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1 month ago
{"version":3,"names":["Buffer","constructor","map","indentChar","_map","_buf","_str","_appendCount","_last","_queue","_queueCursor","_canMarkIdName","_indentChar","_fastIndentations","_position","line","column","_sourcePosition","identifierName","undefined","identifierNamePos","filename","i","push","repeat","_allocQueue","queue","char","_pushQueue","cursor","length","item","_popQueue","Error","get","_flush","result","code","trimRight","decodedMap","getDecoded","__mergedMap","resultMap","value","Object","defineProperty","writable","rawMappings","mappings","getRawMappings","append","str","maybeNewline","_append","appendChar","_appendChar","sourcePosition","queueIndentation","queueCursor","sourcePos","fastIndentation","String","fromCharCode","_mark","len","position","charCodeAt","indexOf","last","_this$_map","mark","removeTrailingNewline","removeLastSemicolon","getLastChar","getNewlineCount","count","endsWithCharAndNewline","lastCp","hasContent","exactSource","loc","cb","source","prop","_normalizePosition","sourceWithOffset","columnOffset","pos","target","Math","max","getCurrentColumn","lastIndex","getCurrentLine","exports","default"],"sources":["../src/buffer.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import type SourceMap from \"./source-map.ts\";\n\n// We inline this package\n// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies\nimport * as charcodes from \"charcodes\";\n\nexport type Pos = {\n line: number;\n column: number;\n};\nexport type Loc = {\n start?: Pos;\n end?: Pos;\n filename?: string;\n};\ntype SourcePos = {\n line: number | undefined;\n column: number | undefined;\n identifierName: string | undefined;\n filename: string | undefined;\n};\ntype InternalSourcePos = SourcePos & { identifierNamePos: Pos };\n\ntype QueueItem = {\n char: number;\n repeat: number;\n line: number | undefined;\n column: number | undefined;\n identifierName: undefined; // Not used, it always undefined.\n identifierNamePos: undefined; // Not used, it always undefined.\n filename: string | undefined;\n};\n\nexport default class Buffer {\n constructor(map: SourceMap | null, indentChar: string) {\n this._map = map;\n this._indentChar = indentChar;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < 64; i++) {\n this._fastIndentations.push(indentChar.repeat(i));\n }\n\n this._allocQueue();\n }\n\n _map: SourceMap = null;\n _buf = \"\";\n _str = \"\";\n _appendCount = 0;\n _last = 0;\n _queue: QueueItem[] = [];\n _queueCursor = 0;\n _canMarkIdName = true;\n _indentChar = \"\";\n _fastIndentations: string[] = [];\n\n _position = {\n line: 1,\n column: 0,\n };\n _sourcePosition: InternalSourcePos = {\n identifierName: undefined,\n identifierNamePos: undefined,\n line: undefined,\n column: undefined,\n filename: undefined,\n };\n\n _allocQueue() {\n const queue = this._queue;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {\n queue.push({\n char: 0,\n repeat: 1,\n line: undefined,\n column: undefined,\n identifierName: undefined,\n identifierNamePos: undefined,\n filename: \"\",\n });\n }\n }\n\n _pushQueue(\n char: number,\n repeat: number,\n line: number | undefined,\n column: number | undefined,\n filename: string | undefined,\n ) {\n const cursor = this._queueCursor;\n if (cursor === this._queue.length) {\n this._allocQueue();\n }\n const item = this._queue[cursor];\n item.char = char;\n item.repeat = repeat;\n item.line = line;\n item.column = column;\n item.filename = filename;\n\n this._queueCursor++;\n }\n\n _popQueue(): QueueItem {\n if (this._queueCursor === 0) {\n throw new Error(\"Cannot pop from empty queue\");\n }\n return this._queue[--this._queueCursor];\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the final string output from the buffer, along with the sourcemap if one exists.\n */\n\n get() {\n this._flush();\n\n const map = this._map;\n const result = {\n // Whatever trim is used here should not execute a regex against the\n // source string since it may be arbitrar