import sys import json import pandas as pd from collections import deque import copy import numpy as np import os from tqdm import tqdm class ZljcRaisePoint(object): def __init__(self, judge_days=3, limit_a=[1], after_days=[3,4,5,6,7]): const_path = sys.path[0].replace("\\analyze_data\\zljc", "") f = open(const_path + "\\const.json", "r", encoding="utf8") self.consts = json.loads( self.zljc_path = self.consts['path']['result']['zljc'] self.judge_days = judge_days # 计算回归拟合的天数 self.res = {} self.limit_a = limit_a self.after_days = after_days self.k_arr = [] def one(self, code): try: df = pd.read_csv("%s%s.csv" %(self.zljc_path, code) , encoding="gbk") except: print("ERROR OPEN %s" % code) return jcs = deque([]) jcm = deque([]) jcl = deque([]) self.k_arr = [] for index,row in df[::-1].iterrows(): if row['日期'] < '2014-01-01':continue jcs.append(row["JCS"]) jcm.append(row["JCM"]) jcl.append(row["JCL"]) if (len(jcs) < self.judge_days): continue # 1. 最后一天的 `JCS > JCM and JCS > JCL` if (jcs[-1] < jcm[-1] or jcs[-1] < jcl[-1]): jcs.popleft() jcm.popleft() jcl.popleft() continue if (jcs[-1]-max(jcm[-1], jcl[-1])) < 2 * abs(jcm[-1] - jcl[-1]): jcs.popleft() jcm.popleft() jcl.popleft() continue # 2. 前一日之前的所有 `JCS` 必须在 `JCM` 或 `JCL` 下方 ******** # 2. 前一日之前的所有 `JCS` 不得远大于 `JCM` 或 `JCL` flag = True for i in range(self.judge_days - 2): # if jcs[i] > jcm[i] or jcs[i] > jcl[i]: if (jcs[i]-max(jcm[i], jcl[i])) > 2 * abs(jcm[i] - jcl[i]): flag = False if not flag: jcs.popleft() jcm.popleft() jcl.popleft() continue # 3. 第二日趋势为上升 for a in self.limit_a: # 检查是否满足条件 if self.is_raise(jcs, a): # 验证 n 天后是否价格上涨 for day in self.after_days: if index - day < 0: continue # print(code, ":", row['日期']) self.update_res(a,day,code, row['日期'], df.loc[index-day, "收盘价"] > row['收盘价']) # print(self.res) # print(self.res) def all(self): filelist = os.listdir(self.zljc_path) for i in tqdm(range(len(filelist))):[i][0:6]) f = open("%s\\zljc_day_a.json" % sys.path[0], "w", encoding="utf-8") f.write(json.dumps(self.res, ensure_ascii=False)) f.close() def is_raise(self, arr, limit_a, type=1): if type == 2: x = np.array(list(range(len(arr)))) y = np.array(arr) line = np.polyfit(x,y,deg=2) return (line[0] > 0 and line[0] >= limit_a) and (-1 * line[1] / (2*line[0]) <= 0) if type == 1: x = np.array(list(range(len(arr)))) y = np.array(arr) line = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=1) self.k_arr.append(line[0]) if len(self.k_arr) < 2: return False return self.k_arr[-1]>0 and self.k_arr[-1] / self.k_arr[-2] > limit_a def update_res(self, a, day, code, date, flag): if code not in self.res.keys(): self.res[code] = {} if a not in self.res[code].keys(): self.res[code][a] = {} if day not in self.res[code][a].keys(): self.res[code][a][day] = {} if "yes" not in self.res[code][a][day].keys(): self.res[code][a][day]['yes'] = 0 if "no" not in self.res[code][a][day].keys(): self.res[code][a][day]['no'] = 0 if "dates_yes" not in self.res[code][a][day].keys(): self.res[code][a][day]['dates_yes'] = [] if "dates_no" not in self.res[code][a][day].keys(): self.res[code][a][day]['dates_no'] = [] if flag: self.res[code][a][day]['dates_yes'].append(date) self.res[code][a][day]['yes'] += 1 else: self.res[code][a][day]['dates_no'].append(date) self.res[code][a][day]['no'] += 1 def count(self): path = sys.path[0] f = open("%s\\zljc_day_a.json" % (sys.path[0]), "r", encoding="utf8") res = json.loads( count = {} for code in res: for a in res[code]: if not a in count.keys(): count[a] = {} for day in res[code][a]: if not day in count[a].keys(): count[a][day] = {"yes": 0, "no": 0} count[a][day]["yes"] += res[code][a][day]["yes"] count[a][day]["no"] += res[code][a][day]["no"] f = open("%s\\zljc_day_a_count.json" % sys.path[0], "w", encoding="utf-8") f.write(json.dumps(count, ensure_ascii=False)) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # limit_a = [0.010, 0.0125, 0.015, 0.0175, 0.020] limit_a = [1.5, 1.75, 2] after_days = [3,4,5] z = ZljcRaisePoint(limit_a=limit_a, after_days=after_days) z.all() # z.count()