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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
123 lines
4.9 KiB
123 lines
4.9 KiB
module.exports = function cos (hljs) {
var STRINGS = {
className: 'string',
variants: [
begin: '"',
end: '"',
contains: [{ // escaped
begin: "\"\"",
relevance: 0
var NUMBERS = {
className: "number",
begin: "\\b(\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)",
relevance: 0
'property parameter class classmethod clientmethod extends as break ' +
'catch close continue do d|0 else elseif for goto halt hang h|0 if job ' +
'j|0 kill k|0 lock l|0 merge new open quit q|0 read r|0 return set s|0 ' +
'tcommit throw trollback try tstart use view while write w|0 xecute x|0 ' +
'zkill znspace zn ztrap zwrite zw zzdump zzwrite print zbreak zinsert ' +
'zload zprint zremove zsave zzprint mv mvcall mvcrt mvdim mvprint zquit ' +
'zsync ascii';
// registered function - no need in them due to all functions are highlighted,
// but I'll just leave this here.
//"$bit", "$bitcount",
//"$bitfind", "$bitlogic", "$case", "$char", "$classmethod", "$classname",
//"$compile", "$data", "$decimal", "$double", "$extract", "$factor",
//"$find", "$fnumber", "$get", "$increment", "$inumber", "$isobject",
//"$isvaliddouble", "$isvalidnum", "$justify", "$length", "$list",
//"$listbuild", "$listdata", "$listfind", "$listfromstring", "$listget",
//"$listlength", "$listnext", "$listsame", "$listtostring", "$listvalid",
//"$locate", "$match", "$method", "$name", "$nconvert", "$next",
//"$normalize", "$now", "$number", "$order", "$parameter", "$piece",
//"$prefetchoff", "$prefetchon", "$property", "$qlength", "$qsubscript",
//"$query", "$random", "$replace", "$reverse", "$sconvert", "$select",
//"$sortbegin", "$sortend", "$stack", "$text", "$translate", "$view",
//"$wascii", "$wchar", "$wextract", "$wfind", "$wiswide", "$wlength",
//"$wreverse", "$xecute", "$zabs", "$zarccos", "$zarcsin", "$zarctan",
//"$zcos", "$zcot", "$zcsc", "$zdate", "$zdateh", "$zdatetime",
//"$zdatetimeh", "$zexp", "$zhex", "$zln", "$zlog", "$zpower", "$zsec",
//"$zsin", "$zsqr", "$ztan", "$ztime", "$ztimeh", "$zboolean",
//"$zconvert", "$zcrc", "$zcyc", "$zdascii", "$zdchar", "$zf",
//"$ziswide", "$zlascii", "$zlchar", "$zname", "$zposition", "$zqascii",
//"$zqchar", "$zsearch", "$zseek", "$zstrip", "$zwascii", "$zwchar",
//"$zwidth", "$zwpack", "$zwbpack", "$zwunpack", "$zwbunpack", "$zzenkaku",
//"$change", "$mv", "$mvat", "$mvfmt", "$mvfmts", "$mviconv",
//"$mviconvs", "$mvinmat", "$mvlover", "$mvoconv", "$mvoconvs", "$mvraise",
//"$mvtrans", "$mvv", "$mvname", "$zbitand", "$zbitcount", "$zbitfind",
//"$zbitget", "$zbitlen", "$zbitnot", "$zbitor", "$zbitset", "$zbitstr",
//"$zbitxor", "$zincrement", "$znext", "$zorder", "$zprevious", "$zsort",
//"device", "$ecode", "$estack", "$etrap", "$halt", "$horolog",
//"$io", "$job", "$key", "$namespace", "$principal", "$quit", "$roles",
//"$storage", "$system", "$test", "$this", "$tlevel", "$username",
//"$x", "$y", "$za", "$zb", "$zchild", "$zeof", "$zeos", "$zerror",
//"$zhorolog", "$zio", "$zjob", "$zmode", "$znspace", "$zparent", "$zpi",
//"$zpos", "$zreference", "$zstorage", "$ztimestamp", "$ztimezone",
//"$ztrap", "$zversion"
return {
case_insensitive: true,
aliases: ["cos", "cls"],
keywords: COS_KEYWORDS,
contains: [
className: "comment",
begin: /;/, end: "$",
relevance: 0
{ // Functions and user-defined functions: write $ztime(60*60*3), $$myFunc(10), $$^Val(1)
className: "built_in",
begin: /(?:\$\$?|\.\.)\^?[a-zA-Z]+/
{ // Macro command: quit $$$OK
className: "built_in",
begin: /\$\$\$[a-zA-Z]+/
{ // Special (global) variables: write %request.Content; Built-in classes: %Library.Integer
className: "built_in",
begin: /%[a-z]+(?:\.[a-z]+)*/
{ // Global variable: set ^globalName = 12 write ^globalName
className: "symbol",
begin: /\^%?[a-zA-Z][\w]*/
{ // Some control constructions: do ##class(Package.ClassName).Method(), ##super()
className: "keyword",
begin: /##class|##super|#define|#dim/
// sub-languages: are not fully supported by hljs by 11/15/2015
// left for the future implementation.
begin: /&sql\(/, end: /\)/,
excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true,
subLanguage: "sql"
begin: /&(js|jscript|javascript)</, end: />/,
excludeBegin: true, excludeEnd: true,
subLanguage: "javascript"
// this brakes first and last tag, but this is the only way to embed a valid html
begin: /&html<\s*</, end: />\s*>/,
subLanguage: "xml"
}; |