You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
2.0 KiB

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.3
var _common, blockStyleApplier, object, self;
_common = require('./_common');
object = require('utila').object;
module.exports = blockStyleApplier = self = {
applyTo: function(el, style) {
var config, ret;
ret = _common.getStyleTagsFor(style);
ret.blockConfig = config = {};
this._margins(style, config);
this._bullet(style, config);
this._dims(style, config);
return ret;
_margins: function(style, config) {
if (style.marginLeft != null) {
object.appendOnto(config, {
linePrependor: {
options: {
amount: parseInt(style.marginLeft)
if (style.marginRight != null) {
object.appendOnto(config, {
lineAppendor: {
options: {
amount: parseInt(style.marginRight)
if (style.marginTop != null) {
object.appendOnto(config, {
blockPrependor: {
options: {
amount: parseInt(style.marginTop)
if (style.marginBottom != null) {
object.appendOnto(config, {
blockAppendor: {
options: {
amount: parseInt(style.marginBottom)
_bullet: function(style, config) {
var after, before, bullet, conf, ref;
if ((style.bullet != null) && style.bullet.enabled) {
bullet = style.bullet;
conf = {};
conf.alignment = style.bullet.alignment;
ref = _common.getStyleTagsFor({
color: bullet.color,
background: bullet.background
}), before = ref.before, after = ref.after;
conf.char = before + bullet.char + after;
object.appendOnto(config, {
linePrependor: {
options: {
bullet: conf
_dims: function(style, config) {
var w;
if (style.width != null) {
w = parseInt(style.width);
config.width = w;