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114 lines
5.3 KiB
114 lines
5.3 KiB
module.exports = function(hljs) {
/* language keywords */
'and case default else elsif false if in import enherits node or true undef unless main settings $string ',
/* metaparameters */
'alias audit before loglevel noop require subscribe tag ' +
/* normal attributes */
'owner ensure group mode name|0 changes context force incl lens load_path onlyif provider returns root show_diff type_check ' +
'en_address ip_address realname command environment hour monute month monthday special target weekday '+
'creates cwd ogoutput refresh refreshonly tries try_sleep umask backup checksum content ctime force ignore ' +
'links mtime purge recurse recurselimit replace selinux_ignore_defaults selrange selrole seltype seluser source ' +
'souirce_permissions sourceselect validate_cmd validate_replacement allowdupe attribute_membership auth_membership forcelocal gid '+
'ia_load_module members system host_aliases ip allowed_trunk_vlans description device_url duplex encapsulation etherchannel ' +
'native_vlan speed principals allow_root auth_class auth_type authenticate_user k_of_n mechanisms rule session_owner shared options ' +
'device fstype enable hasrestart directory present absent link atboot blockdevice device dump pass remounts poller_tag use ' +
'message withpath adminfile allow_virtual allowcdrom category configfiles flavor install_options instance package_settings platform ' +
'responsefile status uninstall_options vendor unless_system_user unless_uid binary control flags hasstatus manifest pattern restart running ' +
'start stop allowdupe auths expiry gid groups home iterations key_membership keys managehome membership password password_max_age ' +
'password_min_age profile_membership profiles project purge_ssh_keys role_membership roles salt shell uid baseurl cost descr enabled ' +
'enablegroups exclude failovermethod gpgcheck gpgkey http_caching include includepkgs keepalive metadata_expire metalink mirrorlist ' +
'priority protect proxy proxy_password proxy_username repo_gpgcheck s3_enabled skip_if_unavailable sslcacert sslclientcert sslclientkey ' +
'sslverify mounted',
/* core facts */
'architecture augeasversion blockdevices boardmanufacturer boardproductname boardserialnumber cfkey dhcp_servers ' +
'domain ec2_ ec2_userdata facterversion filesystems ldom fqdn gid hardwareisa hardwaremodel hostname id|0 interfaces '+
'ipaddress ipaddress_ ipaddress6 ipaddress6_ iphostnumber is_virtual kernel kernelmajversion kernelrelease kernelversion ' +
'kernelrelease kernelversion lsbdistcodename lsbdistdescription lsbdistid lsbdistrelease lsbmajdistrelease lsbminordistrelease ' +
'lsbrelease macaddress macaddress_ macosx_buildversion macosx_productname macosx_productversion macosx_productverson_major ' +
'macosx_productversion_minor manufacturer memoryfree memorysize netmask metmask_ network_ operatingsystem operatingsystemmajrelease '+
'operatingsystemrelease osfamily partitions path physicalprocessorcount processor processorcount productname ps puppetversion '+
'rubysitedir rubyversion selinux selinux_config_mode selinux_config_policy selinux_current_mode selinux_current_mode selinux_enforced '+
'selinux_policyversion serialnumber sp_ sshdsakey sshecdsakey sshrsakey swapencrypted swapfree swapsize timezone type uniqueid uptime '+
'uptime_days uptime_hours uptime_seconds uuid virtual vlans xendomains zfs_version zonenae zones zpool_version'
var COMMENT = hljs.COMMENT('#', '$');
var IDENT_RE = '([A-Za-z_]|::)(\\w|::)*';
var TITLE = hljs.inherit(hljs.TITLE_MODE, {begin: IDENT_RE});
var VARIABLE = {className: 'variable', begin: '\\$' + IDENT_RE};
var STRING = {
className: 'string',
variants: [
{begin: /'/, end: /'/},
{begin: /"/, end: /"/}
return {
aliases: ['pp'],
contains: [
beginKeywords: 'class', end: '\\{|;',
illegal: /=/,
contains: [TITLE, COMMENT]
beginKeywords: 'define', end: /\{/,
contains: [
className: 'section', begin: hljs.IDENT_RE, endsParent: true
begin: hljs.IDENT_RE + '\\s+\\{', returnBegin: true,
end: /\S/,
contains: [
className: 'keyword',
begin: hljs.IDENT_RE
begin: /\{/, end: /\}/,
relevance: 0,
contains: [
returnBegin: true, end: '=>',
contains: [
className: 'attr',
begin: hljs.IDENT_RE,
className: 'number',
begin: '(\\b0[0-7_]+)|(\\b0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+)|(\\b[1-9][0-9_]*(\\.[0-9_]+)?)|[0_]\\b',
relevance: 0
relevance: 0
}; |