You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1107 lines
40 KiB
1107 lines
40 KiB
5 months ago
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { __extends } from "tslib";
// FIXME step not support polar
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js';
import SymbolDraw from '../helper/SymbolDraw.js';
import SymbolClz from '../helper/Symbol.js';
import lineAnimationDiff from './lineAnimationDiff.js';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic.js';
import * as modelUtil from '../../util/model.js';
import { ECPolyline, ECPolygon } from './poly.js';
import ChartView from '../../view/Chart.js';
import { prepareDataCoordInfo, getStackedOnPoint } from './helper.js';
import { createGridClipPath, createPolarClipPath } from '../helper/createClipPathFromCoordSys.js';
import { isCoordinateSystemType } from '../../coord/CoordinateSystem.js';
import { setStatesStylesFromModel, setStatesFlag, toggleHoverEmphasis, SPECIAL_STATES } from '../../util/states.js';
import { setLabelStyle, getLabelStatesModels, labelInner } from '../../label/labelStyle.js';
import { getDefaultLabel, getDefaultInterpolatedLabel } from '../helper/labelHelper.js';
import { getECData } from '../../util/innerStore.js';
import { createFloat32Array } from '../../util/vendor.js';
import { convertToColorString } from '../../util/format.js';
import { lerp } from 'zrender/lib/tool/color.js';
function isPointsSame(points1, points2) {
if (points1.length !== points2.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < points1.length; i++) {
if (points1[i] !== points2[i]) {
return true;
function bboxFromPoints(points) {
var minX = Infinity;
var minY = Infinity;
var maxX = -Infinity;
var maxY = -Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < points.length;) {
var x = points[i++];
var y = points[i++];
if (!isNaN(x)) {
minX = Math.min(x, minX);
maxX = Math.max(x, maxX);
if (!isNaN(y)) {
minY = Math.min(y, minY);
maxY = Math.max(y, maxY);
return [[minX, minY], [maxX, maxY]];
function getBoundingDiff(points1, points2) {
var _a = bboxFromPoints(points1),
min1 = _a[0],
max1 = _a[1];
var _b = bboxFromPoints(points2),
min2 = _b[0],
max2 = _b[1];
// Get a max value from each corner of two boundings.
return Math.max(Math.abs(min1[0] - min2[0]), Math.abs(min1[1] - min2[1]), Math.abs(max1[0] - max2[0]), Math.abs(max1[1] - max2[1]));
function getSmooth(smooth) {
return zrUtil.isNumber(smooth) ? smooth : smooth ? 0.5 : 0;
function getStackedOnPoints(coordSys, data, dataCoordInfo) {
if (!dataCoordInfo.valueDim) {
return [];
var len = data.count();
var points = createFloat32Array(len * 2);
for (var idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
var pt = getStackedOnPoint(dataCoordInfo, coordSys, data, idx);
points[idx * 2] = pt[0];
points[idx * 2 + 1] = pt[1];
return points;
function turnPointsIntoStep(points, coordSys, stepTurnAt, connectNulls) {
var baseAxis = coordSys.getBaseAxis();
var baseIndex = baseAxis.dim === 'x' || baseAxis.dim === 'radius' ? 0 : 1;
var stepPoints = [];
var i = 0;
var stepPt = [];
var pt = [];
var nextPt = [];
var filteredPoints = [];
if (connectNulls) {
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) {
if (!isNaN(points[i]) && !isNaN(points[i + 1])) {
filteredPoints.push(points[i], points[i + 1]);
points = filteredPoints;
for (i = 0; i < points.length - 2; i += 2) {
nextPt[0] = points[i + 2];
nextPt[1] = points[i + 3];
pt[0] = points[i];
pt[1] = points[i + 1];
stepPoints.push(pt[0], pt[1]);
switch (stepTurnAt) {
case 'end':
stepPt[baseIndex] = nextPt[baseIndex];
stepPt[1 - baseIndex] = pt[1 - baseIndex];
stepPoints.push(stepPt[0], stepPt[1]);
case 'middle':
var middle = (pt[baseIndex] + nextPt[baseIndex]) / 2;
var stepPt2 = [];
stepPt[baseIndex] = stepPt2[baseIndex] = middle;
stepPt[1 - baseIndex] = pt[1 - baseIndex];
stepPt2[1 - baseIndex] = nextPt[1 - baseIndex];
stepPoints.push(stepPt[0], stepPt[1]);
stepPoints.push(stepPt2[0], stepPt2[1]);
// default is start
stepPt[baseIndex] = pt[baseIndex];
stepPt[1 - baseIndex] = nextPt[1 - baseIndex];
stepPoints.push(stepPt[0], stepPt[1]);
// Last points
stepPoints.push(points[i++], points[i++]);
return stepPoints;
* Clip color stops to edge. Avoid creating too large gradients.
* Which may lead to blurry when GPU acceleration is enabled. See #15680
* The stops has been sorted from small to large.
function clipColorStops(colorStops, maxSize) {
var newColorStops = [];
var len = colorStops.length;
// coord will always < 0 in prevOutOfRangeColorStop.
var prevOutOfRangeColorStop;
var prevInRangeColorStop;
function lerpStop(stop0, stop1, clippedCoord) {
var coord0 = stop0.coord;
var p = (clippedCoord - coord0) / (stop1.coord - coord0);
var color = lerp(p, [stop0.color, stop1.color]);
return {
coord: clippedCoord,
color: color
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var stop_1 = colorStops[i];
var coord = stop_1.coord;
if (coord < 0) {
prevOutOfRangeColorStop = stop_1;
} else if (coord > maxSize) {
if (prevInRangeColorStop) {
newColorStops.push(lerpStop(prevInRangeColorStop, stop_1, maxSize));
} else if (prevOutOfRangeColorStop) {
// If there are two stops and coord range is between these two stops
newColorStops.push(lerpStop(prevOutOfRangeColorStop, stop_1, 0), lerpStop(prevOutOfRangeColorStop, stop_1, maxSize));
// All following stop will be out of range. So just ignore them.
} else {
if (prevOutOfRangeColorStop) {
newColorStops.push(lerpStop(prevOutOfRangeColorStop, stop_1, 0));
// Reset
prevOutOfRangeColorStop = null;
prevInRangeColorStop = stop_1;
return newColorStops;
function getVisualGradient(data, coordSys, api) {
var visualMetaList = data.getVisual('visualMeta');
if (!visualMetaList || !visualMetaList.length || !data.count()) {
// When data.count() is 0, gradient range can not be calculated.
if (coordSys.type !== 'cartesian2d') {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
console.warn('Visual map on line style is only supported on cartesian2d.');
var coordDim;
var visualMeta;
for (var i = visualMetaList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var dimInfo = data.getDimensionInfo(visualMetaList[i].dimension);
coordDim = dimInfo && dimInfo.coordDim;
// Can only be x or y
if (coordDim === 'x' || coordDim === 'y') {
visualMeta = visualMetaList[i];
if (!visualMeta) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
console.warn('Visual map on line style only support x or y dimension.');
// If the area to be rendered is bigger than area defined by LinearGradient,
// the canvas spec prescribes that the color of the first stop and the last
// stop should be used. But if two stops are added at offset 0, in effect
// browsers use the color of the second stop to render area outside
// LinearGradient. So we can only infinitesimally extend area defined in
// LinearGradient to render `outerColors`.
var axis = coordSys.getAxis(coordDim);
// dataToCoord mapping may not be linear, but must be monotonic.
var colorStops =, function (stop) {
// offset will be calculated later.
return {
coord: axis.toGlobalCoord(axis.dataToCoord(stop.value)),
color: stop.color
var stopLen = colorStops.length;
var outerColors = visualMeta.outerColors.slice();
if (stopLen && colorStops[0].coord > colorStops[stopLen - 1].coord) {
var colorStopsInRange = clipColorStops(colorStops, coordDim === 'x' ? api.getWidth() : api.getHeight());
var inRangeStopLen = colorStopsInRange.length;
if (!inRangeStopLen && stopLen) {
// All stops are out of range. All will be the same color.
return colorStops[0].coord < 0 ? outerColors[1] ? outerColors[1] : colorStops[stopLen - 1].color : outerColors[0] ? outerColors[0] : colorStops[0].color;
var tinyExtent = 10; // Arbitrary value: 10px
var minCoord = colorStopsInRange[0].coord - tinyExtent;
var maxCoord = colorStopsInRange[inRangeStopLen - 1].coord + tinyExtent;
var coordSpan = maxCoord - minCoord;
if (coordSpan < 1e-3) {
return 'transparent';
zrUtil.each(colorStopsInRange, function (stop) {
stop.offset = (stop.coord - minCoord) / coordSpan;
// NOTE: inRangeStopLen may still be 0 if stoplen is zero.
offset: inRangeStopLen ? colorStopsInRange[inRangeStopLen - 1].offset : 0.5,
color: outerColors[1] || 'transparent'
offset: inRangeStopLen ? colorStopsInRange[0].offset : 0.5,
color: outerColors[0] || 'transparent'
var gradient = new graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, colorStopsInRange, true);
gradient[coordDim] = minCoord;
gradient[coordDim + '2'] = maxCoord;
return gradient;
function getIsIgnoreFunc(seriesModel, data, coordSys) {
var showAllSymbol = seriesModel.get('showAllSymbol');
var isAuto = showAllSymbol === 'auto';
if (showAllSymbol && !isAuto) {
var categoryAxis = coordSys.getAxesByScale('ordinal')[0];
if (!categoryAxis) {
// Note that category label interval strategy might bring some weird effect
// in some scenario: users may wonder why some of the symbols are not
// displayed. So we show all symbols as possible as we can.
if (isAuto
// Simplify the logic, do not determine label overlap here.
&& canShowAllSymbolForCategory(categoryAxis, data)) {
// Otherwise follow the label interval strategy on category axis.
var categoryDataDim = data.mapDimension(categoryAxis.dim);
var labelMap = {};
zrUtil.each(categoryAxis.getViewLabels(), function (labelItem) {
var ordinalNumber = categoryAxis.scale.getRawOrdinalNumber(labelItem.tickValue);
labelMap[ordinalNumber] = 1;
return function (dataIndex) {
return !labelMap.hasOwnProperty(data.get(categoryDataDim, dataIndex));
function canShowAllSymbolForCategory(categoryAxis, data) {
// In most cases, line is monotonous on category axis, and the label size
// is close with each other. So we check the symbol size and some of the
// label size alone with the category axis to estimate whether all symbol
// can be shown without overlap.
var axisExtent = categoryAxis.getExtent();
var availSize = Math.abs(axisExtent[1] - axisExtent[0]) / categoryAxis.scale.count();
isNaN(availSize) && (availSize = 0); // 0/0 is NaN.
// Sampling some points, max 5.
var dataLen = data.count();
var step = Math.max(1, Math.round(dataLen / 5));
for (var dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < dataLen; dataIndex += step) {
if (SymbolClz.getSymbolSize(data, dataIndex
// Only for cartesian, where `isHorizontal` exists.
)[categoryAxis.isHorizontal() ? 1 : 0]
// Empirical number
* 1.5 > availSize) {
return false;
return true;
function isPointNull(x, y) {
return isNaN(x) || isNaN(y);
function getLastIndexNotNull(points) {
var len = points.length / 2;
for (; len > 0; len--) {
if (!isPointNull(points[len * 2 - 2], points[len * 2 - 1])) {
return len - 1;
function getPointAtIndex(points, idx) {
return [points[idx * 2], points[idx * 2 + 1]];
function getIndexRange(points, xOrY, dim) {
var len = points.length / 2;
var dimIdx = dim === 'x' ? 0 : 1;
var a;
var b;
var prevIndex = 0;
var nextIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
b = points[i * 2 + dimIdx];
if (isNaN(b) || isNaN(points[i * 2 + 1 - dimIdx])) {
if (i === 0) {
a = b;
if (a <= xOrY && b >= xOrY || a >= xOrY && b <= xOrY) {
nextIndex = i;
prevIndex = i;
a = b;
return {
range: [prevIndex, nextIndex],
t: (xOrY - a) / (b - a)
function anyStateShowEndLabel(seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.get(['endLabel', 'show'])) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < SPECIAL_STATES.length; i++) {
if (seriesModel.get([SPECIAL_STATES[i], 'endLabel', 'show'])) {
return true;
return false;
function createLineClipPath(lineView, coordSys, hasAnimation, seriesModel) {
if (isCoordinateSystemType(coordSys, 'cartesian2d')) {
var endLabelModel_1 = seriesModel.getModel('endLabel');
var valueAnimation_1 = endLabelModel_1.get('valueAnimation');
var data_1 = seriesModel.getData();
var labelAnimationRecord_1 = {
lastFrameIndex: 0
var during = anyStateShowEndLabel(seriesModel) ? function (percent, clipRect) {
lineView._endLabelOnDuring(percent, clipRect, data_1, labelAnimationRecord_1, valueAnimation_1, endLabelModel_1, coordSys);
} : null;
var isHorizontal = coordSys.getBaseAxis().isHorizontal();
var clipPath = createGridClipPath(coordSys, hasAnimation, seriesModel, function () {
var endLabel = lineView._endLabel;
if (endLabel && hasAnimation) {
if (labelAnimationRecord_1.originalX != null) {
x: labelAnimationRecord_1.originalX,
y: labelAnimationRecord_1.originalY
}, during);
// Expand clip shape to avoid clipping when line value exceeds axis
if (!seriesModel.get('clip', true)) {
var rectShape = clipPath.shape;
var expandSize = Math.max(rectShape.width, rectShape.height);
if (isHorizontal) {
rectShape.y -= expandSize;
rectShape.height += expandSize * 2;
} else {
rectShape.x -= expandSize;
rectShape.width += expandSize * 2;
// Set to the final frame. To make sure label layout is right.
if (during) {
during(1, clipPath);
return clipPath;
} else {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (seriesModel.get(['endLabel', 'show'])) {
console.warn('endLabel is not supported for lines in polar systems.');
return createPolarClipPath(coordSys, hasAnimation, seriesModel);
function getEndLabelStateSpecified(endLabelModel, coordSys) {
var baseAxis = coordSys.getBaseAxis();
var isHorizontal = baseAxis.isHorizontal();
var isBaseInversed = baseAxis.inverse;
var align = isHorizontal ? isBaseInversed ? 'right' : 'left' : 'center';
var verticalAlign = isHorizontal ? 'middle' : isBaseInversed ? 'top' : 'bottom';
return {
normal: {
align: endLabelModel.get('align') || align,
verticalAlign: endLabelModel.get('verticalAlign') || verticalAlign
var LineView = /** @class */function (_super) {
__extends(LineView, _super);
function LineView() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
LineView.prototype.init = function () {
var lineGroup = new graphic.Group();
var symbolDraw = new SymbolDraw();
this._symbolDraw = symbolDraw;
this._lineGroup = lineGroup;
LineView.prototype.render = function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) {
var _this = this;
var coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;
var group =;
var data = seriesModel.getData();
var lineStyleModel = seriesModel.getModel('lineStyle');
var areaStyleModel = seriesModel.getModel('areaStyle');
var points = data.getLayout('points') || [];
var isCoordSysPolar = coordSys.type === 'polar';
var prevCoordSys = this._coordSys;
var symbolDraw = this._symbolDraw;
var polyline = this._polyline;
var polygon = this._polygon;
var lineGroup = this._lineGroup;
var hasAnimation = !ecModel.ssr && seriesModel.get('animation');
var isAreaChart = !areaStyleModel.isEmpty();
var valueOrigin = areaStyleModel.get('origin');
var dataCoordInfo = prepareDataCoordInfo(coordSys, data, valueOrigin);
var stackedOnPoints = isAreaChart && getStackedOnPoints(coordSys, data, dataCoordInfo);
var showSymbol = seriesModel.get('showSymbol');
var connectNulls = seriesModel.get('connectNulls');
var isIgnoreFunc = showSymbol && !isCoordSysPolar && getIsIgnoreFunc(seriesModel, data, coordSys);
// Remove temporary symbols
var oldData = this._data;
oldData && oldData.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el, idx) {
if (el.__temp) {
oldData.setItemGraphicEl(idx, null);
// Remove previous created symbols if showSymbol changed to false
if (!showSymbol) {
// FIXME step not support polar
var step = !isCoordSysPolar ? seriesModel.get('step') : false;
var clipShapeForSymbol;
if (coordSys && coordSys.getArea && seriesModel.get('clip', true)) {
clipShapeForSymbol = coordSys.getArea();
// Avoid float number rounding error for symbol on the edge of axis extent.
// See #7913 and `test/dataZoom-clip.html`.
if (clipShapeForSymbol.width != null) {
clipShapeForSymbol.x -= 0.1;
clipShapeForSymbol.y -= 0.1;
clipShapeForSymbol.width += 0.2;
clipShapeForSymbol.height += 0.2;
} else if (clipShapeForSymbol.r0) {
clipShapeForSymbol.r0 -= 0.5;
clipShapeForSymbol.r += 0.5;
this._clipShapeForSymbol = clipShapeForSymbol;
var visualColor = getVisualGradient(data, coordSys, api) || data.getVisual('style')[data.getVisual('drawType')];
// Initialization animation or coordinate system changed
if (!(polyline && prevCoordSys.type === coordSys.type && step === this._step)) {
showSymbol && symbolDraw.updateData(data, {
isIgnore: isIgnoreFunc,
clipShape: clipShapeForSymbol,
disableAnimation: true,
getSymbolPoint: function (idx) {
return [points[idx * 2], points[idx * 2 + 1]];
hasAnimation && this._initSymbolLabelAnimation(data, coordSys, clipShapeForSymbol);
if (step) {
// TODO If stacked series is not step
points = turnPointsIntoStep(points, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
if (stackedOnPoints) {
stackedOnPoints = turnPointsIntoStep(stackedOnPoints, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
polyline = this._newPolyline(points);
if (isAreaChart) {
polygon = this._newPolygon(points, stackedOnPoints);
} // If areaStyle is removed
else if (polygon) {
polygon = this._polygon = null;
// NOTE: Must update _endLabel before setClipPath.
if (!isCoordSysPolar) {
this._initOrUpdateEndLabel(seriesModel, coordSys, convertToColorString(visualColor));
lineGroup.setClipPath(createLineClipPath(this, coordSys, true, seriesModel));
} else {
if (isAreaChart && !polygon) {
// If areaStyle is added
polygon = this._newPolygon(points, stackedOnPoints);
} else if (polygon && !isAreaChart) {
// If areaStyle is removed
polygon = this._polygon = null;
// NOTE: Must update _endLabel before setClipPath.
if (!isCoordSysPolar) {
this._initOrUpdateEndLabel(seriesModel, coordSys, convertToColorString(visualColor));
// Update clipPath
var oldClipPath = lineGroup.getClipPath();
if (oldClipPath) {
var newClipPath = createLineClipPath(this, coordSys, false, seriesModel);
graphic.initProps(oldClipPath, {
shape: newClipPath.shape
}, seriesModel);
} else {
lineGroup.setClipPath(createLineClipPath(this, coordSys, true, seriesModel));
// Always update, or it is wrong in the case turning on legend
// because points are not changed.
showSymbol && symbolDraw.updateData(data, {
isIgnore: isIgnoreFunc,
clipShape: clipShapeForSymbol,
disableAnimation: true,
getSymbolPoint: function (idx) {
return [points[idx * 2], points[idx * 2 + 1]];
// In the case data zoom triggered refreshing frequently
// Data may not change if line has a category axis. So it should animate nothing.
if (!isPointsSame(this._stackedOnPoints, stackedOnPoints) || !isPointsSame(this._points, points)) {
if (hasAnimation) {
this._doUpdateAnimation(data, stackedOnPoints, coordSys, api, step, valueOrigin, connectNulls);
} else {
// Not do it in update with animation
if (step) {
// TODO If stacked series is not step
points = turnPointsIntoStep(points, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
if (stackedOnPoints) {
stackedOnPoints = turnPointsIntoStep(stackedOnPoints, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
points: points
polygon && polygon.setShape({
points: points,
stackedOnPoints: stackedOnPoints
var emphasisModel = seriesModel.getModel('emphasis');
var focus = emphasisModel.get('focus');
var blurScope = emphasisModel.get('blurScope');
var emphasisDisabled = emphasisModel.get('disabled');
// Use color in lineStyle first
lineStyleModel.getLineStyle(), {
fill: 'none',
stroke: visualColor,
lineJoin: 'bevel'
setStatesStylesFromModel(polyline, seriesModel, 'lineStyle');
if ( > 0 && seriesModel.get(['emphasis', 'lineStyle', 'width']) === 'bolder') {
var emphasisLineStyle = polyline.getState('emphasis').style;
emphasisLineStyle.lineWidth = + 1;
// Needs seriesIndex for focus
getECData(polyline).seriesIndex = seriesModel.seriesIndex;
toggleHoverEmphasis(polyline, focus, blurScope, emphasisDisabled);
var smooth = getSmooth(seriesModel.get('smooth'));
var smoothMonotone = seriesModel.get('smoothMonotone');
smooth: smooth,
smoothMonotone: smoothMonotone,
connectNulls: connectNulls
if (polygon) {
var stackedOnSeries = data.getCalculationInfo('stackedOnSeries');
var stackedOnSmooth = 0;
polygon.useStyle(zrUtil.defaults(areaStyleModel.getAreaStyle(), {
fill: visualColor,
opacity: 0.7,
lineJoin: 'bevel',
decal: data.getVisual('style').decal
if (stackedOnSeries) {
stackedOnSmooth = getSmooth(stackedOnSeries.get('smooth'));
smooth: smooth,
stackedOnSmooth: stackedOnSmooth,
smoothMonotone: smoothMonotone,
connectNulls: connectNulls
setStatesStylesFromModel(polygon, seriesModel, 'areaStyle');
// Needs seriesIndex for focus
getECData(polygon).seriesIndex = seriesModel.seriesIndex;
toggleHoverEmphasis(polygon, focus, blurScope, emphasisDisabled);
var changePolyState = function (toState) {
data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el) {
// Switch polyline / polygon state if element changed its state.
el && (el.onHoverStateChange = changePolyState);
this._polyline.onHoverStateChange = changePolyState;
this._data = data;
// Save the coordinate system for transition animation when data changed
this._coordSys = coordSys;
this._stackedOnPoints = stackedOnPoints;
this._points = points;
this._step = step;
this._valueOrigin = valueOrigin;
if (seriesModel.get('triggerLineEvent')) {
this.packEventData(seriesModel, polyline);
polygon && this.packEventData(seriesModel, polygon);
LineView.prototype.packEventData = function (seriesModel, el) {
getECData(el).eventData = {
componentType: 'series',
componentSubType: 'line',
componentIndex: seriesModel.componentIndex,
seriesIndex: seriesModel.seriesIndex,
seriesType: 'line'
LineView.prototype.highlight = function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) {
var data = seriesModel.getData();
var dataIndex = modelUtil.queryDataIndex(data, payload);
if (!(dataIndex instanceof Array) && dataIndex != null && dataIndex >= 0) {
var points = data.getLayout('points');
var symbol = data.getItemGraphicEl(dataIndex);
if (!symbol) {
// Create a temporary symbol if it is not exists
var x = points[dataIndex * 2];
var y = points[dataIndex * 2 + 1];
if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
// Null data
// fix #11360: shouldn't draw symbol outside clipShapeForSymbol
if (this._clipShapeForSymbol && !this._clipShapeForSymbol.contain(x, y)) {
var zlevel = seriesModel.get('zlevel') || 0;
var z = seriesModel.get('z') || 0;
symbol = new SymbolClz(data, dataIndex);
symbol.x = x;
symbol.y = y;
symbol.setZ(zlevel, z);
// ensure label text of the temporary symbol is in front of line and area polygon
var symbolLabel = symbol.getSymbolPath().getTextContent();
if (symbolLabel) {
symbolLabel.zlevel = zlevel;
symbolLabel.z = z;
symbolLabel.z2 = this._polyline.z2 + 1;
symbol.__temp = true;
data.setItemGraphicEl(dataIndex, symbol);
// Stop scale animation
} else {
// Highlight whole series
|, seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload);
LineView.prototype.downplay = function (seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload) {
var data = seriesModel.getData();
var dataIndex = modelUtil.queryDataIndex(data, payload);
if (dataIndex != null && dataIndex >= 0) {
var symbol = data.getItemGraphicEl(dataIndex);
if (symbol) {
if (symbol.__temp) {
data.setItemGraphicEl(dataIndex, null);
} else {
} else {
// can not downplay completely.
// Downplay whole series
|, seriesModel, ecModel, api, payload);
LineView.prototype._changePolyState = function (toState) {
var polygon = this._polygon;
setStatesFlag(this._polyline, toState);
polygon && setStatesFlag(polygon, toState);
LineView.prototype._newPolyline = function (points) {
var polyline = this._polyline;
// Remove previous created polyline
if (polyline) {
polyline = new ECPolyline({
shape: {
points: points
segmentIgnoreThreshold: 2,
z2: 10
this._polyline = polyline;
return polyline;
LineView.prototype._newPolygon = function (points, stackedOnPoints) {
var polygon = this._polygon;
// Remove previous created polygon
if (polygon) {
polygon = new ECPolygon({
shape: {
points: points,
stackedOnPoints: stackedOnPoints
segmentIgnoreThreshold: 2
this._polygon = polygon;
return polygon;
LineView.prototype._initSymbolLabelAnimation = function (data, coordSys, clipShape) {
var isHorizontalOrRadial;
var isCoordSysPolar;
var baseAxis = coordSys.getBaseAxis();
var isAxisInverse = baseAxis.inverse;
if (coordSys.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isHorizontalOrRadial = baseAxis.isHorizontal();
isCoordSysPolar = false;
} else if (coordSys.type === 'polar') {
isHorizontalOrRadial = baseAxis.dim === 'angle';
isCoordSysPolar = true;
var seriesModel = data.hostModel;
var seriesDuration = seriesModel.get('animationDuration');
if (zrUtil.isFunction(seriesDuration)) {
seriesDuration = seriesDuration(null);
var seriesDelay = seriesModel.get('animationDelay') || 0;
var seriesDelayValue = zrUtil.isFunction(seriesDelay) ? seriesDelay(null) : seriesDelay;
data.eachItemGraphicEl(function (symbol, idx) {
var el = symbol;
if (el) {
var point = [symbol.x, symbol.y];
var start = void 0;
var end = void 0;
var current = void 0;
if (clipShape) {
if (isCoordSysPolar) {
var polarClip = clipShape;
var coord = coordSys.pointToCoord(point);
if (isHorizontalOrRadial) {
start = polarClip.startAngle;
end = polarClip.endAngle;
current = -coord[1] / 180 * Math.PI;
} else {
start = polarClip.r0;
end = polarClip.r;
current = coord[0];
} else {
var gridClip = clipShape;
if (isHorizontalOrRadial) {
start = gridClip.x;
end = gridClip.x + gridClip.width;
current = symbol.x;
} else {
start = gridClip.y + gridClip.height;
end = gridClip.y;
current = symbol.y;
var ratio = end === start ? 0 : (current - start) / (end - start);
if (isAxisInverse) {
ratio = 1 - ratio;
var delay = zrUtil.isFunction(seriesDelay) ? seriesDelay(idx) : seriesDuration * ratio + seriesDelayValue;
var symbolPath = el.getSymbolPath();
var text = symbolPath.getTextContent();
scaleX: 0,
scaleY: 0
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1
}, {
duration: 200,
setToFinal: true,
delay: delay
if (text) {
style: {
opacity: 0
}, {
duration: 300,
delay: delay
symbolPath.disableLabelAnimation = true;
LineView.prototype._initOrUpdateEndLabel = function (seriesModel, coordSys, inheritColor) {
var endLabelModel = seriesModel.getModel('endLabel');
if (anyStateShowEndLabel(seriesModel)) {
var data_2 = seriesModel.getData();
var polyline = this._polyline;
// series may be filtered.
var points = data_2.getLayout('points');
if (!points) {
this._endLabel = null;
var endLabel = this._endLabel;
if (!endLabel) {
endLabel = this._endLabel = new graphic.Text({
z2: 200 // should be higher than item symbol
endLabel.ignoreClip = true;
polyline.disableLabelAnimation = true;
// Find last non-NaN data to display data
var dataIndex = getLastIndexNotNull(points);
if (dataIndex >= 0) {
setLabelStyle(polyline, getLabelStatesModels(seriesModel, 'endLabel'), {
inheritColor: inheritColor,
labelFetcher: seriesModel,
labelDataIndex: dataIndex,
defaultText: function (dataIndex, opt, interpolatedValue) {
return interpolatedValue != null ? getDefaultInterpolatedLabel(data_2, interpolatedValue) : getDefaultLabel(data_2, dataIndex);
enableTextSetter: true
}, getEndLabelStateSpecified(endLabelModel, coordSys));
polyline.textConfig.position = null;
} else if (this._endLabel) {
this._endLabel = null;
LineView.prototype._endLabelOnDuring = function (percent, clipRect, data, animationRecord, valueAnimation, endLabelModel, coordSys) {
var endLabel = this._endLabel;
var polyline = this._polyline;
if (endLabel) {
// NOTE: Don't remove percent < 1. percent === 1 means the first frame during render.
// The label is not prepared at this time.
if (percent < 1 && animationRecord.originalX == null) {
animationRecord.originalX = endLabel.x;
animationRecord.originalY = endLabel.y;
var points = data.getLayout('points');
var seriesModel = data.hostModel;
var connectNulls = seriesModel.get('connectNulls');
var precision = endLabelModel.get('precision');
var distance = endLabelModel.get('distance') || 0;
var baseAxis = coordSys.getBaseAxis();
var isHorizontal = baseAxis.isHorizontal();
var isBaseInversed = baseAxis.inverse;
var clipShape = clipRect.shape;
var xOrY = isBaseInversed ? isHorizontal ? clipShape.x : clipShape.y + clipShape.height : isHorizontal ? clipShape.x + clipShape.width : clipShape.y;
var distanceX = (isHorizontal ? distance : 0) * (isBaseInversed ? -1 : 1);
var distanceY = (isHorizontal ? 0 : -distance) * (isBaseInversed ? -1 : 1);
var dim = isHorizontal ? 'x' : 'y';
var dataIndexRange = getIndexRange(points, xOrY, dim);
var indices = dataIndexRange.range;
var diff = indices[1] - indices[0];
var value = void 0;
if (diff >= 1) {
// diff > 1 && connectNulls, which is on the null data.
if (diff > 1 && !connectNulls) {
var pt = getPointAtIndex(points, indices[0]);
x: pt[0] + distanceX,
y: pt[1] + distanceY
valueAnimation && (value = seriesModel.getRawValue(indices[0]));
} else {
var pt = polyline.getPointOn(xOrY, dim);
pt && endLabel.attr({
x: pt[0] + distanceX,
y: pt[1] + distanceY
var startValue = seriesModel.getRawValue(indices[0]);
var endValue = seriesModel.getRawValue(indices[1]);
valueAnimation && (value = modelUtil.interpolateRawValues(data, precision, startValue, endValue, dataIndexRange.t));
animationRecord.lastFrameIndex = indices[0];
} else {
// If diff <= 0, which is the range is not found(Include NaN)
// Choose the first point or last point.
var idx = percent === 1 || animationRecord.lastFrameIndex > 0 ? indices[0] : 0;
var pt = getPointAtIndex(points, idx);
valueAnimation && (value = seriesModel.getRawValue(idx));
x: pt[0] + distanceX,
y: pt[1] + distanceY
if (valueAnimation) {
var inner = labelInner(endLabel);
if (typeof inner.setLabelText === 'function') {
* @private
// FIXME Two value axis
LineView.prototype._doUpdateAnimation = function (data, stackedOnPoints, coordSys, api, step, valueOrigin, connectNulls) {
var polyline = this._polyline;
var polygon = this._polygon;
var seriesModel = data.hostModel;
var diff = lineAnimationDiff(this._data, data, this._stackedOnPoints, stackedOnPoints, this._coordSys, coordSys, this._valueOrigin, valueOrigin);
var current = diff.current;
var stackedOnCurrent = diff.stackedOnCurrent;
var next =;
var stackedOnNext = diff.stackedOnNext;
if (step) {
// TODO If stacked series is not step
current = turnPointsIntoStep(diff.current, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
stackedOnCurrent = turnPointsIntoStep(diff.stackedOnCurrent, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
next = turnPointsIntoStep(, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
stackedOnNext = turnPointsIntoStep(diff.stackedOnNext, coordSys, step, connectNulls);
// Don't apply animation if diff is large.
// For better result and avoid memory explosion problems like
if (getBoundingDiff(current, next) > 3000 || polygon && getBoundingDiff(stackedOnCurrent, stackedOnNext) > 3000) {
points: next
if (polygon) {
points: next,
stackedOnPoints: stackedOnNext
polyline.shape.__points = diff.current;
polyline.shape.points = current;
var target = {
shape: {
points: next
// Also animate the original points.
// If points reference is changed when turning into step line.
if (diff.current !== current) {
target.shape.__points =;
// Stop previous animation.
graphic.updateProps(polyline, target, seriesModel);
if (polygon) {
// Reuse the points with polyline.
points: current,
stackedOnPoints: stackedOnCurrent
graphic.updateProps(polygon, {
shape: {
stackedOnPoints: stackedOnNext
}, seriesModel);
// If use attr directly in updateProps.
if (polyline.shape.points !== polygon.shape.points) {
polygon.shape.points = polyline.shape.points;
var updatedDataInfo = [];
var diffStatus = diff.status;
for (var i = 0; i < diffStatus.length; i++) {
var cmd = diffStatus[i].cmd;
if (cmd === '=') {
var el = data.getItemGraphicEl(diffStatus[i].idx1);
if (el) {
el: el,
ptIdx: i // Index of points
if (polyline.animators && polyline.animators.length) {
polyline.animators[0].during(function () {
polygon && polygon.dirtyShape();
var points = polyline.shape.__points;
for (var i = 0; i < updatedDataInfo.length; i++) {
var el = updatedDataInfo[i].el;
var offset = updatedDataInfo[i].ptIdx * 2;
el.x = points[offset];
el.y = points[offset + 1];
LineView.prototype.remove = function (ecModel) {
var group =;
var oldData = this._data;
// Remove temporary created elements when highlighting
oldData && oldData.eachItemGraphicEl(function (el, idx) {
if (el.__temp) {
oldData.setItemGraphicEl(idx, null);
this._polyline = this._polygon = this._coordSys = this._points = this._stackedOnPoints = this._endLabel = this._data = null;
LineView.type = 'line';
return LineView;
export default LineView;