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433 lines
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"title":"ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)",
"description":"Support for the ECMAScript 2015 specification. Features include Promises, Modules, Classes, Template Literals, Arrow Functions, Let and Const, Default Parameters, Generators, Destructuring Assignment, Rest & Spread, Map/Set & WeakMap/WeakSet and many more.",
"title":"ES6 New features: overview and comparisons"
"title":"Exploring ES6 (book)"
"title":"Polyfill for all possible ES2015 features is available in the core-js library"
"11":"a #1 #2"
"12":"a #2",
"13":"a #2",
"14":"a #2",
"15":"y #2 #3",
"16":"y #2 #3",
"17":"y #2 #3",
"18":"y #2 #3",
"79":"y #2",
"80":"y #2",
"81":"y #2",
"83":"y #2",
"84":"y #2",
"85":"y #2",
"86":"y #2",
"87":"y #2",
"88":"y #2",
"89":"y #2"
"54":"y #2",
"55":"y #2",
"56":"y #2",
"57":"y #2",
"58":"y #2",
"59":"y #2",
"60":"y #2",
"61":"y #2",
"62":"y #2",
"63":"y #2",
"64":"y #2",
"65":"y #2",
"66":"y #2",
"67":"y #2",
"68":"y #2",
"69":"y #2",
"70":"y #2",
"71":"y #2",
"72":"y #2",
"73":"y #2",
"74":"y #2",
"75":"y #2",
"76":"y #2",
"77":"y #2",
"78":"y #2",
"79":"y #2",
"80":"y #2",
"81":"y #2",
"82":"y #2",
"83":"y #2",
"84":"y #2",
"85":"y #2",
"86":"y #2",
"87":"y #2",
"88":"y #2"
"51":"y #2",
"52":"y #2",
"53":"y #2",
"54":"y #2",
"55":"y #2",
"56":"y #2",
"57":"y #2",
"58":"y #2",
"59":"y #2",
"60":"y #2",
"61":"y #2",
"62":"y #2",
"63":"y #2",
"64":"y #2",
"65":"y #2",
"66":"y #2",
"67":"y #2",
"68":"y #2",
"69":"y #2",
"70":"y #2",
"71":"y #2",
"72":"y #2",
"73":"y #2",
"74":"y #2",
"75":"y #2",
"76":"y #2",
"77":"y #2",
"78":"y #2",
"79":"y #2",
"80":"y #2",
"81":"y #2",
"83":"y #2",
"84":"y #2",
"85":"y #2",
"86":"y #2",
"87":"y #2",
"88":"y #2",
"89":"y #2",
"90":"y #2",
"91":"y #2",
"92":"y #2"
"38":"y #2",
"39":"y #2",
"40":"y #2",
"41":"y #2",
"42":"y #2",
"43":"y #2",
"44":"y #2",
"45":"y #2",
"46":"y #2",
"47":"y #2",
"48":"y #2",
"49":"y #2",
"50":"y #2",
"51":"y #2",
"52":"y #2",
"53":"y #2",
"54":"y #2",
"55":"y #2",
"56":"y #2",
"57":"y #2",
"58":"y #2",
"60":"y #2",
"62":"y #2",
"63":"y #2",
"64":"y #2",
"65":"y #2",
"66":"y #2",
"67":"y #2",
"68":"y #2",
"69":"y #2",
"70":"y #2",
"71":"y #2",
"72":"y #2",
"73":"y #2"
"89":"y #2"
"62":"y #2"
"89":"y #2"
"86":"y #2"
"11":"a #1 #2"
"12.12":"y #2"
"5.0-5.4":"y #2",
"6.2-6.4":"y #2",
"7.2-7.4":"y #2",
"8.2":"y #2",
"9.2":"y #2",
"10.1":"y #2",
"11.1-11.2":"y #2",
"12.0":"y #2",
"13.0":"y #2"
"10.4":"y #2"
"notes":"As ES6 refers to a huge specification and browsers have various levels of support, \"Supported\" means at least 95% of the spec is supported. \"Partial support\" refers to at least 10% of the spec being supported. For full details see the [Kangax ES6 support table](",
"1":"Notable partial support in IE11 includes (at least some) support for `const`, `let`, block-level function declaration, typed arrays, `Map`, `Set` and `WeakMap`.",
"2":"Does not support [tail call optimization](",
"3":"Only has partial Symbol support and partial support for `RegExp.prototype` properties"