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108 lines
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1 month ago
import { keys, map } from '../core/util.js';
import { encodeHTML } from '../core/dom.js';
export var SVGNS = '';
export var XLINKNS = '';
export var XMLNS = '';
export var XML_NAMESPACE = '';
export var META_DATA_PREFIX = 'ecmeta_';
export function createElement(name) {
return document.createElementNS(SVGNS, name);
export function createVNode(tag, key, attrs, children, text) {
return {
tag: tag,
attrs: attrs || {},
children: children,
text: text,
key: key
function createElementOpen(name, attrs) {
var attrsStr = [];
if (attrs) {
for (var key in attrs) {
var val = attrs[key];
var part = key;
if (val === false) {
else if (val !== true && val != null) {
part += "=\"" + val + "\"";
return "<" + name + " " + attrsStr.join(' ') + ">";
function createElementClose(name) {
return "</" + name + ">";
export function vNodeToString(el, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var S = opts.newline ? '\n' : '';
function convertElToString(el) {
var children = el.children, tag = el.tag, attrs = el.attrs, text = el.text;
return createElementOpen(tag, attrs)
+ (tag !== 'style' ? encodeHTML(text) : text || '')
+ (children ? "" + S + map(children, function (child) { return convertElToString(child); }).join(S) + S : '')
+ createElementClose(tag);
return convertElToString(el);
export function getCssString(selectorNodes, animationNodes, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var S = opts.newline ? '\n' : '';
var bracketBegin = " {" + S;
var bracketEnd = S + "}";
var selectors = map(keys(selectorNodes), function (className) {
return className + bracketBegin + map(keys(selectorNodes[className]), function (attrName) {
return attrName + ":" + selectorNodes[className][attrName] + ";";
}).join(S) + bracketEnd;
var animations = map(keys(animationNodes), function (animationName) {
return "@keyframes " + animationName + bracketBegin + map(keys(animationNodes[animationName]), function (percent) {
return percent + bracketBegin + map(keys(animationNodes[animationName][percent]), function (attrName) {
var val = animationNodes[animationName][percent][attrName];
if (attrName === 'd') {
val = "path(\"" + val + "\")";
return attrName + ":" + val + ";";
}).join(S) + bracketEnd;
}).join(S) + bracketEnd;
if (!selectors && !animations) {
return '';
return ['<![CDATA[', selectors, animations, ']]>'].join(S);
export function createBrushScope(zrId) {
return {
zrId: zrId,
shadowCache: {},
patternCache: {},
gradientCache: {},
clipPathCache: {},
defs: {},
cssNodes: {},
cssAnims: {},
cssStyleCache: {},
cssAnimIdx: 0,
shadowIdx: 0,
gradientIdx: 0,
patternIdx: 0,
clipPathIdx: 0
export function createSVGVNode(width, height, children, useViewBox) {
return createVNode('svg', 'root', {
'width': width,
'height': height,
'xmlns': SVGNS,
'xmlns:xlink': XLINKNS,
'version': '1.1',
'baseProfile': 'full',
'viewBox': useViewBox ? "0 0 " + width + " " + height : false
}, children);