From fb18ba3b820960389c826c35a77d6eef80ca96ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pex7hfbnt <> Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 23:33:13 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] ADD file via upload --- source/lib/ | 1948 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1948 insertions(+) create mode 100644 source/lib/ diff --git a/source/lib/ b/source/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02e1204 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,1948 @@ +import csv +import re +from netaddr import * +import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET +import pandas as pd +from datetime import datetime +minlength=1000 + +account_op={} +PasswordSpray={} +Suspicious_executables=['pl.exe','nc.exe','nmap.exe','psexec.exe','plink.exe','mimikatz','procdump.exe',' dcom.exe',' Inveigh.exe',' LockLess.exe',' Logger.exe',' PBind.exe',' PS.exe',' Rubeus.exe',' RunasCs.exe',' RunAs.exe',' SafetyDump.exe',' SafetyKatz.exe',' Seatbelt.exe',' SExec.exe',' SharpApplocker.exe',' SharpChrome.exe',' SharpCOM.exe',' SharpDPAPI.exe',' SharpDump.exe',' SharpEdge.exe',' SharpEDRChecker.exe',' SharPersist.exe',' SharpHound.exe',' SharpLogger.exe',' SharpPrinter.exe',' SharpRoast.exe',' SharpSC.exe',' SharpSniper.exe',' SharpSocks.exe',' SharpSSDP.exe',' SharpTask.exe',' SharpUp.exe',' SharpView.exe',' SharpWeb.exe',' SharpWMI.exe',' Shhmon.exe',' SweetPotato.exe',' Watson.exe',' WExec.exe','7zip.exe'] + +Suspicious_powershell_commands=['Get-WMIObject','Get-GPPPassword','Get-Keystrokes','Get-TimedScreenshot','Get-VaultCredential','Get-ServiceUnquoted','Get-ServiceEXEPerms','Get-ServicePerms','Get-RegAlwaysInstallElevated','Get-RegAutoLogon','Get-UnattendedInstallFiles','Get-Webconfig','Get-ApplicationHost','Get-PassHashes','Get-LsaSecret','Get-Information','Get-PSADForestInfo','Get-KerberosPolicy','Get-PSADForestKRBTGTInfo','Get-PSADForestInfo','Get-KerberosPolicy','Invoke-Command','Invoke-Expression','iex','Invoke-Shellcode','Invoke--Shellcode','Invoke-ShellcodeMSIL','Invoke-MimikatzWDigestDowngrade','Invoke-NinjaCopy','Invoke-CredentialInjection','Invoke-TokenManipulation','Invoke-CallbackIEX','Invoke-PSInject','Invoke-DllEncode','Invoke-ServiceUserAdd','Invoke-ServiceCMD','Invoke-ServiceStart','Invoke-ServiceStop','Invoke-ServiceEnable','Invoke-ServiceDisable','Invoke-FindDLLHijack','Invoke-FindPathHijack','Invoke-AllChecks','Invoke-MassCommand','Invoke-MassMimikatz','Invoke-MassSearch','Invoke-MassTemplate','Invoke-MassTokens','Invoke-ADSBackdoor','Invoke-CredentialsPhish','Invoke-BruteForce','Invoke-PowerShellIcmp','Invoke-PowerShellUdp','Invoke-PsGcatAgent','Invoke-PoshRatHttps','Invoke-PowerShellTcp','Invoke-PoshRatHttp','Invoke-PowerShellWmi','Invoke-PSGcat','Invoke-Encode','Invoke-Decode','Invoke-CreateCertificate','Invoke-NetworkRelay','EncodedCommand','New-ElevatedPersistenceOption','wsman','Enter-PSSession','DownloadString','DownloadFile','Out-Word','Out-Excel','Out-Java','Out-Shortcut','Out-CHM','Out-HTA','Out-Minidump','HTTP-Backdoor','Find-AVSignature','DllInjection','ReflectivePEInjection','Base64','System.Reflection','System.Management','Restore-ServiceEXE','Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor','Gupt-Backdoor','Execute-OnTime','DNS_TXT_Pwnage','Write-UserAddServiceBinary','Write-CMDServiceBinary','Write-UserAddMSI','Write-ServiceEXE','Write-ServiceEXECMD','Enable-DuplicateToken','Remove-Update','Execute-DNSTXT-Code','Download-Execute-PS','Execute-Command-MSSQL','Download_Execute','Copy-VSS','Check-VM','Create-MultipleSessions','Run-EXEonRemote','Port-Scan','Remove-PoshRat','TexttoEXE','Base64ToString','StringtoBase64','Do-Exfiltration','Parse_Keys','Add-Exfiltration','Add-Persistence','Remove-Persistence','Find-PSServiceAccounts','Discover-PSMSSQLServers','Discover-PSMSExchangeServers','Discover-PSInterestingServices','Discover-PSMSExchangeServers','Discover-PSInterestingServices','Mimikatz','powercat','powersploit','PowershellEmpire','Payload','GetProcAddress','ICM','.invoke',' -e ','hidden','-w hidden'] + +Suspicious_powershell_Arguments=["-EncodedCommand","-enc","-w hidden","[Convert]::FromBase64String","iex(","New-Object","Net.WebClient","-windowstyle hidden","DownloadFile","DownloadString","Invoke-Expression","Net.WebClient","-Exec bypass" ,"-ExecutionPolicy bypass"] + +TerminalServices_Summary=[{'User':[],'Number of Logins':[]}] +Security_Authentication_Summary=[{'User':[],'Number of Failed Logins':[],'Number of Successful Logins':[]}] +Executed_Process_Summary=[{'Process Name':[],'Number of Execution':[]}] + +critical_services=["Software Protection","Network List Service","Network Location Awareness","Windows Event Log"] + +Sysmon_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +WinRM_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +Security_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +System_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Service Name':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +ScheduledTask_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Schedule Task Name':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +Powershell_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +Powershell_Operational_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +TerminalServices_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +Windows_Defender_events=[{'Date and Time':[],'timestamp':[],'Detection Rule':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event Description':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] +Timesketch_events=[{'message':[],'timestamp':[],'datetime':[],'timestamp_desc':[],'Event Description':[],'Severity':[],'Detection Domain':[],'Event ID':[],'Original Event Log':[]}] + +#======================= +#Regex for security logs +Logon_Type_rex = re.compile('Logon Type:\t{1,15}(\d{1,4})', re.IGNORECASE) + +#Account_Name_rex = re.compile('Account Name:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) +Account_Name_rex = re.compile('Account Name:(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Security_ID_rex = re.compile('Security ID:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Account_Domain_rex = re.compile('Account Domain:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Workstation_Name_rex = re.compile('Workstation Name:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Source_Network_Address_rex = re.compile('Source Network Address:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Logon_Process_rex = re.compile('Logon Process:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Key_Length_rex = re.compile('Key Length:\t{1,15}(\d{1,4})', re.IGNORECASE) + +Process_Command_Line_rex=re.compile('Process Command Line:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Group_Name_rex=re.compile('Group Name:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Task_Name_rex=re.compile('Task Name: \t{1,10}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Task_Command_rex=re.compile('(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Task_args_rex=re.compile('(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Process_Name_sec_rex = re.compile('Process Name:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Category_sec_rex= re.compile('Category:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Subcategory_rex= re.compile('Subcategory:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Changes_rex= re.compile('Changes:\t{1,15}(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + + +#======================= +#Regex for windows defender logs + +Name_rex = re.compile('\t{1,15}Name: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Severity_rex = re.compile('\t{1,15}Severity: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Category_rex = re.compile('\t{1,15}Category: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Path_rex = re.compile('\t{1,15}Path: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Defender_User_rex = re.compile('\t{1,15}User: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Process_Name_rex = re.compile('\t{1,15}Process Name: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +Action_rex = re.compile('\t{1,15}Action: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + +#======================= +#Regex for system logs + +Service_Name_rex = re.compile('Service Name: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) +Service_File_Name_rex = re.compile('Service File Name: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) +Service_Type_rex = re.compile('Service Type: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) +Service_Account_rex = re.compile('Service Account: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) +Service_and_state_rex = re.compile('The (.*) service entered the (.*) state\.', re.IGNORECASE) +StartType_rex = re.compile('The start type of the (.*) service was changed', re.IGNORECASE) +Service_Start_Type_rex = re.compile('Service Start Type: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) + + +#======================= +#Regex for task scheduler logs +task_register_rex = re.compile('User \"(.*)\" registered Task Scheduler task \"(.*)\"', re.IGNORECASE) +task_update_rex = re.compile('User \"(.*)\" updated Task Scheduler task \"(.*)\"', re.IGNORECASE) +task_delete_rex = re.compile('User \"(.*)\" deleted Task Scheduler task \"(.*)\"', re.IGNORECASE) + + +#====================== +#Regex for powershell operational logs +Host_Application_rex = re.compile('Host Application = (.*)') +Command_Name_rex = re.compile('Command Name = (.*)') +Command_Type_rex = re.compile('Command Type = (.*)') +Engine_Version_rex = re.compile('Engine Version = (.*)') +User_rex = re.compile('User = (.*)') +Error_Message_rex = re.compile('Error Message = (.*)') + +#====================== +#Regex for powershell logs +HostApplication_rex = re.compile('HostApplication=(.*)') +CommandLine_rex = re.compile('CommandLine=(.*)') +ScriptName_rex = re.compile('ScriptName=(.*)') +EngineVersion_rex = re.compile('EngineVersion=(.*)') +UserId_rex = re.compile('UserId=(.*)') +ErrorMessage_rex = re.compile('ErrorMessage=(.*)') +#====================== +#TerminalServices Local Session Manager Logs +#Source_Network_Address_Terminal_rex= re.compile('Source Network Address: (.*)') +Source_Network_Address_Terminal_rex= re.compile('Source Network Address: ((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})') +User_Terminal_rex=re.compile('User: (.*)') +Session_ID_rex=re.compile('Session ID: (.*)') +#====================== +#Microsoft-Windows-WinRM logs +Connection_rex=re.compile("""The connection string is: (.*)""") +#User_ID_rex=re.compile(""".*)\'\/><\/System>""") +#src_device_rex=re.compile("""(?.*)<\/Computer>""") +#====================== +#Sysmon Logs +Sysmon_CommandLine_rex=re.compile("CommandLine: (.*)") +Sysmon_ProcessGuid_rex=re.compile("ProcessGuid: (.*)") +Sysmon_ProcessId_rex=re.compile("ProcessId: (.*)") +Sysmon_Image_rex=re.compile("Image: (.*)") +Sysmon_FileVersion_rex=re.compile("FileVersion: (.*)") +Sysmon_Company_rex=re.compile("Company: (.*)") +Sysmon_Product_rex=re.compile("Product: (.*)") +Sysmon_Description_rex=re.compile("Description: (.*)") +Sysmon_User_rex=re.compile("User: (.*)") +Sysmon_LogonGuid_rex=re.compile("LogonGuid: (.*)") +Sysmon_TerminalSessionId_rex=re.compile("TerminalSessionId: (.*)") +Sysmon_Hashes_MD5_rex=re.compile("MD5=(.*),") +Sysmon_Hashes_SHA256_rex=re.compile("SHA256=(.*)") +Sysmon_ParentProcessGuid_rex=re.compile("ParentProcessGuid: (.*)") +Sysmon_ParentProcessId_rex=re.compile("ParentProcessId: (.*)") +Sysmon_ParentImage_rex=re.compile("ParentImage: (.*)") +Sysmon_ParentCommandLine_rex=re.compile("ParentCommandLine: (.*)") +Sysmon_CurrentDirectory_rex=re.compile("CurrentDirectory: (.*)") +Sysmon_OriginalFileName_rex=re.compile("OriginalFileName: (.*)") +Sysmon_TargetObject_rex=re.compile("TargetObject: (.*)") +######### +#Sysmon event ID 3 +Sysmon_Protocol_rex=re.compile("Protocol: (.*)") +Sysmon_SourceIp_rex=re.compile("SourceIp: (.*)") +Sysmon_SourceHostname_rex=re.compile("SourceHostname: (.*)") +Sysmon_SourcePort_rex=re.compile("SourcePort: (.*)") +Sysmon_DestinationIp_rex=re.compile("DestinationIp: (.*)") +Sysmon_DestinationHostname_rex=re.compile("DestinationHostname: (.*)") +Sysmon_DestinationPort_rex=re.compile("DestinationPort: (.*)") +######### +#Sysmon event ID 8 +Sysmon_StartFunction_rex=re.compile("StartFunction: (.*)") +Sysmon_StartModule_rex=re.compile("StartModule: (.*)") +Sysmon_TargetImage_rex=re.compile("TargetImage: (.*)") +Sysmon_SourceImage_rex=re.compile("SourceImage: (.*)") +Sysmon_SourceProcessId_rex=re.compile("SourceProcessId: (.*)") +Sysmon_SourceProcessGuid_rex=re.compile("SourceProcessGuid: (.*)") +Sysmon_TargetProcessGuid_rex=re.compile("TargetProcessGuid: (.*)") +Sysmon_TargetProcessId_rex=re.compile("TargetProcessId: (.*)") + + +def detect_events_security_log(file_name='deep-blue-secuity.csv',winevent=False): + #global Logon_Type_rex,Account_Name_rex,Account_Domain_rex,Workstation_Name_rex,Source_Network_Address_rex + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + + # list = csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter=',',quotechar='"') + """if winevent==True: + list2 = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list2 = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=('Event ID',"MachineName","Data","Index","Category","CategoryNumber","EntryType","Details","Source","ReplacementStrings","InstanceId", 'Date and Time',"TimeWritten","UserName","Site","Container")) + + """ + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"InstanceId\",\"TimeGenerated\"")>0: + list2 = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=('Event ID', "MachineName", "Data", "Index", "Category", "CategoryNumber", + "EntryType", "Details", "Source", "ReplacementStrings", "InstanceId", + 'Date and Time', "TimeWritten", "UserName", "Site", "Container")) + else: + list2 = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + for row in list2: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + + Logon_Type = Logon_Type_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Account_Name = Account_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Account_Domain = Account_Domain_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Workstation_Name = Workstation_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Source_IP = Source_Network_Address_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Logon_Process = Logon_Process_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Key_Length = Key_Length_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Security_ID = Security_ID_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Group_Name = Group_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Task_Name=Task_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Task_Command = Task_Command_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Task_args= Task_args_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Process_Name=Process_Name_sec_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Category=Category_sec_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Subcategory=Subcategory_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Changes=Changes_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + Process_Command_Line = Process_Command_Line_rex.findall(row['Details']) + #User Cretion using Net command + if row['Event ID']=="4688": + try: + if len(re.findall('.*user.*/add.*',row['Details']))>0: + #print("test") + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("## High ## User Added using Net Command ",end='') + #print("User Name : ( %s ) "%Account_Name[0].strip(),end='') + #print("with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip()+" )") + + Event_desc ="User Name : ( %s ) "%Account_Name[0].strip()+"with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip()+" )" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Added using Net Command") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + #Detecting privielge Escalation using Token Elevation + if len(re.findall(r"cmd.exe /c echo [a-z]{6} > \\\.\\pipe\\\w{1,10}",process_command_line))>0: + + Event_desc ="User Name : ( %s ) " % user+"conducting NAMED PIPE privilege escalation with Command Line : ( " + process_command_line + " ) " + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Suspected privielge Escalation attempt using NAMED PIPE") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + if Process_Command_Line[0].strip().lower().find("\\temp\\")>-1 or Process_Command_Line[0].strip().lower().find("\\tmp\\")>-1 or Process_Command_Line[0].strip().lower().find("\\program data\\")>-1: + # print("test") + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("## Process running in temp ", end='') + #print("User Name : ( %s ) " % Account_Name[0].strip(), end='') + #print("with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip() + " )") + # print("###########") + Event_desc ="User Name : ( %s ) " % Account_Name[0].strip()+" with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip() + " )" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Process running in suspicious location") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + for i in Suspicious_executables: + + if Process_Command_Line[0].strip().lower().find(i.lower())>-1: + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("## Found Suspicios Process ", end='') + #print("User Name : ( %s ) " % Account_Name[0].strip(), end='') + #print("with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip() + " )") + # print("###########") + Event_desc ="User Name : ( %s ) " % Account_Name[0].strip()+"with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip() + " ) contain suspicious command ( %s)"%i + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Suspicious Process Found") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + + if Process_Command_Line[0].strip().lower().find(i.lower())>-1: + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("## Found Suspicios Process ", end='') + #print("User Name : ( %s ) " % Account_Name[0].strip(), end='') + #print("with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip() + " )") + # print("###########") + Event_desc ="User Name : ( %s ) " % Account_Name[0].strip()+"with Command Line : ( " + Process_Command_Line[0].strip() + " ) contain suspicious command ( %s)"%i + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Suspicious Process Found") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + + except: + print("Error parsing below Event \n"+row['Details']) + + continue + + # User Created through management interface + if row['Event ID']=="4720": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User Name ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " )", end='') + #print(" Created User Name ( " + Account_Name[1].strip()+ " )") + try: + Event_desc="User Name ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " )" + " Created User Name ( " + Account_Name[1].strip()+ " )" + + except: + Event_desc="User Created a new user " + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Created through management interface") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + # Windows is shutting down + if row['Event ID']=="4609" or row['Event ID']=="1100": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User Name ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " )", end='') + #print(" Created User Name ( " + Account_Name[1].strip()+ " )") + + Event_desc="Windows is shutting down " + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows is shutting down") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + + + # User added to local group + if row['Event ID']=="4732": + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip(), end='') + #print(" to local group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )") + + + try : + Event_desc="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( "+Account_Name[1].strip()+" to local group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + except: + Event_desc = "User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( " + Security_ID[ + 1].strip() + " to Global group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + + + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User added to local group") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #add user to global group + if row['Event ID'] == "4728": + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip(), end='') + #print(" to Global group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )") + try : + Event_desc="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( "+Account_Name[1].strip()+" to Global group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + except: + Event_desc = "User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( " + Security_ID[ + 1].strip() + " to Global group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User added to global group") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #add user to universal group + if row['Event ID'] == "4756": + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip(), end='') + Event_desc ="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) added User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip() + if len(Group_Name)>0: + #print(" to Universal group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )") + Event_desc=Event_desc+" to Universal group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + else: + Event_desc = Event_desc +" to Universal group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )" + #print(" to Universal group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )") + + + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User added to Universal group") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #remove user from global group + if row['Event ID'] == "4729": + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip(), end='') + Event_desc ="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip() + if len(Group_Name)>0: + #print(") from Global group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )") + Event_desc = Event_desc +") from Global group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + else: + Event_desc = Event_desc +") from Global group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )" + #print(") from Global group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )") + + + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Removed from Global Group") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #remove user from universal group + if row['Event ID'] == "4757": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip(), end='') + Event_desc ="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip() + if len(Group_Name)>0: + #print(") from Universal group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )") + Event_desc = Event_desc+") from Universal group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + else: + #print(") from Universal group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )") + Event_desc = Event_desc +") from Universal group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )" + + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Removed from Universal Group") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #remove user from local group + if row['Event ID'] == "4733": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip(), end='') + Event_desc ="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed User ( "+Security_ID[1].strip() + if len(Group_Name)>0: + #print(") from Local group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )") + Event_desc = Event_desc +") from Local group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + else: + #print(") from Local group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )") + Event_desc = Event_desc +") from Local group ( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )" + + + + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Removed from Local Group") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + #user removed group + if row['Event ID'] == "4730": + print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed Group ( ", end='') + Event_desc ="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed Group ( " + if len(Group_Name)>0: + Event_desc = Event_desc +") from Local group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )" + #print(") from Local group ( " + Group_Name[0].strip() + " )") + else: + Event_desc = Event_desc +") from Local group ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " )" + #print(") from Local group ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " )") + + + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Removed Group") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #user account removed + if row['Event ID'] == "4726": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed user ", end='') + #print("( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )") + + Event_desc ="User ( " + Account_Name[0].strip() + " ) removed user "+"( " + Account_Name[1].strip() + " )" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Account Removed") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Summary of process Execution + if row['Event ID']=="4688": + try: + + if Process_Command_Line[0] not in Executed_Process_Summary[0]['Process Name']: + Executed_Process_Summary[0]['Process Name'].append(Process_Command_Line[0].strip()) + Executed_Process_Summary[0]['Number of Execution'].append(1) + else : + Executed_Process_Summary[0]['Number of Execution'][Executed_Process_Summary[0]['Process Name'].index(Process_Command_Line[0].strip())]=Executed_Process_Summary[0]['Number of Execution'][Executed_Process_Summary[0]['Process Name'].index(Process_Command_Line[0].strip())]+1 + except: + continue + if row['Event ID'] == "4625" : + try: + if Account_Name[1].strip() not in Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User']: + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User'].append(Account_Name[1].strip()) + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Failed Logins'].append(1) + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Successful Logins'].append(0) + else : + try: + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Failed Logins'][ + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User'].index(Account_Name[1].strip())] = \ + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Failed Logins'][ + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User'].index(Account_Name[1].strip())] + 1 + except: + print("User : "+Account_Name[1].strip() + " array : ") + print(Security_Authentication_Summary[0]) + except: + continue + #password spray detection + if row['Event ID'] == "4648" : + try: + + if Account_Name[0].strip() not in PasswordSpray: + PasswordSpray[Account_Name[0].strip()]=[] + PasswordSpray[Account_Name[0].strip()].append(Account_Name[1].strip()) + #else: + # PasswordSpray[Account_Name[0].strip()].append(Account_Name[1].strip()) + if Account_Name[1].strip() not in PasswordSpray[Account_Name[0].strip()] : + PasswordSpray[Account_Name[0].strip()].append(Account_Name[1].strip()) + except: + continue +#and (Logon_Type[0].strip()=="3" or Logon_Type[0].strip()=="10" or Logon_Type[0].strip()=="2" or Logon_Type[0].strip()=="8") + if row['Event ID'] == "4624" : + try: + #print(Account_Name[0]) + if Account_Name[1].strip() not in Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User']: + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User'].append(Account_Name[1].strip()) + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Successful Logins'].append(1) + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Failed Logins'].append(0) + else : + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Successful Logins'][ + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User'].index(Account_Name[1].strip())] = \ + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['Number of Successful Logins'][ + Security_Authentication_Summary[0]['User'].index(Account_Name[1].strip())] + 1 + except: + continue + #detect pass the hash + if row['Event ID'] == "4625" or row['Event ID'] == "4624": + if Logon_Type[0].strip() == "3" and Account_Name[1].strip() != "ANONYMOUS LOGON" and Account_Name[1].strip().find("$")==-1 and Logon_Process[0].strip() == "NtLmSsp" and Key_Length[0].strip() == "0": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print( + # "Pass the hash attempt Detected : user name ( %s ) domain name ( %s ) from IP ( %s ) and machine name ( %s )" % ( + # Account_Name[1].strip(), Account_Domain[1].strip(), Source_IP[0].strip(), Workstation_Name[0].strip())) + + Event_desc ="Pass the hash attempt Detected : user name ( %s ) domain name ( %s ) from IP ( %s ) and machine name ( %s )" % ( + Account_Name[1].strip(), Account_Domain[1].strip(), Source_IP[0].strip(), Workstation_Name[0].strip()) + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Pass the hash attempt Detected") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Audit log cleared + if row['Event ID'] == "517" or row['Event ID'] == "1102": + """print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + print( + "Audit log cleared by user ( %s )" % ( + Account_Name[0].strip())) + """ + Event_desc = "Audit log cleared by user ( %s )" % ( + Account_Name[0].strip()) + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Audit log cleared") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Suspicious Attempt to enumerate users or groups + if row['Event ID'] == "4798" or row['Event ID'] == "4799" and row['Details'].find("System32\\svchost.exe")==-1: + """print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + print( + "Suspicious Attempt to enumerate groups by user ( %s ) using process ( %s )" % ( + Account_Name[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip())) + """ + Event_desc ="Suspicious Attempt to enumerate groups by user ( %s ) using process ( %s )" % (Account_Name[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip()) + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Suspicious Attempt to enumerate groups") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #System audit policy was changed + + if row['Event ID'] == "4719" and len(Security_ID)>0 and Security_ID[0].strip()!="S-1-5-18" and Security_ID[0].strip()!="SYSTEM" : + """print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + print( + "System audit policy was changed by user ( %s ) , Audit Poricly category ( %s ) , Subcategory ( %s ) with changes ( %s )" % ( + Account_Name[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Subcategory[0].strip(),Changes[0].strip())) + """ + try : + Event_desc ="System audit policy was changed by user ( %s ) , Audit Poricly category ( %s ) , Subcategory ( %s ) with changes ( %s )" % (Account_Name[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Subcategory[0].strip(),Changes[0].strip()) + except : + Event_desc = "System audit policy was changed by user" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("System audit policy was changed") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + #scheduled task created + if row['Event ID']=="4698" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + + #print("schedule task created by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) , Command ( %s ) and Argument ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0])) + try: + Event_desc ="schedule task created by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) , Command ( %s ) and Argument ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0]) + except: + Event_desc = "schedule task created by user" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task created") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #scheduled task deleted + if row['Event ID']=="1699" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + + #print("schedule task deleted by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) , Command ( %s ) and Argument ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0])) + try : + Event_desc ="schedule task deleted by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) , Command ( %s ) and Argument ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0]) + except: + Event_desc = "schedule task deleted by user" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task deleted") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #schedule task updated + if row['Event ID']=="4702" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + + #print("schedule task updated by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) , Command ( %s ) and Argument ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0])) + try: + Event_desc ="schedule task updated by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) , Command ( %s ) and Argument ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0]) + except: + Event_desc = "schedule task updated by user" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task updated") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #schedule task enabled + if row['Event ID']=="4700" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + + #print("schedule task enabled by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0])) + try : + Event_desc ="schedule task enabled by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0]) + except: + Event_desc = "schedule task enabled by user" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task enabled") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #schedule task disabled + if row['Event ID']=="4701" : + print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + + #print("schedule task disabled by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0])) + try : + Event_desc ="schedule task disabled by user ( %s ) with task name ( %s ) " % ( Account_Name[0].strip(),Task_Name[0].strip(),Task_Command[0],Task_args[0]) + except: + Event_desc = "schedule task disabled by user" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task disabled") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + for user in PasswordSpray: + if len(PasswordSpray[user])>3: + Event_desc = "Password Spray Detected by user ( "+user+" )" + Security_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.timestamp( + Security_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp( + Security_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Password Spray Detected") + Security_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Security_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Security_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Security_events[0]['Event ID'].append("4648") + Security_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append("User ( "+user+" ) did password sparay attack using usernames ( "+",".join(PasswordSpray[user])+" )") + + +def detect_events_windows_defender_log(file_name='Defender-logs.csv',winevent=False): + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + """if winevent == True: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile,fieldnames=("Details","Event ID","Version","Qualifiers","Level","Task","Opcode","Keywords","RecordId","ProviderName","ProviderId","LogName","ProcessId","ThreadId","MachineName","UserId","Date and Time","ActivityId","RelatedActivityId","ContainerLog","MatchedQueryIds","Bookmark","LevelDisplayName","OpcodeDisplayName","TaskDisplayName","KeywordsDisplayNames","Properties")) +""" + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + Name = Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Severity = Severity_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Category = Category_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Path = Path_rex.findall(row['Details']) + User = Defender_User_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Process_Name = Process_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Action = Action_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + #Windows Defender took action against Malware + if row['Event ID']=="1117" or row['Event ID']=="1007" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print(" Windows Defender took action against Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Action ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Action[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0])) + Event_desc="Windows Defender took action against Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Action ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Action[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0].strip()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender took action against Malware") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Windows Defender failed to take action against Malware + if row['Event ID']=="1118" or row['Event ID']=="1008" or row['Event ID']=="1119": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("Windows Defender failed to take action against Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Action ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Action[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0])) + + Event_desc="Windows Defender failed to take action against Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Action ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Action[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0]) + + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender failed to take action against Malware") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID'] == "1116" or row['Event ID']=="1006": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print(" Windows Defender Found Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0])) + + Event_desc="Windows Defender Found Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0]) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender Found Malware") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID']=="1013": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print(" Windows Defender deleted history of malwares - details : User ( %s ) "%(User[0])) + + Event_desc=" Windows Defender deleted history of malwares - details : User ( %s ) "%(User[0]) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender deleted history of malwares") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID'] == "1015" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print(" Windows Defender detected suspicious behavious Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0])) + + Event_desc="Windows Defender detected suspicious behavior Malware - details : Severity ( %s ) , Name ( %s ) , Catgeory ( %s ) , Path ( %s ) , Process Name ( %s ) , User ( %s ) "%(Severity[0].strip(),Name[0].strip(),Category[0].strip(),Path[0].strip(),Process_Name[0].strip(),User[0]) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender detected suspicious behavior Malware") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID'] == "5001" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("Windows Defender real-time protection disabled") + + Event_desc="Windows Defender real-time protection disabled" + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender real-time protection disabled") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID'] == "5004" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print(" Windows Defender real-time protection configuration changed") + + Event_desc="Windows Defender real-time protection configuration changed" + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender real-time protection configuration changed") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID'] == "5007" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print(" Windows Defender antimalware platform configuration changed") + + Event_desc="Windows Defender antimalware platform configuration changed" + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender antimalware platform configuration changed") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID'] == "5010" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print(" Windows Defender scanning for malware is disabled") + + Event_desc="Windows Defender scanning for malware is disabled" + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender scanning for malware is disabled") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + if row['Event ID'] == "5012" : + print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + print(" Windows Defender scanning for viruses is disabled") + + Event_desc="Windows Defender scanning for viruses is disabled" + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Windows Defender scanning for viruses is disabled") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Windows_Defender_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + +def detect_events_scheduled_task_log(file_name='Defender-logs.csv',winevent=False): + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + + """if winevent==True: + list =csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", + "RecordId", "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", + "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", + "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", "OpcodeDisplayName", + "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) +""" + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + task_register=task_register_rex.match(row['Details']) + task_update = task_update_rex.match(row['Details']) + task_delete = task_delete_rex.match(row['Details']) + + #schedule task registered + if row['Event ID']=="106" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + if"S-1-5-18" and"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate")!=0: + #print("schedule task registered with Name ( %s ) by user ( NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ) " % ( + Event_desc ="schedule task registered with Name ( %s ) by user ( NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ) " % ( + else: + #print("schedule task registered with Name ( %s ) by user ( %s ) " % ( + #, + Event_desc ="schedule task registered with Name ( %s ) by user ( %s ) " % (, + + + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task registered") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Schedule Task Name'].append( + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #schedule task updated + if row['Event ID']=="140" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + if"S-1-5-18" and"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate")!=0: + #print("schedule task updated with Name ( %s ) by user ( NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ) " % ( + Event_desc ="schedule task updated with Name ( %s ) by user ( NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ) " % ( + else: + #print("schedule task updated with Name ( %s ) by user ( %s ) " % ( + #, + Event_desc ="schedule task updated with Name ( %s ) by user ( %s ) " % ( +, + + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task updated") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Schedule Task Name'].append( + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + # schedule task deleted + if row['Event ID']=="141" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + if"S-1-5-18" and"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate")!=0: + #print("schedule task deleted with Name ( %s ) by user ( NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ) " % ( + Event_desc ="schedule task deleted with Name ( %s ) by user ( NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ) " % ( + else: + #print("schedule task deleted with Name ( %s ) by user ( %s ) " % ( +, + Event_desc ="schedule task deleted with Name ( %s ) by user ( %s ) " % (, + + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("schedule task deleted") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Schedule Task Name'].append( + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + ScheduledTask_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + +def detect_events_system_log(file_name='system-logs.csv',winevent=False): + + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + + """if winevent==True: + list =csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", + "RecordId", "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", + "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", + "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", "OpcodeDisplayName", + "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) +""" + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + Service_Account = Service_Account_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Service_File_Name = Service_File_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Service_Type = Service_Type_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Service_Name = Service_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Service_and_state=Service_and_state_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Service_Start_Type=Service_Start_Type_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Start_Type_Service_Name=StartType_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + # System Logs cleared + if (row['Event ID']=="104") : + Event_desc="System Logs Cleared" + #System_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(record["timestamp"],'%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S.%f %Z').isoformat()) + System_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + System_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + System_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append( + "System Logs Cleared") + System_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + System_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + System_events[0]['Service Name'].append("N/A") + System_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + System_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + System_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + if (row['Event ID']=="7045" or row['Event ID']=="601") and (row['Details'].strip().find("\\temp\\") > -1 or row['Details'].strip().find( + "\\tmp\\") > -1): + Event_desc="Service Installed with executable in TEMP Folder" + System_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + System_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + System_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append( + "Service Installed with executable in TEMP Folder ") + System_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + System_events[0]['Service Name'].append(Service_Name[0].strip()) + System_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + System_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + System_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + System_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + #Service installed in the system + if row['Event ID']=="7045" or row['Event ID']=="601" : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("Service installed in the system with Name ( %s ) , File Name ( %s ) , Service Type ( %s ) , Service Start Type ( %s ) , Service Account ( %s )"%(Service_Name[0].strip(),Service_File_Name[0].strip(),Service_Type[0].strip(),Service_Start_Type[0].strip(),Service_Account[0])) + + + Event_desc="Service installed in the system with Name ( %s ) , File Name ( %s ) , Service Type ( %s ) , Service Start Type ( %s ) , Service Account ( %s )"%(Service_Name[0].strip(),Service_File_Name[0].strip(),Service_Type[0].strip(),Service_Start_Type[0].strip(),Service_Account[0]) + System_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + System_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + System_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Service installed in the system") + System_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + System_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + System_events[0]['Service Name'].append(Service_Name[0].strip()) + System_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + System_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + System_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + # Service entered new state + #if (row['Event ID']=="7036" or row['Event ID']=="7040") and Service_and_state[0][0].strip() in critical_services and ( Service_and_state[0][1].strip()=="stopped" or Service_and_state[0][1].strip()=="disabled" ) : + if row['Event ID']=="7036" and Service_and_state[0][0].strip() in critical_services and ( Service_and_state[0][1].strip()=="stopped" or Service_and_state[0][1].strip()=="disabled" ) : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("Service with Name ( %s ) entered ( %s ) state "%(, + #print(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + Event_desc="Service with Name ( %s ) entered ( %s ) state "%(Service_and_state[0][1].strip(),Service_and_state[0][1].strip()) + System_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + System_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + System_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Service State Changed") + System_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + System_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + System_events[0]['Service Name'].append(Service_and_state[0][1].strip()) + System_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + System_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + System_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Service Start Type Changed + if (row['Event ID']=="7040" ) : + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### ", end='') + #print("Service with Name ( %s ) entered ( %s ) state "%(, + #print(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + Event_desc="Service with Name ( %s ) changed start type"%(Start_Type_Service_Name[0].strip()) + System_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + System_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + System_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Service Start Type Changed") + System_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + System_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + System_events[0]['Service Name'].append(Start_Type_Service_Name[0].strip()) + System_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + System_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + System_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + +def detect_events_powershell_operational_log(file_name='powershell-logs.csv',winevent=False): + + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + + """ + if winevent==True: + list =csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", + "RecordId", "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", + "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", + "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", "OpcodeDisplayName", + "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + """ + + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + Host_Application = Host_Application_rex.findall(row['Details']) + User =User_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Engine_Version = Engine_Version_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Command_Name = Command_Name_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Command_Type = Command_Type_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Error_Message = Error_Message_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Suspicious=[] + host_app="" + + if row['Details'].strip().find("\\temp\\") > -1 or row['Details'].strip().find( + "\\tmp\\") > -1: + Event_desc="Powershell Operation including TEMP Folder" + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append( + "Powershell Module logging - Operation including TEMP folder ") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + + #Powershell Module logging will record portions of scripts, some de-obfuscated code + if row['Event ID']=="4103" : + if len(Host_Application) == 0: + host_app = "" + else: + host_app = Host_Application[0].strip() + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + if i in row['Details']: + Suspicious.append(i) + + if len(Suspicious)>0: + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=4103 ### Powershell Module logging #### ", end='') + #print("Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") in event with Command Name ("+Command_Name[0].strip()+") and full command ("+Host_Application[0].strip()+") ", end='')#, check event details "+row['Details']) + Event_desc = "Found User (" + User[ + 0].strip() + ") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include (" + ",".join( + Suspicious) + ") in event with Command Name (" + Command_Name[ + 0].strip() + ") and full command (" + host_app + ") " + + if len(Error_Message)>0: + #print("Error Message ("+Error_Message[0].strip()+")") + Event_desc =Event_desc+"Error Message ("+Error_Message[0].strip()+")" + #else: + #print("") + + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Powershell Module logging - Malicious Commands Detected") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + Suspicious = [] + #captures powershell script block Execute a Remote Command + if row['Event ID']=="4104" or row['Event ID']=="24577" : + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + if i in row['Details']: + Suspicious.append(i) + + if len(Suspicious)>0: + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=4104 #### powershell script block ####", end='') + #print("Found Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") , check event details "+row['Details']) + + Event_desc ="Found Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") , check event details "+row['Details'] + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("powershell script block - Found Suspicious PowerShell commands ") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + Suspicious = [] + + #capture PowerShell ISE Operation + if row['Event ID']=="24577" : + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + if i in row['Details']: + Suspicious.append(i) + + if len(Suspicious)>0: + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=4104 #### PowerShell ISE Operation #### ", end='') + #print("Found Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") , check event details "+row['Details']) + + + Event_desc ="Found Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") , check event details "+row['Details'] + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("PowerShell ISE Operation - Found Suspicious PowerShell commands") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + Suspicious = [] + + #Executing Pipeline + if row['Event ID']=="4100": + if len(Host_Application) == 0: + host_app = "" + else: + host_app = Host_Application[0].strip() + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + if row['Details'].find(i)>-1: + Suspicious.append(i) + if len(Suspicious)>0: + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=4100 #### Executing Pipeline ####", end='') + #print("Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") in event with Command Name ("+Command_Name[0].strip()+") and full command ("+Host_Application[0].strip()+") ", end='')#, check event details "+row['Details']) + Event_desc = "Found User (" + User[ + 0].strip() + ") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include (" + ",".join( + Suspicious) + ") in event with Command Name (" + Command_Name[ + 0].strip() + ") and full command (" + host_app + ") " + + if len(Error_Message)>0: + #print(Error_Message[0].strip()) + Event_desc = Event_desc + "Error Message (" + Error_Message[0].strip() + ")" + #else: + #print("") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Powershell Executing Pipeline - Suspicious Powershell Commands detected") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + else: + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=4100 #### Executing Pipeline #### ", end='') + #print("Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") run PowerShell with Command Name ("+Command_Name[0].strip()+") and full command ("+Host_Application[0].strip()+") ", end='')#, check event details "+row['Details']) + Event_desc = "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") run PowerShell with Command Name (" + \ + Command_Name[0].strip() + ") and full command (" + host_app + ") " + if len(Error_Message)>0: + #print("Error Message ("+Error_Message[0].strip()+")") + Event_desc = Event_desc + "Error Message ("+Error_Message[0].strip()+")" + #else: + #print("") + + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Powershell Executing Pipeline - User Powershell Commands ") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_Operational_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + Suspicious = [] + + +def detect_events_powershell_log(file_name='powershell-logs.csv',winevent=False): + + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + + """if winevent==True: + list =csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", + "RecordId", "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", + "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", + "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", "OpcodeDisplayName", + "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + """ + + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + Host_Application = HostApplication_rex.findall(row['Details']) + User =UserId_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Engine_Version = EngineVersion_rex.findall(row['Details']) + ScriptName = ScriptName_rex.findall(row['Details']) + CommandLine= CommandLine_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Error_Message = ErrorMessage_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Suspicious=[] + #Powershell Pipeline Execution details + host_app="" + + if row['Details'].strip().find("\\temp\\") > -1 or row['Details'].strip().find( + "\\tmp\\") > -1: + Event_desc="Powershell Operation including TEMP Folder" + Powershell_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append( + "Powershell Executing Pipeline - Operation including TEMP folder ") + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Powershell_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + + if row['Event ID']=="800" : + if len(Host_Application) == 0: + host_app = "" + else: + host_app = Host_Application[0].strip() + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + if i in row['Details']: + Suspicious.append(i) + + if len(Suspicious)>0: + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=800 ### Powershell Pipeline Execution details #### ", end='') + #print("Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") in event with Command Line ("+CommandLine[0].strip()+") and full command ("+Host_Application[0].strip()+") ", end='')#, check event details "+row['Details']) + Event_desc ="Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") in event with Command Line ("+CommandLine[0].strip()+") and full command ("+host_app+") " + if len(Error_Message)>0: + Event_desc = Event_desc +"Error Message ("+Error_Message[0].strip()+")" + #print("Error Message ("+Error_Message[0].strip()+")") + #else: + # print("") + + Powershell_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Powershell Executing Pipeline - Suspicious Powershell Commands detected") + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Powershell_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + Suspicious = [] + + if row['Event ID']=="600" or row['Event ID']=="400" or row['Event ID']=="403" : + if len(Host_Application) == 0: + host_app = "" + else: + host_app = Host_Application[0].strip() + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + if i in row['Details']: + Suspicious.append(i) + + if len(Suspicious)>0: + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID="+row['Event ID'].strip()+" ### Engine state is changed #### ", end='') + #print("Found Suspicious PowerShell commands that include ("+",".join(Suspicious)+") in event with Command Line ("+CommandLine[0].strip()+") and full command ("+Host_Application[0].strip()+") ", end='')#, check event details "+row['Details']) + Event_desc ="Found Suspicious PowerShell commands that include (" + ",".join( + Suspicious) + ") in event with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and full command (" + host_app + ") " + + if len(Error_Message)>0: + Event_desc = Event_desc + "Error Message (" + Error_Message[0].strip() + ")" + #print("Error Message ("+Error_Message[0].strip()+")") + #else: + # print("") + Powershell_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Suspicious PowerShell commands Detected") + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Powershell_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + Suspicious = [] + + + if row['Event ID']!="600" and row['Event ID']!="400" or row['Event ID']!="403" or row['Event ID']!="800": + for i in Suspicious_powershell_commands: + if i in row['Details']: + Suspicious.append(i) + + if len(Suspicious)>0: + Event_desc ="Found Suspicious PowerShell commands that include (" + ",".join(Suspicious) + ") in event " + Powershell_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Powershell_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("Suspicious PowerShell commands Detected") + Powershell_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Powershell_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Powershell_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Powershell_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Powershell_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + Suspicious = [] +def detect_events_TerminalServices_LocalSessionManager_log(file_name='powershell-logs.csv',winevent=False): + + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + + """if winevent==True: + list =csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", + "RecordId", "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", + "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", + "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", "OpcodeDisplayName", + "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + """ + + + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + + User =User_Terminal_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Source_Network_Address=Source_Network_Address_Terminal_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + if (row['Event ID']=="21" or row['Event ID']=="25" ) : + if User[0].strip() not in TerminalServices_Summary[0]['User']: + TerminalServices_Summary[0]['User'].append(User[0].strip()) + TerminalServices_Summary[0]['Number of Logins'].append(1) + else : + TerminalServices_Summary[0]['Number of Logins'][TerminalServices_Summary[0]['User'].index(User[0].strip())]=TerminalServices_Summary[0]['Number of Logins'][TerminalServices_Summary[0]['User'].index(User[0].strip())]+1 + + + # Remote Desktop Services: Session logon succeeded + if row['Event ID']=="21" or row['Event ID']=="25" : + #print(Source_Network_Address[0][0]) + #print(len(Source_Network_Address)) + if len(Source_Network_Address)>0: + #print(IPAddress(Source_Network_Address[0][0].strip()).is_private()) + if Source_Network_Address[0][0].strip()=="": + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=" + row['Event ID'].strip() + " ### Remote Desktop Services: Session logon succeeded: #### ", end='') + #print("Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") connecting from Local Host ( ) which means attacker is using tunnel to connect RDP ") + + Event_desc ="Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") connecting from Local Host ( ) which means attacker is using tunnel to connect RDP " + TerminalServices_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + TerminalServices_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + TerminalServices_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User connected RDP from Local host - Possible Socks Proxy being used") + TerminalServices_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + TerminalServices_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + TerminalServices_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + TerminalServices_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + TerminalServices_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + + try: + if Source_Network_Address[0][0].strip()!="" and not IPAddress(Source_Network_Address[0][0].strip()).is_private(): + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=" + row['Event ID'].strip() + " ### Remote Desktop Services: Session logon succeeded: #### ", end='') + #print("Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") connecting from public IP (" +Source_Network_Address[0][0].strip()+") ") + + Event_desc ="Found User ("+User[0].strip()+") connecting from public IP (" +Source_Network_Address[0][0].strip()+") " + TerminalServices_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + TerminalServices_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + TerminalServices_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("User Connecting RDP from Public IP") + TerminalServices_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + TerminalServices_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + TerminalServices_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + TerminalServices_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + TerminalServices_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r", " ")) + except: + continue + +def detect_events_Microsoft_Windows_WinRM_CSV_log(file_name='powershell-logs.csv',winevent=False): + + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + """ + if winevent==True: + list =csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", + "RecordId", "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", + "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", + "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", "OpcodeDisplayName", + "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + + """ + + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + + Connection=Connection_rex.findall(row['Details']) + #src_device=src_device_rex.findall(row['Details']) + #User_ID=User_ID_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + #connection is initiated using WinRM - Powershell remoting + if row['Event ID']=="6": + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=" + row['Event ID'].strip() + " ### connection is initiated using WinRM from this machine - Powershell remoting #### ", end='') + #print("User Connected to ("+ Connection[0].strip() +") using WinRM - powershell remote ") + Event_desc="User Connected to ("+ Connection[0].strip() +") using WinRM - powershell remote " + WinRM_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + WinRM_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + WinRM_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("connection is initiated using WinRM from this machine - Powershell remoting") + WinRM_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + WinRM_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + WinRM_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + WinRM_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + WinRM_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + if row['Event ID']=="91": + + #print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=" + row['Event ID'].strip() + " ### connection is initiated using WinRM to this machine - Powershell remoting #### ", end='') + #print("User Connected to this machine using WinRM - powershell remote - check the system logs for more information") + + Event_desc="User Connected to remote machine using WinRM - powershell remote - check eventlog viewer" + WinRM_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + WinRM_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + WinRM_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append("connection is initiated using WinRM to this machine - Powershell remoting") + WinRM_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + WinRM_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + WinRM_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + WinRM_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + WinRM_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) +def detect_events_Microsoft_Windows_WinRM_XML_log(file_name='powershell-logs.csv'): + + root = ET.parse('winrm.xml').getroot() + #print(root) + for i in root: + #print(i.attrib) + + #for d in i.findall("{}EventData"): + # for x in d: + # print(x) + for d in i.findall("{}System"): + if d.find('{}EventID').text=="6": + try: + print("##### " + d.find('{}TimeCreated').attrib['SystemTime'] + " #### EventID= " +d.find('{}EventID').text +" ### connection is initiated using WinRM - Powershell remoting ##### User with ID ("+d.find('{}Security').attrib['UserID']+") is connecting from current machine ("+d.find('{}Computer').text +") to ("+ i.find("{}EventData").find("{}Data").text +") using WinRM - powershell remote " ) + + Event_desc = "##### " + d.find('{}TimeCreated').attrib['SystemTime'] + " #### EventID= " +d.find('{}EventID').text +" ### connection is initiated using WinRM - Powershell remoting ##### User with ID ("+d.find('{}Security').attrib['UserID']+") is connecting from current machine ("+d.find('{}Computer').text +") to ("+ i.find("{}EventData").find("{}Data").text +") using WinRM - powershell remote " + WinRM_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(d.find('{}TimeCreated').attrib['SystemTime']) + WinRM_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append( + "connection is initiated using WinRM from this machine - Powershell remoting") + WinRM_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Audit") + WinRM_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + WinRM_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + WinRM_events[0]['Event ID'].append(d.find('{}EventID').text) + WinRM_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append("check the logs") + except: + continue + + if d.find('{}EventID').text=="91": + try: + print("##### " + d.find('{}TimeCreated').attrib['SystemTime'] + " #### EventID= " +d.find('{}EventID').text +" ### connection is initiated using WinRM - Powershell remoting ##### User with ID ("+d.find('{}Security').attrib['UserID']+") connected to current machine ("+d.find('{}Computer').text +") using WinRM - powershell remote " ) + except: + continue + + + +def detect_events_Sysmon_log(file_name='sysmon-logs.csv',winevent=False): + + with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile: + + """if winevent==True: + list =csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=('Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, + fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", + "RecordId", "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", + "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", + "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", "OpcodeDisplayName", + "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + """ + + if open(file_name,"r").read(1000).find("\"Message\",\"Id\",\"Version\"")>0: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + "Details", "Event ID", "Version", "Qualifiers", "Level", "Task", "Opcode", "Keywords", "RecordId", + "ProviderName", "ProviderId", "LogName", "ProcessId", "ThreadId", "MachineName", "UserId", "Date and Time", + "ActivityId", "RelatedActivityId", "ContainerLog", "MatchedQueryIds", "Bookmark", "LevelDisplayName", + "OpcodeDisplayName", "TaskDisplayName", "KeywordsDisplayNames", "Properties")) + + else: + list = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames=( + 'Level', 'Date and Time', 'Source', 'Event ID', 'Task Category', 'Details',)) + + for row in list: + if row['Details']==None: + continue + + CommandLine=Sysmon_CommandLine_rex.findall(row['Details']) + ProcessGuid=Sysmon_ProcessGuid_rex.findall(row['Details']) + ProcessId=Sysmon_ProcessId_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Image=Sysmon_Image_rex.findall(row['Details']) + FileVersion=Sysmon_FileVersion_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Company=Sysmon_Company_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Product=Sysmon_Product_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Description=Sysmon_Description_rex.findall(row['Details']) + User=Sysmon_User_rex.findall(row['Details']) + LogonGuid=Sysmon_LogonGuid_rex.findall(row['Details']) + TerminalSessionId=Sysmon_TerminalSessionId_rex.findall(row['Details']) + MD5=Sysmon_Hashes_MD5_rex.findall(row['Details']) + SHA256=Sysmon_Hashes_SHA256_rex.findall(row['Details']) + ParentProcessGuid=Sysmon_ParentProcessGuid_rex.findall(row['Details']) + ParentProcessId=Sysmon_ParentProcessId_rex.findall(row['Details']) + ParentImage=Sysmon_ParentImage_rex.findall(row['Details']) + ParentCommandLine=Sysmon_ParentCommandLine_rex.findall(row['Details']) + CurrentDirectory=Sysmon_CurrentDirectory_rex.findall(row['Details']) + OriginalFileName=Sysmon_OriginalFileName_rex.findall(row['Details']) + TargetObject=Sysmon_TargetObject_rex.findall(row['Details']) + Protocol=Sysmon_Protocol_rex.findall(row['Details']) + SourceIp=Sysmon_SourceIp_rex.findall(row['Details']) + SourceHostname=Sysmon_SourceHostname_rex.findall(row['Details']) + SourcePort=Sysmon_SourcePort_rex.findall(row['Details']) + DestinationIp=Sysmon_DestinationIp_rex.findall(row['Details']) + DestinationHostname=Sysmon_DestinationHostname_rex.findall(row['Details']) + DestinationPort=Sysmon_DestinationPort_rex.findall(row['Details']) + StartFunction=Sysmon_StartFunction_rex.findall(row['Details']) + SourceImage=Sysmon_SourceImage_rex.findall(row['Details']) + TargetImage=Sysmon_TargetImage_rex.findall(row['Details']) + + temp=[] + #Powershell with Suspicious Argument covers [ T1086 , + if row['Event ID']=="1" and Image[0].strip().find("powershell.exe")>-1: + #print(CommandLine[0]) + Suspicious = [] + for i in Suspicious_powershell_Arguments: + if CommandLine[0].strip().find(i)>-1: + Suspicious.append(i) + + for i in Suspicious_powershell_Arguments: + if ParentCommandLine[0].strip().find(i)>-1: + Suspicious.append(i) + if len(Suspicious) > 0: + """print("##### " + row[ + 'Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=1 ### [ T1086 ] Powershell with Suspicious Argument #### ", end='') + print( + "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include (" + ",".join( + Suspicious) + ") in event with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )")""" + + Event_desc="Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") run Suspicious PowerShell commands that include (" + ",".join( + Suspicious) + ") in event with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )" + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[ T1086 ] Powershell with Suspicious Argument') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + #[ T1543 ] Sc.exe manipulating windows services + if row['Event ID']=="1" and Image[0].strip().find("\\sc.exe")>-1 and ( CommandLine[0].find("create")>-1 or CommandLine[0].find("start")>-1 or CommandLine[0].find("config")>-1 or OriginalFileName[0].find("create")>-1 or OriginalFileName[0].find("start")>-1 or OriginalFileName[0].find("config")>-1): + + """print("##### " + row[ + 'Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=1 ### [ T1543 ] Sc.exe manipulating windows services #### ", end='') + print( + "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to manipulate windows services usign Sc.exe with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )")""" + + Event_desc="Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to manipulate windows services usign Sc.exe with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )" + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[ T1543 ] Sc.exe manipulating windows services') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + # [ T1059 ] wscript or cscript runing script + if row['Event ID']=="1" and ( Image[0].strip().find("\\wscript.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("\\cscript.exe")>-1 ): + + """print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=1 ### [ T1059 ] wscript or cscript runing script #### ", end='') + print( + "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run wscript or cscript with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )")""" + + Event_desc="Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run wscript or cscript with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )" + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[ T1059 ] wscript or cscript runing script') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + # [T1170] Detecting Mshta + if row['Event ID']=="1" and ( Image[0].strip().find("\\mshta.exe")>-1 ): + + """print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=1 ### [ T1218.005 ] Detecting Mshta #### ", end='') + print( + "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run mshta with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )")""" + + Event_desc="Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run mshta with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )" + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[ T1218.005 ] Mshta found running in the system') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Detect Psexec with accepteula flag + if row['Event ID'] == "13" and ( + TargetObject[0].strip().find("psexec") > -1 ) : + """print("##### " + row[ + 'Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=13 ### Psexec Detected in the system #### ", end='') + print( + "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run psexec with process Image :" + Image[0].strip() )""" + + Event_desc="Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run psexec with process Image :" + Image[0].strip() + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('Psexec Detected in the system') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + # [T1053] Scheduled Task - Process + if row['Event ID']=="1" and ( Image[0].strip().find("\\taskeng.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("\\svchost.exe")>-1 ) and ParentImage[0].strip().find("services.exe")==-1 and ParentImage[0].strip().find("?")==-1 : + + """ + print("##### " + row['Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=1 ### [T1053] Scheduled Task - Process #### ", end='') + print( + "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run taskeng.exe or svchost.exe with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )") + """ + Event_desc="Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") Trying to run taskeng.exe or svchost.exe with Command Line (" + CommandLine[ + 0].strip() + ") and Parent Image :"+ ParentImage[0].strip()+" , Parent CommandLine (" + ParentCommandLine[0].strip() + ") " +"in directory : ( "+CurrentDirectory[0].strip() + " )" + + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[T1053] Scheduled Task - Process') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Medium") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + + #Prohibited Process connecting to internet + if row['Event ID']=="3" and ( Image[0].strip().find("powershell.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("mshta.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("cscript.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("regsvr32.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("certutil.exe")>-1 ): + #temp.append() + #print("##### " + row[ + # 'Date and Time'] + " #### EventID=3 ### Prohibited Process connecting to internet #### ", end='') + #print( + # "Found User (" + User[0].strip() + ") run process "+Image[0].strip()+" and initiated network connection from hostname ( "+ SourceHostname[0].strip()+" and IP ( "+SourceIp[0].strip() +" ) to hostname ( "+ DestinationHostname[0].strip()+" ) , IP ( " +DestinationIp[0].strip()+" ) and port ( "+DestinationPort[0].strip()+" )") + + Event_desc="User (" + User[0].strip() + ") run process "+Image[0].strip()+" and initiated network connection from hostname ( "+ SourceHostname[0].strip()+" and IP ( "+SourceIp[0].strip() +" ) to hostname ( "+ DestinationHostname[0].strip()+" ) , IP ( " +DestinationIp[0].strip()+" ) and port ( "+DestinationPort[0].strip()+" )" + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('Prohibited Process connecting to internet') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Detecting WMI attacks + if row['Event ID']=="1" and ( ParentCommandLine[0].strip().find("WmiPrvSE.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("WmiPrvSE.exe")>-1 ): + + Event_desc="User (" + User[0].strip() + ") run command through WMI with process ("+Image[0].strip()+ ") and commandline ( "+CommandLine[ + 0].strip() +" )" + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('Command run remotely Using WMI') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + #Detecting IIS/Exchange Exploitation + if row['Event ID']=="1" and ( ParentCommandLine[0].strip().find("w3wp.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("w3wp.exe")>-1 ): + + Event_desc="IIS run command with user (" + User[0].strip() + ") and process name ("+Image[0].strip()+ ") and commandline ( "+CommandLine[ + 0].strip() +" )" + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('Detect IIS/Exchange Exploitation') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + # [T1055] Process Injection + if row['Event ID']=="8" and ( StartFunction[0].strip().lower().find("loadlibrary")>-1 ): + + Event_desc="Process ( %s) attempted process injection on process ( %s)"%(SourceImage[0],TargetImage[0]) + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[T1055] Process Injection') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + # [T1082] System Information Discovery + if row['Event ID']=="1" and ( CommandLine[0].strip().find("sysinfo.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("sysinfo.exe")>-1 or CommandLine[0].strip().find("whoami.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("whoami.exe")>-1 ): + + Event_desc="System Information Discovery Process ( %s) ith commandline ( %s) "%(Image[0].strip(),CommandLine[0].strip()) + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[T1082] System Information Discovery') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("Critical") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," ")) + + # [T1117] Bypassing Application Whitelisting with Regsvr32 + if row['Event ID']=="1" and ( Image[0].strip().find("regsvr32.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("rundll32.exe")>-1 or Image[0].strip().find("certutil.exe")>-1 ): + + Event_desc="[T1117] Bypassing Application Whitelisting with Regsvr32 , Process ( %s) with commandline ( %s)"%(Image[0].strip(),CommandLine[0].strip()) + Sysmon_events[0]['Date and Time'].append(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p').isoformat()) + Sysmon_events[0]['timestamp'].append(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(row['Date and Time'],'%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'))) + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Rule'].append('[T1117] Bypassing Application Whitelisting with Regsvr32') + Sysmon_events[0]['Detection Domain'].append("Threat") + Sysmon_events[0]['Severity'].append("High") + Sysmon_events[0]['Event Description'].append(Event_desc) + Sysmon_events[0]['Event ID'].append(row['Event ID']) + Sysmon_events[0]['Original Event Log'].append(str(row['Details']).replace("\r"," "))