# Vue-Awesome-Swiper
Swiper([Swiper3](http://www.swiper.com.cn)) component for Vue, support pc and mobile, SPA and SSR.
# Example
[Demo Page](https://surmon-china.github.io/vue-awesome-swiper)
# Use Setup for Browser
### Require script and style
``` html
### Use
``` javascript
// vue app code...
# Use Setup for Webpack
### Install vue-awesome-swiper
``` bash
npm install vue-awesome-swiper --save
### Vue mount
``` javascript
// starting with version 2.6.0, you need to manually introduce swiper's css
// import
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAwesomeSwiper from 'vue-awesome-swiper'
// or require
var Vue = require('vue')
var VueAwesomeSwiper = require('vue-awesome-swiper')
// mount with global
// If used in Nuxt.js/SSR, you should keep it only in browser build environment
if (process.browser) {
const VueAwesomeSwiper = require('vue-awesome-swiper/ssr')
// mount with component(can't work in Nuxt.js/SSR)
import { swiper, swiperSlide } from 'vue-awesome-swiper'
export default {
components: {
### Use the difference(使用方法的区别)
**SSR and the only difference in the use of the SPA:**
- SPA worked by the `component`, find swiper instance by `ref attribute`.
- SSR worked by the `directive`, find swiper instance by `directive arg`.
- Other configurations, events are the same.
### Use in SSR
``` vue
### Use in SPA
``` vue
I'm Slide 1I'm Slide 2I'm Slide 3I'm Slide 4I'm Slide 5I'm Slide 6I'm Slide 7
### Async data example
``` vue
I'm Slide {{ slide }}
# Mobile Example Code
# Nuxt.js/SSR Example Code
# Issues
针对中文用户:如果你有未解决的问题请一定要在已关闭的 issues 里进行搜索,绝大多数问题能够得到答案;提问题之前一定要自行测试问题节点,测试出问题所在,若为自身业务问题或基础知识问题或 swiper 本身的问题,问题会被直接关闭。
Swiper's API and configuration can be used.(Swiper官网中的API及配置均可使用)
- [cn Swiper3 apis](http://www.swiper.com.cn/api/index.html)
- [en Swiper3 apis](http://idangero.us/swiper/api/#.WMlhYxJ97mI)
# Author Blog