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574 lines
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4 months ago
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { retrieve, defaults, extend, each, isObject, map, isString, isNumber, isFunction, retrieve2 } from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic.js';
import { getECData } from '../../util/innerStore.js';
import { createTextStyle } from '../../label/labelStyle.js';
import Model from '../../model/Model.js';
import { isRadianAroundZero, remRadian } from '../../util/number.js';
import { createSymbol, normalizeSymbolOffset } from '../../util/symbol.js';
import * as matrixUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/matrix.js';
import { applyTransform as v2ApplyTransform } from 'zrender/lib/core/vector.js';
import { shouldShowAllLabels } from '../../coord/axisHelper.js';
import { prepareLayoutList, hideOverlap } from '../../label/labelLayoutHelper.js';
var PI = Math.PI;
* A final axis is translated and rotated from a "standard axis".
* So opt.position and opt.rotation is required.
* A standard axis is and axis from [0, 0] to [0, axisExtent[1]],
* for example: (0, 0) ------------> (0, 50)
* nameDirection or tickDirection or labelDirection is 1 means tick
* or label is below the standard axis, whereas is -1 means above
* the standard axis. labelOffset means offset between label and axis,
* which is useful when 'onZero', where axisLabel is in the grid and
* label in outside grid.
* Tips: like always,
* positive rotation represents anticlockwise, and negative rotation
* represents clockwise.
* The direction of position coordinate is the same as the direction
* of screen coordinate.
* Do not need to consider axis 'inverse', which is auto processed by
* axis extent.
var AxisBuilder = /** @class */function () {
function AxisBuilder(axisModel, opt) {
| = new graphic.Group();
this.opt = opt;
this.axisModel = axisModel;
// Default value
defaults(opt, {
labelOffset: 0,
nameDirection: 1,
tickDirection: 1,
labelDirection: 1,
silent: true,
handleAutoShown: function () {
return true;
// FIXME Not use a separate text group?
var transformGroup = new graphic.Group({
x: opt.position[0],
y: opt.position[1],
rotation: opt.rotation
// this._transformGroup = transformGroup;
this._transformGroup = transformGroup;
AxisBuilder.prototype.hasBuilder = function (name) {
return !!builders[name];
AxisBuilder.prototype.add = function (name) {
builders[name](this.opt, this.axisModel,, this._transformGroup);
AxisBuilder.prototype.getGroup = function () {
AxisBuilder.innerTextLayout = function (axisRotation, textRotation, direction) {
var rotationDiff = remRadian(textRotation - axisRotation);
var textAlign;
var textVerticalAlign;
if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff)) {
// Label is parallel with axis line.
textVerticalAlign = direction > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom';
textAlign = 'center';
} else if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff - PI)) {
// Label is inverse parallel with axis line.
textVerticalAlign = direction > 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top';
textAlign = 'center';
} else {
textVerticalAlign = 'middle';
if (rotationDiff > 0 && rotationDiff < PI) {
textAlign = direction > 0 ? 'right' : 'left';
} else {
textAlign = direction > 0 ? 'left' : 'right';
return {
rotation: rotationDiff,
textAlign: textAlign,
textVerticalAlign: textVerticalAlign
AxisBuilder.makeAxisEventDataBase = function (axisModel) {
var eventData = {
componentType: axisModel.mainType,
componentIndex: axisModel.componentIndex
eventData[axisModel.mainType + 'Index'] = axisModel.componentIndex;
return eventData;
AxisBuilder.isLabelSilent = function (axisModel) {
var tooltipOpt = axisModel.get('tooltip');
return axisModel.get('silent')
// Consider mouse cursor, add these restrictions.
|| !(axisModel.get('triggerEvent') || tooltipOpt &&;
return AxisBuilder;
var builders = {
axisLine: function (opt, axisModel, group, transformGroup) {
var shown = axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'show']);
if (shown === 'auto' && opt.handleAutoShown) {
shown = opt.handleAutoShown('axisLine');
if (!shown) {
var extent = axisModel.axis.getExtent();
var matrix = transformGroup.transform;
var pt1 = [extent[0], 0];
var pt2 = [extent[1], 0];
var inverse = pt1[0] > pt2[0];
if (matrix) {
v2ApplyTransform(pt1, pt1, matrix);
v2ApplyTransform(pt2, pt2, matrix);
var lineStyle = extend({
lineCap: 'round'
}, axisModel.getModel(['axisLine', 'lineStyle']).getLineStyle());
var line = new graphic.Line({
shape: {
x1: pt1[0],
y1: pt1[1],
x2: pt2[0],
y2: pt2[1]
style: lineStyle,
strokeContainThreshold: opt.strokeContainThreshold || 5,
silent: true,
z2: 1
line.anid = 'line';
var arrows = axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'symbol']);
if (arrows != null) {
var arrowSize = axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'symbolSize']);
if (isString(arrows)) {
// Use the same arrow for start and end point
arrows = [arrows, arrows];
if (isString(arrowSize) || isNumber(arrowSize)) {
// Use the same size for width and height
arrowSize = [arrowSize, arrowSize];
var arrowOffset = normalizeSymbolOffset(axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'symbolOffset']) || 0, arrowSize);
var symbolWidth_1 = arrowSize[0];
var symbolHeight_1 = arrowSize[1];
rotate: opt.rotation + Math.PI / 2,
offset: arrowOffset[0],
r: 0
}, {
rotate: opt.rotation - Math.PI / 2,
offset: arrowOffset[1],
r: Math.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) * (pt1[0] - pt2[0]) + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) * (pt1[1] - pt2[1]))
}], function (point, index) {
if (arrows[index] !== 'none' && arrows[index] != null) {
var symbol = createSymbol(arrows[index], -symbolWidth_1 / 2, -symbolHeight_1 / 2, symbolWidth_1, symbolHeight_1, lineStyle.stroke, true);
// Calculate arrow position with offset
var r = point.r + point.offset;
var pt = inverse ? pt2 : pt1;
rotation: point.rotate,
x: pt[0] + r * Math.cos(opt.rotation),
y: pt[1] - r * Math.sin(opt.rotation),
silent: true,
z2: 11
axisTickLabel: function (opt, axisModel, group, transformGroup) {
var ticksEls = buildAxisMajorTicks(group, transformGroup, axisModel, opt);
var labelEls = buildAxisLabel(group, transformGroup, axisModel, opt);
fixMinMaxLabelShow(axisModel, labelEls, ticksEls);
buildAxisMinorTicks(group, transformGroup, axisModel, opt.tickDirection);
// This bit fixes the label overlap issue for the time chart.
// See for more.
if (axisModel.get(['axisLabel', 'hideOverlap'])) {
var labelList = prepareLayoutList(map(labelEls, function (label) {
return {
label: label,
priority: label.z2,
defaultAttr: {
ignore: label.ignore
axisName: function (opt, axisModel, group, transformGroup) {
var name = retrieve(opt.axisName, axisModel.get('name'));
if (!name) {
var nameLocation = axisModel.get('nameLocation');
var nameDirection = opt.nameDirection;
var textStyleModel = axisModel.getModel('nameTextStyle');
var gap = axisModel.get('nameGap') || 0;
var extent = axisModel.axis.getExtent();
var gapSignal = extent[0] > extent[1] ? -1 : 1;
var pos = [nameLocation === 'start' ? extent[0] - gapSignal * gap : nameLocation === 'end' ? extent[1] + gapSignal * gap : (extent[0] + extent[1]) / 2,
// Reuse labelOffset.
isNameLocationCenter(nameLocation) ? opt.labelOffset + nameDirection * gap : 0];
var labelLayout;
var nameRotation = axisModel.get('nameRotate');
if (nameRotation != null) {
nameRotation = nameRotation * PI / 180; // To radian.
var axisNameAvailableWidth;
if (isNameLocationCenter(nameLocation)) {
labelLayout = AxisBuilder.innerTextLayout(opt.rotation, nameRotation != null ? nameRotation : opt.rotation,
// Adapt to axis.
} else {
labelLayout = endTextLayout(opt.rotation, nameLocation, nameRotation || 0, extent);
axisNameAvailableWidth = opt.axisNameAvailableWidth;
if (axisNameAvailableWidth != null) {
axisNameAvailableWidth = Math.abs(axisNameAvailableWidth / Math.sin(labelLayout.rotation));
!isFinite(axisNameAvailableWidth) && (axisNameAvailableWidth = null);
var textFont = textStyleModel.getFont();
var truncateOpt = axisModel.get('nameTruncate', true) || {};
var ellipsis = truncateOpt.ellipsis;
var maxWidth = retrieve(opt.nameTruncateMaxWidth, truncateOpt.maxWidth, axisNameAvailableWidth);
var textEl = new graphic.Text({
x: pos[0],
y: pos[1],
rotation: labelLayout.rotation,
silent: AxisBuilder.isLabelSilent(axisModel),
style: createTextStyle(textStyleModel, {
text: name,
font: textFont,
overflow: 'truncate',
width: maxWidth,
ellipsis: ellipsis,
fill: textStyleModel.getTextColor() || axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'lineStyle', 'color']),
align: textStyleModel.get('align') || labelLayout.textAlign,
verticalAlign: textStyleModel.get('verticalAlign') || labelLayout.textVerticalAlign
z2: 1
el: textEl,
componentModel: axisModel,
itemName: name
textEl.__fullText = name;
// Id for animation
textEl.anid = 'name';
if (axisModel.get('triggerEvent')) {
var eventData = AxisBuilder.makeAxisEventDataBase(axisModel);
eventData.targetType = 'axisName';
| = name;
getECData(textEl).eventData = eventData;
function endTextLayout(rotation, textPosition, textRotate, extent) {
var rotationDiff = remRadian(textRotate - rotation);
var textAlign;
var textVerticalAlign;
var inverse = extent[0] > extent[1];
var onLeft = textPosition === 'start' && !inverse || textPosition !== 'start' && inverse;
if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff - PI / 2)) {
textVerticalAlign = onLeft ? 'bottom' : 'top';
textAlign = 'center';
} else if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff - PI * 1.5)) {
textVerticalAlign = onLeft ? 'top' : 'bottom';
textAlign = 'center';
} else {
textVerticalAlign = 'middle';
if (rotationDiff < PI * 1.5 && rotationDiff > PI / 2) {
textAlign = onLeft ? 'left' : 'right';
} else {
textAlign = onLeft ? 'right' : 'left';
return {
rotation: rotationDiff,
textAlign: textAlign,
textVerticalAlign: textVerticalAlign
function fixMinMaxLabelShow(axisModel, labelEls, tickEls) {
if (shouldShowAllLabels(axisModel.axis)) {
// If min or max are user set, we need to check
// If the tick on min(max) are overlap on their neighbour tick
// If they are overlapped, we need to hide the min(max) tick label
var showMinLabel = axisModel.get(['axisLabel', 'showMinLabel']);
var showMaxLabel = axisModel.get(['axisLabel', 'showMaxLabel']);
// Have not consider onBand yet, where tick els is more than label els.
labelEls = labelEls || [];
tickEls = tickEls || [];
var firstLabel = labelEls[0];
var nextLabel = labelEls[1];
var lastLabel = labelEls[labelEls.length - 1];
var prevLabel = labelEls[labelEls.length - 2];
var firstTick = tickEls[0];
var nextTick = tickEls[1];
var lastTick = tickEls[tickEls.length - 1];
var prevTick = tickEls[tickEls.length - 2];
if (showMinLabel === false) {
} else if (isTwoLabelOverlapped(firstLabel, nextLabel)) {
if (showMinLabel) {
} else {
if (showMaxLabel === false) {
} else if (isTwoLabelOverlapped(prevLabel, lastLabel)) {
if (showMaxLabel) {
} else {
function ignoreEl(el) {
el && (el.ignore = true);
function isTwoLabelOverlapped(current, next) {
// current and next has the same rotation.
var firstRect = current && current.getBoundingRect().clone();
var nextRect = next && next.getBoundingRect().clone();
if (!firstRect || !nextRect) {
// When checking intersect of two rotated labels, we use mRotationBack
// to avoid that boundingRect is enlarge when using `boundingRect.applyTransform`.
var mRotationBack = matrixUtil.identity([]);
matrixUtil.rotate(mRotationBack, mRotationBack, -current.rotation);
firstRect.applyTransform(matrixUtil.mul([], mRotationBack, current.getLocalTransform()));
nextRect.applyTransform(matrixUtil.mul([], mRotationBack, next.getLocalTransform()));
return firstRect.intersect(nextRect);
function isNameLocationCenter(nameLocation) {
return nameLocation === 'middle' || nameLocation === 'center';
function createTicks(ticksCoords, tickTransform, tickEndCoord, tickLineStyle, anidPrefix) {
var tickEls = [];
var pt1 = [];
var pt2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ticksCoords.length; i++) {
var tickCoord = ticksCoords[i].coord;
pt1[0] = tickCoord;
pt1[1] = 0;
pt2[0] = tickCoord;
pt2[1] = tickEndCoord;
if (tickTransform) {
v2ApplyTransform(pt1, pt1, tickTransform);
v2ApplyTransform(pt2, pt2, tickTransform);
// Tick line, Not use group transform to have better line draw
var tickEl = new graphic.Line({
shape: {
x1: pt1[0],
y1: pt1[1],
x2: pt2[0],
y2: pt2[1]
style: tickLineStyle,
z2: 2,
autoBatch: true,
silent: true
tickEl.anid = anidPrefix + '_' + ticksCoords[i].tickValue;
return tickEls;
function buildAxisMajorTicks(group, transformGroup, axisModel, opt) {
var axis = axisModel.axis;
var tickModel = axisModel.getModel('axisTick');
var shown = tickModel.get('show');
if (shown === 'auto' && opt.handleAutoShown) {
shown = opt.handleAutoShown('axisTick');
if (!shown || axis.scale.isBlank()) {
var lineStyleModel = tickModel.getModel('lineStyle');
var tickEndCoord = opt.tickDirection * tickModel.get('length');
var ticksCoords = axis.getTicksCoords();
var ticksEls = createTicks(ticksCoords, transformGroup.transform, tickEndCoord, defaults(lineStyleModel.getLineStyle(), {
stroke: axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'lineStyle', 'color'])
}), 'ticks');
for (var i = 0; i < ticksEls.length; i++) {
return ticksEls;
function buildAxisMinorTicks(group, transformGroup, axisModel, tickDirection) {
var axis = axisModel.axis;
var minorTickModel = axisModel.getModel('minorTick');
if (!minorTickModel.get('show') || axis.scale.isBlank()) {
var minorTicksCoords = axis.getMinorTicksCoords();
if (!minorTicksCoords.length) {
var lineStyleModel = minorTickModel.getModel('lineStyle');
var tickEndCoord = tickDirection * minorTickModel.get('length');
var minorTickLineStyle = defaults(lineStyleModel.getLineStyle(), defaults(axisModel.getModel('axisTick').getLineStyle(), {
stroke: axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'lineStyle', 'color'])
for (var i = 0; i < minorTicksCoords.length; i++) {
var minorTicksEls = createTicks(minorTicksCoords[i], transformGroup.transform, tickEndCoord, minorTickLineStyle, 'minorticks_' + i);
for (var k = 0; k < minorTicksEls.length; k++) {
function buildAxisLabel(group, transformGroup, axisModel, opt) {
var axis = axisModel.axis;
var show = retrieve(opt.axisLabelShow, axisModel.get(['axisLabel', 'show']));
if (!show || axis.scale.isBlank()) {
var labelModel = axisModel.getModel('axisLabel');
var labelMargin = labelModel.get('margin');
var labels = axis.getViewLabels();
// Special label rotate.
var labelRotation = (retrieve(opt.labelRotate, labelModel.get('rotate')) || 0) * PI / 180;
var labelLayout = AxisBuilder.innerTextLayout(opt.rotation, labelRotation, opt.labelDirection);
var rawCategoryData = axisModel.getCategories && axisModel.getCategories(true);
var labelEls = [];
var silent = AxisBuilder.isLabelSilent(axisModel);
var triggerEvent = axisModel.get('triggerEvent');
each(labels, function (labelItem, index) {
var tickValue = axis.scale.type === 'ordinal' ? axis.scale.getRawOrdinalNumber(labelItem.tickValue) : labelItem.tickValue;
var formattedLabel = labelItem.formattedLabel;
var rawLabel = labelItem.rawLabel;
var itemLabelModel = labelModel;
if (rawCategoryData && rawCategoryData[tickValue]) {
var rawCategoryItem = rawCategoryData[tickValue];
if (isObject(rawCategoryItem) && rawCategoryItem.textStyle) {
itemLabelModel = new Model(rawCategoryItem.textStyle, labelModel, axisModel.ecModel);
var textColor = itemLabelModel.getTextColor() || axisModel.get(['axisLine', 'lineStyle', 'color']);
var tickCoord = axis.dataToCoord(tickValue);
var align = itemLabelModel.getShallow('align', true) || labelLayout.textAlign;
var alignMin = retrieve2(itemLabelModel.getShallow('alignMinLabel', true), align);
var alignMax = retrieve2(itemLabelModel.getShallow('alignMaxLabel', true), align);
var verticalAlign = itemLabelModel.getShallow('verticalAlign', true) || itemLabelModel.getShallow('baseline', true) || labelLayout.textVerticalAlign;
var verticalAlignMin = retrieve2(itemLabelModel.getShallow('verticalAlignMinLabel', true), verticalAlign);
var verticalAlignMax = retrieve2(itemLabelModel.getShallow('verticalAlignMaxLabel', true), verticalAlign);
var textEl = new graphic.Text({
x: tickCoord,
y: opt.labelOffset + opt.labelDirection * labelMargin,
rotation: labelLayout.rotation,
silent: silent,
z2: 10 + (labelItem.level || 0),
style: createTextStyle(itemLabelModel, {
text: formattedLabel,
align: index === 0 ? alignMin : index === labels.length - 1 ? alignMax : align,
verticalAlign: index === 0 ? verticalAlignMin : index === labels.length - 1 ? verticalAlignMax : verticalAlign,
fill: isFunction(textColor) ? textColor(
// (1) In category axis with data zoom, tick is not the original
// index of So tick should not be exposed to user
// in category axis.
// (2) Compatible with previous version, which always use formatted label as
// input. But in interval scale the formatted label is like '223,445', which
// maked user replace ','. So we modify it to return original val but remain
// it as 'string' to avoid error in replacing.
axis.type === 'category' ? rawLabel : axis.type === 'value' ? tickValue + '' : tickValue, index) : textColor
textEl.anid = 'label_' + tickValue;
// Pack data for mouse event
if (triggerEvent) {
var eventData = AxisBuilder.makeAxisEventDataBase(axisModel);
eventData.targetType = 'axisLabel';
eventData.value = rawLabel;
eventData.tickIndex = index;
if (axis.type === 'category') {
eventData.dataIndex = tickValue;
getECData(textEl).eventData = eventData;
return labelEls;
export default AxisBuilder;