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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Parallel Coordinates
* <>
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js';
import * as matrix from 'zrender/lib/core/matrix.js';
import * as layoutUtil from '../../util/layout.js';
import * as axisHelper from '../../coord/axisHelper.js';
import ParallelAxis from './ParallelAxis.js';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic.js';
import * as numberUtil from '../../util/number.js';
import sliderMove from '../../component/helper/sliderMove.js';
var each = zrUtil.each;
var mathMin = Math.min;
var mathMax = Math.max;
var mathFloor = Math.floor;
var mathCeil = Math.ceil;
var round = numberUtil.round;
var PI = Math.PI;
var Parallel = /** @class */function () {
function Parallel(parallelModel, ecModel, api) {
this.type = 'parallel';
* key: dimension
this._axesMap = zrUtil.createHashMap();
* key: dimension
* value: {position: [], rotation, }
this._axesLayout = {};
this.dimensions = parallelModel.dimensions;
this._model = parallelModel;
this._init(parallelModel, ecModel, api);
Parallel.prototype._init = function (parallelModel, ecModel, api) {
var dimensions = parallelModel.dimensions;
var parallelAxisIndex = parallelModel.parallelAxisIndex;
each(dimensions, function (dim, idx) {
var axisIndex = parallelAxisIndex[idx];
var axisModel = ecModel.getComponent('parallelAxis', axisIndex);
var axis = this._axesMap.set(dim, new ParallelAxis(dim, axisHelper.createScaleByModel(axisModel), [0, 0], axisModel.get('type'), axisIndex));
var isCategory = axis.type === 'category';
axis.onBand = isCategory && axisModel.get('boundaryGap');
axis.inverse = axisModel.get('inverse');
// Injection
axisModel.axis = axis;
axis.model = axisModel;
axis.coordinateSystem = axisModel.coordinateSystem = this;
}, this);
* Update axis scale after data processed
Parallel.prototype.update = function (ecModel, api) {
this._updateAxesFromSeries(this._model, ecModel);
Parallel.prototype.containPoint = function (point) {
var layoutInfo = this._makeLayoutInfo();
var axisBase = layoutInfo.axisBase;
var layoutBase = layoutInfo.layoutBase;
var pixelDimIndex = layoutInfo.pixelDimIndex;
var pAxis = point[1 - pixelDimIndex];
var pLayout = point[pixelDimIndex];
return pAxis >= axisBase && pAxis <= axisBase + layoutInfo.axisLength && pLayout >= layoutBase && pLayout <= layoutBase + layoutInfo.layoutLength;
Parallel.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this._model;
* Update properties from series
Parallel.prototype._updateAxesFromSeries = function (parallelModel, ecModel) {
ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) {
if (!parallelModel.contains(seriesModel, ecModel)) {
var data = seriesModel.getData();
each(this.dimensions, function (dim) {
var axis = this._axesMap.get(dim);
axis.scale.unionExtentFromData(data, data.mapDimension(dim));
axisHelper.niceScaleExtent(axis.scale, axis.model);
}, this);
}, this);
* Resize the parallel coordinate system.
Parallel.prototype.resize = function (parallelModel, api) {
this._rect = layoutUtil.getLayoutRect(parallelModel.getBoxLayoutParams(), {
width: api.getWidth(),
height: api.getHeight()
Parallel.prototype.getRect = function () {
return this._rect;
Parallel.prototype._makeLayoutInfo = function () {
var parallelModel = this._model;
var rect = this._rect;
var xy = ['x', 'y'];
var wh = ['width', 'height'];
var layout = parallelModel.get('layout');
var pixelDimIndex = layout === 'horizontal' ? 0 : 1;
var layoutLength = rect[wh[pixelDimIndex]];
var layoutExtent = [0, layoutLength];
var axisCount = this.dimensions.length;
var axisExpandWidth = restrict(parallelModel.get('axisExpandWidth'), layoutExtent);
var axisExpandCount = restrict(parallelModel.get('axisExpandCount') || 0, [0, axisCount]);
var axisExpandable = parallelModel.get('axisExpandable') && axisCount > 3 && axisCount > axisExpandCount && axisExpandCount > 1 && axisExpandWidth > 0 && layoutLength > 0;
// `axisExpandWindow` is According to the coordinates of [0, axisExpandLength],
// for sake of consider the case that axisCollapseWidth is 0 (when screen is narrow),
// where collapsed axes should be overlapped.
var axisExpandWindow = parallelModel.get('axisExpandWindow');
var winSize;
if (!axisExpandWindow) {
winSize = restrict(axisExpandWidth * (axisExpandCount - 1), layoutExtent);
var axisExpandCenter = parallelModel.get('axisExpandCenter') || mathFloor(axisCount / 2);
axisExpandWindow = [axisExpandWidth * axisExpandCenter - winSize / 2];
axisExpandWindow[1] = axisExpandWindow[0] + winSize;
} else {
winSize = restrict(axisExpandWindow[1] - axisExpandWindow[0], layoutExtent);
axisExpandWindow[1] = axisExpandWindow[0] + winSize;
var axisCollapseWidth = (layoutLength - winSize) / (axisCount - axisExpandCount);
// Avoid axisCollapseWidth is too small.
axisCollapseWidth < 3 && (axisCollapseWidth = 0);
// Find the first and last indices > ewin[0] and < ewin[1].
var winInnerIndices = [mathFloor(round(axisExpandWindow[0] / axisExpandWidth, 1)) + 1, mathCeil(round(axisExpandWindow[1] / axisExpandWidth, 1)) - 1];
// Pos in ec coordinates.
var axisExpandWindow0Pos = axisCollapseWidth / axisExpandWidth * axisExpandWindow[0];
return {
layout: layout,
pixelDimIndex: pixelDimIndex,
layoutBase: rect[xy[pixelDimIndex]],
layoutLength: layoutLength,
axisBase: rect[xy[1 - pixelDimIndex]],
axisLength: rect[wh[1 - pixelDimIndex]],
axisExpandable: axisExpandable,
axisExpandWidth: axisExpandWidth,
axisCollapseWidth: axisCollapseWidth,
axisExpandWindow: axisExpandWindow,
axisCount: axisCount,
winInnerIndices: winInnerIndices,
axisExpandWindow0Pos: axisExpandWindow0Pos
Parallel.prototype._layoutAxes = function () {
var rect = this._rect;
var axes = this._axesMap;
var dimensions = this.dimensions;
var layoutInfo = this._makeLayoutInfo();
var layout = layoutInfo.layout;
axes.each(function (axis) {
var axisExtent = [0, layoutInfo.axisLength];
var idx = axis.inverse ? 1 : 0;
axis.setExtent(axisExtent[idx], axisExtent[1 - idx]);
each(dimensions, function (dim, idx) {
var posInfo = (layoutInfo.axisExpandable ? layoutAxisWithExpand : layoutAxisWithoutExpand)(idx, layoutInfo);
var positionTable = {
horizontal: {
x: posInfo.position,
y: layoutInfo.axisLength
vertical: {
x: 0,
y: posInfo.position
var rotationTable = {
horizontal: PI / 2,
vertical: 0
var position = [positionTable[layout].x + rect.x, positionTable[layout].y + rect.y];
var rotation = rotationTable[layout];
var transform = matrix.create();
matrix.rotate(transform, transform, rotation);
matrix.translate(transform, transform, position);
// tick layout info
// update dimensions info based on axis order.
this._axesLayout[dim] = {
position: position,
rotation: rotation,
transform: transform,
axisNameAvailableWidth: posInfo.axisNameAvailableWidth,
axisLabelShow: posInfo.axisLabelShow,
nameTruncateMaxWidth: posInfo.nameTruncateMaxWidth,
tickDirection: 1,
labelDirection: 1
}, this);
* Get axis by dim.
Parallel.prototype.getAxis = function (dim) {
return this._axesMap.get(dim);
* Convert a dim value of a single item of series data to Point.
Parallel.prototype.dataToPoint = function (value, dim) {
return this.axisCoordToPoint(this._axesMap.get(dim).dataToCoord(value), dim);
* Travel data for one time, get activeState of each data item.
* @param start the start dataIndex that travel from.
* @param end the next dataIndex of the last dataIndex will be travel.
Parallel.prototype.eachActiveState = function (data, callback, start, end) {
start == null && (start = 0);
end == null && (end = data.count());
var axesMap = this._axesMap;
var dimensions = this.dimensions;
var dataDimensions = [];
var axisModels = [];
zrUtil.each(dimensions, function (axisDim) {
var hasActiveSet = this.hasAxisBrushed();
for (var dataIndex = start; dataIndex < end; dataIndex++) {
var activeState = void 0;
if (!hasActiveSet) {
activeState = 'normal';
} else {
activeState = 'active';
var values = data.getValues(dataDimensions, dataIndex);
for (var j = 0, lenj = dimensions.length; j < lenj; j++) {
var state = axisModels[j].getActiveState(values[j]);
if (state === 'inactive') {
activeState = 'inactive';
callback(activeState, dataIndex);
* Whether has any activeSet.
Parallel.prototype.hasAxisBrushed = function () {
var dimensions = this.dimensions;
var axesMap = this._axesMap;
var hasActiveSet = false;
for (var j = 0, lenj = dimensions.length; j < lenj; j++) {
if (axesMap.get(dimensions[j]).model.getActiveState() !== 'normal') {
hasActiveSet = true;
return hasActiveSet;
* Convert coords of each axis to Point.
* Return point. For example: [10, 20]
Parallel.prototype.axisCoordToPoint = function (coord, dim) {
var axisLayout = this._axesLayout[dim];
return graphic.applyTransform([coord, 0], axisLayout.transform);
* Get axis layout.
Parallel.prototype.getAxisLayout = function (dim) {
return zrUtil.clone(this._axesLayout[dim]);
* @return {Object} {axisExpandWindow, delta, behavior: 'jump' | 'slide' | 'none'}.
Parallel.prototype.getSlidedAxisExpandWindow = function (point) {
var layoutInfo = this._makeLayoutInfo();
var pixelDimIndex = layoutInfo.pixelDimIndex;
var axisExpandWindow = layoutInfo.axisExpandWindow.slice();
var winSize = axisExpandWindow[1] - axisExpandWindow[0];
var extent = [0, layoutInfo.axisExpandWidth * (layoutInfo.axisCount - 1)];
// Out of the area of coordinate system.
if (!this.containPoint(point)) {
return {
behavior: 'none',
axisExpandWindow: axisExpandWindow
// Convert the point from global to expand coordinates.
var pointCoord = point[pixelDimIndex] - layoutInfo.layoutBase - layoutInfo.axisExpandWindow0Pos;
// For dragging operation convenience, the window should not be
// slided when mouse is the center area of the window.
var delta;
var behavior = 'slide';
var axisCollapseWidth = layoutInfo.axisCollapseWidth;
var triggerArea = this._model.get('axisExpandSlideTriggerArea');
// But consider touch device, jump is necessary.
var useJump = triggerArea[0] != null;
if (axisCollapseWidth) {
if (useJump && axisCollapseWidth && pointCoord < winSize * triggerArea[0]) {
behavior = 'jump';
delta = pointCoord - winSize * triggerArea[2];
} else if (useJump && axisCollapseWidth && pointCoord > winSize * (1 - triggerArea[0])) {
behavior = 'jump';
delta = pointCoord - winSize * (1 - triggerArea[2]);
} else {
(delta = pointCoord - winSize * triggerArea[1]) >= 0 && (delta = pointCoord - winSize * (1 - triggerArea[1])) <= 0 && (delta = 0);
delta *= layoutInfo.axisExpandWidth / axisCollapseWidth;
delta ? sliderMove(delta, axisExpandWindow, extent, 'all')
// Avoid nonsense triger on mousemove.
: behavior = 'none';
// When screen is too narrow, make it visible and slidable, although it is hard to interact.
else {
var winSize2 = axisExpandWindow[1] - axisExpandWindow[0];
var pos = extent[1] * pointCoord / winSize2;
axisExpandWindow = [mathMax(0, pos - winSize2 / 2)];
axisExpandWindow[1] = mathMin(extent[1], axisExpandWindow[0] + winSize2);
axisExpandWindow[0] = axisExpandWindow[1] - winSize2;
return {
axisExpandWindow: axisExpandWindow,
behavior: behavior
return Parallel;
function restrict(len, extent) {
return mathMin(mathMax(len, extent[0]), extent[1]);
function layoutAxisWithoutExpand(axisIndex, layoutInfo) {
var step = layoutInfo.layoutLength / (layoutInfo.axisCount - 1);
return {
position: step * axisIndex,
axisNameAvailableWidth: step,
axisLabelShow: true
function layoutAxisWithExpand(axisIndex, layoutInfo) {
var layoutLength = layoutInfo.layoutLength;
var axisExpandWidth = layoutInfo.axisExpandWidth;
var axisCount = layoutInfo.axisCount;
var axisCollapseWidth = layoutInfo.axisCollapseWidth;
var winInnerIndices = layoutInfo.winInnerIndices;
var position;
var axisNameAvailableWidth = axisCollapseWidth;
var axisLabelShow = false;
var nameTruncateMaxWidth;
if (axisIndex < winInnerIndices[0]) {
position = axisIndex * axisCollapseWidth;
nameTruncateMaxWidth = axisCollapseWidth;
} else if (axisIndex <= winInnerIndices[1]) {
position = layoutInfo.axisExpandWindow0Pos + axisIndex * axisExpandWidth - layoutInfo.axisExpandWindow[0];
axisNameAvailableWidth = axisExpandWidth;
axisLabelShow = true;
} else {
position = layoutLength - (axisCount - 1 - axisIndex) * axisCollapseWidth;
nameTruncateMaxWidth = axisCollapseWidth;
return {
position: position,
axisNameAvailableWidth: axisNameAvailableWidth,
axisLabelShow: axisLabelShow,
nameTruncateMaxWidth: nameTruncateMaxWidth
export default Parallel;