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456 lines
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4 years ago
* mux.js
* Copyright (c) Brightcove
* Licensed Apache-2.0
* Reads in-band CEA-708 captions out of FMP4 segments.
* @see
'use strict';
var discardEmulationPreventionBytes = require('../tools/caption-packet-parser').discardEmulationPreventionBytes;
var CaptionStream = require('../m2ts/caption-stream').CaptionStream;
var findBox = require('../mp4/find-box.js');
var parseTfdt = require('../tools/parse-tfdt.js');
var parseTrun = require('../tools/parse-trun.js');
var parseTfhd = require('../tools/parse-tfhd.js');
* Maps an offset in the mdat to a sample based on the the size of the samples.
* Assumes that `parseSamples` has been called first.
* @param {Number} offset - The offset into the mdat
* @param {Object[]} samples - An array of samples, parsed using `parseSamples`
* @return {?Object} The matching sample, or null if no match was found.
* @see ISO-BMFF-12/2015, Section 8.8.8
var mapToSample = function(offset, samples) {
var approximateOffset = offset;
for (var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
var sample = samples[i];
if (approximateOffset < sample.size) {
return sample;
approximateOffset -= sample.size;
return null;
* Finds SEI nal units contained in a Media Data Box.
* Assumes that `parseSamples` has been called first.
* @param {Uint8Array} avcStream - The bytes of the mdat
* @param {Object[]} samples - The samples parsed out by `parseSamples`
* @param {Number} trackId - The trackId of this video track
* @return {Object[]} seiNals - the parsed SEI NALUs found.
* The contents of the seiNal should match what is expected by
* CaptionStream.push (nalUnitType, size, data, escapedRBSP, pts, dts)
* @see ISO-BMFF-12/2015, Section 8.1.1
* @see Rec. ITU-T H.264,
var findSeiNals = function(avcStream, samples, trackId) {
avcView = new DataView(avcStream.buffer, avcStream.byteOffset, avcStream.byteLength),
result = [],
for (i = 0; i + 4 < avcStream.length; i += length) {
length = avcView.getUint32(i);
i += 4;
// Bail if this doesn't appear to be an H264 stream
if (length <= 0) {
switch (avcStream[i] & 0x1F) {
case 0x06:
var data = avcStream.subarray(i + 1, i + 1 + length);
var matchingSample = mapToSample(i, samples);
seiNal = {
nalUnitType: 'sei_rbsp',
size: length,
data: data,
escapedRBSP: discardEmulationPreventionBytes(data),
trackId: trackId
if (matchingSample) {
seiNal.pts = matchingSample.pts;
seiNal.dts = matchingSample.dts;
lastMatchedSample = matchingSample;
} else if (lastMatchedSample) {
// If a matching sample cannot be found, use the last
// sample's values as they should be as close as possible
seiNal.pts = lastMatchedSample.pts;
seiNal.dts = lastMatchedSample.dts;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log("We've encountered a nal unit without data. See mux.js#233.");
return result;
* Parses sample information out of Track Run Boxes and calculates
* the absolute presentation and decode timestamps of each sample.
* @param {Array<Uint8Array>} truns - The Trun Run boxes to be parsed
* @param {Number} baseMediaDecodeTime - base media decode time from tfdt
@see ISO-BMFF-12/2015, Section 8.8.12
* @param {Object} tfhd - The parsed Track Fragment Header
* @see inspect.parseTfhd
* @return {Object[]} the parsed samples
* @see ISO-BMFF-12/2015, Section 8.8.8
var parseSamples = function(truns, baseMediaDecodeTime, tfhd) {
var currentDts = baseMediaDecodeTime;
var defaultSampleDuration = tfhd.defaultSampleDuration || 0;
var defaultSampleSize = tfhd.defaultSampleSize || 0;
var trackId = tfhd.trackId;
var allSamples = [];
truns.forEach(function(trun) {
// Note: We currently do not parse the sample table as well
// as the trun. It's possible some sources will require this.
// moov > trak > mdia > minf > stbl
var trackRun = parseTrun(trun);
var samples = trackRun.samples;
samples.forEach(function(sample) {
if (sample.duration === undefined) {
sample.duration = defaultSampleDuration;
if (sample.size === undefined) {
sample.size = defaultSampleSize;
sample.trackId = trackId;
sample.dts = currentDts;
if (sample.compositionTimeOffset === undefined) {
sample.compositionTimeOffset = 0;
sample.pts = currentDts + sample.compositionTimeOffset;
currentDts += sample.duration;
allSamples = allSamples.concat(samples);
return allSamples;
* Parses out caption nals from an FMP4 segment's video tracks.
* @param {Uint8Array} segment - The bytes of a single segment
* @param {Number} videoTrackId - The trackId of a video track in the segment
* @return {Object.<Number, Object[]>} A mapping of video trackId to
* a list of seiNals found in that track
var parseCaptionNals = function(segment, videoTrackId) {
// To get the samples
var trafs = findBox(segment, ['moof', 'traf']);
// To get SEI NAL units
var mdats = findBox(segment, ['mdat']);
var captionNals = {};
var mdatTrafPairs = [];
// Pair up each traf with a mdat as moofs and mdats are in pairs
mdats.forEach(function(mdat, index) {
var matchingTraf = trafs[index];
mdat: mdat,
traf: matchingTraf
mdatTrafPairs.forEach(function(pair) {
var mdat = pair.mdat;
var traf = pair.traf;
var tfhd = findBox(traf, ['tfhd']);
// Exactly 1 tfhd per traf
var headerInfo = parseTfhd(tfhd[0]);
var trackId = headerInfo.trackId;
var tfdt = findBox(traf, ['tfdt']);
// Either 0 or 1 tfdt per traf
var baseMediaDecodeTime = (tfdt.length > 0) ? parseTfdt(tfdt[0]).baseMediaDecodeTime : 0;
var truns = findBox(traf, ['trun']);
var samples;
var seiNals;
// Only parse video data for the chosen video track
if (videoTrackId === trackId && truns.length > 0) {
samples = parseSamples(truns, baseMediaDecodeTime, headerInfo);
seiNals = findSeiNals(mdat, samples, trackId);
if (!captionNals[trackId]) {
captionNals[trackId] = [];
captionNals[trackId] = captionNals[trackId].concat(seiNals);
return captionNals;
* Parses out inband captions from an MP4 container and returns
* caption objects that can be used by WebVTT and the TextTrack API.
* @see
* @see
* Assumes that `probe.getVideoTrackIds` and `probe.timescale` have been called first
* @param {Uint8Array} segment - The fmp4 segment containing embedded captions
* @param {Number} trackId - The id of the video track to parse
* @param {Number} timescale - The timescale for the video track from the init segment
* @return {?Object[]} parsedCaptions - A list of captions or null if no video tracks
* @return {Number} parsedCaptions[].startTime - The time to show the caption in seconds
* @return {Number} parsedCaptions[].endTime - The time to stop showing the caption in seconds
* @return {String} parsedCaptions[].text - The visible content of the caption
var parseEmbeddedCaptions = function(segment, trackId, timescale) {
var seiNals;
// the ISO-BMFF spec says that trackId can't be zero, but there's some broken content out there
if (trackId === null) {
return null;
seiNals = parseCaptionNals(segment, trackId);
return {
seiNals: seiNals[trackId],
timescale: timescale
* Converts SEI NALUs into captions that can be used by video.js
var CaptionParser = function() {
var isInitialized = false;
var captionStream;
// Stores segments seen before trackId and timescale are set
var segmentCache;
// Stores video track ID of the track being parsed
var trackId;
// Stores the timescale of the track being parsed
var timescale;
// Stores captions parsed so far
var parsedCaptions;
// Stores whether we are receiving partial data or not
var parsingPartial;
* A method to indicate whether a CaptionParser has been initalized
* @returns {Boolean}
this.isInitialized = function() {
return isInitialized;
* Initializes the underlying CaptionStream, SEI NAL parsing
* and management, and caption collection
this.init = function(options) {
captionStream = new CaptionStream();
isInitialized = true;
parsingPartial = options ? options.isPartial : false;
// Collect dispatched captions
captionStream.on('data', function(event) {
// Convert to seconds in the source's timescale
event.startTime = event.startPts / timescale;
event.endTime = event.endPts / timescale;
parsedCaptions.captionStreams[] = true;
* Determines if a new video track will be selected
* or if the timescale changed
* @return {Boolean}
this.isNewInit = function(videoTrackIds, timescales) {
if ((videoTrackIds && videoTrackIds.length === 0) ||
(timescales && typeof timescales === 'object' &&
Object.keys(timescales).length === 0)) {
return false;
return trackId !== videoTrackIds[0] ||
timescale !== timescales[trackId];
* Parses out SEI captions and interacts with underlying
* CaptionStream to return dispatched captions
* @param {Uint8Array} segment - The fmp4 segment containing embedded captions
* @param {Number[]} videoTrackIds - A list of video tracks found in the init segment
* @param {Object.<Number, Number>} timescales - The timescales found in the init segment
* @see parseEmbeddedCaptions
* @see m2ts/caption-stream.js
this.parse = function(segment, videoTrackIds, timescales) {
var parsedData;
if (!this.isInitialized()) {
return null;
// This is not likely to be a video segment
} else if (!videoTrackIds || !timescales) {
return null;
} else if (this.isNewInit(videoTrackIds, timescales)) {
// Use the first video track only as there is no
// mechanism to switch to other video tracks
trackId = videoTrackIds[0];
timescale = timescales[trackId];
// If an init segment has not been seen yet, hold onto segment
// data until we have one.
// the ISO-BMFF spec says that trackId can't be zero, but there's some broken content out there
} else if (trackId === null || !timescale) {
return null;
// Now that a timescale and trackId is set, parse cached segments
while (segmentCache.length > 0) {
var cachedSegment = segmentCache.shift();
this.parse(cachedSegment, videoTrackIds, timescales);
parsedData = parseEmbeddedCaptions(segment, trackId, timescale);
if (parsedData === null || !parsedData.seiNals) {
return null;
// Force the parsed captions to be dispatched
return parsedCaptions;
* Pushes SEI NALUs onto CaptionStream
* @param {Object[]} nals - A list of SEI nals parsed using `parseCaptionNals`
* Assumes that `parseCaptionNals` has been called first
* @see m2ts/caption-stream.js
this.pushNals = function(nals) {
if (!this.isInitialized() || !nals || nals.length === 0) {
return null;
nals.forEach(function(nal) {
* Flushes underlying CaptionStream to dispatch processed, displayable captions
* @see m2ts/caption-stream.js
this.flushStream = function() {
if (!this.isInitialized()) {
return null;
if (!parsingPartial) {
} else {
* Reset caption buckets for new data
this.clearParsedCaptions = function() {
parsedCaptions.captions = [];
parsedCaptions.captionStreams = {};
* Resets underlying CaptionStream
* @see m2ts/caption-stream.js
this.resetCaptionStream = function() {
if (!this.isInitialized()) {
return null;
* Convenience method to clear all captions flushed from the
* CaptionStream and still being parsed
* @see m2ts/caption-stream.js
this.clearAllCaptions = function() {
* Reset caption parser
this.reset = function() {
segmentCache = [];
trackId = null;
timescale = null;
if (!parsedCaptions) {
parsedCaptions = {
captions: [],
// CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4
captionStreams: {}
} else {
module.exports = CaptionParser;