You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

158 lines
3.8 KiB

import _mergeJSXProps from "@vue/babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props";
// Utils
import { createNamespace, isDef } from '../utils';
import { emit, inherit } from '../utils/functional'; // Components
import Tag from '../tag';
import Image from '../image'; // Types
var _createNamespace = createNamespace('card'),
createComponent = _createNamespace[0],
bem = _createNamespace[1];
function Card(h, props, slots, ctx) {
var _slots$priceTop;
var thumb = props.thumb;
var showNum = slots.num || isDef(props.num);
var showPrice = slots.price || isDef(props.price);
var showOriginPrice = slots['origin-price'] || isDef(props.originPrice);
var showBottom = showNum || showPrice || showOriginPrice || slots.bottom;
function onThumbClick(event) {
emit(ctx, 'click-thumb', event);
function ThumbTag() {
if (slots.tag || props.tag) {
return h("div", {
"class": bem('tag')
}, [slots.tag ? slots.tag() : h(Tag, {
"attrs": {
"mark": true,
"type": "danger"
}, [props.tag])]);
function Thumb() {
if (slots.thumb || thumb) {
return h("a", {
"attrs": {
"href": props.thumbLink
"class": bem('thumb'),
"on": {
"click": onThumbClick
}, [slots.thumb ? slots.thumb() : h(Image, {
"attrs": {
"src": thumb,
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"fit": "cover",
"lazy-load": props.lazyLoad
}), ThumbTag()]);
function Title() {
if (slots.title) {
return slots.title();
if (props.title) {
return h("div", {
"class": [bem('title'), 'van-multi-ellipsis--l2']
}, [props.title]);
function Desc() {
if (slots.desc) {
return slots.desc();
if (props.desc) {
return h("div", {
"class": [bem('desc'), 'van-ellipsis']
}, [props.desc]);
function PriceContent() {
var priceArr = props.price.toString().split('.');
return h("div", [h("span", {
"class": bem('price-currency')
}, [props.currency]), h("span", {
"class": bem('price-integer')
}, [priceArr[0]]), ".", h("span", {
"class": bem('price-decimal')
}, [priceArr[1]])]);
function Price() {
if (showPrice) {
return h("div", {
"class": bem('price')
}, [slots.price ? slots.price() : PriceContent()]);
function OriginPrice() {
if (showOriginPrice) {
var slot = slots['origin-price'];
return h("div", {
"class": bem('origin-price')
}, [slot ? slot() : props.currency + " " + props.originPrice]);
function Num() {
if (showNum) {
return h("div", {
"class": bem('num')
}, [slots.num ? slots.num() : "x" + props.num]);
function Footer() {
if (slots.footer) {
return h("div", {
"class": bem('footer')
}, [slots.footer()]);
return h("div", _mergeJSXProps([{
"class": bem()
}, inherit(ctx, true)]), [h("div", {
"class": bem('header')
}, [Thumb(), h("div", {
"class": bem('content', {
centered: props.centered
}, [h("div", [Title(), Desc(), slots.tags == null ? void 0 : slots.tags()]), showBottom && h("div", {
"class": "van-card__bottom"
}, [(_slots$priceTop = slots['price-top']) == null ? void 0 : _slots$, Price(), OriginPrice(), Num(), slots.bottom == null ? void 0 : slots.bottom()])])]), Footer()]);
Card.props = {
tag: String,
desc: String,
thumb: String,
title: String,
centered: Boolean,
lazyLoad: Boolean,
thumbLink: String,
num: [Number, String],
price: [Number, String],
originPrice: [Number, String],
currency: {
type: String,
default: '¥'
export default createComponent(Card);