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module.exports = function(hljs) {
// Since there are numerous special names in Julia, it is too much trouble
// to maintain them by hand. Hence these names (i.e. keywords, literals and
// built-ins) are automatically generated from Julia v0.6 itself through
// the following scripts for each.
var KEYWORDS = {
// # keyword generator, multi-word keywords handled manually below
// foreach(println, ["in", "isa", "where"])
// for kw in Base.REPLCompletions.complete_keyword("")
// if !(contains(kw, " ") || kw == "struct")
// println(kw)
// end
// end
'in isa where ' +
'baremodule begin break catch ccall const continue do else elseif end export false finally for function ' +
'global if import importall let local macro module quote return true try using while ' +
// legacy, to be deprecated in the next release
'type immutable abstract bitstype typealias ',
// # literal generator
// println("true")
// println("false")
// for name in Base.REPLCompletions.completions("", 0)[1]
// try
// v = eval(Symbol(name))
// if !(v isa Function || v isa Type || v isa TypeVar || v isa Module || v isa Colon)
// println(name)
// end
// end
// end
'true false ' +
'ARGS C_NULL DevNull ENDIAN_BOM ENV I Inf Inf16 Inf32 Inf64 InsertionSort JULIA_HOME LOAD_PATH MergeSort ' +
'NaN NaN16 NaN32 NaN64 PROGRAM_FILE QuickSort RoundDown RoundFromZero RoundNearest RoundNearestTiesAway ' +
'RoundNearestTiesUp RoundToZero RoundUp STDERR STDIN STDOUT VERSION catalan e|0 eu|0 eulergamma golden im ' +
'nothing pi γ π φ ',
// # built_in generator:
// for name in Base.REPLCompletions.completions("", 0)[1]
// try
// v = eval(Symbol(name))
// if v isa Type || v isa TypeVar
// println(name)
// end
// end
// end
'ANY AbstractArray AbstractChannel AbstractFloat AbstractMatrix AbstractRNG AbstractSerializer AbstractSet ' +
'AbstractSparseArray AbstractSparseMatrix AbstractSparseVector AbstractString AbstractUnitRange AbstractVecOrMat ' +
'AbstractVector Any ArgumentError Array AssertionError Associative Base64DecodePipe Base64EncodePipe Bidiagonal '+
'BigFloat BigInt BitArray BitMatrix BitVector Bool BoundsError BufferStream CachingPool CapturedException ' +
'CartesianIndex CartesianRange Cchar Cdouble Cfloat Channel Char Cint Cintmax_t Clong Clonglong ClusterManager ' +
'Cmd CodeInfo Colon Complex Complex128 Complex32 Complex64 CompositeException Condition ConjArray ConjMatrix ' +
'ConjVector Cptrdiff_t Cshort Csize_t Cssize_t Cstring Cuchar Cuint Cuintmax_t Culong Culonglong Cushort Cwchar_t ' +
'Cwstring DataType Date DateFormat DateTime DenseArray DenseMatrix DenseVecOrMat DenseVector Diagonal Dict ' +
'DimensionMismatch Dims DirectIndexString Display DivideError DomainError EOFError EachLine Enum Enumerate ' +
'ErrorException Exception ExponentialBackOff Expr Factorization FileMonitor Float16 Float32 Float64 Function ' +
'Future GlobalRef GotoNode HTML Hermitian IO IOBuffer IOContext IOStream IPAddr IPv4 IPv6 IndexCartesian IndexLinear ' +
'IndexStyle InexactError InitError Int Int128 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int8 IntSet Integer InterruptException ' +
'InvalidStateException Irrational KeyError LabelNode LinSpace LineNumberNode LoadError LowerTriangular MIME Matrix ' +
'MersenneTwister Method MethodError MethodTable Module NTuple NewvarNode NullException Nullable Number ObjectIdDict ' +
'OrdinalRange OutOfMemoryError OverflowError Pair ParseError PartialQuickSort PermutedDimsArray Pipe ' +
'PollingFileWatcher ProcessExitedException Ptr QuoteNode RandomDevice Range RangeIndex Rational RawFD ' +
'ReadOnlyMemoryError Real ReentrantLock Ref Regex RegexMatch RemoteChannel RemoteException RevString RoundingMode ' +
'RowVector SSAValue SegmentationFault SerializationState Set SharedArray SharedMatrix SharedVector Signed ' +
'SimpleVector Slot SlotNumber SparseMatrixCSC SparseVector StackFrame StackOverflowError StackTrace StepRange ' +
'StepRangeLen StridedArray StridedMatrix StridedVecOrMat StridedVector String SubArray SubString SymTridiagonal ' +
'Symbol Symmetric SystemError TCPSocket Task Text TextDisplay Timer Tridiagonal Tuple Type TypeError TypeMapEntry ' +
'TypeMapLevel TypeName TypeVar TypedSlot UDPSocket UInt UInt128 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt8 UndefRefError UndefVarError ' +
'UnicodeError UniformScaling Union UnionAll UnitRange Unsigned UpperTriangular Val Vararg VecElement VecOrMat Vector ' +
'VersionNumber Void WeakKeyDict WeakRef WorkerConfig WorkerPool '
// ref:
var VARIABLE_NAME_RE = '[A-Za-z_\\u00A1-\\uFFFF][A-Za-z_0-9\\u00A1-\\uFFFF]*';
// placeholder for recursive self-reference
var DEFAULT = {
lexemes: VARIABLE_NAME_RE, keywords: KEYWORDS, illegal: /<\//
// ref:
var NUMBER = {
className: 'number',
// supported numeric literals:
// * binary literal (e.g. 0x10)
// * octal literal (e.g. 0o76543210)
// * hexadecimal literal (e.g. 0xfedcba876543210)
// * hexadecimal floating point literal (e.g. 0x1p0, 0x1.2p2)
// * decimal literal (e.g. 9876543210, 100_000_000)
// * floating pointe literal (e.g. 1.2, 1.2f, .2, 1., 1.2e10, 1.2e-10)
begin: /(\b0x[\d_]*(\.[\d_]*)?|0x\.\d[\d_]*)p[-+]?\d+|\b0[box][a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9_]*|(\b\d[\d_]*(\.[\d_]*)?|\.\d[\d_]*)([eEfF][-+]?\d+)?/,
relevance: 0
var CHAR = {
className: 'string',
begin: /'(.|\\[xXuU][a-zA-Z0-9]+)'/
className: 'subst',
begin: /\$\(/, end: /\)/,
keywords: KEYWORDS
className: 'variable',
begin: '\\$' + VARIABLE_NAME_RE
// TODO: neatly escape normal code in string literal
var STRING = {
className: 'string',
variants: [
{ begin: /\w*"""/, end: /"""\w*/, relevance: 10 },
{ begin: /\w*"/, end: /"\w*/ }
var COMMAND = {
className: 'string',
begin: '`', end: '`'
className: 'meta',
begin: '@' + VARIABLE_NAME_RE
var COMMENT = {
className: 'comment',
variants: [
{ begin: '#=', end: '=#', relevance: 10 },
{ begin: '#', end: '$' }
DEFAULT.contains = [
className: 'keyword',
{begin: /<:/} // relevance booster
INTERPOLATION.contains = DEFAULT.contains;
return DEFAULT;