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4 months ago
import * as zrUtil from './core/util';
import * as matrix from './core/matrix';
import * as vector from './core/vector';
import * as colorTool from './tool/color';
import * as pathTool from './tool/path';
import { parseSVG } from './tool/parseSVG';
import * as morphPathTool from './tool/morphPath';
export { default as Point, PointLike } from './core/Point';
export { default as Element, ElementAnimateConfig, ElementTextConfig, ElementTextGuideLineConfig, ElementEvent, ElementEventCallback, ElementProps } from './Element';
export { default as Displayable, DisplayableProps } from './graphic/Displayable';
export { default as Group, GroupProps } from './graphic/Group';
export { default as Path, PathStyleProps, PathProps, PathStatePropNames, PathState } from './graphic/Path';
export { default as Image, ImageStyleProps, ImageProps, ImageState } from './graphic/Image';
export { default as CompoundPath, CompoundPathShape } from './graphic/CompoundPath';
export { default as TSpan, TSpanStyleProps, TSpanProps, TSpanState } from './graphic/TSpan';
export { default as IncrementalDisplayable } from './graphic/IncrementalDisplayable';
export { default as Text, TextStylePropsPart, TextStyleProps, TextProps, TextState } from './graphic/Text';
export { default as Arc, ArcProps, ArcShape } from './graphic/shape/Arc';
export { default as BezierCurve, BezierCurveProps, BezierCurveShape } from './graphic/shape/BezierCurve';
export { default as Circle, CircleProps, CircleShape } from './graphic/shape/Circle';
export { default as Droplet, DropletProps, DropletShape } from './graphic/shape/Droplet';
export { default as Ellipse, EllipseProps, EllipseShape } from './graphic/shape/Ellipse';
export { default as Heart, HeartProps, HeartShape } from './graphic/shape/Heart';
export { default as Isogon, IsogonProps, IsogonShape } from './graphic/shape/Isogon';
export { default as Line, LineProps, LineShape } from './graphic/shape/Line';
export { default as Polygon, PolygonProps, PolygonShape } from './graphic/shape/Polygon';
export { default as Polyline, PolylineProps, PolylineShape } from './graphic/shape/Polyline';
export { default as Rect, RectProps, RectShape } from './graphic/shape/Rect';
export { default as Ring, RingProps, RingShape } from './graphic/shape/Ring';
export { default as Rose, RoseProps, RoseShape } from './graphic/shape/Rose';
export { default as Sector, SectorProps, SectorShape } from './graphic/shape/Sector';
export { default as Star, StarProps, StarShape } from './graphic/shape/Star';
export { default as Trochoid, TrochoidProps, TrochoidShape } from './graphic/shape/Trochoid';
export { default as LinearGradient, LinearGradientObject } from './graphic/LinearGradient';
export { default as RadialGradient, RadialGradientObject } from './graphic/RadialGradient';
export { default as Pattern, PatternObjectBase, PatternObject, ImagePatternObject, SVGPatternObject } from './graphic/Pattern';
export { default as BoundingRect, RectLike } from './core/BoundingRect';
export { default as OrientedBoundingRect } from './core/OrientedBoundingRect';
export { matrix };
export { vector };
export { colorTool as color };
export { pathTool as path };
export { zrUtil as util };
export { morphPathTool as morph };
export { parseSVG };
export { default as showDebugDirtyRect } from './debug/showDebugDirtyRect';
export { setPlatformAPI } from './core/platform';