import QUnit from 'qunit'; import { default as SegmentLoader, illegalMediaSwitch, safeBackBufferTrimTime } from '../src/segment-loader'; import videojs from 'video.js'; import mp4probe from 'mux.js/lib/mp4/probe'; import { playlistWithDuration, MockTextTrack } from './test-helpers.js'; import { LoaderCommonHooks, LoaderCommonSettings, LoaderCommonFactory } from './loader-common.js'; import sinon from 'sinon'; // noop addSegmentMetadataCue_ since most test segments dont have real timing information // save the original function to a variable to patch it back in for the metadata cue // specific tests const ogAddSegmentMetadataCue_ = SegmentLoader.prototype.addSegmentMetadataCue_; SegmentLoader.prototype.addSegmentMetadataCue_ = function() {}; QUnit.module('SegmentLoader Isolated Functions'); QUnit.test('illegalMediaSwitch detects illegal media switches', function(assert) { let startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; let newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; assert.notOk(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'no error when muxed to muxed'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: false }; assert.notOk(illegalMediaSwitch('audio', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'no error when not main loader type'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; assert.notOk(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'no error when audio only to audio only'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: true }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: true }; assert.notOk(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'no error when video only to video only'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: true }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; assert.notOk(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'no error when video only to muxed'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: false }; assert.equal(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'Neither audio nor video found in segment.', 'error when neither audio nor video'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: false }; assert.equal(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'Neither audio nor video found in segment.', 'error when audio only to neither audio nor video'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: true }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: false }; assert.equal(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'Neither audio nor video found in segment.', 'error when video only to neither audio nor video'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; assert.equal(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'Video found in segment when we expected only audio.' + ' We can\'t switch to a stream with video from an audio only stream.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the' + ' manifest.', 'error when audio only to muxed'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; assert.equal(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'Only audio found in segment when we expected video.' + ' We can\'t switch to audio only from a stream that had video.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the' + ' manifest.', 'error when muxed to audio only'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: true }; assert.equal(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'Video found in segment when we expected only audio.' + ' We can\'t switch to a stream with video from an audio only stream.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the' + ' manifest.', 'error when audio only to video only'); startingMedia = { containsAudio: false, containsVideo: true }; newSegmentMedia = { containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; assert.equal(illegalMediaSwitch('main', startingMedia, newSegmentMedia), 'Only audio found in segment when we expected video.' + ' We can\'t switch to audio only from a stream that had video.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the' + ' manifest.', 'error when video only to audio only'); }); QUnit.test('safeBackBufferTrimTime determines correct safe removeToTime', function(assert) { let seekable = videojs.createTimeRanges([[75, 120]]); let targetDuration = 10; let currentTime = 70; assert.equal(safeBackBufferTrimTime(seekable, currentTime, targetDuration), 40, 'uses 30s before current time if currentTime is before seekable start'); currentTime = 110; assert.equal(safeBackBufferTrimTime(seekable, currentTime, targetDuration), 75, 'uses seekable start if currentTime is after seekable start'); currentTime = 80; assert.equal(safeBackBufferTrimTime(seekable, currentTime, targetDuration), 70, 'uses target duration before currentTime if currentTime is after seekable but' + 'within target duration'); }); QUnit.module('SegmentLoader', function(hooks) { hooks.beforeEach(LoaderCommonHooks.beforeEach); hooks.afterEach(LoaderCommonHooks.afterEach); LoaderCommonFactory(SegmentLoader, { loaderType: 'main' }, (loader) => loader.mimeType('video/mp2t')); // Tests specific to the main segment loader go in this module QUnit.module('Loader Main', function(nestedHooks) { let loader; nestedHooks.beforeEach(function(assert) { this.segmentMetadataTrack = new MockTextTrack(); this.startTime = sinon.stub(mp4probe, 'startTime'); this.mimeType = 'video/mp2t'; loader = new SegmentLoader(, { loaderType: 'main', segmentMetadataTrack: this.segmentMetadataTrack }), {}); // shim updateend trigger to be a noop if the loader has no media source this.updateend = function() { if (loader.mediaSource_) { loader.mediaSource_.sourceBuffers[0].trigger('updateend'); } }; }); nestedHooks.afterEach(function(assert) { this.startTime.restore(); }); QUnit.test(`load waits until a playlist and mime type are specified to proceed`, function(assert) { loader.load(); assert.equal(loader.state, 'INIT', 'waiting in init'); assert.equal(loader.paused(), false, 'not paused'); loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 0, 'have not made a request yet'); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'made a request'); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'transitioned states'); }); QUnit.test(`calling mime type and load begins buffering`, function(assert) { assert.equal(loader.state, 'INIT', 'starts in the init state'); loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); assert.equal(loader.state, 'INIT', 'starts in the init state'); assert.ok(loader.paused(), 'starts paused'); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); assert.equal(loader.state, 'INIT', 'still in the init state'); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'moves to the ready state'); assert.ok(!loader.paused(), 'loading is not paused'); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 1, 'requested a segment'); }); QUnit.test('only appends one segment at a time', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); // some time passes and a segment is received this.clock.tick(100); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); // a lot of time goes by without "updateend" this.clock.tick(20 * 1000); assert.equal(this.mediaSource.sourceBuffers[0].updates_.filter( update => update.append).length, 1, 'only one append'); assert.equal(this.requests.length, 0, 'only made one request'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaTransferDuration, 100, '100 ms (clock above)'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('updates timestamps when segments do not start at zero', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(10); playlist.segments.forEach((segment) => { = { resolvedUri: 'init.mp4', byterange: { length: Infinity, offset: 0 } }; }); loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.startTime.returns(11); this.clock.tick(100); // init this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); // segment this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(loader.sourceUpdater_.timestampOffset(), -11, 'set timestampOffset'); assert.equal(playlist.segments[0].start, 0, 'segment start time not shifted by mp4 start time'); assert.equal(playlist.segments[0].end, 10, 'segment end time not shifted by mp4 start time'); }); QUnit.test('triggers syncinfoupdate before attempting a resync', function(assert) { let syncInfoUpdates = 0; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); this.seekable = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.syncController.probeSegmentInfo = (segmentInfo) => { let segment = segmentInfo.segment; segment.end = 10; }; loader.on('syncinfoupdate', () => { syncInfoUpdates++; // Simulate the seekable window updating this.seekable = videojs.createTimeRanges([[200, 210]]); // Simulate the seek to live that should happen in playback-watcher this.currentTime = 210; }); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.mediaIndex, null, 'mediaIndex reset by seek to seekable'); assert.equal(syncInfoUpdates, 1, 'syncinfoupdate was triggered'); }); QUnit.test('abort does not cancel segment processing in progress', function(assert) { loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); loader.abort(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'APPENDING', 'still appending'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('sets the timestampOffset on timeline change', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); let hlsTimestampOffsetEvents = 0; loader.on('timestampoffset', () => { hlsTimestampOffsetEvents++; }); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; playlist.discontinuityStarts = [1]; playlist.segments[1].timeline = 1; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); // segment 0 this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(hlsTimestampOffsetEvents, 0, 'no hls-timestamp-offset event was fired'); // segment 1, discontinuity this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(loader.mediaSource_.sourceBuffers[0].timestampOffset, 10, 'set timestampOffset'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 20, '20 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 2, '2 requests'); assert.equal(hlsTimestampOffsetEvents, 1, 'an hls-timestamp-offset event was fired'); }); QUnit.test('tracks segment end times as they are buffered', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(20); loader.syncController_.probeTsSegment_ = function(segmentInfo) { return { start: 0, end: 9.5 }; }; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(playlist.segments[0].end, 9.5, 'updated duration'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('loader triggers segmenttimemapping before appending segment', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(20); let segmenttimemappings = 0; let timingInfo = { hasMapping: false }; this.syncController.probeSegmentInfo = () => timingInfo; loader.on('segmenttimemapping', function() { segmenttimemappings++; }); loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(segmenttimemappings, 0, 'no events before segment downloaded'); // some time passes and a response is received this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(segmenttimemappings, 0, 'did not trigger segmenttimemappings with unsuccessful probe'); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(segmenttimemappings, 0, 'no events before segment downloaded'); timingInfo.hasMapping = true; this.syncController.timelines[0] = { mapping: 0 }; // some time passes and a response is received this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(segmenttimemappings, 1, 'triggered segmenttimemappings with successful probe'); }); QUnit.test('adds cues with segment information to the segment-metadata track ' + 'as they are buffered', function(assert) { const track = loader.segmentMetadataTrack_; const attributes = { BANDWIDTH: 3500000, RESOLUTION: '1920x1080', CODECS: 'mp4a.40.5,avc1.42001e' }; let playlist = playlistWithDuration(50, {attributes}); let probeResponse; let expectedCue; loader.addSegmentMetadataCue_ = ogAddSegmentMetadataCue_; loader.syncController_.probeTsSegment_ = function(segmentInfo) { return probeResponse; }; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.ok(!track.cues.length, 'segment-metadata track empty when no segments appended'); // Start appending some segments probeResponse = { start: 0, end: 9.5 }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); expectedCue = { uri: '0.ts', timeline: 0, playlist: 'playlist.m3u8', start: 0, end: 9.5, bandwidth: 3500000, resolution: '1920x1080', codecs: 'mp4a.40.5,avc1.42001e', byteLength: 10 }; assert.equal(track.cues.length, 1, 'one cue added for segment'); assert.deepEqual(track.cues[0].value, expectedCue, 'added correct segment info to cue'); probeResponse = { start: 9.56, end: 19.2 }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); expectedCue = { uri: '1.ts', timeline: 0, playlist: 'playlist.m3u8', start: 9.56, end: 19.2, bandwidth: 3500000, resolution: '1920x1080', codecs: 'mp4a.40.5,avc1.42001e', byteLength: 10 }; assert.equal(track.cues.length, 2, 'one cue added for segment'); assert.deepEqual(track.cues[1].value, expectedCue, 'added correct segment info to cue'); probeResponse = { start: 19.24, end: 28.99 }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); expectedCue = { uri: '2.ts', timeline: 0, playlist: 'playlist.m3u8', start: 19.24, end: 28.99, bandwidth: 3500000, resolution: '1920x1080', codecs: 'mp4a.40.5,avc1.42001e', byteLength: 10 }; assert.equal(track.cues.length, 3, 'one cue added for segment'); assert.deepEqual(track.cues[2].value, expectedCue, 'added correct segment info to cue'); // append overlapping segment, emmulating segment-loader fetching behavior on // rendtion switch probeResponse = { start: 19.21, end: 28.98 }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); expectedCue = { uri: '3.ts', timeline: 0, playlist: 'playlist.m3u8', start: 19.21, end: 28.98, bandwidth: 3500000, resolution: '1920x1080', codecs: 'mp4a.40.5,avc1.42001e', byteLength: 10 }; assert.equal(track.cues.length, 3, 'overlapped cue removed, new one added'); assert.deepEqual(track.cues[2].value, expectedCue, 'added correct segment info to cue'); // does not add cue for invalid segment timing info probeResponse = { start: 30, end: void 0 }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(track.cues.length, 3, 'no cue added'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 50, '50 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 5, '5 requests'); }); QUnit.test('fires ended at the end of a playlist', function(assert) { let endOfStreams = 0; let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(10)); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.mediaSource_ = { readyState: 'open', sourceBuffers: this.mediaSource.sourceBuffers }; loader.on('ended', () => endOfStreams++); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(endOfStreams, 1, 'triggered ended'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('endOfStream happens even after a rendition switch', function(assert) { let endOfStreams = 0; let bandwidthupdates = 0; let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; loader.playlist(playlistWithDuration(20)); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.mediaSource_ = { readyState: 'open', sourceBuffers: this.mediaSource.sourceBuffers }; loader.on('ended', () => endOfStreams++); loader.on('bandwidthupdate', () => { bandwidthupdates++; // Simulate a rendition switch loader.resetEverything(); }); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(10); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); assert.equal(bandwidthupdates, 1, 'triggered bandwidthupdate'); assert.equal(endOfStreams, 1, 'triggered ended'); }); QUnit.test('live playlists do not trigger ended', function(assert) { let endOfStreams = 0; let playlist; let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; playlist = playlistWithDuration(10); playlist.endList = false; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.mediaSource_ = { readyState: 'open', sourceBuffers: this.mediaSource.sourceBuffers }; loader.on('ended', () => endOfStreams++); this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(endOfStreams, 0, 'did not trigger ended'); // verify stats assert.equal(loader.mediaBytesTransferred, 10, '10 bytes'); assert.equal(loader.mediaRequests, 1, '1 request'); }); QUnit.test('saves segment info to new segment after playlist refresh', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; playlist.endList = false; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'in waiting state'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '0.ts', 'first segment pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '0.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // wrap up the first request to set mediaIndex and start normal live streaming this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'in waiting state'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '1.ts', 'second segment pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '1.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // playlist updated during waiting let playlistUpdated = playlistWithDuration(40); playlistUpdated.segments.shift(); playlistUpdated.mediaSequence++; loader.playlist(playlistUpdated); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '1.ts', 'second segment still pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '1.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // mock probeSegmentInfo as the response bytes aren't parsable (and won't provide // time info) loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = (segmentInfo) => { segmentInfo.segment.start = 10; segmentInfo.segment.end = 20; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(playlistUpdated.segments[0].start, 10, 'set start on segment of new playlist'); assert.equal(playlistUpdated.segments[0].end, 20, 'set end on segment of new playlist'); assert.ok(!playlist.segments[1].start, 'did not set start on segment of old playlist'); assert.ok(!playlist.segments[1].end, 'did not set end on segment of old playlist'); }); QUnit.test( 'saves segment info to old segment after playlist refresh if segment fell off', function(assert) { let playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); let buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges(); loader.buffered_ = () => buffered; playlist.endList = false; loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'in waiting state'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '0.ts', 'first segment pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '0.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // wrap up the first request to set mediaIndex and start normal live streaming this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); buffered = videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(loader.state, 'WAITING', 'in waiting state'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '1.ts', 'second segment pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '1.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // playlist updated during waiting let playlistUpdated = playlistWithDuration(40); playlistUpdated.segments.shift(); playlistUpdated.segments.shift(); playlistUpdated.mediaSequence += 2; loader.playlist(playlistUpdated); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.uri, '1.ts', 'second segment still pending'); assert.equal(loader.pendingSegment_.segment.uri, '1.ts', 'correct segment reference'); // mock probeSegmentInfo as the response bytes aren't parsable (and won't provide // time info) loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = (segmentInfo) => { segmentInfo.segment.start = 10; segmentInfo.segment.end = 20; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(playlist.segments[1].start, 10, 'set start on segment of old playlist'); assert.equal(playlist.segments[1].end, 20, 'set end on segment of old playlist'); assert.ok(!playlistUpdated.segments[0].start, 'no start info for first segment of new playlist'); assert.ok(!playlistUpdated.segments[0].end, 'no end info for first segment of new playlist'); }); QUnit.test('errors when trying to switch from audio and video to audio only', function(assert) { const playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); const errors = []; loader.on('error', () => errors.push(loader.error())); loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = () => { return { start: 0, end: 10, containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); loader.buffered_ = () => videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(errors.length, 0, 'no errors'); loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = () => { return { start: 10, end: 20, containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(errors.length, 1, 'one error'); assert.equal(errors[0].message, 'Only audio found in segment when we expected video.' + ' We can\'t switch to audio only from a stream that had video.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the' + ' manifest.', 'correct error message'); }); QUnit.test('errors when trying to switch from audio only to audio and video', function(assert) { const playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); const errors = []; loader.on('error', () => errors.push(loader.error())); loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = () => { return { start: 0, end: 10, containsAudio: true, containsVideo: false }; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); loader.buffered_ = () => videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(errors.length, 0, 'no errors'); loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = () => { return { start: 10, end: 20, containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(errors.length, 1, 'one error'); assert.equal(errors[0].message, 'Video found in segment when we expected only audio.' + ' We can\'t switch to a stream with video from an audio only stream.' + ' To get rid of this message, please add codec information to the' + ' manifest.', 'correct error message'); }); QUnit.test('no error when not switching from audio and video', function(assert) { const playlist = playlistWithDuration(40); const errors = []; loader.on('error', () => errors.push(loader.error())); loader.playlist(playlist); loader.mimeType(this.mimeType); loader.load(); this.clock.tick(1); loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = () => { return { start: 0, end: 10, containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); loader.buffered_ = () => videojs.createTimeRanges([[0, 10]]); this.updateend(); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(errors.length, 0, 'no errors'); loader.syncController_.probeSegmentInfo = () => { return { start: 10, end: 20, containsAudio: true, containsVideo: true }; }; this.requests[0].response = new Uint8Array(10).buffer; this.requests.shift().respond(200, null, ''); assert.equal(errors.length, 0, 'no errors'); }); }); });