import QUnit from 'qunit'; import videojs from 'video.js'; import xhrFactory from '../src/xhr'; import Config from '../src/config'; import { playlistWithDuration, useFakeEnvironment, useFakeMediaSource } from './test-helpers.js'; import { MasterPlaylistController } from '../src/master-playlist-controller'; import SyncController from '../src/sync-controller'; import Decrypter from '../src/decrypter-worker'; import worker from 'webwackify'; const resolveDecrypterWorker = () => { let result; try { result = require.resolve('../src/decrypter-worker'); } catch (e) { // no result } return result; }; /** * beforeEach and afterEach hooks that should be run segment loader tests regardless of * the type of loader. */ export const LoaderCommonHooks = { beforeEach(assert) { this.env = useFakeEnvironment(assert); this.clock = this.env.clock; this.requests = this.env.requests; this.mse = useFakeMediaSource(); this.currentTime = 0; this.seekable = { length: 0 }; this.seeking = false; this.hasPlayed = true; this.paused = false; this.playbackRate = 1; this.fakeHls = { xhr: xhrFactory(), tech_: { paused: () => this.paused, playbackRate: () => this.playbackRate, currentTime: () => this.currentTime } }; this.tech_ = this.fakeHls.tech_; this.goalBufferLength = MasterPlaylistController.prototype.goalBufferLength.bind(this); this.mediaSource = new videojs.MediaSource(); this.mediaSource.trigger('sourceopen'); this.syncController = new SyncController(); this.decrypter = worker(Decrypter, resolveDecrypterWorker()); }, afterEach(assert) { this.env.restore(); this.mse.restore(); this.decrypter.terminate(); } }; /** * Returns a settings object containing the custom settings provided merged with defaults * for use in constructing a segment loader. This function should be called with the QUnit * test environment the loader will be constructed in for proper this reference. * * @param {Object} settings * custom settings for the loader * @return {Object} * Settings object containing custom settings merged with defaults */ export const LoaderCommonSettings = function(settings) { return videojs.mergeOptions({ hls: this.fakeHls, currentTime: () => this.currentTime, seekable: () => this.seekable, seeking: () => this.seeking, hasPlayed: () => this.hasPlayed, duration: () => this.mediaSource.duration, goalBufferLength: () => this.goalBufferLength(), mediaSource: this.mediaSource, syncController: this.syncController, decrypter: this.decrypter }, settings); }; /** * Sets up a QUnit module to run tests that should be run on all segment loader types. * Currently only two types, SegmentLoader and VTTSegmentLoader. * * @param {function(new:SegmentLoader|VTTLoader, Object)} LoaderConstructor * Constructor for segment loader. Takes one parameter, a settings object * @param {Object} loaderSettings * Custom settings to merge with defaults for the provided loader constructor * @param {function(SegmentLoader|VTTLoader)} loaderBeforeEach * Function to be run in the beforeEach after loader creation. Takes one parameter, * the loader for custom modifications to the loader object. */ export const LoaderCommonFactory = (LoaderConstructor, loaderSettings, loaderBeforeEach) => { let loader; QUnit.module('Loader Common', function(hooks) { hooks.beforeEach(function(assert) { // Assume this module is nested and the parent module uses CommonHooks.beforeEach loader = new LoaderConstructor(, loaderSettings), {}); loaderBeforeEach(loader); // shim updateend trigger to be a noop if the loader has no media source this.updateend = function() { if (loader.mediaSource_) { loader.mediaSource_.sourceBuffers[0].trigger('updateend'); } }; }); QUnit.test('fails without required initialization options', function(assert) { /* eslint-disable no-new */ assert.throws(function() { new LoaderConstructor(); }, 'requires options'); assert.throws(function() { new LoaderConstructor({}); }, 'requires a currentTime callback'); assert.throws(function() { new LoaderConstructor({ currentTime() {} }); }, 'requires a media source'); /* eslint-enable */ }); QUnit.test('calling load is idempotent', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'moves to the ready state'); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'made one request'); loader.load(); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'still in the ready state'); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'still one request'); // some time passes and a response is received this.clock.tick(100); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); loader.load(); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 0, 'load has no effect'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaTransferDuration, 100, '100 ms (clock above)'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('calling load should unpause', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.pause(); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.paused(), false, 'loading unpauses'); loader.pause(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(loader.paused(), true, 'stayed paused'); loader.load(); assert.equal(loader.paused(), false, 'unpaused during processing'); loader.pause(); this.updateend(); assert.equal(loader.state, 'READY', 'finished processing'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'stayed paused'); loader.load(); assert.equal(loader.paused(), false, 'unpaused'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaTransferDuration, 1, '1 ms (clock above)'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('regularly checks the buffer while unpaused', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(90)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); // fill the buffer this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); loader.buffered_ = () => videojs.createTimeRanges([[ 0, Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH ]]); this.updateend(); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 0, 'no outstanding requests'); // play some video to drain the buffer this.currentTime = Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH; this.clock.tick(10 * 1000); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'requested another segment'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaTransferDuration, 1, '1 ms (clock above)'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('does not check the buffer while paused', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(90)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.pause(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(10 * 1000); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 0, 'did not make a request'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaTransferDuration, 1, '1 ms (clock above)'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('calculates bandwidth after downloading a segment', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); // some time passes and a response is received this.clock.tick(100); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(loader.bandwidth, (10 / 100) * 8 * 1000, 'calculated bandwidth'); assert.equal(loader.roundTrip, 100, 'saves request round trip time'); // TODO: Bandwidth Stat will be stale?? // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaTransferDuration, 100, '100 ms (clock above)'); }); QUnit.test('segment request timeouts reset bandwidth', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); // a lot of time passes so the request times out this.requests[0].timedout = true; this.clock.tick(100 * 1000); assert.equal(loader.bandwidth, 1, 'reset bandwidth'); assert.ok(isNaN(loader.roundTrip), 'reset round trip time'); }); QUnit.test('progress on segment requests are redispatched', function(assert) { let progressEvents = 0; loader.on('progress', function() { progressEvents++; }); loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].dispatchEvent({ type: 'progress', target: this.requests[0] }); assert.equal(progressEvents, 1, 'triggered progress'); }); QUnit.test('aborts request at progress events if bandwidth is too low', function(assert) { const playlist1 = playlistWithDuration(10, { uri: 'playlist1.m3u8' }); const playlist2 = playlistWithDuration(10, { uri: 'playlist2.m3u8' }); const playlist3 = playlistWithDuration(10, { uri: 'playlist3.m3u8' }); const playlist4 = playlistWithDuration(10, { uri: 'playlist4.m3u8' }); const xhrOptions = { timeout: 15000 }; let bandwidthupdates = 0; let firstProgress = false; playlist1.attributes.BANDWIDTH = 18000; playlist2.attributes.BANDWIDTH = 10000; playlist3.attributes.BANDWIDTH = 8888; playlist4.attributes.BANDWIDTH = 7777; loader.hls_.playlists = { master: { playlists: [ playlist1, playlist2, playlist3, playlist4 ] } }; const oldHandleProgress = loader.handleProgress_.bind(loader); loader.handleProgress_ = (event, simpleSegment) => { if (!firstProgress) { firstProgress = true; assert.equal(simpleSegment.stats.firstBytesReceivedAt,, 'firstBytesReceivedAt timestamp added on first progress event with bytes'); } oldHandleProgress(event, simpleSegment); }; let earlyAborts = 0; loader.on('earlyabort', () => earlyAborts++); loader.on('bandwidthupdate', () => bandwidthupdates++); loader.playlist(playlist1, xhrOptions); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].dispatchEvent({ type: 'progress', target: this.requests[0], loaded: 1 }); assert.equal(bandwidthupdates, 0, 'no bandwidth updates yet'); assert.notOk(this.requests[0].aborted, 'request not prematurely aborted'); assert.equal(earlyAborts, 0, 'no earlyabort events'); this.clock.tick(999); this.requests[0].dispatchEvent({ type: 'progress', target: this.requests[0], loaded: 2000 }); assert.equal(bandwidthupdates, 0, 'no bandwidth updates yet'); assert.notOk(this.requests[0].aborted, 'request not prematurely aborted'); assert.equal(earlyAborts, 0, 'no earlyabort events'); this.clock.tick(2); this.requests[0].dispatchEvent({ type: 'progress', target: this.requests[0], loaded: 2001 }); assert.equal(bandwidthupdates, 0, 'bandwidth not updated'); assert.ok(this.requests[0].aborted, 'request aborted'); assert.equal(earlyAborts, 1, 'earlyabort event triggered'); }); QUnit.test( 'appending a segment when loader is in walk-forward mode triggers bandwidthupdate', function(assert) { let progresses = 0; loader.on('bandwidthupdate', function() { progresses++; }); loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); // some time passes and a response is received this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); assert.equal(progresses, 0, 'no bandwidthupdate fired'); this.clock.tick(2); // if mediaIndex is set, then the SegmentLoader is in walk-forward mode loader.mediaIndex = 1; // some time passes and a response is received this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); assert.equal(progresses, 1, 'fired bandwidthupdate'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 20, '20 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 2, '2 request'); }); QUnit.test('only requests one segment at a time', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); // a bunch of time passes without recieving a response this.clock.tick(20 * 1000); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'only one request was made'); }); QUnit.test('downloads init segments if specified', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(20); let map = { resolvedUri: 'mainInitSegment', byterange: { length: 20, offset: 0 } }; let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; playlist.segments[0].map = map; playlist.segments[1].map = map; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 2, 'made requests'); // init segment response this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, 'mainInitSegment', 'requested the init segment'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(20).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); // 0.ts response this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '0.ts', 'requested the segment'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(20).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); // append the init segment buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([]); this.updateend(); // append the segment buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'made a request'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '1.ts', 'did not re-request the init segment'); }); QUnit.test('detects init segment changes and downloads it', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(20); let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); playlist.segments[0].map = { resolvedUri: 'init0', byterange: { length: 20, offset: 0 } }; playlist.segments[1].map = { resolvedUri: 'init0', byterange: { length: 20, offset: 20 } }; loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 2, 'made requests'); // init segment response this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, 'init0', 'requested the init segment'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].headers.Range, 'bytes=0-19', 'requested the init segment byte range'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(20).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); // 0.ts response this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '0.ts', 'requested the segment'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(20).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); // append the init segment buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([]); this.updateend(); // append the segment buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 2, 'made requests'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, 'init0', 'requested the init segment'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].headers.Range, 'bytes=20-39', 'requested the init segment byte range'); assert.equal(this.requests[1].url, '1.ts', 'did not re-request the init segment'); }); QUnit.test('request error increments mediaRequestsErrored stat', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests.shift().respond(404, null, ''); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequestsErrored, 1, '1 errored request'); }); QUnit.test('request timeout increments mediaRequestsTimedout stat', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].timedout = true; this.clock.tick(100 * 1000); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequestsTimedout, 1, '1 timed-out request'); }); QUnit.test('request abort increments mediaRequestsAborted stat', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.abort(); this.clock.tick(1); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequestsAborted, 1, '1 aborted request'); }); QUnit.test('SegmentLoader.mediaIndex is adjusted when live playlist is updated', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(50, { mediaSequence: 0, endList: false })); loader.load(); // Start at mediaIndex 2 which means that the next segment we request // should mediaIndex 3 loader.mediaIndex = 2; this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.mediaIndex, 2, 'SegmentLoader.mediaIndex starts at 2'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '3.ts', 'requesting the segment at mediaIndex 3'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.clock.tick(1); this.updateend(); assert.equal(loader.mediaIndex, 3, 'mediaIndex ends at 3'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.mediaIndex, 3, 'SegmentLoader.mediaIndex starts at 3'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '4.ts', 'requesting the segment at mediaIndex 4'); // Update the playlist shifting the mediaSequence by 2 which will result // in a decrement of the mediaIndex by 2 to 1 loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(50, { mediaSequence: 2, endList: false })); assert.equal(loader.mediaIndex, 1, 'SegmentLoader.mediaIndex is updated to 1'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.clock.tick(1); this.updateend(); assert.equal(loader.mediaIndex, 2, 'SegmentLoader.mediaIndex ends at 2'); }); QUnit.test('segmentInfo.mediaIndex is adjusted when live playlist is updated', function(assert) { const handleUpdateEnd_ = loader.handleUpdateEnd_.bind(loader); let expectedLoaderIndex = 3; loader.handleUpdateEnd_ = function() { handleUpdateEnd_(); assert.equal(loader.mediaIndex, expectedLoaderIndex, 'SegmentLoader.mediaIndex ends at' + expectedLoaderIndex); loader.mediaIndex = null; loader.fetchAtBuffer_ = false; // remove empty flag that may be added by vtt loader loader.playlist_.segments.forEach(segment => segment.empty = false); }; // Setting currentTime to 31 so that we start requesting at segment #3 this.currentTime = 31; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(50, { mediaSequence: 0, endList: false })); loader.load(); // Start at mediaIndex null which means that the next segment we request // should be based on currentTime (mediaIndex 3) loader.mediaIndex = null; loader.syncPoint_ = { segmentIndex: 0, time: 0 }; this.clock.tick(1); let segmentInfo = loader.pendingSegment_; assert.equal(segmentInfo.mediaIndex, 3, 'segmentInfo.mediaIndex starts at 3'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '3.ts', 'requesting the segment at mediaIndex 3'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.clock.tick(1); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); segmentInfo = loader.pendingSegment_; assert.equal(segmentInfo.mediaIndex, 3, 'segmentInfo.mediaIndex starts at 3'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '3.ts', 'requesting the segment at mediaIndex 3'); // Update the playlist shifting the mediaSequence by 2 which will result // in a decrement of the mediaIndex by 2 to 1 loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(50, { mediaSequence: 2, endList: false })); assert.equal(segmentInfo.mediaIndex, 1, 'segmentInfo.mediaIndex is updated to 1'); expectedLoaderIndex = 1; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.clock.tick(1); this.updateend(); }); QUnit.test('segment 404s should trigger an error', function(assert) { let errors = []; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.on('error', function(error) { errors.push(error); }); this.requests.shift().respond(404, null, ''); assert.equal(errors.length, 1, 'triggered an error'); assert.equal(loader.error().code, 2, 'triggered MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK'); assert.ok(loader.error().xhr, 'included the request object'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'paused the loader'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'READY', 'returned to the ready state'); }); QUnit.test('empty segments should trigger an error', function(assert) { let errors = []; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.on('error', function(error) { errors.push(error); }); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(0).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(errors.length, 1, 'triggered an error'); assert.equal(loader.error().code, 2, 'triggered MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK'); assert.ok(loader.error().xhr, 'included the request object'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'paused the loader'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'READY', 'returned to the ready state'); }); QUnit.test('segment 5xx status codes trigger an error', function(assert) { let errors = []; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.on('error', function(error) { errors.push(error); }); this.requests.shift().respond(500, null, ''); assert.equal(errors.length, 1, 'triggered an error'); assert.equal(loader.error().code, 2, 'triggered MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK'); assert.ok(loader.error().xhr, 'included the request object'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'paused the loader'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'READY', 'returned to the ready state'); }); QUnit.test('remains ready if there are no segments', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(0)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'READY', 'in the ready state'); }); QUnit.test('dispose cleans up outstanding work', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.dispose(); assert.ok(this.requests[0].aborted, 'aborted segment request'); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'did not open another request'); // Check that media source was properly cleaned up if it exists on the loader if (loader.mediaSource_) { loader.mediaSource_.sourceBuffers.forEach((sourceBuffer, i) => { let lastOperation = sourceBuffer.updates_.slice(-1)[0]; assert.ok(lastOperation.abort, 'aborted source buffer ' + i); }); } }); // ---------- // Decryption // ---------- QUnit.test('calling load with an encrypted segment requests key and segment', function(assert) { assert.equal(loader.state, 'INIT', 'starts in the init state'); loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10, {isEncrypted: true})); assert.equal(loader.state, 'INIT', 'starts in the init state'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'starts paused'); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'moves to the ready state'); assert.ok(!loader.paused(), 'loading is not paused'); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 2, 'requested a segment and key'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '0-key.php', 'requested the first segment\'s key'); assert.equal(this.requests[1].url, '0.ts', 'requested the first segment'); }); QUnit.test('dispose cleans up key requests for encrypted segments', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20, {isEncrypted: true})); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.dispose(); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 2, 'requested a segment and key'); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '0-key.php', 'requested the first segment\'s key'); assert.ok(this.requests[0].aborted, 'aborted the first segment\s key request'); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 2, 'did not open another request'); }); QUnit.test('key 404s should trigger an error', function(assert) { let errors = []; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10, {isEncrypted: true})); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.on('error', function(error) { errors.push(error); }); this.requests.shift().respond(404, null, ''); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(errors.length, 1, 'triggered an error'); assert.equal(loader.error().code, 2, 'triggered MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK'); assert.equal(loader.error().message, 'HLS request errored at URL: 0-key.php', 'receieved a key error message'); assert.ok(loader.error().xhr, 'included the request object'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'paused the loader'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'READY', 'returned to the ready state'); }); QUnit.test('key 5xx status codes trigger an error', function(assert) { let errors = []; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10, {isEncrypted: true})); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.on('error', function(error) { errors.push(error); }); this.requests.shift().respond(500, null, ''); assert.equal(errors.length, 1, 'triggered an error'); assert.equal(loader.error().code, 2, 'triggered MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK'); assert.equal(loader.error().message, 'HLS request errored at URL: 0-key.php', 'receieved a key error message'); assert.ok(loader.error().xhr, 'included the request object'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'paused the loader'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'READY', 'returned to the ready state'); }); QUnit.test('key request timeouts reset bandwidth', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10, {isEncrypted: true})); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests[0].url, '0-key.php', 'requested the first segment\'s key'); assert.equal(this.requests[1].url, '0.ts', 'requested the first segment'); // a lot of time passes so the request times out this.requests[0].timedout = true; this.clock.tick(100 * 1000); assert.equal(loader.bandwidth, 1, 'reset bandwidth'); assert.ok(isNaN(loader.roundTrip), 'reset round trip time'); }); QUnit.test('checks the goal buffer configuration every loading opportunity', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(20); let defaultGoal = Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH; let segmentInfo; Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH = 1; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.load(); segmentInfo = loader.checkBuffer_(videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 1]]), playlist, null, loader.hasPlayed_(), 0, null); assert.ok(!segmentInfo, 'no request generated'); Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH = defaultGoal; }); QUnit.test( 'does not skip over segment if live playlist update occurs while processing', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; playlist.endList = false; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '0.ts', 'retrieving first segment'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '0.ts', 'correct segment reference'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'waiting for response'); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); // playlist updated during append let playlistUpdated = playlistWithDuration(40); playlistUpdated.segments.shift(); playlistUpdated.mediaSequence++; loader.playlist(playlistUpdated); // finish append buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '1.ts', 'retrieving second segment'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '1.ts', 'correct segment reference'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'waiting for response'); }); QUnit.test('processing segment reachable even after playlist update removes it', function(assert) { const handleUpdateEnd_ = loader.handleUpdateEnd_.bind(loader); let expectedURI = '0.ts'; let playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.handleUpdateEnd_ = () => { // we need to check for the right state, as normally handleResponse would throw an // error under failing cases, but sinon swallows it as part of fake XML HTTP // request's response assert.equal(loader.state, 'APPENDING', 'moved to appending state'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, expectedURI, 'correct pending segment'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, expectedURI, 'correct segment reference'); handleUpdateEnd_(); }; loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; playlist.endList = false; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'in waiting state'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '0.ts', 'first segment pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '0.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // wrap up the first request to set mediaIndex and start normal live streaming this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'in waiting state'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '1.ts', 'second segment pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '1.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // playlist updated during waiting let playlistUpdated = playlistWithDuration(40); playlistUpdated.segments.shift(); playlistUpdated.segments.shift(); playlistUpdated.mediaSequence += 2; loader.playlist(playlistUpdated); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '1.ts', 'second segment still pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '1.ts', 'correct segment reference'); expectedURI = '1.ts'; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); }); QUnit.test('new playlist always triggers syncinfoupdate', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(100, { endList: false }); let syncInfoUpdates = 0; loader.on('syncinfoupdate', () => syncInfoUpdates++); loader.playlist(playlist); loader.load(); assert.equal(syncInfoUpdates, 1, 'first playlist triggers an update'); loader.playlist(playlist); assert.equal(syncInfoUpdates, 2, 'same playlist triggers an update'); playlist = playlistWithDuration(100, { endList: false }); loader.playlist(playlist); assert.equal(syncInfoUpdates, 3, 'new playlist with same info triggers an update'); playlist.segments[0].start = 10; playlist = playlistWithDuration(100, { endList: false, mediaSequence: 1 }); loader.playlist(playlist); assert.equal(syncInfoUpdates, 5, 'new playlist after expiring segment triggers two updates'); }); QUnit.module('Loading Calculation'); QUnit.test('requests the first segment with an empty buffer', function(assert) { let segmentInfo = loader.checkBuffer_(videojs.createTimeRanges(), playlistWithDuration(20), null, loader.hasPlayed_(), 0, null); assert.ok(segmentInfo, 'generated a request'); assert.equal(segmentInfo.uri, '0.ts', 'requested the first segment'); }); QUnit.test('no request if video not played and 1 segment is buffered', function(assert) { this.hasPlayed = false; let segmentInfo = loader.checkBuffer_(videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 1]]), playlistWithDuration(20), 0, loader.hasPlayed_(), 0, null); assert.ok(!segmentInfo, 'no request generated'); }); QUnit.test('does not download the next segment if the buffer is full', function(assert) { let buffered; let segmentInfo; buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([ [0, 30 + Config.GOAL_BUFFER_LENGTH] ]); segmentInfo = loader.checkBuffer_(buffered, playlistWithDuration(30), null, true, 15, { segmentIndex: 0, time: 0 }); assert.ok(!segmentInfo, 'no segment request generated'); }); QUnit.test('downloads the next segment if the buffer is getting low', function(assert) { let buffered; let segmentInfo; let playlist = playlistWithDuration(30); loader.playlist(playlist); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 19.999]]); segmentInfo = loader.checkBuffer_(buffered, playlist, 1, true, 15, { segmentIndex: 0, time: 0 }); assert.ok(segmentInfo, 'made a request'); assert.equal(segmentInfo.uri, '2.ts', 'requested the third segment'); }); QUnit.test('stops downloading segments at the end of the playlist', function(assert) { let buffered; let segmentInfo; buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 60]]); segmentInfo = loader.checkBuffer_(buffered, playlistWithDuration(60), null, true, 0, null); assert.ok(!segmentInfo, 'no request was made'); }); QUnit.test('stops downloading segments if buffered past reported end of the playlist', function(assert) { let buffered; let segmentInfo; let playlist; buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 59.9]]); playlist = playlistWithDuration(60); playlist.segments[playlist.segments.length - 1].end = 59.9; segmentInfo = loader.checkBuffer_(buffered, playlist, playlist.segments.length - 1, true, 50, { segmentIndex: 0, time: 0 }); assert.ok(!segmentInfo, 'no request was made'); }); QUnit.test('doesn\'t allow more than one monitor buffer timer to be set', function(assert) { let timeoutCount = this.clock.methods.length; loader.monitorBuffer_(); assert.equal(this.clock.methods.length, timeoutCount, 'timeout count remains the same'); loader.monitorBuffer_(); assert.equal(this.clock.methods.length, timeoutCount, 'timeout count remains the same'); loader.monitorBuffer_(); loader.monitorBuffer_(); assert.equal(this.clock.methods.length, timeoutCount, 'timeout count remains the same'); }); }); };