You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

96 lines
3.3 KiB

import Clip from './Clip';
import { ArrayLike, Dictionary } from '../core/types';
import { AnimationEasing } from './easing';
import Animation from './Animation';
declare type NumberArray = ArrayLike<number>;
declare type InterpolatableType = string | number | NumberArray | NumberArray[];
export declare function cloneValue(value: InterpolatableType): number | any[];
declare type ValueType = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
declare type Keyframe = {
time: number;
value: unknown;
percent: number;
rawValue: unknown;
easing?: AnimationEasing;
easingFunc?: (percent: number) => number;
additiveValue?: unknown;
declare class Track {
keyframes: Keyframe[];
propName: string;
valType: ValueType;
discrete: boolean;
_invalid: boolean;
private _finished;
private _needsSort;
private _additiveTrack;
private _additiveValue;
private _lastFr;
private _lastFrP;
constructor(propName: string);
isFinished(): boolean;
setFinished(): void;
needsAnimate(): boolean;
getAdditiveTrack(): Track;
addKeyframe(time: number, rawValue: unknown, easing?: AnimationEasing): Keyframe;
prepare(maxTime: number, additiveTrack?: Track): void;
step(target: any, percent: number): void;
private _addToTarget;
declare type DoneCallback = () => void;
declare type AbortCallback = () => void;
export declare type OnframeCallback<T> = (target: T, percent: number) => void;
export declare type AnimationPropGetter<T> = (target: T, key: string) => InterpolatableType;
export declare type AnimationPropSetter<T> = (target: T, key: string, value: InterpolatableType) => void;
export default class Animator<T> {
animation?: Animation;
targetName?: string;
scope?: string;
__fromStateTransition?: string;
private _tracks;
private _trackKeys;
private _target;
private _loop;
private _delay;
private _maxTime;
private _force;
private _paused;
private _started;
private _allowDiscrete;
private _additiveAnimators;
private _doneCbs;
private _onframeCbs;
private _abortedCbs;
private _clip;
constructor(target: T, loop: boolean, allowDiscreteAnimation?: boolean, additiveTo?: Animator<any>[]);
getMaxTime(): number;
getDelay(): number;
getLoop(): boolean;
getTarget(): T;
changeTarget(target: T): void;
when(time: number, props: Dictionary<any>, easing?: AnimationEasing): this;
whenWithKeys(time: number, props: Dictionary<any>, propNames: string[], easing?: AnimationEasing): this;
pause(): void;
resume(): void;
isPaused(): boolean;
duration(duration: number): this;
private _doneCallback;
private _abortedCallback;
private _setTracksFinished;
private _getAdditiveTrack;
start(easing?: AnimationEasing): this;
stop(forwardToLast?: boolean): void;
delay(time: number): this;
during(cb: OnframeCallback<T>): this;
done(cb: DoneCallback): this;
aborted(cb: AbortCallback): this;
getClip(): Clip;
getTrack(propName: string): Track;
getTracks(): Track[];
stopTracks(propNames: string[], forwardToLast?: boolean): boolean;
saveTo(target: T, trackKeys?: readonly string[], firstOrLast?: boolean): void;
__changeFinalValue(finalProps: Dictionary<any>, trackKeys?: readonly string[]): void;
export declare type AnimatorTrack = Track;
export {};