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module.exports = function(hljs) {
// Data step and PROC SQL statements
var SAS_KEYWORDS = ''+
'do if then else end until while '+
'abort array attrib by call cards cards4 catname continue '+
'datalines datalines4 delete delim delimiter display dm drop '+
'endsas error file filename footnote format goto in infile '+
'informat input keep label leave length libname link list '+
'lostcard merge missing modify options output out page put '+
'redirect remove rename replace retain return select set skip '+
'startsas stop title update waitsas where window x systask '+
'add and alter as cascade check create delete describe '+
'distinct drop foreign from group having index insert into in '+
'key like message modify msgtype not null on or order primary '+
'references reset restrict select set table unique update '+
'validate view where';
// Built-in SAS functions
var SAS_FUN = ''+
// Built-in macro functions
var SAS_MACRO_FUN = 'bquote|nrbquote|cmpres|qcmpres|compstor|'+
return {
aliases: ['sas', 'SAS'],
case_insensitive: true, // SAS is case-insensitive
keywords: {
'null missing _all_ _automatic_ _character_ _infile_ '+
'_n_ _name_ _null_ _numeric_ _user_ _webout_',
contains: [
// Distinct highlight for proc <proc>, data, run, quit
className: 'keyword',
begin: /^\s*(proc [\w\d_]+|data|run|quit)[\s\;]/
// Macro variables
className: 'variable',
begin: /\&[a-zA-Z_\&][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\.?/
// Special emphasis for datalines|cards
className: 'emphasis',
begin: /^\s*datalines|cards.*;/,
end: /^\s*;\s*$/
{ // Built-in macro variables take precedence
className: 'built_in',
begin: '%(' + SAS_MACRO_FUN + ')'
// User-defined macro functions highlighted after
className: 'name',
begin: /%[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/
className: 'meta',
begin: '[^%](' + SAS_FUN + ')[\(]'
className: 'string',
variants: [
hljs.COMMENT('\\*', ';'),