/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ const { checkBucketName: _checkBucketName } = require('../utils/checkBucketName'); const { isArray } = require('../utils/isArray'); const { deepCopy } = require('../utils/deepCopy'); const { isObject } = require('../utils/isObject'); const { obj2xml } = require('../utils/obj2xml'); const { checkObjectTag } = require('../utils/checkObjectTag'); const { getStrBytesCount } = require('../utils/getStrBytesCount'); const proto = exports; proto.putBucketLifecycle = async function putBucketLifecycle(name, rules, options) { _checkBucketName(name); if (!isArray(rules)) { throw new Error('rules must be Array'); } const params = this._bucketRequestParams('PUT', name, 'lifecycle', options); const Rule = []; const paramXMLObj = { LifecycleConfiguration: { Rule } }; rules.forEach(_ => { defaultDaysAndDate2Expiration(_); // todo delete, 兼容旧版本 checkRule(_); if (_.id) { _.ID = _.id; delete _.id; } Rule.push(_); }); const paramXML = obj2xml(paramXMLObj, { headers: true, firstUpperCase: true }); params.content = paramXML; params.mime = 'xml'; params.successStatuses = [200]; const result = await this.request(params); return { res: result.res }; }; // todo delete, 兼容旧版本 function defaultDaysAndDate2Expiration(obj) { if (obj.days) { obj.expiration = { days: obj.days }; } if (obj.date) { obj.expiration = { createdBeforeDate: obj.date }; } } function checkDaysAndDate(obj, key) { const { days, createdBeforeDate } = obj; if (!days && !createdBeforeDate) { throw new Error(`${key} must includes days or createdBeforeDate`); } else if (days && (isArray(days) || !/^[1-9][0-9]*$/.test(days))) { throw new Error('days must be a positive integer'); } else if (createdBeforeDate && !/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T00:00:00.000Z/.test(createdBeforeDate)) { throw new Error('createdBeforeDate must be date and conform to iso8601 format'); } } function checkNoncurrentDays(obj, key) { const { noncurrentDays } = obj; if (!noncurrentDays) { throw new Error(`${key} must includes noncurrentDays`); } else if (noncurrentDays && (isArray(noncurrentDays) || !/^[1-9][0-9]*$/.test(noncurrentDays))) { throw new Error('noncurrentDays must be a positive integer'); } } function handleCheckTag(tag) { if (!isArray(tag) && !isObject(tag)) { throw new Error('tag must be Object or Array'); } tag = isObject(tag) ? [tag] : tag; const tagObj = {}; const tagClone = deepCopy(tag); tagClone.forEach(v => { tagObj[v.key] = v.value; }); checkObjectTag(tagObj); } function checkStorageClass(storageClass) { if (!['IA', 'Archive', 'ColdArchive', 'DeepColdArchive'].includes(storageClass)) throw new Error(`StorageClass must be IA or Archive or ColdArchive or DeepColdArchive`); } function checkRule(rule) { if (rule.id && getStrBytesCount(rule.id) > 255) throw new Error('ID is composed of 255 bytes at most'); if (rule.prefix === undefined) throw new Error('Rule must includes prefix'); if (!['Enabled', 'Disabled'].includes(rule.status)) throw new Error('Status must be Enabled or Disabled'); if ( !rule.expiration && !rule.noncurrentVersionExpiration && !rule.abortMultipartUpload && !rule.transition && !rule.noncurrentVersionTransition ) { throw new Error( 'Rule must includes expiration or noncurrentVersionExpiration or abortMultipartUpload or transition or noncurrentVersionTransition' ); } if (rule.transition) { checkStorageClass(rule.transition.storageClass); checkDaysAndDate(rule.transition, 'Transition'); } if (rule.expiration) { if (!rule.expiration.expiredObjectDeleteMarker) { checkDaysAndDate(rule.expiration, 'Expiration'); } else if (rule.expiration.days || rule.expiration.createdBeforeDate) { throw new Error('expiredObjectDeleteMarker cannot be used with days or createdBeforeDate'); } } if (rule.abortMultipartUpload) { checkDaysAndDate(rule.abortMultipartUpload, 'AbortMultipartUpload'); } if (rule.noncurrentVersionTransition) { checkStorageClass(rule.noncurrentVersionTransition.storageClass); checkNoncurrentDays(rule.noncurrentVersionTransition, 'NoncurrentVersionTransition'); } if (rule.noncurrentVersionExpiration) { checkNoncurrentDays(rule.noncurrentVersionExpiration, 'NoncurrentVersionExpiration'); } if (rule.tag) { if (rule.abortMultipartUpload) { throw new Error('Tag cannot be used with abortMultipartUpload'); } handleCheckTag(rule.tag); } }