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5 months ago
{"version":3,"names":["_assert","require","_t","_importBuilder","_isModule","identifier","importSpecifier","numericLiteral","sequenceExpression","isImportDeclaration","ImportInjector","constructor","path","importedSource","opts","_defaultOpts","importedType","importedInterop","importingInterop","ensureLiveReference","ensureNoContext","importPosition","programPath","find","p","isProgram","_programPath","_programScope","scope","_hub","hub","_applyDefaults","addDefault","importedSourceIn","addNamed","importName","assert","_generateImport","addNamespace","addSideEffect","isInit","newOpts","Object","assign","nameHint","undefined","blockHoist","isDefault","isNamed","isNamespace","name","isMod","isModule","isModuleForNode","isModuleForBabel","Error","builder","ImportBuilder","import","namespace","named","es6Default","default","var","wildcardInterop","defaultInterop","read","prop","statements","resultName","done","_insertStatements","type","_insertStatementsAfter","_insertStatementsBefore","unshiftContainer","length","isValueImport","firstImportDecl","get","node","source","value","maybeAppendImportSpecifiers","forEach","_blockHoist","targetPath","val","Number","isFinite","insertBefore","statementsSet","Set","importDeclarations","Map","statement","has","set","push","lastImportPath","bodyStmt","newImports","decl","delete","size","insertAfter","Array","from","exports","importKind","hasNamespaceImport","specifiers","hasDefaultImport","target","local","unshift","shift"],"sources":["../src/import-injector.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import assert from \"assert\";\nimport {\n identifier,\n importSpecifier,\n numericLiteral,\n sequenceExpression,\n isImportDeclaration,\n} from \"@babel/types\";\nimport type * as t from \"@babel/types\";\nimport type { NodePath, Scope, HubInterface } from \"@babel/traverse\";\n\nimport ImportBuilder from \"./import-builder.ts\";\nimport isModule from \"./is-module.ts\";\n\nexport type ImportOptions = {\n /**\n * The module being referenced.\n */\n importedSource: string | null;\n /**\n * The type of module being imported:\n *\n * * 'es6' - An ES6 module.\n * * 'commonjs' - A CommonJS module. (Default)\n */\n importedType: \"es6\" | \"commonjs\";\n /**\n * The type of interop behavior for namespace/default/named when loading\n * CommonJS modules.\n *\n * ## 'babel' (Default)\n *\n * Load using Babel's interop.\n *\n * If '.__esModule' is true, treat as 'compiled', else:\n *\n * * Namespace: A copy of the module.exports with .default\n * populated by the module.exports object.\n * * Default: The module.exports value.\n * * Named: The .named property of module.exports.\n *\n * The 'ensureLiveReference' has no effect on the liveness of these.\n *\n * ## 'compiled'\n *\n * Assume the module is ES6 compiled to CommonJS. Useful to avoid injecting\n * interop logic if you are confident that the module is a certain format.\n *\n * * Namespace: The root module.exports object.\n * * Default: The .default property of the namespace.\n * * Named: The .named property of the namespace.\n *\n * Will return erroneous results if the imported module is _not_ compiled\n * from ES6 with Babel.\n *\n * ## 'uncompiled'\n *\n * Assume the module is _not_ ES6 compiled to CommonJS. Used a simplified\n * access pattern that doesn't require additional function calls.\n *\n * Will return erroneous results if the imported module _is_ compiled\n * from ES6 with Babel.\n *\n * * Namespace: The module.exports object.\n * * Default: The module.exports object.\n * * Named: The .named property of module.exports.\n */\n importedInterop: \"babel\" | \"node\" | \"compiled\" | \"uncompiled\";\n /**\n * The type of CommonJS interop included in the environment that will be\n * loading the output code.\n *\n * * 'babel' - CommonJS modules load with Babel's interop. (Default)\n * * 'node' - CommonJS modules load with Node's interop.\n *\n * See descriptions in 'importedInterop' for more details.\n */\n importingInter