You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

579 lines
17 KiB

4 years ago
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.parseMediaInfo = exports.parseTracks = exports.addSampleDescription = exports.buildFrameTable = exports.findNamedBox = exports.findBox = exports.parseDescriptors = void 0;
var _byteHelpers = require("./byte-helpers.js");
var _codecHelpers = require("./codec-helpers.js");
var _opusHelpers = require("./opus-helpers.js");
var normalizePath = function normalizePath(path) {
if (typeof path === 'string') {
return (0, _byteHelpers.stringToBytes)(path);
if (typeof path === 'number') {
return path;
return path;
var normalizePaths = function normalizePaths(paths) {
if (!Array.isArray(paths)) {
return [normalizePath(paths)];
return (p) {
return normalizePath(p);
var parseDescriptors = function parseDescriptors(bytes) {
bytes = (0, _byteHelpers.toUint8)(bytes);
var results = [];
var i = 0;
while (bytes.length > i) {
var tag = bytes[i];
var size = 0;
var headerSize = 0; // tag
var byte = bytes[headerSize]; // first byte
while (byte & 0x80) {
size = (byte & 0x7F) << 7;
byte = bytes[headerSize];
size += byte & 0x7F;
for (var z = 0; z < DESCRIPTORS.length; z++) {
parser = _DESCRIPTORS$z.parser;
if (tag === id) {
results.push(parser(bytes.subarray(headerSize, headerSize + size)));
i += size + headerSize;
return results;
exports.parseDescriptors = parseDescriptors;
id: 0x03,
parser: function parser(bytes) {
var desc = {
tag: 0x03,
id: bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1],
flags: bytes[2],
size: 3,
dependsOnEsId: 0,
ocrEsId: 0,
descriptors: [],
url: ''
}; // depends on es id
if (desc.flags & 0x80) {
desc.dependsOnEsId = bytes[desc.size] << 8 | bytes[desc.size + 1];
desc.size += 2;
} // url
if (desc.flags & 0x40) {
var len = bytes[desc.size];
desc.url = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToString)(bytes.subarray(desc.size + 1, desc.size + 1 + len));
desc.size += len;
} // ocr es id
if (desc.flags & 0x20) {
desc.ocrEsId = bytes[desc.size] << 8 | bytes[desc.size + 1];
desc.size += 2;
desc.descriptors = parseDescriptors(bytes.subarray(desc.size)) || [];
return desc;
}, {
id: 0x04,
parser: function parser(bytes) {
// DecoderConfigDescriptor
var desc = {
tag: 0x04,
oti: bytes[0],
streamType: bytes[1],
bufferSize: bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[3] << 8 | bytes[4],
maxBitrate: bytes[5] << 24 | bytes[6] << 16 | bytes[7] << 8 | bytes[8],
avgBitrate: bytes[9] << 24 | bytes[10] << 16 | bytes[11] << 8 | bytes[12],
descriptors: parseDescriptors(bytes.subarray(13))
return desc;
}, {
id: 0x05,
parser: function parser(bytes) {
// DecoderSpecificInfo
return {
tag: 0x05,
bytes: bytes
}, {
id: 0x06,
parser: function parser(bytes) {
// SLConfigDescriptor
return {
tag: 0x06,
bytes: bytes
* find any number of boxes by name given a path to it in an iso bmff
* such as mp4.
* @param {TypedArray} bytes
* bytes for the iso bmff to search for boxes in
* @param {Uint8Array[]|string[]|string|Uint8Array} name
* An array of paths or a single path representing the name
* of boxes to search through in bytes. Paths may be
* uint8 (character codes) or strings.
* @param {boolean} [complete=false]
* Should we search only for complete boxes on the final path.
* This is very useful when you do not want to get back partial boxes
* in the case of streaming files.
* @return {Uint8Array[]}
* An array of the end paths that we found.
var findBox = function findBox(bytes, paths, complete) {
if (complete === void 0) {
complete = false;
paths = normalizePaths(paths);
bytes = (0, _byteHelpers.toUint8)(bytes);
var results = [];
if (!paths.length) {
// short-circuit the search for empty paths
return results;
var i = 0;
while (i < bytes.length) {
var size = (bytes[i] << 24 | bytes[i + 1] << 16 | bytes[i + 2] << 8 | bytes[i + 3]) >>> 0;
var type = bytes.subarray(i + 4, i + 8); // invalid box format.
if (size === 0) {
var end = i + size;
if (end > bytes.length) {
// this box is bigger than the number of bytes we have
// and complete is set, we cannot find any more boxes.
if (complete) {
end = bytes.length;
var data = bytes.subarray(i + 8, end);
if ((0, _byteHelpers.bytesMatch)(type, paths[0])) {
if (paths.length === 1) {
// this is the end of the path and we've found the box we were
// looking for
} else {
// recursively search for the next box along the path
results.push.apply(results, findBox(data, paths.slice(1), complete));
i = end;
} // we've finished searching all of bytes
return results;
* Search for a single matching box by name in an iso bmff format like
* mp4. This function is useful for finding codec boxes which
* can be placed arbitrarily in sample descriptions depending
* on the version of the file or file type.
* @param {TypedArray} bytes
* bytes for the iso bmff to search for boxes in
* @param {string|Uint8Array} name
* The name of the box to find.
* @return {Uint8Array[]}
* a subarray of bytes representing the name boxed we found.
exports.findBox = findBox;
var findNamedBox = function findNamedBox(bytes, name) {
name = normalizePath(name);
if (!name.length) {
// short-circuit the search for empty paths
return bytes.subarray(bytes.length);
var i = 0;
while (i < bytes.length) {
if ((0, _byteHelpers.bytesMatch)(bytes.subarray(i, i + name.length), name)) {
var size = (bytes[i - 4] << 24 | bytes[i - 3] << 16 | bytes[i - 2] << 8 | bytes[i - 1]) >>> 0;
var end = size > 1 ? i + size : bytes.byteLength;
return bytes.subarray(i + 4, end);
} // we've finished searching all of bytes
return bytes.subarray(bytes.length);
exports.findNamedBox = findNamedBox;
var parseSamples = function parseSamples(data, entrySize, parseEntry) {
if (entrySize === void 0) {
entrySize = 4;
if (parseEntry === void 0) {
parseEntry = function parseEntry(d) {
return (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(d);
var entries = [];
if (!data || !data.length) {
return entries;
var entryCount = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(data.subarray(4, 8));
for (var i = 8; entryCount; i += entrySize, entryCount--) {
entries.push(parseEntry(data.subarray(i, i + entrySize)));
return entries;
var buildFrameTable = function buildFrameTable(stbl, timescale) {
var keySamples = parseSamples(findBox(stbl, ['stss'])[0]);
var chunkOffsets = parseSamples(findBox(stbl, ['stco'])[0]);
var timeToSamples = parseSamples(findBox(stbl, ['stts'])[0], 8, function (entry) {
return {
sampleCount: (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(entry.subarray(0, 4)),
sampleDelta: (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(entry.subarray(4, 8))
var samplesToChunks = parseSamples(findBox(stbl, ['stsc'])[0], 12, function (entry) {
return {
firstChunk: (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(entry.subarray(0, 4)),
samplesPerChunk: (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(entry.subarray(4, 8)),
sampleDescriptionIndex: (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(entry.subarray(8, 12))
var stsz = findBox(stbl, ['stsz'])[0]; // stsz starts with a 4 byte sampleSize which we don't need
var sampleSizes = parseSamples(stsz && stsz.length && stsz.subarray(4) || null);
var frames = [];
for (var chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < chunkOffsets.length; chunkIndex++) {
var samplesInChunk = void 0;
for (var i = 0; i < samplesToChunks.length; i++) {
var sampleToChunk = samplesToChunks[i];
var isThisOne = chunkIndex + 1 >= sampleToChunk.firstChunk && (i + 1 >= samplesToChunks.length || chunkIndex + 1 < samplesToChunks[i + 1].firstChunk);
if (isThisOne) {
samplesInChunk = sampleToChunk.samplesPerChunk;
var chunkOffset = chunkOffsets[chunkIndex];
for (var _i = 0; _i < samplesInChunk; _i++) {
var frameEnd = sampleSizes[frames.length]; // if we don't have key samples every frame is a keyframe
var keyframe = !keySamples.length;
if (keySamples.length && keySamples.indexOf(frames.length + 1) !== -1) {
keyframe = true;
var frame = {
keyframe: keyframe,
start: chunkOffset,
end: chunkOffset + frameEnd
for (var k = 0; k < timeToSamples.length; k++) {
var _timeToSamples$k = timeToSamples[k],
sampleCount = _timeToSamples$k.sampleCount,
sampleDelta = _timeToSamples$k.sampleDelta;
if (frames.length <= sampleCount) {
// ms to ns
var lastTimestamp = frames.length ? frames[frames.length - 1].timestamp : 0;
frame.timestamp = lastTimestamp + sampleDelta / timescale * 1000;
frame.duration = sampleDelta;
chunkOffset += frameEnd;
return frames;
exports.buildFrameTable = buildFrameTable;
var addSampleDescription = function addSampleDescription(track, bytes) {
var codec = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToString)(bytes.subarray(0, 4));
if (track.type === 'video') { = || {}; = bytes[28] << 8 | bytes[29]; = bytes[30] << 8 | bytes[31];
} else if (track.type === 'audio') { = || {}; = bytes[20] << 8 | bytes[21]; = bytes[22] << 8 | bytes[23]; = bytes[28] << 8 | bytes[29];
if (codec === 'avc1') {
var avcC = findNamedBox(bytes, 'avcC'); // AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
codec += "." + (0, _codecHelpers.getAvcCodec)(avcC); = avcC; // TODO: do we need to parse all this?
/* {
configurationVersion: avcC[0],
profile: avcC[1],
profileCompatibility: avcC[2],
level: avcC[3],
lengthSizeMinusOne: avcC[4] & 0x3
let spsNalUnitCount = avcC[5] & 0x1F;
const spsNalUnits = = [];
// past spsNalUnitCount
let offset = 6;
while (spsNalUnitCount--) {
const nalLen = avcC[offset] << 8 | avcC[offset + 1];
spsNalUnits.push(avcC.subarray(offset + 2, offset + 2 + nalLen));
offset += nalLen + 2;
let ppsNalUnitCount = avcC[offset];
const ppsNalUnits = = [];
// past ppsNalUnitCount
offset += 1;
while (ppsNalUnitCount--) {
const nalLen = avcC[offset] << 8 | avcC[offset + 1];
ppsNalUnits.push(avcC.subarray(offset + 2, offset + 2 + nalLen));
offset += nalLen + 2;
// HEVCDecoderConfigurationRecord
} else if (codec === 'hvc1' || codec === 'hev1') {
codec += "." + (0, _codecHelpers.getHvcCodec)(findNamedBox(bytes, 'hvcC'));
} else if (codec === 'mp4a' || codec === 'mp4v') {
var esds = findNamedBox(bytes, 'esds');
var esDescriptor = parseDescriptors(esds.subarray(4))[0];
var decoderConfig = esDescriptor && esDescriptor.descriptors.filter(function (_ref) {
var tag = _ref.tag;
return tag === 0x04;
if (decoderConfig) {
codec += '.' + (0, _byteHelpers.toHexString)(decoderConfig.oti);
if (decoderConfig.oti === 0x40) {
codec += '.' + (decoderConfig.descriptors[0].bytes[0] >> 3).toString();
} else if (decoderConfig.oti === 0x20) {
codec += '.' + decoderConfig.descriptors[0].bytes[4].toString();
} else if (decoderConfig.oti === 0xdd) {
codec = 'vorbis';
} else if (track.type === 'audio') {
codec += '.40.2';
} else {
codec += '.20.9';
} else if (codec === 'av01') {
// AV1DecoderConfigurationRecord
codec += "." + (0, _codecHelpers.getAv1Codec)(findNamedBox(bytes, 'av1C'));
} else if (codec === 'vp09') {
// VPCodecConfigurationRecord
var vpcC = findNamedBox(bytes, 'vpcC'); //
var profile = vpcC[0];
var level = vpcC[1];
var bitDepth = vpcC[2] >> 4;
var chromaSubsampling = (vpcC[2] & 0x0F) >> 1;
var videoFullRangeFlag = (vpcC[2] & 0x0F) >> 3;
var colourPrimaries = vpcC[3];
var transferCharacteristics = vpcC[4];
var matrixCoefficients = vpcC[5];
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(profile, 2, '0');
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(level, 2, '0');
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(bitDepth, 2, '0');
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(chromaSubsampling, 2, '0');
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(colourPrimaries, 2, '0');
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(transferCharacteristics, 2, '0');
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(matrixCoefficients, 2, '0');
codec += "." + (0, _byteHelpers.padStart)(videoFullRangeFlag, 2, '0');
} else if (codec === 'theo') {
codec = 'theora';
} else if (codec === 'spex') {
codec = 'speex';
} else if (codec === '.mp3') {
codec = 'mp4a.40.34';
} else if (codec === 'msVo') {
codec = 'vorbis';
} else if (codec === 'Opus') {
codec = 'opus';
var dOps = findNamedBox(bytes, 'dOps'); = (0, _opusHelpers.parseOpusHead)(dOps); // TODO: should this go into the webm code??
// Firefox requires a codecDelay for opus playback
// see = 6500000;
} else {
codec = codec.toLowerCase();
/* eslint-enable */
// flac, ac-3, ec-3, opus
track.codec = codec;
exports.addSampleDescription = addSampleDescription;
var parseTracks = function parseTracks(bytes, frameTable) {
if (frameTable === void 0) {
frameTable = true;
bytes = (0, _byteHelpers.toUint8)(bytes);
var traks = findBox(bytes, ['moov', 'trak'], true);
var tracks = [];
traks.forEach(function (trak) {
var track = {
bytes: trak
var mdia = findBox(trak, ['mdia'])[0];
var hdlr = findBox(mdia, ['hdlr'])[0];
var trakType = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToString)(hdlr.subarray(8, 12));
if (trakType === 'soun') {
track.type = 'audio';
} else if (trakType === 'vide') {
track.type = 'video';
} else {
track.type = trakType;
var tkhd = findBox(trak, ['tkhd'])[0];
if (tkhd) {
var view = new DataView(tkhd.buffer, tkhd.byteOffset, tkhd.byteLength);
var tkhdVersion = view.getUint8(0);
track.number = tkhdVersion === 0 ? view.getUint32(12) : view.getUint32(20);
var mdhd = findBox(mdia, ['mdhd'])[0];
if (mdhd) {
// mdhd is a FullBox, meaning it will have its own version as the first byte
var version = mdhd[0];
var index = version === 0 ? 12 : 20;
track.timescale = (mdhd[index] << 24 | mdhd[index + 1] << 16 | mdhd[index + 2] << 8 | mdhd[index + 3]) >>> 0;
var stbl = findBox(mdia, ['minf', 'stbl'])[0];
var stsd = findBox(stbl, ['stsd'])[0];
var descriptionCount = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(stsd.subarray(4, 8));
var offset = 8; // add codec and codec info
while (descriptionCount--) {
var len = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(stsd.subarray(offset, offset + 4));
var sampleDescriptor = stsd.subarray(offset + 4, offset + 4 + len);
addSampleDescription(track, sampleDescriptor);
offset += 4 + len;
if (frameTable) {
track.frameTable = buildFrameTable(stbl, track.timescale);
} // codec has no sub parameters
return tracks;
exports.parseTracks = parseTracks;
var parseMediaInfo = function parseMediaInfo(bytes) {
var mvhd = findBox(bytes, ['moov', 'mvhd'], true)[0];
if (!mvhd || !mvhd.length) {
var info = {}; // ms to ns
// mvhd v1 has 8 byte duration and other fields too
if (mvhd[0] === 1) {
info.timestampScale = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(mvhd.subarray(20, 24));
info.duration = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(mvhd.subarray(24, 32));
} else {
info.timestampScale = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(mvhd.subarray(12, 16));
info.duration = (0, _byteHelpers.bytesToNumber)(mvhd.subarray(16, 20));
info.bytes = mvhd;
return info;
exports.parseMediaInfo = parseMediaInfo;