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4 years ago
# mpd-parser
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mpd parser
## Table of Contents
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Parsed Output](#parsed-output)
- [Including the Parser](#including-the-parser)
- [`<script>` Tag](#script-tag)
- [Browserify](#browserify)
- [RequireJS/AMD](#requirejsamd)
- [License](#license)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
## Installation
npm install --save mpd-parser
The npm installation is preferred, but Bower works, too.
bower install --save mpd-parser
## Usage
var manifest = [
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, manifestUrl);
### Parsed Output
The parser ouputs a plain javascript object with the following structure:
Manifest {
allowCache: boolean,
endList: boolean,
mediaSequence: number,
discontinuitySequence: number,
playlistType: string,
playlists: [
attributes: {},
mediaGroups: {
default: boolean,
autoselect: boolean,
language: string,
uri: string,
instreamId: string,
characteristics: string,
forced: boolean
VIDEO: {},
dateTimeString: string,
dateTimeObject: Date,
targetDuration: number,
totalDuration: number,
discontinuityStarts: [number],
segments: [
byterange: {
length: number,
offset: number
duration: number,
attributes: {},
discontinuity: number,
uri: string,
timeline: number,
key: {
method: string,
uri: string,
iv: string
map: {
uri: string,
byterange: {
length: number,
offset: number
'cue-out': string,
'cue-out-cont': string,
'cue-in': string
## Including the Parser
To include mpd-parser on your website or web application, use any of the following methods.
### `<script>` Tag
This is the simplest case. Get the script in whatever way you prefer and include it on your page.
<script src="//path/to/mpd-parser.min.js"></script>
var mpdParser = window['mpd-parser'];
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, manifestUrl);
### Browserify
When using with Browserify, install mpd-parser via npm and `require` the parser as you would any other module.
var mpdParser = require('mpd-parser');
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, manifestUrl);
With ES6:
import { parse } from 'mpd-parser';
const parsedManifest = parse(manifest, manifestUrl);
### RequireJS/AMD
When using with RequireJS (or another AMD library), get the script in whatever way you prefer and `require` the parser as you normally would:
require(['mpd-parser'], function(mpdParser) {
var parsedManifest = mpdParser.parse(manifest, manifestUrl);
## License
Apache-2.0. Copyright (c) Brightcove, Inc