You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
383 lines
10 KiB
383 lines
10 KiB
import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
// Utils
import { createNamespace } from '../utils';
import { preventDefault } from '../utils/dom/event';
import { BORDER_UNSET_TOP_BOTTOM } from '../utils/constant';
import { pickerProps, DEFAULT_ITEM_HEIGHT } from './shared';
import { unitToPx } from '../utils/format/unit'; // Components
import Loading from '../loading';
import PickerColumn from './PickerColumn';
var _createNamespace = createNamespace('picker'),
createComponent = _createNamespace[0],
bem = _createNamespace[1],
t = _createNamespace[2];
export default createComponent({
props: _extends({}, pickerProps, {
defaultIndex: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
columns: {
type: Array,
default: function _default() {
return [];
toolbarPosition: {
type: String,
default: 'top'
valueKey: {
type: String,
default: 'text'
data: function data() {
return {
children: [],
formattedColumns: []
computed: {
itemPxHeight: function itemPxHeight() {
return this.itemHeight ? unitToPx(this.itemHeight) : DEFAULT_ITEM_HEIGHT;
dataType: function dataType() {
var columns = this.columns;
var firstColumn = columns[0] || {};
if (firstColumn.children) {
return 'cascade';
if (firstColumn.values) {
return 'object';
return 'text';
watch: {
columns: {
handler: 'format',
immediate: true
methods: {
format: function format() {
var columns = this.columns,
dataType = this.dataType;
if (dataType === 'text') {
this.formattedColumns = [{
values: columns
} else if (dataType === 'cascade') {
} else {
this.formattedColumns = columns;
formatCascade: function formatCascade() {
var formatted = [];
var cursor = {
children: this.columns
while (cursor && cursor.children) {
var _cursor$defaultIndex;
var _cursor = cursor,
children = _cursor.children;
var defaultIndex = (_cursor$defaultIndex = cursor.defaultIndex) != null ? _cursor$defaultIndex : +this.defaultIndex;
while (children[defaultIndex] && children[defaultIndex].disabled) {
if (defaultIndex < children.length - 1) {
} else {
defaultIndex = 0;
values: cursor.children,
className: cursor.className,
defaultIndex: defaultIndex
cursor = children[defaultIndex];
this.formattedColumns = formatted;
emit: function emit(event) {
var _this = this;
if (this.dataType === 'text') {
this.$emit(event, this.getColumnValue(0), this.getColumnIndex(0));
} else {
var values = this.getValues(); // compatible with old version of wrong parameters
// should be removed in next major version
// see:
if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {
values = (item) {
return item[_this.valueKey];
this.$emit(event, values, this.getIndexes());
onCascadeChange: function onCascadeChange(columnIndex) {
var cursor = {
children: this.columns
var indexes = this.getIndexes();
for (var i = 0; i <= columnIndex; i++) {
cursor = cursor.children[indexes[i]];
while (cursor && cursor.children) {
this.setColumnValues(columnIndex, cursor.children);
cursor = cursor.children[cursor.defaultIndex || 0];
onChange: function onChange(columnIndex) {
var _this2 = this;
if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {
if (this.dataType === 'text') {
this.$emit('change', this, this.getColumnValue(0), this.getColumnIndex(0));
} else {
var values = this.getValues(); // compatible with old version of wrong parameters
// should be removed in next major version
// see:
if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {
values = (item) {
return item[_this2.valueKey];
this.$emit('change', this, values, columnIndex);
// get column instance by index
getColumn: function getColumn(index) {
return this.children[index];
// @exposed-api
// get column value by index
getColumnValue: function getColumnValue(index) {
var column = this.getColumn(index);
return column && column.getValue();
// @exposed-api
// set column value by index
setColumnValue: function setColumnValue(index, value) {
var column = this.getColumn(index);
if (column) {
if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {
// @exposed-api
// get column option index by column index
getColumnIndex: function getColumnIndex(columnIndex) {
return (this.getColumn(columnIndex) || {}).currentIndex;
// @exposed-api
// set column option index by column index
setColumnIndex: function setColumnIndex(columnIndex, optionIndex) {
var column = this.getColumn(columnIndex);
if (column) {
if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {
// @exposed-api
// get options of column by index
getColumnValues: function getColumnValues(index) {
return (this.children[index] || {}).options;
// @exposed-api
// set options of column by index
setColumnValues: function setColumnValues(index, options) {
var column = this.children[index];
if (column) {
// @exposed-api
// get values of all columns
getValues: function getValues() {
return (child) {
return child.getValue();
// @exposed-api
// set values of all columns
setValues: function setValues(values) {
var _this3 = this;
values.forEach(function (value, index) {
_this3.setColumnValue(index, value);
// @exposed-api
// get indexes of all columns
getIndexes: function getIndexes() {
return (child) {
return child.currentIndex;
// @exposed-api
// set indexes of all columns
setIndexes: function setIndexes(indexes) {
var _this4 = this;
indexes.forEach(function (optionIndex, columnIndex) {
_this4.setColumnIndex(columnIndex, optionIndex);
// @exposed-api
confirm: function confirm() {
this.children.forEach(function (child) {
return child.stopMomentum();
cancel: function cancel() {
genTitle: function genTitle() {
var h = this.$createElement;
var titleSlot = this.slots('title');
if (titleSlot) {
return titleSlot;
if (this.title) {
return h("div", {
"class": ['van-ellipsis', bem('title')]
}, [this.title]);
genCancel: function genCancel() {
var h = this.$createElement;
return h("button", {
"attrs": {
"type": "button"
"class": bem('cancel'),
"on": {
"click": this.cancel
}, [this.slots('cancel') || this.cancelButtonText || t('cancel')]);
genConfirm: function genConfirm() {
var h = this.$createElement;
return h("button", {
"attrs": {
"type": "button"
"class": bem('confirm'),
"on": {
"click": this.confirm
}, [this.slots('confirm') || this.confirmButtonText || t('confirm')]);
genToolbar: function genToolbar() {
var h = this.$createElement;
if (this.showToolbar) {
return h("div", {
"class": bem('toolbar')
}, [this.slots() || [this.genCancel(), this.genTitle(), this.genConfirm()]]);
genColumns: function genColumns() {
var h = this.$createElement;
var itemPxHeight = this.itemPxHeight;
var wrapHeight = itemPxHeight * this.visibleItemCount;
var frameStyle = {
height: itemPxHeight + "px"
var columnsStyle = {
height: wrapHeight + "px"
var maskStyle = {
backgroundSize: "100% " + (wrapHeight - itemPxHeight) / 2 + "px"
return h("div", {
"class": bem('columns'),
"style": columnsStyle,
"on": {
"touchmove": preventDefault
}, [this.genColumnItems(), h("div", {
"class": bem('mask'),
"style": maskStyle
}), h("div", {
"class": [BORDER_UNSET_TOP_BOTTOM, bem('frame')],
"style": frameStyle
genColumnItems: function genColumnItems() {
var _this5 = this;
var h = this.$createElement;
return (item, columnIndex) {
var _item$defaultIndex;
return h(PickerColumn, {
"attrs": {
"readonly": _this5.readonly,
"valueKey": _this5.valueKey,
"allowHtml": _this5.allowHtml,
"className": item.className,
"itemHeight": _this5.itemPxHeight,
"defaultIndex": (_item$defaultIndex = item.defaultIndex) != null ? _item$defaultIndex : +_this5.defaultIndex,
"swipeDuration": _this5.swipeDuration,
"visibleItemCount": _this5.visibleItemCount,
"initialOptions": item.values
"scopedSlots": {
option: _this5.$scopedSlots.option
"on": {
"change": function change() {
render: function render(h) {
return h("div", {
"class": bem()
}, [this.toolbarPosition === 'top' ? this.genToolbar() : h(), this.loading ? h(Loading, {
"class": bem('loading')
}) : h(), this.slots('columns-top'), this.genColumns(), this.slots('columns-bottom'), this.toolbarPosition === 'bottom' ? this.genToolbar() : h()]);
}); |