You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
401 lines
17 KiB
401 lines
17 KiB
4 months ago
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { __extends } from "tslib";
* Separate legend and scrollable legend to reduce package size.
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic.js';
import * as layoutUtil from '../../util/layout.js';
import LegendView from './LegendView.js';
var Group = graphic.Group;
var WH = ['width', 'height'];
var XY = ['x', 'y'];
var ScrollableLegendView = /** @class */function (_super) {
__extends(ScrollableLegendView, _super);
function ScrollableLegendView() {
var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.type = ScrollableLegendView.type;
_this.newlineDisabled = true;
_this._currentIndex = 0;
return _this;
ScrollableLegendView.prototype.init = function () {
| = new Group());
| = new Group());
* @override
ScrollableLegendView.prototype.resetInner = function () {
this._containerGroup.__rectSize = null;
* @override
ScrollableLegendView.prototype.renderInner = function (itemAlign, legendModel, ecModel, api, selector, orient, selectorPosition) {
var self = this;
// Render content items.
|, itemAlign, legendModel, ecModel, api, selector, orient, selectorPosition);
var controllerGroup = this._controllerGroup;
// FIXME: support be 'auto' adapt to size number text length,
// e.g., '3/12345' should not overlap with the control arrow button.
var pageIconSize = legendModel.get('pageIconSize', true);
var pageIconSizeArr = zrUtil.isArray(pageIconSize) ? pageIconSize : [pageIconSize, pageIconSize];
createPageButton('pagePrev', 0);
var pageTextStyleModel = legendModel.getModel('pageTextStyle');
controllerGroup.add(new graphic.Text({
name: 'pageText',
style: {
// Placeholder to calculate a proper layout.
text: 'xx/xx',
fill: pageTextStyleModel.getTextColor(),
font: pageTextStyleModel.getFont(),
verticalAlign: 'middle',
align: 'center'
silent: true
createPageButton('pageNext', 1);
function createPageButton(name, iconIdx) {
var pageDataIndexName = name + 'DataIndex';
var icon = graphic.createIcon(legendModel.get('pageIcons', true)[legendModel.getOrient().name][iconIdx], {
// Buttons will be created in each render, so we do not need
// to worry about avoiding using legendModel kept in scope.
onclick: zrUtil.bind(self._pageGo, self, pageDataIndexName, legendModel, api)
}, {
x: -pageIconSizeArr[0] / 2,
y: -pageIconSizeArr[1] / 2,
width: pageIconSizeArr[0],
height: pageIconSizeArr[1]
| = name;
* @override
ScrollableLegendView.prototype.layoutInner = function (legendModel, itemAlign, maxSize, isFirstRender, selector, selectorPosition) {
var selectorGroup = this.getSelectorGroup();
var orientIdx = legendModel.getOrient().index;
var wh = WH[orientIdx];
var xy = XY[orientIdx];
var hw = WH[1 - orientIdx];
var yx = XY[1 - orientIdx];
selector &&
// Buttons in selectorGroup always layout horizontally
'horizontal', selectorGroup, legendModel.get('selectorItemGap', true));
var selectorButtonGap = legendModel.get('selectorButtonGap', true);
var selectorRect = selectorGroup.getBoundingRect();
var selectorPos = [-selectorRect.x, -selectorRect.y];
var processMaxSize = zrUtil.clone(maxSize);
selector && (processMaxSize[wh] = maxSize[wh] - selectorRect[wh] - selectorButtonGap);
var mainRect = this._layoutContentAndController(legendModel, isFirstRender, processMaxSize, orientIdx, wh, hw, yx, xy);
if (selector) {
if (selectorPosition === 'end') {
selectorPos[orientIdx] += mainRect[wh] + selectorButtonGap;
} else {
var offset = selectorRect[wh] + selectorButtonGap;
selectorPos[orientIdx] -= offset;
mainRect[xy] -= offset;
mainRect[wh] += selectorRect[wh] + selectorButtonGap;
selectorPos[1 - orientIdx] += mainRect[yx] + mainRect[hw] / 2 - selectorRect[hw] / 2;
mainRect[hw] = Math.max(mainRect[hw], selectorRect[hw]);
mainRect[yx] = Math.min(mainRect[yx], selectorRect[yx] + selectorPos[1 - orientIdx]);
selectorGroup.x = selectorPos[0];
selectorGroup.y = selectorPos[1];
return mainRect;
ScrollableLegendView.prototype._layoutContentAndController = function (legendModel, isFirstRender, maxSize, orientIdx, wh, hw, yx, xy) {
var contentGroup = this.getContentGroup();
var containerGroup = this._containerGroup;
var controllerGroup = this._controllerGroup;
// Place items in contentGroup.
|'orient'), contentGroup, legendModel.get('itemGap'), !orientIdx ? null : maxSize.width, orientIdx ? null : maxSize.height);
// Buttons in controller are layout always horizontally.
'horizontal', controllerGroup, legendModel.get('pageButtonItemGap', true));
var contentRect = contentGroup.getBoundingRect();
var controllerRect = controllerGroup.getBoundingRect();
var showController = this._showController = contentRect[wh] > maxSize[wh];
// In case that the inner elements of contentGroup layout do not based on [0, 0]
var contentPos = [-contentRect.x, -contentRect.y];
// Remain contentPos when scroll animation perfroming.
// If first rendering, `contentGroup.position` is [0, 0], which
// does not make sense and may cause unexepcted animation if adopted.
if (!isFirstRender) {
contentPos[orientIdx] = contentGroup[xy];
// Layout container group based on 0.
var containerPos = [0, 0];
var controllerPos = [-controllerRect.x, -controllerRect.y];
var pageButtonGap = zrUtil.retrieve2(legendModel.get('pageButtonGap', true), legendModel.get('itemGap', true));
// Place containerGroup and controllerGroup and contentGroup.
if (showController) {
var pageButtonPosition = legendModel.get('pageButtonPosition', true);
// controller is on the right / bottom.
if (pageButtonPosition === 'end') {
controllerPos[orientIdx] += maxSize[wh] - controllerRect[wh];
// controller is on the left / top.
else {
containerPos[orientIdx] += controllerRect[wh] + pageButtonGap;
// Always align controller to content as 'middle'.
controllerPos[1 - orientIdx] += contentRect[hw] / 2 - controllerRect[hw] / 2;
// Calculate `mainRect` and set `clipPath`.
// mainRect should not be calculated by ``
// for sake of the overflow.
var mainRect = {
x: 0,
y: 0
// Consider content may be overflow (should be clipped).
mainRect[wh] = showController ? maxSize[wh] : contentRect[wh];
mainRect[hw] = Math.max(contentRect[hw], controllerRect[hw]);
// `containerRect[yx] + containerPos[1 - orientIdx]` is 0.
mainRect[yx] = Math.min(0, controllerRect[yx] + controllerPos[1 - orientIdx]);
containerGroup.__rectSize = maxSize[wh];
if (showController) {
var clipShape = {
x: 0,
y: 0
clipShape[wh] = Math.max(maxSize[wh] - controllerRect[wh] - pageButtonGap, 0);
clipShape[hw] = mainRect[hw];
containerGroup.setClipPath(new graphic.Rect({
shape: clipShape
// Consider content may be larger than container, container rect
// can not be obtained from `containerGroup.getBoundingRect()`.
containerGroup.__rectSize = clipShape[wh];
} else {
// Do not remove or ignore controller. Keep them set as placeholders.
controllerGroup.eachChild(function (child) {
invisible: true,
silent: true
// Content translate animation.
var pageInfo = this._getPageInfo(legendModel);
pageInfo.pageIndex != null && graphic.updateProps(contentGroup, {
x: pageInfo.contentPosition[0],
y: pageInfo.contentPosition[1]
// When switch from "show controller" to "not show controller", view should be
// updated immediately without animation, otherwise causes weird effect.
showController ? legendModel : null);
this._updatePageInfoView(legendModel, pageInfo);
return mainRect;
ScrollableLegendView.prototype._pageGo = function (to, legendModel, api) {
var scrollDataIndex = this._getPageInfo(legendModel)[to];
scrollDataIndex != null && api.dispatchAction({
type: 'legendScroll',
scrollDataIndex: scrollDataIndex,
ScrollableLegendView.prototype._updatePageInfoView = function (legendModel, pageInfo) {
var controllerGroup = this._controllerGroup;
zrUtil.each(['pagePrev', 'pageNext'], function (name) {
var key = name + 'DataIndex';
var canJump = pageInfo[key] != null;
var icon = controllerGroup.childOfName(name);
if (icon) {
icon.setStyle('fill', canJump ? legendModel.get('pageIconColor', true) : legendModel.get('pageIconInactiveColor', true));
icon.cursor = canJump ? 'pointer' : 'default';
var pageText = controllerGroup.childOfName('pageText');
var pageFormatter = legendModel.get('pageFormatter');
var pageIndex = pageInfo.pageIndex;
var current = pageIndex != null ? pageIndex + 1 : 0;
var total = pageInfo.pageCount;
pageText && pageFormatter && pageText.setStyle('text', zrUtil.isString(pageFormatter) ? pageFormatter.replace('{current}', current == null ? '' : current + '').replace('{total}', total == null ? '' : total + '') : pageFormatter({
current: current,
total: total
* contentPosition: Array.<number>, null when data item not found.
* pageIndex: number, null when data item not found.
* pageCount: number, always be a number, can be 0.
* pagePrevDataIndex: number, null when no previous page.
* pageNextDataIndex: number, null when no next page.
* }
ScrollableLegendView.prototype._getPageInfo = function (legendModel) {
var scrollDataIndex = legendModel.get('scrollDataIndex', true);
var contentGroup = this.getContentGroup();
var containerRectSize = this._containerGroup.__rectSize;
var orientIdx = legendModel.getOrient().index;
var wh = WH[orientIdx];
var xy = XY[orientIdx];
var targetItemIndex = this._findTargetItemIndex(scrollDataIndex);
var children = contentGroup.children();
var targetItem = children[targetItemIndex];
var itemCount = children.length;
var pCount = !itemCount ? 0 : 1;
var result = {
contentPosition: [contentGroup.x, contentGroup.y],
pageCount: pCount,
pageIndex: pCount - 1,
pagePrevDataIndex: null,
pageNextDataIndex: null
if (!targetItem) {
return result;
var targetItemInfo = getItemInfo(targetItem);
result.contentPosition[orientIdx] = -targetItemInfo.s;
// Strategy:
// (1) Always align based on the left/top most item.
// (2) It is user-friendly that the last item shown in the
// current window is shown at the begining of next window.
// Otherwise if half of the last item is cut by the window,
// it will have no chance to display entirely.
// (3) Consider that item size probably be different, we
// have calculate pageIndex by size rather than item index,
// and we can not get page index directly by division.
// (4) The window is to narrow to contain more than
// one item, we should make sure that the page can be fliped.
for (var i = targetItemIndex + 1, winStartItemInfo = targetItemInfo, winEndItemInfo = targetItemInfo, currItemInfo = null; i <= itemCount; ++i) {
currItemInfo = getItemInfo(children[i]);
if (
// Half of the last item is out of the window.
!currItemInfo && winEndItemInfo.e > winStartItemInfo.s + containerRectSize
// If the current item does not intersect with the window, the new page
// can be started at the current item or the last item.
|| currItemInfo && !intersect(currItemInfo, winStartItemInfo.s)) {
if (winEndItemInfo.i > winStartItemInfo.i) {
winStartItemInfo = winEndItemInfo;
} else {
// e.g., when page size is smaller than item size.
winStartItemInfo = currItemInfo;
if (winStartItemInfo) {
if (result.pageNextDataIndex == null) {
result.pageNextDataIndex = winStartItemInfo.i;
winEndItemInfo = currItemInfo;
for (var i = targetItemIndex - 1, winStartItemInfo = targetItemInfo, winEndItemInfo = targetItemInfo, currItemInfo = null; i >= -1; --i) {
currItemInfo = getItemInfo(children[i]);
if (
// If the the end item does not intersect with the window started
// from the current item, a page can be settled.
(!currItemInfo || !intersect(winEndItemInfo, currItemInfo.s)
// e.g., when page size is smaller than item size.
) && winStartItemInfo.i < winEndItemInfo.i) {
winEndItemInfo = winStartItemInfo;
if (result.pagePrevDataIndex == null) {
result.pagePrevDataIndex = winStartItemInfo.i;
winStartItemInfo = currItemInfo;
return result;
function getItemInfo(el) {
if (el) {
var itemRect = el.getBoundingRect();
var start = itemRect[xy] + el[xy];
return {
s: start,
e: start + itemRect[wh],
i: el.__legendDataIndex
function intersect(itemInfo, winStart) {
return itemInfo.e >= winStart && itemInfo.s <= winStart + containerRectSize;
ScrollableLegendView.prototype._findTargetItemIndex = function (targetDataIndex) {
if (!this._showController) {
return 0;
var index;
var contentGroup = this.getContentGroup();
var defaultIndex;
contentGroup.eachChild(function (child, idx) {
var legendDataIdx = child.__legendDataIndex;
// If the given targetDataIndex (from model) is illegal,
// we use defaultIndex. But the index on the legend model and
// action payload is still illegal. That case will not be
// changed until some scenario requires.
if (defaultIndex == null && legendDataIdx != null) {
defaultIndex = idx;
if (legendDataIdx === targetDataIndex) {
index = idx;
return index != null ? index : defaultIndex;
ScrollableLegendView.type = 'legend.scroll';
return ScrollableLegendView;
export default ScrollableLegendView;