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465 lines
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"title":"JavaScript modules via script tag",
"description":"Loading JavaScript module scripts (aka ES6 modules) using `<script type=\"module\">` Includes support for the `nomodule` attribute.",
"title":"Intro to ES6 modules"
"title":"MS Edge blog post"
"title":"Mozilla hacks article"
"title":"Firefox support bug"
"title":"Blog post: Native ECMAScript modules - the first overview"
"title":"Counterpart ECMAScript specification for import/export syntax"
"title":"Specification for nomodule attribute"
"title":"Blog post on using nomodule"
"title":"Will it double-fetch? Browser behavior with `module` / `nomodule` scripts"
"description":"`nomodule` scripts are not executed in Edge, but they're still fetched"
"description":"Edge 17+ fetches HTML-declared <script type='module'> twice"
"15":"n d #1 #6",
"16":"y #6",
"17":"y #6",
"18":"y #6",
"54":"n d #2",
"55":"n d #2",
"56":"n d #2",
"57":"n d #2",
"58":"n d #2",
"59":"n d #2",
"60":"n d #1",
"10.1":"a #4 #5",
"47":"n d #1",
"10.3":"a #4 #5",
"1":"Support can be enabled via `about:flags`",
"2":"Support can be enabled via `about:config`",
"3":"Support can be enabled via the `experimental-web-platform-features` flag",
"4":"Does not support the `nomodule` attribute",
"5":"A [polyfill is available]( for Safari 10.1/iOS Safari 10.3",
"6":"`nomodule` scripts are not executed, but they're still fetched"
"keywords":"es6 module,esmodules,module,import,export,nomodule",