import {ParseStream, LineStream, Parser} from '../src'; import QUnit from 'qunit'; import testDataExpected from './test-expected.js'; import testDataManifests from './test-manifests.js'; QUnit.module('LineStream', { beforeEach() { this.lineStream = new LineStream(); } }); QUnit.test('empty inputs produce no tokens', function() { let data = false; this.lineStream.on('data', function() { data = true; }); this.lineStream.push(''); QUnit.ok(!data, 'no tokens were produced'); }); QUnit.test('splits on newlines', function() { const lines = []; this.lineStream.on('data', function(line) { lines.push(line); }); this.lineStream.push('#EXTM3U\nmovie.ts\n'); QUnit.strictEqual(2, lines.length, 'two lines are ready'); QUnit.strictEqual('#EXTM3U', lines.shift(), 'the first line is the first token'); QUnit.strictEqual('movie.ts', lines.shift(), 'the second line is the second token'); }); QUnit.test('empty lines become empty strings', function() { const lines = []; this.lineStream.on('data', function(line) { lines.push(line); }); this.lineStream.push('\n\n'); QUnit.strictEqual(2, lines.length, 'two lines are ready'); QUnit.strictEqual('', lines.shift(), 'the first line is empty'); QUnit.strictEqual('', lines.shift(), 'the second line is empty'); }); QUnit.test('handles lines broken across appends', function() { const lines = []; this.lineStream.on('data', function(line) { lines.push(line); }); this.lineStream.push('#EXTM'); QUnit.strictEqual(0, lines.length, 'no lines are ready'); this.lineStream.push('3U\nmovie.ts\n'); QUnit.strictEqual(2, lines.length, 'two lines are ready'); QUnit.strictEqual('#EXTM3U', lines.shift(), 'the first line is the first token'); QUnit.strictEqual('movie.ts', lines.shift(), 'the second line is the second token'); }); QUnit.test('stops sending events after deregistering', function() { const temporaryLines = []; const temporary = function(line) { temporaryLines.push(line); }; const permanentLines = []; const permanent = function(line) { permanentLines.push(line); }; this.lineStream.on('data', temporary); this.lineStream.on('data', permanent); this.lineStream.push('line one\n'); QUnit.strictEqual(temporaryLines.length, permanentLines.length, 'both callbacks receive the event'); QUnit.ok('data', temporary), 'a listener was removed'); this.lineStream.push('line two\n'); QUnit.strictEqual(1, temporaryLines.length, 'no new events are received'); QUnit.strictEqual(2, permanentLines.length, 'new events are still received'); }); QUnit.module('ParseStream', { beforeEach() { this.lineStream = new LineStream(); this.parseStream = new ParseStream(); this.lineStream.pipe(this.parseStream); } }); QUnit.test('parses comment lines', function() { const manifest = '# a line that starts with a hash mark without "EXT" is a comment\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'comment', 'the type is comment'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.text, manifest.slice(1, manifest.length - 1), 'the comment text is parsed'); }); QUnit.test('parses uri lines', function() { const manifest = 'any non-blank line that does not start with a hash-mark is a URI\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'uri', 'the type is uri'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.uri, manifest.substring(0, manifest.length - 1), 'the uri text is parsed'); }); QUnit.test('parses unknown tag types', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-EXAMPLE-TAG:some,additional,stuff\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(, manifest.slice(4, manifest.length - 1), 'unknown tag data is preserved'); }); // #EXTM3U QUnit.test('parses #EXTM3U tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXTM3U\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'm3u', 'the tag type is m3u'); }); // #EXTINF QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXTINF tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXTINF\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'inf', 'the tag type is inf'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXTINF tags with durations', function() { let manifest = '#EXTINF:15\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'inf', 'the tag type is inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.duration, 15, 'the duration is parsed'); QUnit.ok(!('title' in element), 'no title is parsed'); manifest = '#EXTINF:21,\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'inf', 'the tag type is inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.duration, 21, 'the duration is parsed'); QUnit.ok(!('title' in element), 'no title is parsed'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXTINF tags with a duration and title', function() { const manifest = '#EXTINF:13,Does anyone really use the title attribute?\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'inf', 'the tag type is inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.duration, 13, 'the duration is parsed'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.title, manifest.substring(manifest.indexOf(',') + 1, manifest.length - 1), 'the title is parsed'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXTINF tags with carriage returns', function() { const manifest = '#EXTINF:13,Does anyone really use the title attribute?\r\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'inf', 'the tag type is inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.duration, 13, 'the duration is parsed'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.title, manifest.substring(manifest.indexOf(',') + 1, manifest.length - 2), 'the title is parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'targetduration', 'the tag type is targetduration'); QUnit.ok(!('duration' in element), 'no duration is parsed'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION with duration', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:47\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'targetduration', 'the tag type is targetduration'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.duration, 47, 'the duration is parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-VERSION QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-VERSION tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-VERSION:\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'version', 'the tag type is version'); QUnit.ok(!('version' in element), 'no version is present'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-VERSION with a version', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-VERSION:99\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'version', 'the tag type is version'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.version, 99, 'the version is parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'media-sequence', 'the tag type is media-sequence'); QUnit.ok(!('number' in element), 'no number is present'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE with sequence numbers', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:109\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'media-sequence', 'the tag type is media-sequence'); QUnit.ok(element.number, 109, 'the number is parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'playlist-type', 'the tag type is playlist-type'); QUnit.ok(!('playlistType' in element), 'no playlist type is present'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE with mutability info', function() { let manifest = '#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'playlist-type', 'the tag type is playlist-type'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.playlistType, 'EVENT', 'the playlist type is EVENT'); manifest = '#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'playlist-type', 'the tag type is playlist-type'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.playlistType, 'VOD', 'the playlist type is VOD'); manifest = '#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:nonsense\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'playlist-type', 'the tag type is playlist-type'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.playlistType, 'nonsense', 'the playlist type is parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-BYTERANGE QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-BYTERANGE tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-BYTERANGE\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'byterange', 'the tag type is byterange'); QUnit.ok(!('length' in element), 'no length is present'); QUnit.ok(!('offset' in element), 'no offset is present'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-BYTERANGE with length and offset', function() { let manifest = '#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:45\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'byterange', 'the tag type is byterange'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.length, 45, 'length is parsed'); QUnit.ok(!('offset' in element), 'no offset is present'); manifest = '#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:108@16\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'byterange', 'the tag type is byterange'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.length, 108, 'length is parsed'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.offset, 16, 'offset is parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'allow-cache', 'the tag type is allow-cache'); QUnit.ok(!('allowed' in element), 'no allowed is present'); }); QUnit.test('parses valid #EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE tags', function() { let manifest = '#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:YES\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'allow-cache', 'the tag type is allow-cache'); QUnit.ok(element.allowed, 'allowed is parsed'); manifest = '#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:NO\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'allow-cache', 'the tag type is allow-cache'); QUnit.ok(!element.allowed, 'allowed is parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-MAP QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-MAP tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-MAP:URI="init.m4s"\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'map', 'the tag type is map'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.uri, 'init.m4s', 'parsed the uri'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-MAP tags with a byterange', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-MAP:URI="0.m4s", BYTERANGE="1000@23"\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.uri, '0.m4s', 'parsed the uri'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.byterange.length, 1000, 'parsed the byterange length'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.byterange.offset, 23, 'parsed the byterange offset'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-MAP tags with arbitrary attributes', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-MAP:URI="init.mp4", SOMETHING=YES,BYTERANGE="720@0"\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.uri, 'init.mp4', 'parsed the uri'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.byterange.length, 720, 'parsed the byterange length'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.byterange.offset, 0, 'parsed the byterange offset'); }); // #EXT-X-STREAM-INF QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-STREAM-INF tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'stream-inf', 'the tag type is stream-inf'); QUnit.ok(!('attributes' in element), 'no attributes are present'); }); // #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME QUnit.test('parses minimal EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'program-date-time', 'the tag type is date-time'); QUnit.ok(!('dateTimeString' in element), 'no dateTime is present'); }); QUnit.test('parses EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags with valid date-time formats', function() { let manifest = '#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2016-06-22T09:20:16.166-04:00\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'program-date-time', 'the tag type is date-time'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.dateTimeString, '2016-06-22T09:20:16.166-04:00', 'dateTimeString is parsed'); QUnit.deepEqual(element.dateTimeObject, new Date('2016-06-22T09:20:16.166-04:00'), 'dateTimeObject is parsed'); manifest = '#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:2016-06-22T09:20:16.16389Z\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'program-date-time', 'the tag type is date-time'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.dateTimeString, '2016-06-22T09:20:16.16389Z', 'dateTimeString is parsed'); QUnit.deepEqual(element.dateTimeObject, new Date('2016-06-22T09:20:16.16389Z'), 'dateTimeObject is parsed'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-STREAM-INF with common attributes', function() { let manifest = '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=14400\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'stream-inf', 'the tag type is stream-inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.BANDWIDTH, 14400, 'bandwidth is parsed'); manifest = '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=7\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'stream-inf', 'the tag type is stream-inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes['PROGRAM-ID'], 7, 'program-id is parsed'); manifest = '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:RESOLUTION=396x224\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'stream-inf', 'the tag type is stream-inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.RESOLUTION.width, 396, 'width is parsed'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.RESOLUTION.height, 224, 'heigth is parsed'); manifest = '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:CODECS="avc1.4d400d, mp4a.40.2"\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'stream-inf', 'the tag type is stream-inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.CODECS, 'avc1.4d400d, mp4a.40.2', 'codecs are parsed'); }); QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-STREAM-INF with arbitrary attributes', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:NUMERIC=24,ALPHA=Value,MIXED=123abc\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'stream-inf', 'the tag type is stream-inf'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.NUMERIC, '24', 'numeric attributes are parsed'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.ALPHA, 'Value', 'alphabetic attributes are parsed'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.MIXED, '123abc', 'mixed attributes are parsed'); }); // #EXT-X-ENDLIST QUnit.test('parses #EXT-X-ENDLIST tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-ENDLIST\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.type, 'tag', 'the line type is tag'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'endlist', 'the tag type is stream-inf'); }); // #EXT-X-KEY QUnit.test('parses valid #EXT-X-KEY tags', function() { let manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128,URI=""\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.deepEqual(element, { type: 'tag', tagType: 'key', attributes: { METHOD: 'AES-128', URI: '' } }, 'parsed a valid key'); manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY:URI="",METHOD=FutureType-1024\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.deepEqual(element, { type: 'tag', tagType: 'key', attributes: { METHOD: 'FutureType-1024', URI: '' } }, 'parsed the attribute list independent of order'); manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY:IV=1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element.attributes.IV, 'detected an IV attribute'); QUnit.deepEqual(element.attributes.IV, new Uint32Array([ 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef ]), 'parsed an IV value'); }); QUnit.test('parses minimal #EXT-X-KEY tags', function() { const manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY:\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element, 'an event was triggered'); QUnit.deepEqual(element, { type: 'tag', tagType: 'key' }, 'parsed a minimal key tag'); }); QUnit.test('parses lightly-broken #EXT-X-KEY tags', function() { let manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY:URI=\'\',METHOD=AES-128\n'; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.URI, '', 'parsed a single-quoted uri'); element = null; manifest = '#EXT-X-KEYURI="",METHOD=AES-128\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.strictEqual(element.tagType, 'key', 'parsed the tag type'); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.URI, '', 'inferred a colon after the tag type'); element = null; manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY: URI = "",METHOD=AES-128\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.strictEqual(element.attributes.URI, '', 'trims and removes quotes around the URI'); }); QUnit.test('parses prefixed with 0x or 0X #EXT-X-KEY:IV tags', function() { let manifest; let element; this.parseStream.on('data', function(elem) { element = elem; }); manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY:IV=0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element.attributes.IV, 'detected an IV attribute'); QUnit.deepEqual(element.attributes.IV, new Uint32Array([ 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef ]), 'parsed an IV value with 0x'); manifest = '#EXT-X-KEY:IV=0X1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef\n'; this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(element.attributes.IV, 'detected an IV attribute'); QUnit.deepEqual(element.attributes.IV, new Uint32Array([ 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef ]), 'parsed an IV value with 0X'); }); QUnit.test('ignores empty lines', function() { const manifest = '\n'; let event = false; this.parseStream.on('data', function() { event = true; }); this.lineStream.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(!event, 'no event is triggered'); }); QUnit.module('m3u8 parser'); QUnit.test('can be constructed', function() { QUnit.notStrictEqual(typeof new Parser(), 'undefined', 'parser is defined'); }); QUnit.test('attaches cue-out data to segment', function() { const parser = new Parser(); const manifest = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXTINF:5,', '#COMMENT', 'ex1.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-OUT:10', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex2.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-OUT15', '#EXT-UKNOWN-TAG', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex3.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-OUT', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex3.ts', '#EXT-X-ENDLIST' ].join('\n'); parser.push(manifest); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[1].cueOut, '10', 'parser attached cue out tag'); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[2].cueOut, '15', 'cue out without : seperator'); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[3].cueOut, '', 'cue out without data'); }); QUnit.test('attaches cue-out-cont data to segment', function() { const parser = new Parser(); const manifest = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXTINF:5,', '#COMMENT', 'ex1.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-OUT-CONT:10/60', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex2.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-OUT-CONT15/30', '#EXT-UKNOWN-TAG', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex3.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-OUT-CONT', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex3.ts', '#EXT-X-ENDLIST' ].join('\n'); parser.push(manifest); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[1].cueOutCont, '10/60', 'parser attached cue out cont tag'); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[2].cueOutCont, '15/30', 'cue out cont without : seperator'); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[3].cueOutCont, '', 'cue out cont without data'); }); QUnit.test('attaches cue-in data to segment', function() { const parser = new Parser(); const manifest = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXTINF:5,', '#COMMENT', 'ex1.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-IN', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex2.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-IN:15', '#EXT-UKNOWN-TAG', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex3.ts', '#EXT-X-CUE-IN=abc', '#EXTINF:5,', 'ex3.ts', '#EXT-X-ENDLIST' ].join('\n'); parser.push(manifest); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[1].cueIn, '', 'parser attached cue in tag'); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[2].cueIn, '15', 'cue in with data'); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.segments[3].cueIn, '=abc', 'cue in without colon seperator'); }); QUnit.test('parses characteristics attribute', function() { const parser = new Parser(); const manifest = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES,GROUP-ID="subs",CHARACTERISTICS="char",NAME="test"', '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1,CODECS="mp4a.40.2, avc1.4d400d",SUBTITLES="subs"', 'index.m3u8' ].join('\n'); parser.push(manifest); QUnit.equal(parser.manifest.mediaGroups.SUBTITLES.subs.test.characteristics, 'char', 'parsed CHARACTERISTICS attribute'); }); QUnit.test('parses FORCED attribute', function() { const parser = new Parser(); const manifest = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=SUBTITLES,GROUP-ID="subs",CHARACTERISTICS="char",NAME="test",FORCED=YES', '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1,CODECS="mp4a.40.2, avc1.4d400d",SUBTITLES="subs"', 'index.m3u8' ].join('\n'); parser.push(manifest); QUnit.ok(parser.manifest.mediaGroups.SUBTITLES.subs.test.forced, 'parsed FORCED attribute'); }); QUnit.module('m3u8s'); QUnit.test('parses static manifests as expected', function() { let key; for (key in testDataManifests) { if (testDataExpected[key]) { const parser = new Parser(); parser.push(testDataManifests[key]); QUnit.deepEqual(parser.manifest, testDataExpected[key], key + '.m3u8 was parsed correctly' ); } } });