing when `UglifyJsPlugin` is used.
// In this case all module sizes from stats file will represent unminified module sizes, but `asset.size` will
// be the size of minified bundle.
// Using `asset.size` only if current asset doesn't contain any modules (resulting size equals 0)
statSize: asset.tree.size || asset.size,
parsedSize: asset.parsedSize,
gzipSize: asset.gzipSize,
groups: Object.values(asset.tree.children).map(i => i.toChartData()),
isInitialByEntrypoint: (_chunkToInitialByEntr = chunkToInitialByEntrypoint[filename]) !== null && _chunkToInitialByEntr !== void 0 ? _chunkToInitialByEntr : {}
function readStatsFromFile(filename) {
return parseChunked(fs.createReadStream(filename, {
encoding: 'utf8'
function getChildAssetBundles(bundleStats, assetName) {
return flatten((bundleStats.children || []).find(c => Object.values(c.assetsByChunkName))).includes(assetName);
function getBundleModules(bundleStats) {
var _bundleStats$chunks;
const seenIds = new Set();
return flatten((((_bundleStats$chunks = bundleStats.chunks) === null || _bundleStats$chunks === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundleStats$ => chunk.modules)) || []).concat(bundleStats.modules).filter(Boolean)).filter(mod => {
// Filtering out Webpack's runtime modules as they don't have ids and can't be parsed (introduced in Webpack 5)
if (isRuntimeModule(mod)) {
return false;
if (seenIds.has( {
return false;
return true;
function assetHasModule(statAsset, statModule) {
// Checking if this module is the part of asset chunks
return (statModule.chunks || []).some(moduleChunk => statAsset.chunks.includes(moduleChunk));
function isEntryModule(statModule) {
return statModule.depth === 0;
function isRuntimeModule(statModule) {
return statModule.moduleType === 'runtime';
function createModulesTree(modules) {
const root = new Folder('.');
modules.forEach(module => root.addModule(module));
return root;
function getChunkToInitialByEntrypoint(bundleStats) {
if (bundleStats == null) {
return {};
const chunkToEntrypointInititalMap = {};
Object.values(bundleStats.entrypoints || {}).forEach(entrypoint => {
for (const asset of entrypoint.assets) {
var _chunkToEntrypointIni;
chunkToEntrypointInititalMap[] = (_chunkToEntrypointIni = chunkToEntrypointInititalMap[]) !== null && _chunkToEntrypointIni !== void 0 ? _chunkToEntrypointIni : {};
chunkToEntrypointInititalMap[][] = true;
return chunkToEntrypointInititalMap;
* arr-flatten <>
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert.
* Released under the MIT License.
* Modified by Sukka <>
* Replace recursively flatten with one-level deep flatten to match lodash.flatten
* TODO: replace with Array.prototype.flat once Node.js 10 support is dropped
function flatten(arr) {
if (!arr) return [];
const len = arr.length;
if (!len) return [];
let cur;
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
cur = arr[i];
if (Array.isArray(cur)) {
} else {
return res;