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144 lines
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144 lines
5.7 KiB
5 months ago
'use strict'
const test = require('tape')
const URI = require('../')
test('URI Serialize', (t) => {
let components = {
scheme: undefined,
userinfo: undefined,
host: undefined,
port: undefined,
path: undefined,
query: undefined,
fragment: undefined
t.equal(URI.serialize(components), '', 'Undefined Components')
components = {
scheme: '',
userinfo: '',
host: '',
port: 0,
path: '',
query: '',
fragment: ''
t.equal(URI.serialize(components), '//@:0?#', 'Empty Components')
components = {
scheme: 'uri',
userinfo: 'foo:bar',
host: '',
port: 1,
path: 'path',
query: 'query',
fragment: 'fragment'
t.equal(URI.serialize(components), 'uri://', 'All Components')
components = {
scheme: 'uri',
host: '',
port: '9000'
t.equal(URI.serialize(components), 'uri://', 'String port')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ path: '//path' }), '/%2Fpath', 'Double slash path')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ path: 'foo:bar' }), 'foo%3Abar', 'Colon path')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ path: '?query' }), '%3Fquery', 'Query path')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ host: '' }), '//', 'IPv4address')
// mixed IPv4address & reg-name, example from terion-name (
t.equal(URI.serialize({ host: '' }), '//', 'Mixed IPv4address & reg-name')
// IPv6address
t.equal(URI.serialize({ host: '2001:db8::7' }), '//[2001:db8::7]', 'IPv6 Host')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ host: '::ffff:' }), '//[::ffff:]', 'IPv6 Mixed Host')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ host: '2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946' }), '//[2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946]', 'IPv6 Full Host')
// IPv6address with zone identifier, RFC 6874
t.equal(URI.serialize({ host: 'fe80::a%en1' }), '//[fe80::a%25en1]', 'IPv6 Zone Unescaped Host')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ host: 'fe80::a%25en1' }), '//[fe80::a%25en1]', 'IPv6 Zone Escaped Host')
test('WS serialize', (t) => {
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws' }), 'ws:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', host: '' }), 'ws://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', resourceName: '/' }), 'ws:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', resourceName: '/foo' }), 'ws:/foo')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', resourceName: '/foo?bar' }), 'ws:/foo?bar')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', secure: false }), 'ws:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', secure: true }), 'wss:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', host: '', resourceName: '/foo' }), 'ws://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', host: '', resourceName: '/foo?bar' }), 'ws://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', host: '', secure: false }), 'ws://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', host: '', secure: true }), 'wss://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', host: '', resourceName: '/foo?bar', secure: false }), 'ws://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'ws', host: '', resourceName: '/foo?bar', secure: true }), 'wss://')
test('WSS serialize', (t) => {
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss' }), 'wss:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', host: '' }), 'wss://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', resourceName: '/' }), 'wss:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', resourceName: '/foo' }), 'wss:/foo')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', resourceName: '/foo?bar' }), 'wss:/foo?bar')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', secure: false }), 'ws:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', secure: true }), 'wss:')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', host: '', resourceName: '/foo' }), 'wss://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', host: '', resourceName: '/foo?bar' }), 'wss://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', host: '', secure: false }), 'ws://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', host: '', secure: true }), 'wss://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', host: '', resourceName: '/foo?bar', secure: false }), 'ws://')
t.equal(URI.serialize({ scheme: 'wss', host: '', resourceName: '/foo?bar', secure: true }), 'wss://')
test('URN serialize', (t) => {
// example from RFC 2141
const components = {
scheme: 'urn',
nid: 'foo',
nss: 'a123,456'
t.equal(URI.serialize(components), 'urn:foo:a123,456')
// example from RFC 4122
let uuidcomponents = {
scheme: 'urn',
nid: 'uuid',
uuid: 'f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6'
t.equal(URI.serialize(uuidcomponents), 'urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6')
uuidcomponents = {
scheme: 'urn',
nid: 'uuid',
uuid: 'notauuid-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6'
t.equal(URI.serialize(uuidcomponents), 'urn:uuid:notauuid-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6')
test('URN NID Override', (t) => {
let components = URI.parse('urn:foo:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6', { nid: 'uuid' })
t.equal(components.error, undefined, 'errors')
t.equal(components.scheme, 'urn', 'scheme')
t.equal(components.path, undefined, 'path')
t.equal(components.nid, 'foo', 'nid')
t.equal(components.nss, undefined, 'nss')
t.equal(components.uuid, 'f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6', 'uuid')
components = {
scheme: 'urn',
nid: 'foo',
uuid: 'f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6'
t.equal(URI.serialize(components, { nid: 'uuid' }), 'urn:foo:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6')